The residence of the two admirals in the water capital is a very shocking thing for the residents of the water capital.

Although I have long known that the situation is very chaotic now, I did not expect to reach this level.

Even here it is necessary to send generals.

This made the atmosphere of the originally relatively leisurely water capital instantly become tense.

Seeing this scene, Kuch believes that the Navy has discovered that the revolutionary army plans to attack the water capital.

So he reported his judgment again.

Lu Chen, who was far away in the country of Wano, looked at the intelligence in front of him and fell into deep thought.

“So soon, the two sides are going to have a decisive battle.” Road dust always feels that something is wrong.

But the facts are at hand.

Both revolutionaries and navies invested huge forces in the water capital.

Although Lu Chen did not know what the dragon thought, he was able to ask the navy.

The phone of the former naval headquarters was dialed, and the phone was answered on the other end.

Of course, Lu Chen knew the news that the Warring States had left, and he could only regret this.

After all, with the merit of the Warring States, it stands to reason that they should not suffer such treatment.

It can only be said that someone needs to blame for the crazy expansion of the revolutionaries, and this person is the Warring States.

Otherwise, you can’t blame the heads of the five old stars and the sky.

“Road dust! It’s rare that you care about what’s happening on this side of the Great Route! Sora sighed.

Originally, Kong was going to find an opportunity to call Lu Chen, but now the 590 other party came to the door himself.

“I heard that the red dog and the green pheasant are stationed in the water capital, is it a decisive battle?” Lu Chen asked directly.

“Decisive battle? How is that possible! This is my order, intending to use the water capital as a base to recover little by little the places occupied by the revolutionary army. Sora explained.


It’s just a coincidence that both sides are interested in the water capital at the same time.

However, now that the two sides have collided, it is not known what will happen next.

The revolutionary army is in the dark, while the navy is in the light.

In this way, I am afraid that the Navy will suffer.

“By the way, Lu Chen, the five old stars may contact you and ask you to deal with the revolutionary army!” Sora said.

“I won’t leave the country of Wano, you know the agreement between me and the five old stars.” Lu Chen’s tone was resolute.

Hearing Lu Chen say this, Sora also felt a headache.

He actually knew this was the result for a long time.

But the five old stars were about to lose patience.

“If the revolutionary army continues to run rampant, the five old stars will definitely contact you, I don’t care.” Sora gave up persuading Lu Chen.

This is not an empty responsibility in itself. (agff)

Now the air has a more important task, that is, to deal with the revolutionary army!

“No one can change my decision.” Road dust has little interest in destroying the revolutionary army.

After all, the dragon is his nephew, and blood is thicker than water.

He had repeatedly stalked the dragon before, just to make the dragon grow.

Now that the dragon has reached the point of satisfying itself, there is no need to knock anymore.

“You’re still the same as before.” Sora sighed.

Neither appearance nor personality has changed.

Hanging up the phone, Lu Chen fell into deep thought.

By now, it’s time to make a choice.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen called Kariku.

“Lord Marshal!” Karikubi respectfully came to Lu Chen.

“I need you to do something, and after this thing is done, you can basically retire.” Lu Chen smiled slightly.

“Please order!” Cariku nodded.

Knowing this is certainly not a small matter.

“I want you to personally go to the water capital, find the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, and tell him an important thing, that is, the navy mobilized two people, the red dog and the green pheasant, to garrison the water capital, not to find the traces of the revolutionary army!” Lu Chen said slowly.

Hearing these words, Kariku felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

This is a message to the revolutionary army!

Kariku even wondered if he had misheard.

Marshal of Heavenly Punishment actually wanted to do this himself! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the past, Cariku did not hesitate to order.

But this time he asked the question again.

“I’m sorry Marshal, I didn’t hear clearly just now, can you say it again!” Kariku said.

Lu Chen smiled again, he knew that Kaliku was older though.

However, it is not yet the stage of deafness.

“You were the head of CP0 before, what are your impressions of the work at that time?” Road dust did not repeat the problem.

Instead, he asked how Cariku felt when he worked for CP0 before.

CP0 is a secret force directly belonging to the Draco, and can be said to have witnessed the darkest side of the world government.

“Everything is disgusting and there is no justice at all.” Kariku told the truth.

Because he knew that in front of Lu Chen, it was best to tell the truth.

That’s how Cariku felt about his work at the time.

After all, serving the Draco must be the most inflated desire that has ever been seen.

In particular, Draco is not governed by any laws, so it will not be strange to do anything.

In fact, Draco did the same.

And if it weren’t for the road dust to save himself, then Kaliku would have been extinguished long ago.

So there is actually no good impression of the world government Kariku.

“And how do you feel about Draco?” Lu Chen asked again.

Carriku’s heart clicked.

The topic of Draco is an absolutely taboo topic.

Anyone who attacks Draco will be considered a repeat offender by the World Government.

Even verbal disrespect for Draco will be punished.

Now that Lu Chen asked himself this question, of course, it was impossible for him to tell a lie.

“In my opinion, Draco is the most evil race in the world! Should all be cleared! ”

When he said this, Cariku didn’t know where his courage came from.

Kariku is ready for punishment and even death.

Because Kariku knows better than anyone how influential the Draco as a world nobleman is.

Not to mention himself, even the entire world government obeys the orders of the Draco.

However, Lu Chen’s next words completely stunned Carriku.

“I agree with your words, too.” Lu Chen nodded and said.

Kariku swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice: “You also think that Draco should not exist?” “

I never expected that Lu Chen was the same idea as himself!

But if you think about it, this matter already has a foreshadowing.

As early as Lu Chen, let go of his life and death, isn’t it disobeying the will of the Draco.

In addition, he later protected the island of scholars, and it was a head-on collision with Draco.

“Not only should they not exist, but they will atone for all the crimes they committed before and be judged by heaven!”

Lu Chen said lightly: “From now on, I will stand high in the sky and overlook the good and evil in the world!” “。

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