After previous persuasion, emptiness is very clear about one thing.

That is, it is very difficult to persuade Lu Chen to fight the revolutionary army.

I’m afraid that only the five old stars can do this.

Thinking of this, Sora immediately sent a message to the Holy Land.

Tell them that the problems facing the world government today cannot stop the revolutionary army.

It is necessary to ask for help from the marshal of heavenly punishment.

Although it is a very faceless thing to do so.

The dignified commander of the three armies could not even order the subordinate marshals.

But Sora has long been accustomed to this.

And Sora also knows that it’s not just that he can’t drive the road dust.

Even the five old stars are helpless most of the time when facing road dust.

Holy Land, Mary Joa.

After receiving the empty information, the five old stars also immediately gathered together to discuss.

They also did not expect that the rout of the navy would be so rapid.

Today’s world government is so powerless in the face of revolutionary armies.

The water capital where the two generals sit could not stop the pace of the revolutionary army.

“Incompetent, so incompetent!”

“06 can’t all blame Kong, the revolutionary army is an enemy we have never encountered before!”

“That’s right, in the entire eight-hundred-year history of the world government, there has never been such a difficult enemy as the revolutionary army!”

“In any case, we can no longer count on the void to control the situation.”

Although the five old stars do not have a unified opinion on the void.

But at least one point of view is agreed.

That is, the hope that the air can no longer continue to deal with the revolutionary army.

“Until now, only the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!”

“That’s right, road dust can deal with dragons.”

“In terms of military talent, Lu Chen is definitely the strongest in the world!”

“After all, it is the strongest navy, and Long still has to call Lu Chen uncle! This is simply an elder teaching a lesson. ”

The five old stars even agreed with the fact that Lu Chen could definitely defeat the dragon.

This is also the last resort of the five old stars to deal with the dragon, and it is the source of their confidence.

The only question is how to convince Luchen.

“What is the position of the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces?”

“According to the previous situation, there should be no problem, he is very interested in the position of marshal.”

“What if he doesn’t say yes? Don’t forget to persuade him to become a general, and he will pay for the entire country of Wano! ”

“We don’t have any leverage anymore.”

“It’s better to let him put forward his own conditions.”

“That’s a good idea.”

On the other side, Lu Chen has returned to the country of Wano through the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Hancock stood in front of Lu Chen, pen and paper in his hand.

“Have I written all that?” Lu Chen asked.

“Master, it’s all written!” Hancock nodded.

Previously, Hancock repeatedly expressed that he did not want to leave Wano Country and go to other places.

So Lu Chen simply left Hancock by his side and let her work as a secretary.

I have to say that Hancock is very qualified as a secretary, especially when wearing secretarial professional clothes, he highlights his figure to the fullest.

In particular, there is very little fabric on the body, and it is all lace.

This makes Luchen very eye-catching in his spare time.

I have to say that in the pirate world, perhaps because the weather in many areas is too hot.

Many women wear very sexy bikinis on their bodies.

The people around were also strange, and they didn’t feel strange at all.

“Prepare, just inform the entire Navy as an order from the headquarters of the Navy.” Lu Chen nodded.

“Master, announce it to the world now? Don’t report in advance to the reporting holy land and the air marshal? “Hancock was a little worried.

It turned out that what Lu Chen asked her to write just now was a notice to the Navy. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tell them that the former Whitebeard Pirates and the former Aunt Pirates have now joined the Navy and become members of the Navy.

Do not attack the Navy after encountering it.

After all, these two pirate groups were famous in the world before, and they had blood feuds with many navies.

In case there is a navy that can’t bear to shoot.

Or people who don’t believe that Whitebeard and the others have joined the navy, thinking that they are just pretending to be the navy and escaping from the advancing city.

Serious conflict will break out, and things will end hard.

Neither aspect of punishment is appropriate.

Hancock considered the reaction of the Holy Land.

Now the Holy Land does not know the news that Master has released the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the Aunt Pirate Group.

“No need, people are originally caught by me, I can do whatever I want.” Lu Chen smiled faintly.

Hancock was instantly infected by this smile, so charming!

He is worthy of being the strongest man in the world and is worth following for the rest of his life.

“Master is so powerful!” Hancock’s eyes reflected the light of adoration.

Lu Chen saw Han Cook’s adoring expression, and his mood also became happy.

No wonder it is said that being worshiped is a very enjoyable feeling.

Especially a beauty like Han Cook.

Fortunately, Hancock is a character that Olbia watched grow up and is like half a daughter.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the wife to agree to a big beauty like Hancock as her secretary, and she will definitely be jealous.

“Hurry up and tell the entire navy the news, it is estimated that it will not be long before the whitebeards will be discovered.” Lu Chen nodded and said.

After crossing the Gate of Justice, they have entered the New World and navigated for a whole day.

“Yes!” Hancock gave a standard military salute. 513

The body floated up and down with the movement, and when I saw the road dust, I almost spewed out nosebleeds.

Lu Chen would not have thought that his every move was also discovered by Hancock.

When Hancock came to the hallway, he couldn’t help but clench his fists.

That’s great!

Sure enough, Master likes this kind of clothes, and after he goes back, will he do some more cutting?

Of course, this kind of clothing can only be shown to the master alone when he is alone.

Prepare an extra coat yourself.

When there are others, put it on yourself!

I am afraid that this practice cannot be concealed from Master’s eyes.

But as long as Master doesn’t order himself to stop doing this, it definitely means that Master also likes to watch it!

So as a disciple, isn’t it normal to satisfy the master?

Well, it must be so, Hancock nodded secretly.

Where did Lu Chen know that so many changes had taken place in Hancock’s heart, he was just lamenting that Hancock had matured a lot.

Not only physically, but psychologically.

It is already known to think more about things, such as the reaction of the Holy Land.

Bulu Bru, Bru Bru.

At this moment, the telephone worm from the Holy Land rang.

Lu Chen frowned, could it be said that the five old stars already knew about this matter of the Whitebeard Pirates.

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