And it was very warm, making them think of their families.

“Luckey! Hurry up and accompany your uncle, you are not needed here. ”

“Yes, take us to say hello to your uncle!”

“There are also many good places in the capital of water, don’t make your uncle feel sorry!”

The companions who worked around said one after another.

“Okay, I’ll take my uncle for a stroll first, and then come back.” Luki nodded.

“Give you a few days off, don’t rush back, it’s not too busy yet!” The worker said.

“Thank you!” Cariku also waved at the foreman.

Laughter throughout the whole process, no ~ no problems at all.

These are the basic competencies of intelligence officers.

A person who cannot act, is not a good intelligence-officer.

Cariku and Luci talked and laughed along the way.

When they came to a secluded alley, the two returned to their original appearance.

“Where is the dragon?” Kariku asked.

According to the information transmitted by Lu Qi before, the suspected dragon appeared in the water capital.

It’s just that Luki can’t be 100% sure.

Perhaps it is an illusion created by the revolutionary army to confuse the navy.

This is a common trick used by the revolutionary army, and the navy is often overwhelmed by these false news.

The dragon has not been caught by the navy for so many years, and there are many similar means.

“It may be in the Dongcheng area, but I’m not sure it’s a dragon!” Luqi said.

Hearing this, Riku frowned slightly.

“I need sure news, I must see the dragon!”

Without seeing the dragon himself, Kariku did not dare to release the news.

The stakes are high this time, and there can be no mistakes in the slightest.

“Although the location of the dragon is uncertain, Ivankov, the number two figure of the revolutionary, has also appeared!”

“Ivankov! Are you sure? Cariku asked.

“One hundred percent sure, he was in the Dongcheng district yesterday evening.” Lu Qi nodded cautiously.

“Very well, you follow me to Ivankov.”

New to the city.

Without the help of Luqi, who had been lurking here for a long time, Kariku would not have been able to find the revolutionary army in a short time.

“Okay, but my identity may be revealed.” Lu Qi was a little embarrassed.

Being discovered by the revolutionary army means that it is possible to be discovered by more people.

“Your mission will end soon, you may not be able to stay for a few days, there is no need to hide it at this time.” Cariku patted Lucie’s shoulder.

Lu Qi suddenly felt a trace of relief.

Being able to remove the disguise is a relief for everyone.

“You may have to inherit my position next, you are the most suitable candidate, I will recommend you to the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.” Cariku continued.

“Got it! I will definitely not betray the trust of you and the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment. Luki nodded heavily.

Dongcheng District.

Dragon and Ivankov and Big Bear, the leaders of the three revolutionary armies, gathered here.

They looked solemnly at the map of the water capital.

“Can’t you really find it?” The dragon spoke first.

“No clue at all, no clue at all.” Ivankov also shook his head.

“Maybe it didn’t exist at all, it was destroyed long ago.” Big Bear also added.

The dragon rubbed his forehead, a little unwilling.

“But according to our intelligence, the design drawings of Hades, one of the ancient weapons, still exist in the water capital, in the hands of Tom who built the ship for One Piece!”

This intelligence was told to Dragon by a CP9 member who had betrayed the World Government.

In order to destroy the blueprints of Hades, a shipbuilder named Tom was traced.

In the end, he found out that the other party had actually built a ship for One Piece Roger.

So Tom was arrested on this charge.

That’s a bit far-fetched.

Although Tom built a ship for Roger, he did not go to sea with him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Looking at the entire water capital, countless ships are built every year.

Many of them are orders from pirates.

Really calculate like this, arrest all the shipbuilders in the water capital and kill them, maybe there are innocent people.

But every other shot and killed, there is absolutely no wrongful conviction.

The real purpose of the navy is to take the blueprints of Hades.

But Tom did not reveal the whereabouts of the Hades design until his death.

The Navy once thought that this thing did not exist in the world.

But later more and more evidence showed that the blueprints of Hades existed.

CP9 has even sent someone to lurk with Tom’s former disciple, just to track down the whereabouts of the blueprints.

Long and the others appeared here to find this ancient weapon.

If Hades is really made, then the navy will be as fragile as white paper in front of them.

“Anyway, there is no way to track this down now, the red dog and the green pheasant have come to the water capital.” Ivankov was quite helpless.

They had just arrived here on the front foot, and the two admirals on the back foot were stationed in the water capital.

And to build the capital of water into a naval fortress.

This does not make sense.

So they came to the conclusion that their actions were discovered.

In order to prevent the blueprints of Hades from being found, the navy sent two generals over.

If you think so, everything makes sense.

And why does the Navy know their whereabouts and actions.

The only explanation is that there are internal ghosts in the revolutionary army.

Now the top echelons of the revolutionary army are conducting internal review.

If the inner ghosts of this level cannot be caught, the damage will be even greater in the future!

“We caught two spies! They found our stronghold! ”

Saab ran in anxiously.

“It’s time for us to retreat!” Ivankov subconsciously stood up and said.

In the past, when they were discovered, they were the first to retreat.

“Wait a minute, two spies, they are from the Navy or from the CP troops.” The dragon remained calm.

“Neither, they say they are from the shadow army.” Saab scratched his head, having not heard of this unit.

Shadow Troops!

Long Ye stood up abruptly, looking stunned.

“What is the Shadow Force? Make you have such a big reaction? Big Bear was shocked too.

Dragon has always been calm and calm, and rarely shows this way.

“Did they come looking for me?” Instead of answering Big Bear, Dragon asked Saab.

“Yes, just say that he came to find the dragon, and the dragon is not in Ivankov or something.” Saab also felt strange.

In the past, those who came to inquire about intelligence were all secretive.

There is simply no such brazenness.

“Bring them and remember to treat them like guests!” Long said.

“Got it.” Saab nodded pills.

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