Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 103 The Powerful Controller Of The Undead! Lin Xiu Is Here!


The silver cocoon of light trembled slightly, as if something was gestating inside,

Lin Xiu stared at it without blinking. After half a minute, the light cocoon suddenly started to tremble violently.

Then a crack appeared on the light cocoon, and with a clicking sound,

The crack expanded rapidly, and a white and red figure slowly struggled to get out of it, as if it was breaking out of a shell!

[Obtain: Undead Controller lv1]

A pleasant sound sounded in my mind, and a terrifying soul power made people feel palpitating.

The nearby space seemed to be distorted, and the green grass on the ground was swaying and slowly withering.

Lin Xiu seemed to hear their whine!

The controller of the undead is a transparent soul body holding a staff.

Floating half a foot above the ground, he seemed to be wearing a coir raincoat with a cloak.

Everything in the body, including the staff, is made of disembodied soul energy.

The whole body exudes a breathtaking power, and you can even feel the fear coming from the depths of your soul after just looking at each other!

[Undead Master Iv1]

[First Grade Rank Eight]





[Attack +25%]

[Explosive damage +350%]


Death Pulse Iv1: Fires a death pulse to all nearby creatures within 100 meters, causing damage/recovery of 10% of own life to enemies/friendly forces;

Virtual Reality Conversion Iv1: Can change form at any time. When transformed into a virtual body, it is immune to 50% of physical damage and increased by 30% of spell damage. When transformed into an entity, it is immune to 50% of spell damage and increased by 30% of physical damage;

Heart of Violence lv1: Enemies hit by the Necromancer will feel extreme pain. Each enemy killed within 100 meters will permanently increase the Necromancer's recovery by 1 point and increase the recovery tenfold within ten seconds;

Scorpion Heart Aura Iv1: The scorpion heart aura of the Undead Master will envelope all enemies within 100 meters, causing them to lose 1% of the maximum Health Points in damage per second:

Death's Scythe lv1: Use the Death's Scythe to control the enemy's soul, making him unable to move for three seconds. After three seconds, he will cause 50% of the enemy's lost health as holy damage]


Gaze of Death: Heroes who have been gazed by Death have a special understanding of death, and the effects of all skills are enhanced by 50%;

Blessing of Death: For heroes blessed by Death, the experience required for growth is reduced by 30%]

[Introduction: A special and rare soul hero with extraordinary growth potential and terrible combat experience

In one step, the hero of First Grade Rank Eight,

The level directly surpasses all Lin Xiu's, First Grade Rank Two's Death Knight and First Grade Rank Three's Bounty Hunter,

The basic attributes are not too strong, but the skills are a bit unbelievable!

It seems that there are no attack skills, but they all deal direct percentage damage.

The output should not be underestimated either!

The two passive skills may seem ordinary, but they are actually very extraordinary!

Heart of Violence can permanently increase its own recovery by killing enemies, and can increase its recovery speed in a short period of time.

And this buff can be stacked, which is a bit scary!

If the skill level is raised high enough, the range will be enlarged.

The resilience of the undead master will be increased to an exaggerated level!

Continuously superimposing will achieve a recovery speed thousands of times.

Even if his defense is not high enough, his recovery speed is enough to turn him into the most meaty human shield!

The Scorpion Heart Aura looks a bit harmless, with no explosive damage.

But the continuous percentage of blood loss is still terrifying!

The maximum health point loss is 1% per second. In theory, no matter who the enemy is,

One hundred seconds is enough to kill it...The total output that breaks out in a large battlefield,

It will be extremely amazing!

The transformation between reality and reality is even more abnormal, allowing the undead controller to always control the advantageous battlefield.

If the enemy is of the physical system, it will be transformed into an incorporeal body; if the enemy is of the legal system, it will be transformed into a physical entity.

After the skill is upgraded, the damage reduction ratio will probably increase.

It can even be truly completely immune to a type of damage!

Needless to say, the last Death Scythe is the hard control skill that Lin Xiu has longed for.

The output is also extremely extraordinary. According to numerical inference,

When the enemy's health is reduced to one-third, this skill can even directly kill any enemy instantly!

Even if he couldn't kill instantly, the absolute control for three seconds was nothing short of abnormal.

With the output of Death Knight and Bounty Hunter,

Lin Xiu couldn't imagine what kind of enemy could withstand these three seconds!


After reading the attributes of the undead master, Lin Xiu only had this thought in his mind:

If the Necromancer had been recruited earlier, it wouldn't have been so difficult to defeat these goblins just now.

"Experience beans..."

Everything is ready, Lin Xiu did not stop,

Instead, he took out objects the size of soybeans again.

It is the experience beans that are awarded after clearing the first level of the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit!

[Experience beans: you can get 500,000 experience after use]

One experience bean can directly obtain 500,000 experience points.

Got a hundred in total!

[Transcendent Level Experience Bean: You can get 5 million experience after using it]

There is also the Rookie King Challenge to get ten Transcendent Level experience beans!

"That's 50 million experiences...50 million experiences, 100 million experiences!"

"The controller of the undead has the blessing buff of the God of Death, which can also reduce the experience by 30%..."

"Use them all!"

Lin Xiu murmured, throwing all the experience beans directly to the undead controller to eat,

Looking at the undead controller expectantly, he didn't know how many levels he could directly upgrade to.

[Undead Master v1→lv12]

[Undead Master Iv12→lv15]


[Undead Master Iv66→lv67]

The dazzling upgrade light beam continued to rise, and the level of the newly born undead controller soared directly to Iv Level 67!

One hundred million experience "directly promoted him to M┼upgrade!"

The level even surpasses the Death Knight who has been trained for the longest time!

[Undead Master Iv67]

[First Grade Rank Eight]






Lin Xiu once again opened the attribute panel of the undead controller, and the luxurious thinking attribute made people's eyes pop out!

The combined thinking attributes directly exceeded the 900,000 mark!

Much higher than Death Knight's!

"The attribute conversion skills are all piled up into life, and a death pulse can cause more than 90,000 damage or treatment in a wide range...

Lin Xiu calculated it secretly and was speechless. He could only say that he was invincible!

The damage of more than 90,000 does not seem to be much compared to his various heroes, but in fact, for the bronze and even silver lords,

Even if most of the military units are constantly being cultivated, it is difficult for them to have 90,000 lives!

Moreover, Death Pulse is also a range skill. Once released, it can directly kill all the units of an Ordinary Silver Lord...

That scene is invincible when you think about it!

However, its skills have not been upgraded. It needs to be upgraded with a unique hero skill book or used multiple times to increase skill proficiency.

"Done...it's time to go!"

After most of the resources were consumed, Lin Xiu immediately regrouped and prepared to trigger again.

The guardian monsters in the second-level Secret Realm should have been killed by him, and there is still less than half an hour before entering the third-level Secret Realm.

He couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart when he thought about the breath of opportunity he had just sensed.

Although the harvest this time is great, the Talent improvement card and Talent reset card obtained at the first level of Secret Realm,

In some ways, the value is not necessarily lower than his basic divine power of tens of thousands!

Now that I have encountered it, I naturally don’t waste it.

"This way!"

Lin Xiu recruited new bone horses and was thinking about whether to find an opportunity to synthesize and upgrade the bone horses next time.

While identifying the direction.

If there is Ruowu's aura, he can't tell where it comes from.

But it is very clear that there is a twisted space representing the opportunity of Secret Realm more than ten kilometers away in a certain direction!

"The controller of the undead...take it!"

Lin Xiu pondered slightly and brought the invisible undead controller into the lord space.

The Death Knight and the bounty hunter are invisible and following closely beside them.

Quickly move towards the direction sensed.

With more than 60,000 divine powers, Lin Xiu's physical fitness is like that of a superman.

His figure was like a ghost. He put the bone horse away within two steps of riding.

It is true that the current Rank Ten bone horse is no longer worthy of his speed.

The distance of ten kilometers was reached in just two or three minutes.

The environment here is no different from other places, it is still a lush green grass garden.

The sound of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers is like a paradise.

The smell of opportunity becomes even stronger when it comes here, and its source is just a hundred meters ahead!

"This is it!"

Lin Xiu slowed down and approached cautiously, while the Death Knight, wearing a lightless shield, was stealthed and quietly explored the path.

Although the self-control is strong enough and the skilled person is bold,

But in this unknown place, it's always right to be cautious.

In a dark hall somewhere, four thick columns supported the roof of the hall.

The area is only the size of a football field, and there are strange characters that look like talismans carved on the surrounding walls.

Treasure chests of different colors are placed randomly on the floor of the main hall.

Some of them look like they are made of rotten wood, making people suspicious as if they will dissipate in the wind.

Some are made of bronze, with a bit of green patina in the keyholes.

Some are as golden as gold treasure chests, and some are even made of unknown materials.

It is engraved with exquisite patterns. At a glance, people can’t help but wonder what kind of treasure is worthy of such a precious treasure chest!

Each of the four pillars is engraved with a strange creature, which looks lifelike.

The entire hall was filled with a strange atmosphere, which made people's hair stand on end.

"Damn it, why haven't you come yet? Han Dufeng won't be killed, right?"

In the strange hall, there were actually two people hiding in a dark corner.

You can't even spot it if you don't look carefully.

Astonishingly, they were Li Qinghua and Qin Mingyue!

Li Qinghua was walking around a little irritably at this time, and couldn't help complaining in confusion,


Although I can’t keep track of time while hiding here, as a Silver Lord,

Simple calculation time can still be done.

Seeing that the two hours were almost over, Han Dufeng had planned to lure Lin Xiu here, but there was no movement at all!

Let them squat here for more than an hour in vain, it is simply...

That makes sense!

You have to know that after such a long time, even if they go out and kill a few monsters, it will still be a gain, right?

"Calm down...Isn't it possible that Lin Xiu is already dead?"

Qin Mingyue was relatively calm and said with a sneer,

"You can't mess with the monsters on this second level... If he accidentally kills one, it will be a big show!"

"Killing one will lead to a second one, killing two will inevitably lead to a third one... The more you kill, the more you will gain, but at the same time, you will die faster!"

Qin Mingyue smiled, feeling that Li Qinghua's worries were somewhat unfounded.

Not many people have entered the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit throughout the ages, and more than half of them died on this second level!

Because the monsters on the second level have a characteristic, that is, they have the attribute of revenge.

It's like a hornet's nest, either don't mess with it,

If you provoke someone, be prepared to be hunted down!

With countless goblins chasing him, he didn't think anyone could survive!

After all, this thing is a lesson learned from many predecessors in the temple, and it is the experience of fighting for their lives.

Only they, the second generation, know this secret!

After entering the second level of Secret Realm, it is best to find a place to hide directly.

It's safe to survive these two hours!

"Haha, that's right..."

Li Qinghua smiled immediately after hearing this, but he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

"Be careful when you get to the third floor. If you don't see it...then it's all over!"



The two were talking when suddenly there was a muffled sound,

A figure appeared leisurely in the center of the hall!

"Hmm? Pang Shanshan?"

The two of them suddenly felt nervous, and then breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the person clearly.

It was another person from the second generation, Pang Shanshanshan.

"Humph, I am out in the wind and sun, but you two are flirting..."

Pang Shanshan glanced at Qin Mingyue jealously. She didn't know whether it was because women are naturally jealous or because they were depressed because their bodies were inferior to others.

She always dislikes Qin Mingyue.

"Who's flirting?"

Qin Mingyue's face sank, and she retorted without showing any weakness,

Although she has a proud figure, it does not mean that she is a casual person.

Any woman will not feel happy if she is exposed to pornographic rumors.

"Okay, okay, why are you down?"

Li Qinghua hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over and said what was in his heart. As a normal man, it would be impossible for him to have no thoughts about the two of them.

One has a small figure and a beautiful face, and the other has a devilish figure and is extremely charming.

With the opportunity to be alone again, no one can help but have wild thoughts.

It's a pity that both of them have different identities, and he doesn't dare to show it too obviously.

"Where is Han Dufeng? Will he come back?"

Li Qinghua had no choice but to suppress the greed in his heart and asked in a serious manner.

"Hmph! Who knows where he died?"

Pang Shanshan also knew that there was no point in arguing with Qin Mingyue, so she said angrily,

Before Li Qinghua could be surprised, the last sentence suddenly changed the expressions of the two of them!

"Check the formation one last time, Lin Xiu is coming this way!"


Qin Mingyue's expression changed drastically, and she exclaimed,

"He's here?? Han Dufeng is dead??"

"Could it be that... Han Dufeng betrayed us? And then ran away?"

Li Qinghua's expression also changed drastically, and he couldn't help but think about it.

"It's impossible... He has no reason to do this. Lin Xiu will be dead after he goes out. He has no reason to do this!"

Qin Mingyue immediately rejected his speculation.

"This...could it be that the lure leaked a flaw and was chopped off by Lin Xiu?"

The three of them looked at each other and felt that this might be the most correct one.

Otherwise there is no reason why Lin Xiu would find this place!

"That is to say... he claims to have extraordinary strength, and even though he knew we were trapped here, he still came over on his own initiative??"

Li Qinghua was a little frightened, and he couldn't help but feel fear when he thought about Lin Xiu's bounty hunter's strength, which was like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? In this prisoner's palace, it's useless no matter how strong his hero is!!"

Pang Shanshan looked sinister, but she wasn't too afraid.

She has full confidence in this hall!

"That's right, one last check... We must eradicate Lin Xiu in one fell swoop this time, otherwise none of us will be able to live well!"

Perhaps because he was confident about his trap, Li Qinghua also dispelled the fear in his heart.

He clenched his fist and gave the final order!

"My side...no problem!"

"I have no problem either!

"no problem!"

The three people quickly checked their switches, and then gradually retreated into the darkness to hide.

The hall instantly became quiet.

Not long after, the space began to shake again,

A transparent humanoid creature disappeared in a flash, and instantly disappeared into the Void Minister!


The three people in the dark suddenly felt their hearts skip a beat and couldn't help but hold their breath.

I was extremely nervous!

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