“Isn’t this the Ice Witch, it turns out that you are also afraid of the cold.” Lu Chen soon found another member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The ice witch was also curled up in the cell without moving, and was also surprised to see Lu Chen.

Soon she, like Joz, was chained together.

“It should be almost, let’s go.” Lu Chen nodded and began to turn around and walk in the direction of the elevator.

After entering the elevator, Magellan asked where to go next.

“Next floor.” Lu Chen said lightly.

Even with preparation, Magellan and Hannibal felt their hearts beating faster.

After all, LV6 Infinite Hell is the most evil place in the entire Advance City.

Each one is a legendary-level character.


As the elevator reached the bottom, they finally entered LV6.

This layer is the most normal layer in the entire Advance City, and there are no punitive measures.

Because for the pirates on this level, those punishments have no meaning.

They are powerful and domineering, and will not cause the slightest damage.

However, the cells here are very strong, all made of sea floor stone, and it is basically impossible to let prisoners out.

“Hey, Magellan, when will I release 06.”

As soon as I entered LV6, someone called Magellan from inside the cell.

“Hiliu! Don’t be too presumptuous, this time it was the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment who came to inspect! Magellan said immediately.

Xi Liu stepped forward a few steps before he saw Lu Chen’s figure.

Just now, because Magellan’s body was too large, Hiliu did not see the road dust.

“Lord Marshal of Heavenly Punishment! Please let me go, I, Yu no Hiru, can make a greater contribution to advancing the city!” Hiliu pleaded in a low voice.

“How many prisoners did you kill?” Lu Chen asked.

Xiliu was stunned, and did not think that he knew everything about Lu Chen.

But after thinking about it, Katakuri is a disciple of Lu Chen, so it is not strange to tell Lu Chen.

Now that Hiru is imprisoned, it was done by Katakuri.

Katakuri, who holds justice in his heart, certainly will not allow Hiliu to kill prisoners casually.

The conflict between the two broke out even earlier, and Yu no Hiru has now been imprisoned for five years.

“About thirty-eight, or thirty-nine.” Hiliu actually doesn’t remember it clearly.

It may even be more than forty, but it will definitely be less in front of Lu Chen.

“Lord Marshal! In all, Hiliu killed forty-two prisoners. Magellan remembered it well.

“So what are the crimes committed by these prisoners you killed?” Lu Chen continued to ask.

“Culpability? They are all wanted! Cold sweat dripped down Hiliu’s forehead.

Lu Chen was just a word, and Xiliu realized his mistake.

“Do you know this prisoner across from you?” Lu Chen continued.

Hiryu looked at the prisoner across from him and shook his head, a short-headed fellow.

For five whole years, Hiliu did not listen to the other side.

Although the pirates on this layer can’t look at each other.

But usually the irritability they hold back will still communicate with each other.

Hiliu also tried to talk to the other party, but was ignored.

To be precise, the short man would just giggle at himself.

Hiliu also did not understand why a fool would be imprisoned in LV6.

Maybe he wasn’t a fool before, but he was crazy after a long time.

“This man’s name is San Juan Hungry Wolf, and he is now ninety-nine years old and one of the most notorious criminals.” Lu Chen said.

“Ninety-nine? It looks young. Hannibal couldn’t help but say.

Magellan was shocked.

As early as when he entered the city, this prisoner was already being held here. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now more than twenty years have passed, and the other party’s appearance has never changed.

But I never imagined that he was already ninety-nine years old.

“Quite simply, he’s a giant.” Lu Chen explained.

The giants have a longer lifespan than humans, and ninety-nine years old is still in the prime of life.

“Giants? Such a short guy. Hiliu shook his head again, indicating that he was not convinced.

“Do you know how tall the largest giant in the world is?” Lu Chen asked an unrelated question.

“Of course, it’s Oz, who doesn’t know how huge Oz is, a full sixty-four meters.”

The person who answered this question was Joz who was tied up behind him.

Touching the scene, his expression was a little miserable.

It should be recalled of his companion Little Oz.

Although little Oz was never proud of his evil ancestor.

But the companions always inevitably talked about Oz.

“That was before the appearance of the Hungry Wolf of San Juan, this giant was a colonel who had the ability of the Devil Fruit and could control his body at will, and the highest time could reach one hundred and eighty meters, and he was nicknamed a huge battleship!”

Lu Chen’s words caused the people around him to exclaim.

Whether it was Joz Magellan, etc., or Hiliu, who was being held in the cell, or other prisoners.

They are amazed that there are such huge giants in the world.

Why have I never heard of it before!?” Hehe, discovered. ”

The San Juan Hungry Wolf actually covered his mouth and whispered.

The people around were even more stunned, this was the first time they heard the hungry wolf of San Juan speak.

“World Conquest blocked news about the Hungry Wolf of San Juan, lest his presence panic the world.” Lu Chen continued.

Now it was Hiliu’s turn not to understand.

“Lord Marshal, what do you mean by saying so much 017 thoughts.”

Could it be that it was just to scare him, what was the point?

Being imprisoned in LV6 proves Hiliu’s strength.

Surely someone who will not be easily intimidated.

“I mean, so that notorious prisoners can be executed.” Lu Chen said lightly.

In the next second, from the hands of the road dust and emitted hot lightning.

Directly into the cell, he shot through the body of the hungry wolf of San Juan.

Green smoke billowed with a burning smell.

“Your Majesty! You! Hannibal stopped talking.

No one would have thought that Lu Chen would actually execute prisoners when he entered the Advance City.

Especially if the other party is still a fruit ability, in case this fruit ability falls into the hands of criminals again.

Then it will cause great damage.

“Don’t worry, whoever holds this Devil Fruit in the future will not be able to do evil in front of my Heavenly Punishment Marshal!” Lu Chen’s gaze was grim.

Next, he looked at the prisoners in another cell.

“Basquecholt, you are also unforgivable!”

Lu Chen struck again, and Basquechot was also killed in the cell.

“Evil King, you should have died a long time ago!”

This was followed by another targeted death.

The entire LV6 became quiet, only the sound of road dust’s attack and the criminal’s screams before death.

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