Headquarters of the Navy of Wano Country, Office of Marshal Heavenly Punishment.

The two people standing in front of Lu Chen were Katakuri and Klockdar.

“Master! They are already coming. Klockdar looked excited, and seemed a little impatient.

During the time of advancing into the city, Klockdar had a good relationship with many members of the two pirate groups.

Klockdar often fought against them to hone his skills.

Now that they can finally be together as normal people, there are more opportunities to fight.

“Well, you are all old acquaintances, go and greet you.” Lu Chen nodded.

“Yes!” Klockdar nodded excitedly and prepared to leave.

But he was shocked to find Katakuri standing in place without moving.

“Master! Allow me not to show up, or simply send me out, there is a lot to do now. Katakuri also rarely refused Lu Chen’s order.

“Is it afraid to see your mother?” Lu Chen smiled, knowing what Katakuri was thinking.

“Hmm.” Katakuri did not deny it either.

In the Navy, Katakuri is now a top vice admiral.

But in front of Lu Chen, Katakuri is still the student who has been exploring and learning.

“I always have to meet, we can’t delay it forever, and I wasn’t afraid when I was arrested more than ten years ago, why am I afraid now.” Lu Chen felt quite puzzled.

I remember that when I first arrested my aunt, Katakuri was quite resolute.

He even took the initiative to say to himself that he would not be soft.

Now that I have grown up, it is not as good as before.

“In the city, my mother never gave me a good face.” Katakuri looked rather helpless.

I thought that ten years would be enough to make up for these rifts.

Now it seems that this is completely wishful thinking.

“Isn’t that easy? What a proud person Auntie is, how can she accept defeat, when you appear in front of him, you appear as a victor, how can she accept you. “Lu Chen is also very familiar with this mentality.

Plus Katakuri was equivalent to betraying Aunt before, and Aunt would not talk to a traitor.

“So what should I do?” Katakuri is still confused.

“It’s good to appear normally, if Auntie has an opinion about you, defeat her.” Lu Chen said lightly.

“Defeat mother!” Katakuri was stunned.

Even if Aunt was imprisoned for ten years, Katakuri did not have this confidence.

“Who doesn’t want to see their son grow up, you should prove that you are the best son of your aunt.” Lu Chen said.

“I see!” Katakuri already had the answer in his heart.

Before leaving, Katakuri couldn’t help but turn around and say something to Lu Chen.

“Thank you, Master!”

Lu Chen knew that this thank you did not just refer to the opinion he gave him this time.

Instead, he was thanking himself for releasing Aunt from the city.

Although he had known the news of his aunt’s release for a long time, Katakuri had never had time to thank Lu Chen.

All because Katakuri’s character is inherently restrained and rarely expresses himself.

Now it’s time to say it.

“Go ahead.” Lu Chen nodded gratifyingly.

Watching the disciples grow up day by day, he was also sincerely happy.

After the two left, Hancock walked in.

“Master! In response to the false accusations made against us by the world government, a notice of rebuttal has now been written. ”

Then Hancock handed over a document.

The content in this document is aimed at advancing the city incident.

The first of course, of course, is to say that everything that happens in the advance city is just a conspiracy of the navy.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Aunt Pirates both joined the Navy with a change of heart, and Lu Chen gave them this opportunity.

As for the other released criminals, they have nothing to do with themselves.

All are released by the world government. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He also warns these criminals not to step into the new world, otherwise they will be killed.

Lawfully kill on sight!

This wording can be said to be quite harsh.

In the past, such words rarely appeared in the Navy.

The last to enjoy this treatment was Roger the Pirate King and his crew.

Due to the previous regulations of the world government, Luchen rarely said this and did this.

Now that this announcement has appeared, it will at least ensure that those pirates who are advancing the city will not come towards the country of Wa.

Although the world government is very funny about this planting of road dust.

No normal person would believe that the road dust would release all the criminals who advanced into the city.

But there are some guys with bad heads who really think that they did it themselves.

Running to Wano Country as a pirate is to join yourself.

Lu Chen even knew the real purpose of the Navy, which was just to find them a fig leaf.

The establishment of the Qiwu Sea system has dealt a blow to the prestige of the world government.

The only thing they could do was to accuse Lu Chen of accepting Whitebeard and Aunt.

In this way, the two sides seem to have a tie.

You use pirates, I also use, no one is more upright than anyone.

So Lu Chen said very clearly in the announcement.

Auntie and Whitebeard are both submissive, they are no longer pirates.

But Qiwu Hai is different, still a pirate.

And it is still burning, looting, and will not be punished by the world government.

“‘Very good, remember to add ten exclamation points to the four words of shooting.'” Lu Chen nodded after seeing it.

Add ten exclamation points, which is clearly not the correct way to write.

However, it is only by doing so that the impression can be enhanced.

“Understood!” Hancock nodded and moved to change the report.

Lu Chen also noticed one thing, that is, the clothes on Han Cook’s body seem to be getting less and less?

Yesterday, the shorts on my thighs were 25 centimeters from your knees, and today they are 27 centimeters!

Although Hancock himself is long legged, shorter is not (Wang Mo Zhao) anything.

But this is also too short, and his nosebleeds are coming out soon.

If you continue like this, the words here will become less and less like.

How to say that this is also an office, not a place to buy internal art!

Even if Hancock is a great model, he shouldn’t be showing it here.

“Ahem, Han Cook, your clothes seem to be a little short, and others can’t see it well.” Lu Chen said with a dry cough.

Hancock was overjoyed when he heard it.

Since it is said that it is inconvenient for others to see, then it is not good for others to see.

It would be nice to show it to Master alone.

“Master, it’s a little hot in your office, I will only take off my coat when I come in, and I promise not to let others see it.” Hancock smiled sweetly.

“That’s good.” Lu Chen nodded.

I just felt as if something was wrong.

Never mind! No matter how much.

As long as it is eye-catching, you can sue!.

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