What would happen in two days, Kariku knew very well.

Perhaps at that time, the water capital will change dramatically.

At that time, Cariku will also be able to serve as a witness and personally bring first-hand news to the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.

The water capital at night is also particularly beautiful.

Lights are shining everywhere, and shipyards are working overtime to catch up.

Prepare for tomorrow’s coming wave.

Dispose of all the matters at hand, and they will leave the island by sea train.

The lights were also on in Chief Shi’s office, but the people around him were used to it.

Because they all know that it is precisely because of the hard work of the long iceberg that the water capital can have the prosperous appearance it is now.

At this time, the iceberg’s face was calm, really like an iceberg.

All because of the appearance of an uninvited guest in Iceberg’s office, a person who also terrifies Iceberg.

The red dog of one of the admirals!

Iceberg looked at the red dog in front of him and was silent,

“I ask again, where is the design drawing of Hades!” Akainu said with a low voice.

“I’ve never seen any blueprints of Hades, so I don’t know how you guys think I have this thing.” Iceberg said helplessly.

“According to the intelligence of our Navy, One Piece Roger’s ship back then was mixed with some Hades technology, so he arrived at Ralph Drew! And you are Tom’s most proud disciple, you definitely got the blueprint! The red dog said unrelentingly.

The Navy carefully studied all the information of One Piece Roger, and finally came to the conclusion.

This kind of technology is also absolutely not allowed to fall into the hands of others.

“When Mr. Tom was killed, I was just a kid and didn’t understand these things.”

A look of pain appeared on Iceberg’s face.

The red dog stepped forward sharply and grabbed the iceberg by the collar.

Lifted him up from his desk.

“Tom wasn’t killed, he was executed! I hope you recognize this. Akainu said viciously.

The fist even generated high temperatures because of this, burning the neck of the iceberg.

But the iceberg was unmoved, allowing green smoke to come out of his clothes.


Seeing that the iceberg did not eat this set, Akainu could only throw him back into the chair.

“Remember, if I find the design of Hades in your hands, what awaits you will be a lifetime of prison life, and it will be a felony to harbor the design drawings of this ancient weapon!”

The red dog left this sentence and left.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Iceberg’s mouth.

Is it a felony to harbor the blueprints of ancient weapons?

After all, it’s not the Navy that wants to get this kind of power.

Unlike other ancient weapons, the existence of Hades is well documented.

It is a super extreme battleship jointly manufactured by all the craftsmen of the previous water capital.

This super warship is so powerful and terrifying that it can destroy an island with a single shot.

To this day, it still exists in a corner of the world, falling into a deep sleep.

It is said that this weapon can be found through ancient writing.

The same is true of the design drawings of Hades, which require someone who can read ancient texts to understand the entire content of the design drawings.

But having said that, even if you don’t know ancient texts, a knowledgeable shipbuilder can get some inspiration through design drawings.

Simple parts can be made by themselves.

“Master… Frankie! If you were still here, I wouldn’t have to keep secrets alone. Iceberg muttered.

Then he covered his face with a painful face.

Today’s water capital and the ancient city water capital are actually two cities.

The current capital of water is built on the ruins of the ancient capital of water.

The city is actually quite dangerous, and every year it is swallowed up by huge waves.

It is inaccurate to say that it was engulfed, more because the foundation of the water capital will sink at this time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, in previous years, the capital of water was not as prosperous as it is now.

It was Tom’s sea train that changed that.

There are four roads leading to four islands.

This allows people to leave quickly at high tide and no longer worry about being swept away by the wind and waves.

It was because of the manufacture of the sea train that Tom received more than ten years of probation and was not immediately executed.

After the formation of the sea train, people also thought that the world government would pardon the noodle soup.

As a result, Tom still died in the end.

As for the reason for being killed, it was because his disciple French made warships to attack the ships of the world government.

This is naturally a good play directed and acted by CP9.

At that time, the iceberg did not understand, thinking that it was all Frankie’s mistake, that he had made those messy warships.

Now, years have passed, and the iceberg has only grown to figure it out.

It turns out that everything was the world government in order to obtain the blueprints of Hades.

Both Tom and Franky are victims of this plan.

So in order not to let Tom be killed in vain, Franky’s death is also worthless.

The iceberg decided that it could not give these things to the world government.

Over the years, Iceberg has also used its own more than enough shipbuilding technology.

Integrate the seven shipbuilding companies above the water capital into one.

And because of this, he chose to become the chief of shi, and he has a lot of prestige in the water capital.

In this way, it will increase the rectification capital for itself, so that the navy does not dare to move itself easily.

Iceberg has always been aware that there may be a spy of the world government around him. 460 Since before last year, there have been some people with excellent abilities but unknown origins who have appeared around them.

Iceberg is not a fool and realizes that things are not simple.

It’s just that Iceberg simply doesn’t have anyone worth entrusting now.

I didn’t expect that now the Navy actually tore its face directly.

Akainu came to his office and threatened.

If this continues, perhaps the design drawings of Hades will be taken away by the navy sooner or later.

Just then, a voice came from outside the window.

“Iceberg bastard! I am back! ”

Iceberg was stunned, and the voice seemed to be Frankie’s.

This made him laugh bitterly, and he also fell into auditory hallucinations.

In the memory of the iceberg, French was long dead.

Died under the impact of the sea train.

The idiot wants revenge on the CP9 officer who killed Tom, runs to the railroad only to intercept the sea train.

In the end, he was knocked to pieces.

A fool who dares to block the sea train, stupid makes people cry.

“Not there?” The voice outside the window said again.

The iceberg jerked his head up, and this time he heard it clearly, it definitely wouldn’t be an illusion.

So the iceberg immediately looked out the window.

A guy with blue hair was standing in the courtyard.

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