Otherwise, in the plot, MR.2, a relatively weak shemale, will not be able to survive in LV3.

“When Katakuri was guarding here, what did he do to the Aunt Pirates?” Lu Chen asked with some curiosity.

“This!” Magellan and Hannibal both looked a little hesitant.

It seems to be thinking, and from time to time it should be said.

After all, Katakuri was a disciple of Lu Chen, and they still knew.

And Lu Chen has always been very partial to disciples.

Today’s powerful newcomers in the Navy are all cultivated by Lu Chen.

“Don’t worry, I won’t blame anyone.” Lu Chen calmed the two people.

He transferred Katakuri to let him take care of his family.

This is also a compensation for Katakuri.

In the ten years that Katakuri managed the city, there has not been any scandal “six seven three”.

So there is no reason to blame Katakuri.

“When Katakuri was there, a punishment mechanism was set up, as long as he stayed in the city in peace, he could obtain certain materials every once in a while to ensure that the prisoners could survive.” It was Magellan who explained.

Doing so is not in line with the rules that have been set up in the city for hundreds of years, that is, torture prisoners as the main thing.

Under the jurisdiction of Katakuri, the death rate of prisoners in Advance City was greatly reduced.

In this way, the members of the Aunt Pirate Group, who are strong in themselves, will naturally not die.

“Now what? Did you take it back and lift it? Lu Chen asked casually.

“We haven’t had time to change yet.” Magellan explained.

The two of them have accepted it for more than half a year, but they have not moved this rule.

It’s too late with a sentence, apparently looking for excuses.

“Those pirates who are willing to rehabilitate themselves or give them a chance to live.” Lu Chen nodded.

Hearing this, both Magellan and Hannibal breathed a sigh of relief.

They originally thought that Lu Chen would be angry because of this.

After all, this broke the rules that had been in the city for hundreds of years.

But he didn’t expect that the road dust itself is a rule breaker.

“It’s just that if it goes on like this, the city will be overcrowded in the morning.” This was the only thing Magellan was worried about.

“I know, I’ll fix it.” Lu Chen nodded.

Marshal Heavenly Punishment personally assured that they would definitely not worry about it.

The elevator continues to descend, and then LV4 burns hell.

In fact, this is Magellan’s office, as well as the kitchen and granary.

The road dust went up first with them and then came down to visit.

Any prisoners who enter the city need to be soaked in boiling water here to disinfect.

Only those really ruthless characters can not frown a brow.

That is, the property setting of having life return in the pirate world.

Otherwise, just this kind of serious scald, after it comes out, will definitely be infected by bacteria and will die.

LV5 Extreme Cold Hell, here are all sea thieves with a bounty of more than 100 million.

In addition to the extremely cold temperature, there are a large number of military wolves waiting for them.

It was even bigger than the beast on the second level.

“Because the temperature is too low, there are no phone worms installed here, and we don’t know the specific situation here.” Magellan explained.

Phone worms also freeze at this temperature, thus losing their effect.

“I’m quite interested here, let’s go in and take a look.” Lu Chen said.

The elevator doors opened, and the dust stepped on the snow.


In the distance came the sound of wolves howling.

“Where is the cell where the Whitebeard Pirates are held?”

“It should be roughly over there!” Magellan pointed in one direction and said.

There is only a general range, and there is no specific and precise location.

The three men were walking in the snow and soon saw the cell.

However, no living person was seen in even a dozen cells.

In some cases, cell doors were broken and prisoners were nowhere to be seen.

Some of the prisoners inside had turned into frozen corpses, remaining as they were when they were curled up. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In general, exercise can make people generate heat.

But in this environment, the heat after exercise quickly dissipates.

On the contrary, because of the lack of physical strength, the cold air will enter the body more easily.

Therefore, most LV5 prisoners choose to stay in the cell.

If you go outside, you will encounter military wolves and become the belly food of these beasts.

Finally, a living person was seen in the cage ahead.

Although the ice and snow covered his cheeks, Lu Chen had already recognized the identity of this person 0…

Because the man is missing an arm.

“Diamond Joz, are you so embarrassed now?” Lu Chen said lightly.

Hearing someone call his name, Joz slowly raised his head.

When he saw who was standing in front of him, the disdain on his face instantly turned into shock.

“God, Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!”

Joz never imagined that he would see the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment here!?

“Why is Joz here? With his abilities shouldn’t be in LV6? Lu Chen asked.

After all, he is the number three person next to Whitebeard, and 5 is not worthy of him.

“Without an arm, the strength is greatly reduced, and there is not such a huge threat, so it is arranged in LV5.” Magellan explained.

Lu Chen nodded, this reason is very correct.

In the plot, Joz breaks an arm and is a waste.

Almost never again won in battle.

Even the redhead lost his strength after breaking his arm, and Joz was even worse than he was at the beginning.

“Bring him along, I’ll be useful later.” Lu Chen said.

“Obey!” Hannibal responded.

Immediately took the rope around his waist and tied it to Joz’s body.

Dragged out of the cell.

Joz’s feet were bound by the shackles of the sea lou stone, and he walked very slowly.

“Untie him.” Lu Chen said.

“Untie? He is a diamond fruit power! Although one 2.2 arms is missing, it is not something we can deal with! Hannibal exclaimed.

“There I am.” Lu Chen said lightly.

Then a bolt of lightning appeared in the palm of his hand.

Crackling, the electric flint is terrifying.

The lightning temperature of thunder fruits is far higher than that of magma fruits and burnt fruits.

This is one of the reasons why it is called the strongest.

Hannibal no longer hesitated, and directly took out the key and opened the shackles.

After the shackles were opened, Joz did not dare to make any moves.

Because this is an extremely cold hell, his diamond fruit ability is also restrained.

Now his body is as cold as ice, and the ability to use the fruit without authorization can only make his body turn into ice.

So step by step, he followed behind.

No matter how bad the situation is, it can’t be worse than it is now.

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