Frankie’s current strength is between brigadier general and lieutenant general.

There is no problem in defeating the average brigadier general, it is difficult to deal with the lieutenant general.

“Don’t worry, when the navy is in chaos, there will be no combat power to guard the prison.” Lu Chen said.

“Good! I will definitely rescue the iceberg, and when that time comes, I will go to Wano Country! French nodded cautiously.

At the same time, he patted his chest and assured that this was a man’s promise.

“Hmm.” Lu Chen nodded and turned to leave.

Franky, on the other hand, looked in the direction where the iceberg was taken away.

Then came to the front of the younger brothers.

“Big brother! Iceberg Big Brother was saved! ”

“But it’s still in the hands of the Navy, what should we do!”

The younger brothers also looked anxious.

“Don’t worry, I have my own way.” French waved his hand and said.

Seeing Franky so calm, the little brothers were also relieved.

“Wait until I need your help with something, and when this matter is over, we can go to a place where food and clothing are free.” Frankie said.

He knows the character of this group of little brothers and does not let them follow him to Chapter 06.

Instead, it will be considered to look down on them.

“Big brother, we will always follow you!”

“Yes, whatever you let us do, we will do!”

This group of little brothers is so simple, which also makes Franky feel a sense of responsibility in his heart.

Secretly vowed to keep them safe.

Iceberg’s mood at this time was apprehensive.

He did not expect that the red dog would save himself from Spandam’s hands.

But Iceberg was not fooled enough to think that the red dog was here to save himself.

I’m afraid I still want to get the design of Hades from my own hands.

Sure enough, when he was on the road, the red dog asked a question.

“Where are the blueprints?”

“Huh.” Iceberg sneered in return.

But he didn’t expect that the red dog didn’t ask questions again, and directly threw the iceberg into the prison of the naval branch.

Although it is said that the air gave the order, the iceberg cannot be killed.

But since Spandam had publicly announced the iceberg’s crime, he could not be so simply released.

“Stay at ease, if you don’t tell the information of the Hades design blueprint, you won’t be released.” The red dog left this sentence and left.

I don’t even want to say anything more with the iceberg, anyway, the red dog understands that he can’t pry the mouth of the iceberg.

Inside the prison, it was Iceberg’s turn to look apprehensive, not knowing what awaited him next.

It is supposed to be transported to the island of justice before high tide.

Continued torture there, perhaps the fate will be even more tragic.

At least die here, and still maintain a trace of decency.

and remembered by the people of the water capital.

Otherwise, after many years, I am afraid that I have forgotten myself.

And the people of the water capital are cheering for the victory.

Although the iceberg was not released directly, at least the death penalty was not established.

It is equivalent to a victory for ordinary people against the world government.

They were all excited, but they did not expect that they could one day defeat a powerful world government.

People have begun to board the sea train, preparing to leave the water capital before the tsunami.

Others boarded boats and relied on boats to leave the water capital.

The reason why these people do not choose the more convenient sea train is also because they have too many items.

The sea train can only carry a small amount of luggage.

Those who tow their families and huge possessions could only leave by boat.

At this time, a group of people did not leave, and they appeared in groups on the square.

There were thousands of people, all of whom were silent.

Several of the people at the head wore hoods and could not see the faces underneath.

However, those gathered here are all revolutionary troops! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not only the dragon, but also the cadres of Ivankov, Big Bear and other revolutionaries were all present.

“Could it be that the Navy discovered our operation and took the iceberg with it in advance?” Ivankov looked at the gallows with regret.

According to the plan, they would arrive ten minutes before the execution.

Then save the iceberg in front of the people of the water capital and become the savior in the hearts of the people of the water capital.

It can also use the speech to arouse the long-term anger of the people of the water capital and take the opportunity to attack the navy.

This is the standard people’s war.

But now that the people of the water capital have left, this plan is useless.

“It is absolutely impossible, otherwise the Navy would have begun to act long ago now, and it would not have been in an orderly retreat.” Big Bear said.

After the people have almost left, the navy will retreat.

Now that the Navy has no other abnormal movements, it means that the Navy has not detected them.

“No matter what, we are already here, we are going to attack.” The dragon directly removed the hood, revealing his original face.

Although it was not possible to take advantage of the iceberg incident, the revolutionary army gained a greater advantage.

But the fact that the Navy does not detect their presence under its nose is already a great opportunity.

If it succeeds this time, then the revolutionary army will gain a huge advantage.

It can even be said to affect the overall battle that follows.

Seeing that the dragon was not pretending, the people around him also took off their hoods one after another.

If there is still a naval presence on the execution table at this time, it may be frightened and faint.

Those gathered here are already the strongest forces of the revolutionary army.

And their presence means overthrow and change.

657 “Listen to my fate, attack!” The dragon said indifferently.

When a person reaches a high position, he does not need to speak loudly, but can also let others listen carefully.


“Defeat the navy!”

The surrounding revolutionary troops also shouted one after another.

At this time, Tu Qiangdao saw that there was nothing to hide.

“You can leave.” The dragon turned his head and said to the two people behind him.

Kakuri and Luki, respectively.

“You kept us until now, originally planning to sneak up on the two generals.” Kakuri nodded, already understood.

Even if Kakuri came to deliver a letter to the dragon, the dragon would not easily let Kakuri go.

After all, the stakes are high, and the blow of leaking information will be devastating.

At that time, it will not be the revolutionary army sneaking up on the naval branch of the water capital.

Instead, the navy mobilized all the forces around it to encircle and suppress the revolutionary army.

“I hope you can understand, go back and say hello to the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment instead of me, just say that my nephew misses him very much and has the opportunity to find him.” The dragon smiled slightly.

Rest assured, I’ll bring it. Kakuri nodded.

The dragon said nothing more, but turned to leave.

Together with the army of the revolutionary army, they launched an attack.

“My lord! What the hell is going on here! Lu Qi was shocked.

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