Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 104: Bull Prison Formation! You Are A Beautiful Woman, How Can You Be A Thief?


The next second, a young man in a green shirt suddenly appeared,

Looking at the surrounding environment, a hint of joy suddenly flashed across his face.

"So many treasure chests??"

Lin Xiu looked around dumbly. There were dozens of treasure boxes on the ground.

It looks chaotic, but if you look closely, there seems to be some order.

Seeing the target appear, Li Qinghua couldn't help it.

The mechanism was activated instantly, and he was less than three meters away from Lin Xiu.

A golden treasure chest opened with a bang, and something seemed to be triggered the next second.

The entire dark hall lit up instantly!

Golden veins flow quickly through each rune, and each rune they pass by will light up.

The golden veins were extremely fast, instantly lighting up all the walls around the hall and the runes on the top!

Then the patterns on the four pillars were also lit up, forming a grid like a spider web.

Golden spider webs enveloped the entire hall. Lin Xiu's face changed drastically, but before he could react, he was stuck by the golden grid.

Even the Death Knight, who entered the invisible state first, was directly restrained and passively revealed his figure!

"No! What is this!?"

Lin Xiu's complexion changed drastically, and he began to struggle with the surging divine power.

However, the stickiness of this spider web was astonishing, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

The whole person seemed to be stuck in a swamp, and even the slightest movement was difficult!


Death Knight was also struggling desperately, but to no avail.

The situation was even worse than his, unable to move at all!

Lin Xiu's heart tightened, and he immediately ordered the bounty hunter who was about to enter Secret Realm to pause the script.

I plan to see what happens first before talking about it.

"Hahaha... Lin Xiu, you have today too!"

Seeing that the trap had taken effect, Li Qinghua immediately jumped out with a wild smile,

He looked at Lin Xiu with a sneer, wanting to appreciate Lin Xiu's panicked and frightened expression! "Seven-nine-zero"

"Is it you?"

Lin Xiu's heart sank, and then he discovered the three people hiding in the corner.

Astonishingly, they are the second generation of the three temples: Li Qinghua, Pang Shanshan and Qin Mingyue!

Everything suddenly became clear in my heart!

No wonder I suddenly sensed an opportunity...it turned out to be the fault of these three people!

But how they did it, he didn't know.

"Haha, you humble reptile, ruining my good deeds..."

Li Qinghua admired his masterpiece and did not see fear in Lin Xiu's eyes.

This made him a little disappointed.

"Do you really think that with your bravery, you can compare with us?"

Li Qinghua carefully avoided the treasure chest. Every step he took happened to be between the golden grids and did not touch any golden threads.

With his hands behind his back, his face looked proud that he had a winning chance.

"What do you want?"

Lin Xiu looked at Li Qinghua's steps with twinkling eyes. He had already walked between the golden grids.

But it was not stuck to the grid like him, which made him have some guesses.

But he didn't rush to take action. After all, speculation is just speculation.

What if Li Qinghua did it on purpose, just to trick him out of his last trump card?

Then there is really a chance that the boat will capsize in the gutter today.

"What do I think? Hahaha..."

Li Qinghua laughed wildly, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes,

"You ask me what I want to do if I kill my super-class soldiers??"

Li Qinghua looked at Lin Xiu bitterly, the anger in his heart burst out instantly,

As a second generation and a man,

Now it is the weakest!

He had to ask two women for their opinions on everything, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to his self-esteem!

What made him even more angry was that Lin Xiu, whom he had photographed before entering Secret Realm, knelt down in shame!

Kneel down and beg for mercy, then turn against Wu Xiaowei and attack him.

Kill Fang Bin.

Either way is a trample on his self-esteem, which is noble and arrogant!

Such a shame must be washed away with Lin Xiu's blood!

What's more, Lin Xiu is immortal,

They will definitely be punished after they get out!

"What is this?? What are your motivations!?"

Lin Xiu struggled hard and asked angrily,

However, no matter how hard he struggled, nothing happened!

As he struggled harder and harder, even the golden grid lines began to tremble.

The entire golden spider web is also shaking slightly, as if it has trapped a relatively large enemy!

"Damn it!"

Li Qinghua cursed secretly, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes,

He repeatedly withdrew from the scope of the spider web, as if he was afraid of being stuck by the spider web.

"Struggle...the more you struggle, the tighter it becomes!"

Standing outside the circle, Li Qinghua once again resumed his condescending attitude.

He looked at the field with a sneer, admiring Lin Xiu's appearance as he was wrapped in more and more golden light.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Kill first and then talk!"

Qin Mingyue frowned slightly and directly summoned the super-level half-human deer.

Interrupting Li Qinghua's taunting.

She didn't see any fear on Lin Xiu's face, even though everything was going well now.

This prisoner ox formation perfectly controlled Lin Xiu, and with the strength of this formation,

If someone who is not well versed in the details wants to break free by brute force, he must at least be a gold lord or above.

But for some reason she just felt a little uneasy. This feeling made her reluctant to tease Lin Xiu.

I just want to kill Lin Xiu quickly to avoid a long night of dreams!

"Haha, what a handsome guy... What a pity!"

Pang Shanshan twisted her slender waist and looked at Lin Xiu's handsome face, which seemed a little pity.

But he showed no mercy at all!

"Shaman! Chain Lightning!"

He stretched out his hand and an ugly orc priest appeared.

As he raised his hand, a lightning chain instantly crossed the space and hit Lin Xiu hard!



Lin Xiu felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his whole body was shaking and twitching.

Most of the hair on my head stood up!

"Spear of Nature!"

Not to be outdone, Qin Mingyue merged with the green energy in the half-man deer's hand and turned it into a short spear.

Throw it out hard and insert it into Lin Xiu's body almost instantly!


Lin Xiu's eyelids twitched, and she suddenly stopped pretending.

He can resist chain lightning because his divine power is as high as 60,000.

You can completely ignore this damage, but I don’t know how much damage this short spear will do.

It would not be fun if a bloody hole was inserted into his body, and he has no masochistic tendencies.

"Apholess Shield!"

Although Death Knight is trapped and unable to move, his skills can still be activated.

A gray-white shield instantly enveloped Lin Xiu, and the short spear made a crisp sound after hitting the shield.

Then the energy turned into Pure again and disappeared.

It was just the sudden appearance of the Aphotic Shield that made the expressions of the three of them suddenly change!

"Aphotic Shield... Death Knight!? Damn it, how could there be a Death Knight!??"

Li Qinghua was the first to react and screamed in disbelief,

Turning his head to look at the skeleton that was also trapped not far away, his pupils suddenly shrank!

"It's Death Knight...be careful, he also has a bounty hunter!"

Li Qinghua's expression changed drastically, he stepped back and shouted in horror.

"What!?? How could it be the Death Knight?? Wasn't the Death Knight sacrificed??"

Qin Mingyue's expression suddenly changed drastically, and a trace of panic flashed across her face.

He immediately took a few steps back and continued to move irregularly, looking around uneasily trying to find traces of the bounty hunter!

"Silly Que... Even if you are invisible, you can't avoid the blockade of the Prison Niu Formation!"

Pang Shanshan was shocked at first, then quickly reacted,

Looking at the two people who were panicking, a trace of disdain flashed in their eyes.

I don’t understand how these two idiots were chosen to be teammates with them,

It’s really bloody mold!

"It didn't appear, either it wasn't summoned, or it hasn't come down yet!"

"But no matter which one it is, as long as it dares to appear, it will not escape the fate of being trapped by the prisoner cattle formation!"

"What are you afraid of?"

Pang Shanshan looked at the two people with disdain, a trace of ridicule flashed in her eyes,

"It's nothing more than a lightless shield. Once it's broken, it's over!"

Li Qinghua and Li Qinghua were immediately ashamed, and their faces turned red before they realized what they were doing.

Dunima has come into the trap, what else do you have to be afraid of?

"No...that's right, kill!"

Li Qinghua was a little embarrassed after being scolded, but he was not as strong as others.

He didn't dare to fight back, so he could only pour all his anger on Lin Xiu!

"Huh, so what if there's a Death Knight? Flash Crash!"

Li Qinghua became angry and summoned a large number of small mountain giants with a wave of his hand.

At the same time, the skill Flash Collapse was activated, and countless rocks appeared out of thin air in an instant.

The mountain giant threw him at Lin Xiu!

"Hmph! I want you to take care of it!?"

Qin Mingyue said something unconvinced, but she also knew that now was not the time to quarrel.

He simply ordered the Deer to continue attacking Lin Xiu.


Lin Xiu had some regrets. He originally hid the Death Knight as a trump card at critical moments.

However, things are unpredictable. Who would have thought that such a formation would be hidden here?

Caught off guard, Death Knight's appearance effect failed and he was directly exposed.

The bounty hunter appeared before, but now it has lost its surprise attack effect.

But it doesn’t matter, they’re only apart for a few hours,

No one can imagine how his strength has changed!

“If you don’t take the road to heaven, why do you have to seek death??”

After everything was exposed, Lin Xiu simply stopped pretending.

The erected hairs on my head fell down, and my body no longer trembled.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the three people opposite him, murmuring in confusion.

He really didn't quite understand that he had obviously let them go.

Why do these people have to seek death and come to provoke me?

The so-called prison bull array is well buried here, as well as the breath of opportunity that suddenly appears in the outside world.

It was obvious that they had deliberately lured him here, intending to trap him and then kill him!

It was clear that both parties were in peace with each other, even if they had resentment towards him,

After going out, you can use the power behind your family to deal with yourself better.

But he had to risk being trapped and killed in this Secret Realm... He looked a bit retarded no matter how he looked at it.


Lin Xiu raised her head and smiled, her bangs covering her left eye several times.

For some reason, Pang Shanshan always has a creepy feeling.

It's like awakening a terrifying demon!

"Haha...you dare to speak harshly even when you are about to die!"

Pang Shanshan took two steps back uneasily, forcing a smile to cover up her fear...

"Let's see who is looking for death!"

Li Qinghua also felt numb. Lin Xiu seemed to be smiling like this outside Secret Realm at that time,

Then bounty hunting

Someone suddenly appeared and instantly killed his mountain giant!

Qin Mingyue said nothing, but she frowned and felt a little uneasy.

"How can you, a beautiful woman like me, be a thief?"

Lin Xiu looked at Qin Mingyue. He couldn't understand this girl the most.

It obviously has nothing to do with it, why did he suddenly take action against himself?

It's a bit of a pity for a cute girl with big breasts.

"Quick! Take action quickly, break the lightless shield and kill him!"

Qin Mingyue became increasingly uneasy and ignored Lin Xiu's questions.

Instead, he urged uneasily.

"court death!"

Lin Xiu looked at the three unrepentant people and immediately didn't bother to talk nonsense with them.

Death Knight instantly understood his master's thoughts, roared angrily, and stabbed the blood-soaking blade into the ground fiercely.

A huge tombstone fell from the sky,

Smashed hard into the golden spider web, the golden light spread quickly to entangle it,

However, the death tombstone is in an invincible state, and the Entanglement is indifferent to the golden light!

"Tombstone of Death!"

Li Qinghua's expression changed, and in the next second countless Skeleton Warriors appeared out of thin air behind each small mountain giant.

The sharp claws bite their skin fiercely!

"Invincible! They are invincible. Leave them alone and just kill Lin Xiu!"

"The Ox Prison Formation doesn't work...concentrate the fire to break the lightless shield!"

Cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of several people. This move caught them off guard.

Although the invincible Skeleton Warrior's attack is not high, it attacks one every second...

When the number increases, it becomes a bit scary!

Not to mention anything else, just being surrounded can make you unable to move!

When facing a powerful enemy like Lin Xiu, any mistake would be fatal.

They must kill Lin Xiu quickly, otherwise the longer it takes, the higher the chance of an accident!

Lin Xiu sneered as he watched them attack crazily, with countless rocks and spears smashing crazily on the aphotic shield on his body.

However, the more they attacked, the more frightened they became!

Cold sweat broke out on Pang Shanshan's forehead, and she even stopped attacking unconsciously!

"His...this shield...how thick is it??"

Pang Shanshan was terrified, and despair gradually rose in her heart.

Lin Xiu was trapped, and the three of them attacked frantically, but the more they fought, the more desperate they became.

"Stop...can't fight...stop!!"

Pang Shanshan drank sweetly and asked Qin Mingyue and Li Qinghua to stop.

A group of orcs even stood in front of the stone man, which immediately surprised Li Qinghua!

"What are you doing?? Are you crazy??"

Li Qinghua cursed loudly and looked at Pang Shanshan with a pale face.

His eyes were extremely unkind, but he had to stop his attack.

"Humph, idiot!"

Pang Shanshan's face became even more gloomy, and she cursed unceremoniously and disdainfully,

"That's the Aphotic Shield!! It has counter-injury. How many fucking attacks did it absorb? Do you want to die??"


Li Qinghua suddenly shivered, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Only then did I remember the properties of Aphotic Shield. As the most famous skill of Death Knight, the most common undead hero,

They are very familiar with the attributes!

Not only can it absorb a large amount of damage, but it can also reflect all the damage away after the shield is broken.

Extremely unbelievable!

They have been fighting for nearly a minute, and there is no sign of the Aphotic Shield breaking.

I can’t even imagine how much damage it absorbed!

Once they are defeated in the next second...

I'm afraid it's enough to kill them all in an instant!

That scene makes me so sad just thinking about it!

"Then...what should we do?? We can't just wait and see, right?"

Li Qinghua's whole body was numb. He never expected that Lin Xiu would be so difficult to deal with.

This is still a situation of being trapped in place and unable to move. If there were not this cattle prison formation...

I'm afraid it's really three taels and I and others will have to go get lunch boxes again!

He unconsciously looked at Pang Shanshan, unconsciously forgetting his leadership position.

"That's right, wait!

Pang Shanshan looked at Lin Xiu calmly, her beautiful eyes looking directly into Lin Xiu's eyes with murderous intent,

"No matter how strong the Aphotic Shield is, it's not permanent...it's not too late to wait until it's over before taking action!"

Li Qinghua's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. In their opinion, the CD of Lightless Shield was not too short.

As long as you stay farther away and out of the range of the Aphotic Shield,

When the Aphotic Shield disappears, Lin Xiu will be a cattle and sheep at the mercy of others!

"Retreat, get out a hundred meters away!"

The three of them immediately retreated to the corner. Fortunately, the hall was not too small.

Only by clinging to the wall can you avoid the range of the Aphotic Shield!

"act recklessly……"

Lin Xiu quietly watched the three people's performance and smiled lightly,

More and more Skeleton Warriors are appearing. Now he just needs to recruit the undead controllers.

You can kill them all in an instant!

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