Soon Kariku appeared in front of the dragon.

“Isn’t it two people, why did one come?” Ivankov asked curiously.

“I’ll just do this alone.” Kariku looked at the dragon with a serious expression.

Dragon met Cariku’s gaze, knowing that the other party had something important.

“You guys leave first, I’ll talk to this gentleman alone.” Long said.

“How does this work! What if this person is an assassin! Ivankov simply refused.

What kind of shadow troops, it doesn’t sound like a serious person.

And they had never heard of such an organization before.

Long smiled after hearing this.

“Who else can threaten me besides that monster last time.” The dragon smiled slightly.

“And the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.” Big Bear said from the side.

The dragon suddenly became embarrassed, “five eight three”, this is indeed a fact.

But the dragon is still very firm that he can do it alone.

“Dragon, be careful, don’t forget the mission on your shoulders.” Ivankov reminded.

Now the safety of the dragon is no longer a matter of one person.

Instead, it involved the entire revolutionary army.

Dragon didn’t say anything this time, but nodded.

He knows his importance better than anyone else and will never take risks easily.

Soon Ivankov and the others left, and immediately there was only Dragon and Kaliku in the room.

“Let me guess, is it my uncle who has something to say to me?” Dragon spoke.

The so-called shadow force, the dragon is not the first time to hear about it, but it has been heard of earlier.

This came from an intelligence obtained by the revolutionary army, that is, Marshal Heavenly Punishment had an intelligence organization independent of the naval system.

The name of this organization is called the Shadow Force.

But because it is too mysterious, there is no other information except that.

Whether it is the members of this organization, or the number of people and tasks, etc., there is no clue at all.

The dragon was not 100% sure, the man in front of him was the real shadow troop person, a subordinate of his uncle.

So what he said was a certain tentative meaning.

“We are all smart people, there is no need to test each other, I am indeed here to convey the instructions of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.” Cariku straightforwardly picked things out.

That is, everyone is more honest.

“Please sit down.” Dragon invites Kariku to sit on the couch.

Kariku was also not polite and sat down opposite the dragon.

“May I ask my uncle what he wants to convey.” The dragon’s tone also became much more polite.

The other party looks at it to help themselves.

To treat friends, use the attitude of friends.

“An intelligence about the navy, that is the real reason why the two admirals of the navy are stationed here!” Kariku said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the dragon’s expression was slightly disappointed.

This scene was also captured by Cariku.

“What’s wrong, do you already know?” Cariku asked.

“There were spies within our revolutionary army, and the news that we came to the capital of seven waters to look for the design of Hades was leaked.” The dragon shook his head a little helplessly.

Directly saying such an important thing is also a manifestation of Dragon’s trust in Carriku.

It is even more because Long believes that now Kariku has this information.

So if you say it directly, there is no problem at all.

Kariku was shocked in his heart, and he never expected that the revolutionary army would come here for such a reason.

The so-called Hades must refer to one of the ancient weapons.

Once it is really found by the revolutionary army, the balance of strength will once again tilt towards the revolutionary army.

He didn’t say a word, and Long said such important information.

The shock in my heart cannot be revealed on the surface.

“According to the order that Marshal Heavenly Punishment asked me to convey, that is, the two generals were air-conditioned to come here, and they did not find that there were already a large number of revolutionary troops in the capital of Seven Waters, but they were just preparing to use this as a stronghold to seize the islands that were lost before.”

Kariku said calmly.

On the contrary, it was the dragon’s turn to not calm down.

After a long day, I actually thought wrong! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In particular, they had just gathered together to discuss for a long time, based on false judgments.

Recalling this operation, they were originally confident.

Everyone sneaked into the capital of the seven waters, and no one was discovered.

The navy reacted strongly, and two generals were directly stationed.

This leads them to mistakenly think that they are exposed.

And the plan to find the design of Hades will be interrupted because of this.

“Thank you! Thanks a lot! You helped a lot! Dragon stepped forward and took Kariku’s hand and said 0…

Without this news, then their previous actions would have been forced to cancel.

Now you can not only continue to search for the blueprints of Hades.

It is also able to deal with two generals secretly.

“This is the order of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.” Kariku said.

The dragon was stunned for a moment before reacting.

That’s right!

Why should my uncle help himself.

Although it is said that from the day he went to sea, Lu Chen has been instilling various ideas in himself.

But my uncle is a navy after all, and he is at odds with himself.

“What does that mean, my uncle?” Dragon asked.

Cariku resisted the urge to answer the question.

He was tempted to tell the dragon that Marshal Heavenly Punishment’s goal was to work to eliminate the nobles of the world.

In essence, it is the same as the ultimate goal of the revolutionary army.

But Cariku knew that he could not say these words himself, because there was no order from the road dust.

Kariku did not know what kind of steps should be followed in the plan of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.

The only thing he knew was to act on orders.

Since the order did not make him talk much, then Kariku would not say anything.

“I don’t know.” That’s all Kariku can say.

The dragon fell into thought.

Maybe the uncle saw that his nephew was pitiful, so he specially came to remind him.

0.1 Or is it dissatisfied with the two people of Red Dog and Blue Pheasant, secretly revealing their news, and coming to kill someone with a knife?

Either way, the situation is in the dragon’s favor.

“Where is Mr. going next?” Dragon asked.

“No order has been received yet.” Kariku said truthfully.

“Then stay with me for a few days first, or take a rest.” The dragon looks very kind.

“Is this the fear that after I leave, I will reveal your whereabouts?” Kariku frowned.

I didn’t expect that the dragon actually asked him to stay here for a long time.

“It won’t be long, you can leave in two days.” The dragon gave a specific time.

“Okay.” Kariku said nothing more.

In other words, he sat in the position of the dragon, and he must have controlled himself first.

Otherwise, once it runs out and leaks the location, the revolutionary army will lose its previous achievements.

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