Kariku burst into tears of emotion.

The words of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment directly said in Kariku’s heart.

That’s right!

Draco isn’t just going to be canceled.

He should be tried for a crime committed over the years!?

It is a survivor walking in the dark.

All because of the fear of Draco.

After all, he knew so many things in the Valley of the Gods, and Draco would not let himself live.

As long as you completely solve the Draco, you can return ~ to the light!

Thinking of this, Kaliku suddenly felt energetic-!

“Lord Marshal, I will go to the Water Capital now! But will it be too late in time? ”

Kariku already understood why Lu Chen sent himself to the Water Capital.

This is preparing for the fight against Draco!

And this matter is too important to leak out.

There are many haters of Draco, and it can be said that there are many cattle.

However, not everyone has the courage to fight the Draco, which is why the Draco are still able to dominate the world today.

Of course, Kariku knows more about the fact that Draco has powerful weapons in his hands.

It is very likely to be Zeus, one of the ancient weapons!

Having the power to destroy the world is the true capital of Draco.

“Don’t worry, I can take you directly to the Advance City, and I will send a warship to send you to the Water Capital.” Lu Chen has long thought about it.

Inside the box that Magellan took away was the Flying Thunder God Mark.

Because Lu Chen originally planned to go to Advance City.

I just didn’t expect this day to come so quickly.

“Got it!” Cariku nodded.

It is no secret that Marshal of Heavenly Punishment has the ability to move around the world.

Exactly why this was possible is not known.

They all speculated that it might have something to do with the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

After all, the Thunder Fruit is known as the strongest Devil Fruit, so it is normal to have some special abilities.

As for why I’ve never heard of it before.

It can only represent the previous owner of the Thunder Fruit ability, and has not developed the ability of the fruit to the extreme.

None of them have the ability of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.

Before leaving, Lu Chen handed over all the affairs of Wano Country to Momo Rabbit and Katakuri to handle.

I believe that no pirate dares to do things during the time he is away.

Advance City, Magellan’s office.

Magellan is squatting in the toilet, and the side effects of the poisonous fruit are with the ability for a lifetime.

But Magellan is not as impatient as he used to be.

Became a deputy warden, and many things did not need to be handled by Magellan.

Hannibal can basically do it alone.

When Magellan came out of the toilet leisurely, he found a flash of gold in front of him.

In the next second, the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment and a man actually appeared in front of him.

“God, Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, how did you get here!” Magellan had some stuttering.

“Surprise inspection work.” Lu Chen smiled and said.

Unannounced inspection work? That’s too sudden.

Magellan muttered in his heart, of course with a smile on his face.

“I will inform the warden of Hannibal that all the officers and soldiers of Advance City will be inspected by you!”

Just as Magellan was about to pick up the phone worm, Lu Chen waved his hand. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“There is no need for this, I just look around casually, I don’t need such a big formation, just notify Hannibal to come over.”

A few minutes later, Hannibal came from nowhere, and almost galloped all the way into Magellan’s office.

Pushing open the door is panting.

“Heavenly Punishment, Lord Marshal of Heavenly Punishment! Please, please go to my office and rest, here Magellan stinks when he goes to the toilet all day! ”

Even at such times, Hannibal did not forget to belittle Magellan.

Smoke the seven tips of Magellan’s anger.

Lu Chen is here, and he does not dare to attack.

Otherwise, it will definitely be the same as usual, and a direct fight with Hannibal.

“Okay, you first arrange a warship to take him to the water capital.” Lu Chen said to Hannibal.

“Got it!” Hannibal nodded immediately.

Through the phone worm, he called his subordinate and left with Kaliku.

Kaliku was not asked who he was.

After all, Hannibal has also carried out the orders of road dust for more than ten years and knows the rules of road dust here.

That’s what shouldn’t be asked, don’t ask blindly.

“Okay, take me on a tour of Advance City.” Lu Chen said.

Although he was already very familiar with the Advance City, it was in his memory after all.

This time enter the descent elevator accompanied by Hannibal and Magellan.

Lu Chen really saw the current situation of Advance City.

It can be said that it is a hell on earth, and the prisoners have no guarantees.

LV1 Red Lotus Hell, the crimes of the prisoners here are not so serious, and the strength is relatively weak.

Unable to defeat the Blue Orangutans of Advance City.

But that doesn’t mean you can carry it comfortably.

Outside the cell, there was a large area that looked like a forest, where the trees and leaves were like blades.

The grass on the ground is like an iron needle that can pierce the surface of the foot.

“When we put food and water in this layer, we throw it into the forest, and if we want to get food and water, we have to go inside.” Magellan said.

“But there will be poisonous spiders and jailers chasing back and forth, and the prisoners will not be allowed to get food so easily, they will be constantly cut by these leaves and grass, and the wounds will never heal and will be tortured all the time!” Hannibal added.

Many prisoners could not bear this torture and eventually chose to stay in their cells and wait for death.

The elevator soon descends to LV2 Beast Hell.

“There is plenty of food here, of course, for the beasts in the cell, we rarely put food on the beasts here, all of them are fed and raised by mortals.” Hannibal continued.

The first two floors are places where some weak prisoners are held.

When it comes to LV3 Hunger Hell, the prisoners here are vicious criminals with a bounty of more than 50 million Baileys.

“This layer I personally think is the most uncomfortable, the next layer of burning hell heat makes this place extremely hot, plus there is no water and food, even if you stay here with powerful pirates, you are half-dead!” Magellan said.

Lu Chen saw many familiar figures here.

There are members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and there are members of the Mama Pirates.

They are all alive, but they look weak.

Although this is a hunger hell, it is not completely without food.

From time to time, some beasts will fall from LV2 and become the ration of the people below.

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