Few people stay with such an arrogant hairstyle.

In the memory of the iceberg, only the fool has it.

It’s just that the human body type below makes the iceberg feel too strange.

Looks like a muscular man.

Franky died four years ago, when Franky was still very thin.

Even if you look closely, the person downstairs has even changed his face to a certain extent.

There seems to be a piece of metal on top of the nose.

But in any case, this familiar feeling cannot be wrong.

Forcibly suppressing the feelings of wanting to meet, Iceberg quickly picked up the pen and paper on the table and wrote a note.

It was thrown out the window, hit Frankie’s head accurately, and then bounced to the ground.

“What is it?”

French found the note and picked it up.

There was only one line on it, and that was to meet in an hour in the undersea tunnel.

Frankie didn’t hesitate in the slightest, turned around and left.

Although I don’t know why Iceberg is so careful, there must be something secret.

The undersea tunnel, which is the excuse for sea trains and water capitals.

In the past dozen years, they don’t know how many times they have been back and forth.

They all have one heart, that is, to build sea trains.

Let Tom get a chance to be pardoned for this.

It’s a pity that everything is a dream, and now in this city, the sea train still exists.

Tom was killed by the world government long ago.

An hour later, French waited for the iceberg in the undersea tunnel.

“Why is it so complicated, are you hiding from someone?” Frankie asked as soon as they met.

“Idiot, if you had appeared earlier, you would have collided with Admiral Akainu!” Iceberg reprimanded as soon as he spoke.

At the same time, he was looking at French.

It was found that Franky’s body proportions were obviously asymmetrical, not like a normal body shape.

“I transformed myself, and now I am a reformed person, there is no way I can only live in this way~..” Seeing this, French could only explain his body first.

“Idiot!” Iceberg scolded again.

Only this time, Iceberg’s tone was much softer.

“Continue with the topic just now, the red dog actually found you, is the world government still pursuing the matter of that year?” Frankie asked.

“Of course not, they want this!” A box appeared in the iceberg’s hand.

“This?” Frankie looked at the box solemnly.

“And what you think is right, there is a design drawing of the ancient weapon Hades in it!” Iceberg said slowly.

Franky’s eyes widened.

“I didn’t expect that this thing really exists, did Master give it to you?” Frankie asked.

“That’s right, I’m going to let you save.” Iceberg nodded.

The two fell silent.

They all knew that if Tom had sacrificed this thing at that time, he would have saved his life.

But Tom didn’t do that, because Tom didn’t want ancient weapons to reappear in the world.

In this world today, there are still many people who can read ancient texts.

Once the navy gets the blueprints of Hades, it is very likely to manufacture Hades.

Then the world could be destroyed because of it.

This is something Tom doesn’t want to see.

In the original plot, Tom also did not hand over the design drawings for this reason.

He even listened to the propaganda of the navy and believed that Robin was the son of the devil.

Afraid of Robin’s ability, he did not dare to hand over the blueprints.

The world government is tantamount to lifting a rock and shooting itself in the foot.

If it weren’t for Robin’s malicious slanders, Tom might have handed over the blueprints.

After all, if no one can read ancient texts, it is impossible to completely replicate the ancient weapon Hades.

“I might make it, are you sure you want to give it to me?” Frankie asked.

In this way, it is against Tom’s wishes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“It’s okay, I trust you, it doesn’t matter what you do.” Iceberg’s tone was resolute.

“Understood, give it to me.” French held out his hand.

Franky can see from today’s actions of the iceberg that the iceberg is cornered.

It is estimated that the whole person is being monitored, and the design plan of Hades does not want to fall into the hands of the world government, so it can only be handed over to himself.

“Hmm.” Iceberg nodded and prepared to hand the box to French.


At this moment, a sneezing sound suddenly appeared in the tunnel.

Both Iceberg and French looked in that direction with a look of horror.

On one side of the tunnel stood a person, only a dozen meters away from them.

They wouldn’t have thought of it.

This secret meeting was attended by a third person all the time.

If it wasn’t for the other party’s sneeze, they wouldn’t have noticed.

“Franky, is this your friend?” Iceberg asked in a trembling voice.

It stands to reason that in this kind of meeting, Franky would not bring friends.

“‘I don’t know! It’s the enemy. Frankie immediately raised his arm and aimed it at the man in the shadows.

“Don’t worry, you two, I didn’t mean to disturb you, maybe my wife and daughter missed me, so I sneezed.”

Lu Chen smiled slightly and took a few steps forward.

Following the afterglow revealed by the moonlight outside, both of them could see themselves.

“You, you are the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!” Iceberg’s face was a dead gray color.

Although Lu Chen is not wearing the marshal’s costume now, but a very loose casual clothes.

But the appearance of Lu Chen, they will not forget it no matter what.

Some time ago, that big event that caused a sensation in the world.

During the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy headquarters, the picture of Lu Chen appeared many times for a long time.

Let everyone in the world recognize the appearance of road dust.

“It’s this guy! Iceberg you hurry up! I’ll deal with him. French stood in the way of the iceberg.

The iceberg (Li Zhao’s) did not move his feet at all.

Because he knew that in front of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, any move would be in vain.

“Don’t get excited about the two of you, how about we talk?” Lu Chen smiled and made himself seem kinder.

It’s just that no matter what Lu Chen does, Iceberg and Franky can’t rest assured.

A smiling tiger, doesn’t it make people feel scared?

It will even be more fearful to some extent.

After all, the tiger may be excited about the next meal that will come to its mouth.

“French, fist!” Frankie went straight to work.

His fist flew out and smashed into the road dust.

And behind the fist, there is a chain to the arm.

It’s like the most commonly used move in some robot movies.

Lu Chen shook his head slightly and sighed, why is Franky still so irritable.

He stretched out a finger and easily blocked his fist.

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