“The time for change is coming.” Kakuri said slowly.

“Are we cooperating with the Revolutionary Army?” Luki couldn’t understand Kakuri’s mysterious words.

So he asked very bluntly.

“I shouldn’t have told you about this, but since you’ve seen it all, I’ll be frankly saying that we are indeed cooperating with the revolutionary army, and it’s time for this rotten world government to overthrow.”

Kakuri stared at Luki, observing the other’s expression.

Once Luki shows wavering, then Kakuri will choose to clean up this unstable factor.

There must be no problem with the plan of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.

“Overthrow the world government!” A look appeared in Luqi’s eyes.

Luki himself was a sympathizer of the revolutionary army.

In the original plot, Luqi was absorbed by CP9 very early and became a teenage spy.

When he was thirteen years old, he was sent out on a mission.

In one fell swoop, he killed five hundred enemy soldiers and was called a monster.

He believes in the justice of darkness and is willing to be a thug in the dark.

But now the situation has changed, and Luki did not do anything to kill five hundred enemies overnight.

In the process of growing up, there is also no lack of care and care from peers.

So now although Lu Qi also has a sense of justice in his heart, it is not as extreme as before.

“What do you think, tell me what you really think.” Kakuri asked directly.

“I am a member of the Shadow Force, and everything follows orders!” Lu Qi said solemnly.

Hearing this answer, Kakuri nodded with great satisfaction.

Since they claim to be shadow troops, their existence itself is the embodiment of the will of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.

No personal thoughts are allowed, everything has been obeyed by the orders of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.

“Good, that’s our destiny.”

“What about Kaku?” Luckey asked.

Now Karu has not received an order and should still be inside the shipyard.

“You go find him, let them not act without permission, the most important thing for the two of you in this big battle is to pay attention to safety~.” Kakuri said.

Hearing that Kakuri cared so much about their safety, Lu Qi was also touched.

“Got it! We will pay attention to the covert. ”

The capital of water has been hidden for years, and they have long had several secret strongholds.

“Good.” Kakuri nodded.

Without saying anything more, he turned around and left.

And the place where Kakuri went was the Bruno Bar.

By the time he arrived, Bruno had packed everything and was standing in the doorway of the bar.

The members of the shadow force are basically in one-line contact with Kakuli.

Many times they are only connected to each other when they need to perform tasks together.

Many members had never even met before.

Only Kakuri and Marshal of Heavenly Punishment know the details of all the people.

“Don’t worry about cleaning up first, I’ll use the phone worm here to report to the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.” Kakuri looked around and found that there was no one around.

So he came directly to Bruno and said.

“Without this need, Marshal Heavenly Punishment stayed here for more than ten hours.” Brono shook his head.

“What, Marshal Heavenly Punishment is also here!” Kakuri was shocked.

But then he thought that since the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment had already reached the Advance City.

Then it is only one step away from this water capital.

It’s normal to come in person.

“Yes.” Bruno nodded.

This is also a gesture from Lu Chen, which is why Bruno will say so.

Otherwise, give Bruno ten dares, and he will not dare to tell the news of Lu Chen’s whereabouts.

“Does Lord Heavenly Punishment have any other instructions?” Kakuri asked.

“No more.”

Hearing this, Kakuri already had an answer in his heart about what to do next.

Without instructions, it means that everything goes as usual.

It’s just that Kakuli’s whereabouts have also generated some expectations. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Maybe this time you can see the meeting between the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment and the dragon.

These two men now dominate the two sections of the Great Voyage, respectively.

If you really meet together, what will happen?

Water Capital Naval Branch.

The Navy is working in an orderly manner to meet the coming tide.

“Why is it that every year at this time, the water will be flooded?” Akainu stood on the wall of the naval branch, gazing at the busy navy below and muttering.

The green pheasant beside him did not answer this question, but put on an indifferent expression.

The red dog is also very speechless.

In fact, the two people of Red Dog and Pheasant never talk to each other.

In addition to the personality incompatibility between the two people.

It has something to do with the fact that the pheasant never responds to the red dog.

Originally, the red dog wanted to talk to the pheasant about a secret.

That is Hades, one of the ancient weapons, is said to be able to sleep under the capital of water.

It is Hades that causes the city of the capital of water to fall every year.

However, this is just a legend, and no ship can be underwater for such a long time.

But now, with the advancement of technology, there have been submarines that can hide on the bottom of the sea.

Therefore, Akainu feels that this legend is not groundless.

It’s a pity that the pheasant has no meaning to discuss at all.

The relationship between the two major combat forces of the Navy was so bad that Akainu knew that this was a loss for the Navy.

Wait for the two of them to leave the water capital and return when the tide is over.

Although it was only a one-day difference, it was too embarrassing not to say a word.

“‘Over there!’

What Chi Inu didn’t expect was that the green pheasant suddenly pointed in one direction and said something.

Akainu followed his gaze and suddenly widened his eyes.

In the direction pointed out by the pheasant, a large number of unidentified people appeared.

The target of this group is the naval branch under their feet!

Even when this group met the navy, they had already taken the initiative to attack.

“Bastards out of nowhere, revolutionary army?”

The red dog immediately became angry.

Now who doesn’t know that they are stationed in the water capital, but this group of people still dare to attack here.

Make it clear that you don’t put yourself in your eyes.

“That’s Ivankov, that’s Big Bear, I’m afraid the man is there.” The pheasant finally spoke.

The green pheasant also appeared calmer when facing this scene.

It has been noticed that in this group of revolutionary troops, two main cadres have appeared.

The other party had no intention of hiding himself at all, and even brazenly stood in the forefront.

Use your impressive abilities to fight, afraid that others will not see you.

“It’s a trap, it’s going to lure us away!” The red dog immediately made a judgment.

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