“Now we are no longer pirates, but the navy! In the future, actions must be carried out according to orders. Whitebeard said.

Only then did the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Group remember that their identities had changed.

As a navy, of course, you can’t be as dashing and cheerful as before.

You can do whatever you want.

It all starts with learning to follow orders.

At first, they were quite resistant to this matter.

After all, they are all used to wandering freely.

However, when they found out, the powerful Marshal of Heavenly Punishment had also been under the orders of the navy all these years.

Instantly I felt like I could accept it.

“That’s right, let’s wait until we go to Wano Country first.”

“To be honest, I am still a little scared in my heart, and I have bad memories with Kazunokoku.”

“It’s all in the past, we should look forward, there are even more hateful Draco waiting for us to defeat!”

Seeing this scene, the people of the Aunt Pirate Group did not laugh.

They have also learned the news of the war with the country of Wano from the mouths of the Whitebeard Pirates and others.

They were also very impressed that the Whitebeard Pirates dared to attack the country of Wa. 06

Although the final result is not good, the process is thrilling.

It is also far better than their defeat in all nations.

How to say that it was also the marshal of the heavenly punishment who hit the door directly.

A few warships defeated them, and it is estimated that they have become a laughing stock when they are spread.

In the end, it is just a group of pirates who want to attack the country of Wa, which is too whimsical.

In particular, at that time, Wano Country was already a naval headquarters, not an ordinary military fortress.

“Report! Warships appeared ahead! ”

Suddenly a crew member shouted.

“I’ll take a look.” Marko volunteered to investigate.

Instantly, the hot flames turned into wings, and Marko was flying in the air.

“This ship doctor of yours likes to fly.” Auntie teased.

“No way, I haven’t flown for half a year.” Whitebeard also looked at Marko with a spoiled look.

Marko quickly completed his reconnaissance and returned to Whitebeard’s ship.

It’s just that he has an unhappy expression, and he should not be very happy.

“What’s wrong? Enemies? Whitebeard frowned.

Although in the new world, not all navies choose to join Wano Country.

There are also many navies that remain loyal to the world government.

The Whitebeard Pirates and others became the targets of these naval attacks.

In the past few days, several waves of attacks have been encountered.

For these desperate navies, Whitebeard and Aunt did not start to kill them all.

How to say that they are all navy now, and they definitely can’t do the same things as when they were pirates before.

“Not an enemy, a nasty guy.” Marko turned his head.

As for who this nasty guy was, soon Whitebeard and the others saw it.

A white plume of smoke drifted from that ship.

“It turned out to be that guy.”

For this person, Whitebeard is still very impressed.

Although the strength is not the top water skin.

But in the war with the country of Wano, Marko felt a very headache.

The person who came was none other than Smocha.

When Smocha stepped onto the deck, everyone noticed something unusual about his navy suit.

Originally, the two words of the navy on it were changed and one more word was added.

Instantly turned into a new navy.

“It seems that you have chosen the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.” Whitebeard didn’t feel any surprise.

Instead, he thought that if Smocha didn’t do this, it would seem abnormal.

After all, Marshal Heavenly Punishment is very fond of Smocah.

I heard that he specially recalled Smocha from the East China Sea and participated in the war with the country. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because there was great merit in the war with the country of Wano.

Therefore, he was also directly promoted to lieutenant general.

Not only Smocha, but many people were rewarded in that war.

Now it seems that this is suspected of the marshal of heavenly punishment buying people’s hearts.

“Of course, do you want me to choose to be with the pirates?” Smocha said as he spat out a cigarette ring.

Talking about this in front of a group of former pirates is, of course, very unpleasant.

“You guy, you’re mocking us.” Marko was the first to express his dissatisfaction.

“Hehe, absolutely not, aren’t you also in the navy now? I can’t get on a pirate’s boat, and although people call me a mad dog, I’m not really crazy. ”

Smocha said with a smile, looking like he was looking for a fight.

It can be seen that he is indeed mocking the people in front of him.

It was not only the Whitebeard Pirates who were injured in the battle against the country, but also many navies.

There are also people in the navy who look at Whitebeard and others who are very unhappy.

But now for the sake of the big picture, we can only accept this.

Whitebeard threw over a bottle of wine.

After the result, Smoka didn’t say a word, broke the bottle and drank it.

Being able to drink with Whitebeard has proven that the past time is good.

It is time for everyone to put aside their past and look forward.

After putting the bottle down, everyone’s eyes looking at Smoka had been much kinder.

“I’m here to pick you up, the order of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.” Smoka said.

Hearing this, Whitebeard and the others were surprised.

“Why do you need to pick us up?” Whitebeard asked.

There are only two reasons.

The first is that there are 590 dangers on the road, and you have to come and pick them up.

But they are not far away from the country of Wano.

Could it be that an enemy has already attacked at such a close distance?

The second reason may make them more uncomfortable.

That is, road dust is still blessed and vigilant for them.

Now that they are all ready to surrender 100%, this distrust is very uncomfortable.

“I’m afraid you don’t know the way.” Smoka quipped.

Obviously, this kind of cold joke did not make Whitebeard and others feel at ease.

But since they are already in the Navy, there is no need to find various reasons.

The order of the marshal of heavenly punishment is to directly obey the order.

Three days later, Whitebeard and the others finally reached Wano Country.

Compared to when he left, Wano Country has not changed much.

It’s just that the traces of the previous battle have all been restored.

At the entrance of Wano Country, a large number of soldiers have also appeared here one after another.

Seeing the heavily guarded entrance of Wano Country, Whitebeard was also very emotional.

Join before their arrival, Wano Country is such an unbreakable appearance.

So will they still choose to continue attacking the country of Wano.

I’m afraid Whitebeard doesn’t feel like he can’t.

Because they couldn’t even enter the country of Wano at that time, what else could they talk about attacking and saving people! .

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