No one in Wano Country knows about this except Hancock.

It can only be that someone in the city told the five old stars.

Is it Magellan or Hannibal?

Lu Chen felt that it should not be, the two of them were absolutely loyal to themselves.

It is estimated that the other guards reported it, after all, there were thousands of people up and down the city.

However, when Lu Chen picked up the phone, he knew that what the five old stars said was not about this.

“Road dust! Now that the revolutionary army is flooding in the first half of the Great Voyage, you, as the uncle of the dragon, should bear the responsibility of uprising and destroying your relatives. ”

Hearing this, Lu Chen smiled.

“What does the events of the first half of the Great Voyage have to do with me, my duty is to guard the New World and avoid the appearance of pirates who can enter Ralph Drew.”

The importance of the New World is much greater than the first half of the Great Voyage.

After all, it’s about lost history, and Draco’s rule.

“What’s more, I’m just Dragon’s uncle, if you really want to destroy your relatives, let Karp go.” Lu Chen added.

The five old stars were speechless.

The so-called righteous annihilation of relatives is just a rhetoric.

On this sea, there are not many cases of fratricidalism.

Even the saying that tiger poison does not eat children does not apply.

Moreover, everyone knows that since the dragon was born, Karp has basically not disciplined much.

I would not have imagined that not long after entering the navy, Long would defect and form a revolutionary army on his own.

Now it is an existence that can threaten the world government.

What’s more, with Karp’s age and combat effectiveness, there is absolutely no chance of winning the dragon.

You can only be captured by the other party and become the laughing stock of the world.

“Let’s set the conditions, this matter can be discussed, as long as you promise to destroy the revolutionary army.”

The five old stars did not expect to be able to convince Lu Chen with a few simple words.

They all knew that Lu Chen would not do it easily if he did not see the benefits.

“I don’t have any conditions.” Lu Chen said lightly.

This sentence is definitely the last thing the five old stars want to hear.

As long as the road dust can make a request, they can find a way to meet it.

It’s this attitude of wanting nothing that makes people have a headache.

“How about promoting you to commander of the three armed forces!”

As a last resort, the five old stars can only show their chips first.

“Commander-in-chief of the three armies? What about emptiness? Lu Chen asked.

“Now that the revolutionary army is so rampant, there is a great responsibility to deprive him of the position of commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, presumably he has no opinion, not to mention his age.” Five Old Star said.

The air commander has also been conscientious for many years, and there is hard work without merit.

Lu Chen also did not expect that the five old stars would be so desperate.

Take out the empty spot to yourself.

However, thinking of the fate of the previous Warring States, it is not difficult to understand that there is such treatment.

In the end, they are all tool people in the Holy Land.

What career honors and heroic titles have no value at all in the five old stars.

“If I fail, then will I also be stripped of all honor?” Lu Chen smiled and said.

The five old stars could hear the meaning of mockery from Lu Chen’s laughter.

This made the five old stars realize that maybe they did it with some desperation.

But without this desperation, they would not be able to get to their place.

“Road dust, you won’t, we all know your strength, there will definitely be no problem in eliminating the revolutionary army.” Five Old Star comforted.

“I refuse, I have no interest in the position of commander-in-chief, and I will not make a move with the revolutionary army.” Lu Chen said very crisply.

“Why? Is it because of blood relations? If you refuse to carry out the order, then we can only choose not to go through you, but to recruit the navy of the country of peace! ”

Five Old Star frowned. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

According to their eyeliner intelligence inside the country of Wano, Lu Chen is a very emotional person.

As long as it is Lu Chen’s disciples and recruited people, they can basically be reused.

This cronyism has not aroused people’s dissatisfaction.

Because Lu Chen’s disciples themselves are all true talents, none of them are unconvincing.

In the country of Wano, it seems that a group of new generations of excellent navies have emerged that follow the dust of the road.

It includes almost all the talents that appear in the Navy today.

If Lu Chen is unwilling to fight the dragon because of blood relations, then this statement is somewhat credible.

However, the five old stars would not sit idly by and watch such a large group of powerful combat power become a decoration.

In their view, the country of Wano is the territory of road dust.

But all the navies under Lu Chen are members of the world government!

Now that the world government is in crisis, these navies have to be mobilized.

Even if you offend the road dust because of this, there is no way.

“It’s not because of blood, I just think there’s nothing wrong with the revolutionary army.” Lu Chen said lightly.

This sentence was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and it shocked the five old stars.

They were all lying or sitting, and they all stood up in an instant.

“‘You, you actually sympathize with the revolutionary army!'”

In an environment similar to the rampant revolutionary army, the world government has upgraded its attitude towards the revolutionary army.

Not only joining and helping the revolutionary army, etc. are crimes.

Even those who simply sympathize with the revolutionary army will be considered a fellow party.

As a marshal of the navy, it is impossible for Lu Chen not to understand this truth.

But Lu Chen openly faced them and said it.

There is no doubt that it is challenging the five old stars!

“When did I say that I sympathized with the revolutionary army.” Lu Chen said on the phone.

Hearing Lu Chen say this, the five old stars were relieved.

Once Lu Chen really thinks so, then the consequences are unimaginable.

The five old stars all know the horror of the revolutionary army’s ideology and can brainwash a person.

Maybe it was just hearing that he was about to be erected, so Lu Chen said angry words.

“To be precise, I should not object to what the revolutionary army did, after all, this set of ideas was also taught to Long by me.” Lu Chen added.

This sentence directly made the hearts of the five old stars fall into the freezing point.

This set of unbreakable thoughts of the dragon was actually taught to him by Lu Chen!

For the dragon’s intelligence, they can all be said to be backwards.

It was Lu Chen who led the dragon into military service, and also followed Lu Chen for a while.

But the five old stars could not have imagined that the ideas of the revolutionary army came from Lu Chen.

“Lu Chen, do you know what you say!”

Five Old Star questioned.

“Of course, there is nothing to hide until now, to be honest, I have long been unhappy with Draco.” Lu Chen laughed.

Choosing to showdown at this time is also a matter of no way for road dust.

After all, the five old stars have decided to empty themselves, and he must fight back! .

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