The same are executed prisoners, and Lu Chen and Heliu are worlds apart.

When Lu Chen kills every prisoner, he will accurately say the evil deeds committed by the other party.

Let everyone be convinced, without the slightest doubt.

But Hiliu was hunting entirely out of interest, without the slightest justice.

The target chosen is even more factual and wants to fight a strong opponent.

“Your Majesty, why are you carrying out the execution here!” Hannibal couldn’t help but ask.

After all, the realization of road dust did not prepare them.

Plus every criminal in LV6, that’s a big shot.

Killing so many easily will not cause a chain reaction.

“The main purpose of my coming today is to solve the prisoners who are advancing LV in the city.” Lu Chen said lightly.

If a major incident is caused here, then if you contact the revolutionary army, no one will notice it.

Hearing this, Hannibal couldn’t help but gasp.

Such an important matter was not forewarned in advance.

A look of pain appeared on Joz’s face.

He understood why he and the ice witch Waitibé were brought here, and they must be executed together!

“Does the Holy Land know about this?” Magellan also asked.

The stakes are high, and they have to be careful.

“I didn’t inform the Holy Land, they will get a report when it is over, do you have any opinion on this?” Lu Chen said to Magellan and Hannibal.

“No comment!” The two people said in their voices.

Since the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment said so, then of course they will not have any more opinions.

Most of the LV6 prisoners have heard of the existence of road dust.

The strongest navy in history, never defeated and the like.

But I didn’t expect that the first time they met, they would be killed by the other party.

The reason why Lu Chen knew the details of these LV6 prisoners was also because he had seen the details of the Advance City.

Only after reaching the level of marshal are you eligible to view these materials.

Not even at the level of a general.

So Lu Chen knows very well what kind of scum are here.

There were many reasons why the world government kept them from killing them before.

Now Lu Chen no longer plans to keep them, it can only be a scourge.

However, not all the prisoners will be killed, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Aunt Pirates remain.

Others, although they are also repeat offenders, are not the most heinous kind.

He was imprisoned for defying the world government.

“Isn’t this Brother Pony.” Coming to a cell, Lu Chen saw a former big man again.

The number two figure of the Whitebeard Pirates, the immortal bird Marko.

“If you want to kill, you want to kill whatever!” Marko looked unruly.

“Hehe, you’re not worth my killing.” Lu Chen smiled slightly and continued to walk towards the depths.

Prisoners at LV6 are held at random intervals and there are no special arrangements.

However, it was a coincidence that Lu Chen saw Whitebeard and Aunt respectively next.

The two of them were in opposite cells.

Both of them wore heavy Hailou stone shackles on their bodies.

They can move slowly, but they can’t cast their ability to fruit.

I haven’t seen my aunt for ten years, and I can’t recognize it when I encounter Lu Chen again.

Because Auntie lost a lot of weight!

Although basic food is guaranteed here, people will not starve to death.

But there is certainly no overeating on the old cake island, and so many desserts.

Auntie gradually began to lose weight, which is an inevitable thing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The current aunt, who looks a lot like she was still on the Cross Pirate Ship, has become much slimmer.

“Old friend, how is life in prison?” Lu Chen said with a slight smile.

“The abominable Heavenly Punishment Demon, I haven’t seen it for more than ten years, and it’s still the same appearance as before! What secrets do you have! Auntie gritted her teeth.

Enemies are very red when they see each other.

Auntie can’t wait to eat the road dust directly to lift the hatred of course.

“It turns out that more than ten years have passed, and the scene of the last battle seems to be vividly remembered.” Lu Chen sighed.

“Hehe, what are you doing this time, killing us?” Auntie sneered.

She didn’t want to remember the battle at all.

It was the most fiasco in his pirate career, and his hard work was ruined.

For this culprit, Auntie has been hatred for ten years.

“I thought you were already guilty, didn’t Katakuri come to persuade you to confess your mistake and be punished?” Road dust is curious.

According to Katakuri’s personality, he will never let Aunt not only ask here.

“Katakuri? That guy is an idiot, he actually did it to his mother, I don’t have this son! ”

For the entire year, Aunt didn’t say a word to Kaakuri.

This is also a kind of revenge for Katakuri by Auntie.

Nothing makes Katakuri more uncomfortable.

He loves his family himself, and his aunt is one of them.

Fortunately, the rest of the Aunt Pirates have no opinion on Katakuri.

“‘It seems that I am still obsessed.'” Lu Chen nodded.

Then he looked at the whitebeard on the other side.

“Half a year has passed, and we have met again.” Road dust greeted.

“After killing so many pirates, it’s very cool in my heart.” Whitebeard is not a good thing to say either.

Instead, he is mocking Lu Chenlai and describing Lu Chen as a character like Hiliu.

As soon as he came in, he began to kill like a demon.

“Do you know or know these pirates, aren’t they all extremely evil and should be killed?” Lu Chen asked rhetorically.

“That’s right.” Whitebeard can’t deny it either.

The world government left these pirates to this day and have not killed them, which is what shocked Whitebeard. (of all)

Before being imprisoned, Whitebeard thought that the pirates had been secretly executed.

“Now I’m just doing the right thing.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“So, are you also planning to kill me and Lingling?” Whitebeard is already prepared for this.

Judging from the fact that Lu Chen was carrying Oz behind him, Whitebeard knew that it was a force coming at him.

“Not really, I intend to give the two of you a chance to join our navy to pay for your previous sins!” Lu Chen said his true purpose for coming to LV6.

Hearing this, everyone around was shocked.

Especially Hannibal and Magellan, it was even more incredible.

These two pirates were personally captured by the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, and now they actually want to persuade the two of them.

In their opinion, this is almost impossible.

“Want to recruit us, wishful thinking!” Whitebeard and Auntie said in a loud voice.

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