Why did the revolutionary army do this, Akainu’s mind began to think rapidly.

Is it to save the iceberg here?

Muffie Spandham’s information was accurate, and Iceberg did hand over the Hades blueprints to the revolutionary army.

So now the revolutionary army, in order to repay the iceberg, specially came to rescue him.

No, it can’t be!

Akainu shook his head and put the idea out of his mind.

First of all, since the revolutionary army has obtained the design drawings of Hades, there is no need to raise troops and mobilize the masses.

Because the red dog has taken the iceberg away, at least the iceberg is safe now.

There is no need to attack the Water Capital branch in front of two admirals.

With other better opportunities, the success rate is also greater.

“It’s not a trap, it’s a strong attack.” The green pheasant shook his head.


When Akainu heard this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

The revolutionary army in the district is just a dog that lost his family.

Even dare to attack them!

But soon the red dog couldn’t laugh.

Today’s revolutionary army is no longer what it used to be, no longer the guerrilla force it used to be.

It has long been turned into an unusually large army.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to occupy the first half of the Great Route.

However, it is too presumptuous to launch an attack in front of oneself like this!

“Since the dragon hasn’t appeared yet, let’s kill these guys first!” Akainu said.

Now in the water capital, in addition to their two generals, there are only two lieutenant generals, plus four brigadier generals.

In the face of these main forces of the revolutionary army, combat effectiveness is not above a level.

The pheasant did not speak, but answered the red dog’s question with actions.

Jump straight down from the high platform and go down to fight the revolutionary army.

“This bastard!” The red dog was angry and had nothing to say.

With such a difficult person to communicate, sooner or later you will be angry to death.

Akainu was angry and jumped into the battle below.

Only then did the Navy’s shrill siren sound.

Toot toot toot!

In a small alley, French couldn’t help but speak.

“Here we go! It’s really started! ”

As Marshal Heavenly Punishment said, the revolutionary army really fought the navy.

“Big brother, let’s act!” The little brother next to him said.

“Good.” French nodded.

More than a dozen younger brothers immediately lifted the manhole cover next to him very skillfully.

Frankie got into the first of them, and then two people came down with him.

When asked about the smell in the sewers, French couldn’t help but feel dizzy.

Immediately pressed the button on the nose, and the sense of smell suddenly disappeared.

“Are you sure this road leads to prison?” French asked again.

Although more than a dozen younger brothers have already taken turns to guarantee it.

But now that the time has come to implement the plan, French has to be more cautious.

“Absolutely no problem, this was an abandoned building before, we used to live here, and we were kicked out these days when the naval branch was expanded.” When the younger brother said this, he also seemed very helpless.

Counting up, it is equivalent to the navy occupying their home.

“Well, after rescuing the iceberg, we will have a new home.” French comforted.

The three men walked down the sewer for a while, and the two younger brothers stopped under a manhole cover.

Above that, there are cells.

Because the water capital is soaked all year round, most of the rooms are also equipped with sewers.

Frankie climbed up and eavesdropped for a few minutes, making sure there was no movement on it.

“Iceberg! Iceberg! Only then did he begin to call the iceberg’s name.

The iceberg inside the cell suddenly opened his eyes, and he heard Franky’s voice. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After what happened last time, Iceberg already knew that this sound was definitely not an illusion.

“Franky, are you there?” Iceberg asked in a low voice.

And try to find the direction of the sound.

Soon the iceberg was discovered, and the sound was coming from below.

“I’m here! Inside the sewers. French said.

“Why are you here! Hurry up and leave! “(AGEC) The iceberg is a little anxious.

Now in Iceberg’s view, he was arrested alone.

The situation is also relatively safe.

However, once Franky is also involved and is discovered by the world government, he will surely die.

“Do you have a navy on it?” French asked.

“There was only one guard, and the others ran out, as if there was an emergency.” Iceberg said.

Now there is only one iceberg in the cell, so no more guards are arranged.

As soon as the words fell, a bang was heard.

French drilled straight out of the ground.

The first reaction was to look for the guards that Iceberg said, and sure enough, there was only one person.

When the guard saw someone break in, he immediately opened fire.

But the bullets all hit Franky in the front.

The modified French is immune to most of the powerless attacks on the front.

Anyone who is weaker cannot penetrate the steel in front of French.

Franky fired at the bullet and rushed to the guards to knock him unconscious.

“Let’s go, iceberg, there should be a navy coming in later!” Frankie tore open the railing of the cell directly.

Seeing this scene, Iceberg no longer hesitated to get up and come out with Frankie.

When he came to the sewer entrance, French burned the shackles on Iceberg’s hands with flames.

After entering the sewers, he ran all the way, and was relieved to see that there were no chasing soldiers behind him.

Perhaps because the fighting outside was so fierce, no one noticed the gunfire inside the cell.

“How did you come over?” Iceberg gasped.

“It’s a long story, at least you can be rescued from the execution table by the red dog, which is the gift of that adult.” Frankie said.

Iceberg immediately understood who Frankie was talking about.

It’s just that there are more than a dozen younger brothers here, so it’s not convenient to say it explicitly.

“You promised him?” Iceberg asked.

“That’s right, this is the only chance to save you, and you don’t seem to have a choice now.” French said with a wry smile.

Iceberg was previously free, but now he is a wanted criminal.

Except for the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, there really was no one who could shelter him.

After all, the icebergs are captured by real power figures such as Spandam and Red Dog.

Or simply become a pirate.

But Iceberg has never had this kind of thought, and does not think that he can live a dashing life after becoming a pirate.

For items like the Hades blueprint, it is impossible for the Navy to give up the search.

It is estimated that if you can’t hide for a few days, you will be found by the navy.

At that time, the end will only be worse.

“Well, I can’t stay in the water capital anymore, and if that adult doesn’t dislike it, I’m willing to go.”

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