Spandam couldn’t stand it anymore.

On weekdays, he was high and high, making it difficult for him to accept being insulted by these civilians.

“Whoever wants to find death, come up to me!”

Spandam pulled out his pistol and pointed it directly at the sky with two shots.

Under the death threat, none of the people below dared to go up.

“Haha, a pariah is a pariah, cowardly as a rat.” Spandam smiled wickedly and thrust the pistol back.

Of course, in the audience, not everyone is indifferent.

Frankie almost rushed up, but was intercepted by road dust.

“Icebergs won’t die.”

It was such a short sentence that made Franky stop being restless.

And Lu Chen said this, of course, for a reason.

He had already seen Akainu leading a group of navies coming over.

When the crowd saw the general Akainu, they all hurriedly gave way to a road. “Three Three Zero”

“Spandam, what the hell are you doing, why are you killing the iceberg.”

The red dog was holding a cigar, clearly in a bad mood.

Being called to deal with this matter will be uncomfortable for anyone.

“Of course, it is to find the design of Hades, you yourself have no success, you can’t stop me from looking for it.” Spandam looked at the red dog and sneered.

It turned out that the five old stars were when conveying orders.

It was also revealed that the red dog did not complete this matter.

So he could only impose this matter on Spandam, who also resented the red dog.

If the red dog did not find the design of Hades, he would not be punished.

But he is different, and he is at risk of being demoted.

“Then no one lets you kill the iceberg, do you know what a ripple effect this will cause?” The entire water city fell to the revolutionary army! Akainu frowned.

Akainu himself can see this.

Akainu pursues absolute justice and will stop at nothing to achieve the goal of justice.

But after all, it is still to eliminate pirates and criminals, not to push the people in the direction of criminals.

Especially now that the revolutionary army is getting stronger, Akainu also realizes that many world governments have made mistakes in the past.

“That’s all your navy is incompetent, and even the revolutionary army in the district can’t be destroyed!” Spandam scoffed.

Put it before, in the capacity of Spandam CP9 chief.

It is absolutely not daring to make a second in front of such a naval marshal as Akainu.

The positions and status of both sides are perceived to be very large.

But now Spandham has begun to inflate.

He thought that once he knew that once he obtained the Hades blueprint, he would definitely improve his status in the world government.

Maybe there will be a chance to supervise the ancient weapon Hades!

What admirals will be there then? It’s just his own soldiers.

After Hades, who will need what naval marshal.

Destroying an island with one cannon is no more powerful than the highest combat power of the Navy.

“Navy incompetence? It’s not that you, a rat hiding in a dark corner, can evaluate it without permission,” Akainu said with suppressed anger.

Being ridiculed by someone like Spendham is unbearable for anyone.

Spandam saw that the red dog was really angry, and he immediately provoked a lot.

“Can’t put it, I’ll still take him to find the Hades blueprint!” Spandham said quickly.

“But you were going to kill him just now? I have no problem with my ears! ”

The red dog came to the execution table ravine and stood in front of Spandam.

Staring at this nasty guy.

If the other party is a pirate, you can directly destroy the other party with one punch.

This guy is part of the world government.

“I, I’m just talking.” Spandam’s arrogance disappeared at once.

It was only when he really faced the red dog at close range that Spandham realized how terrifying the marshal was.

Just the momentum exuding from the other party’s body had already overwhelmed him.

Not to mention the fact that domineering and the like have not been used.

“Since you didn’t plan to kill him, then the iceberg is handed over to me.” Akainu looked at the location of the iceberg. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although the interval is more than ten meters away.

But only by the gaze of the red dog.

Unexpectedly, the rope hanging from the iceberg was broken.


The iceberg fell, and he was immediately picked up by the soldiers behind the red dog.

“You, you dare to rob the prisoner!” Spandam’s eyes widened.

I didn’t expect that the red dog would be so arrogant and take people away in front of him.

“If there is any problem, report it to the five old stars.” The red dog head left without looking back.

Originally, he was also very upset about being sent here today.

A Spandam actually had to take action himself.

Spandam jumped to his feet in anger on the execution table 0…

The iceberg was captured, and his biggest bargaining chip was gone.

As for reporting back to the five old stars, Spandam understood that this was of no use.

In front of the five old stars, where is his own value.

Unless you wait for the design drawings of Hades to arrive, you will have the right to speak.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to compare with a general and make a comparison.

Not to mention the arrest and execution of the iceberg, this matter is not known to the five old stars.

Hypothesis, as the red dog said, will cause a huge event.

Then the five old stars may directly demote themselves and remove themselves.

Even this last chance will be lost.

“Give me the full name, hunt for Franky, catch this guy!” Spandham turned to Carifa and said.

“Understood!” Karifa said immediately.

It’s just a pity that the wanted warrant they have was four years ago.

At that time, Franky was thinner than an iceberg, and he was completely like a weak chicken.

No one would have thought that in just a few years, Franky would become a stupid big man.

“Look, the situation is solved.” Lu Chen, who had been observing in the crowd, said to French.

“This! Wasn’t the iceberg taken away by the red dog again? “French wanted to cry without tears.

Maybe it won’t be punished, but it’s just a different way.

The red dog also wants to pry open the secrets inside the iceberg’s mouth, so he will not let him go easily.

“It’s okay, the red dog won’t kill him, the red dog is not stupid.” Lu Chen said.

It’s just that the strength is too strong 1.0, so many people subconsciously think that this is a person who can solve all problems by relying on violence.

In fact, the strategy of the red dog is not inferior to that of the wise general Sengoku in the slightest.

“But I don’t want to leave until the iceberg is absolutely safe.” French smiled bitterly.

Frankie knew that this was a breach of his promise.

But the brother who grew up is right in front of him, and Franky doesn’t want to leave regrets.

If something really went wrong, then French would definitely regret dying.

“That’s very simple, just rob the prison, if my estimation is correct, by dusk, there will be a huge tremor in the water capital!” Even you can take the iceberg out of prison. Lu Chen said.

“Really? Can I do it too? Frankie pointed to himself and said.

He has a few pounds and a few taels, and Franky understands it very well.

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