Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 109 Undercurrent Is Surging! Faction Warfare In The Temple! Killing Intent And Hope!

Wang Jinnan's eyes were bulging, and his whole body was in a state of confusion.

Like a ferocious beast that wants to devour people, it stares at the screen fiercely,

His breathing was rapid, his body was trembling, and his mood was like a roller coaster, from despair to surprise to despair and hope again.

Now his hopes have fallen into the abyss again...


Wang Jinnan spurted out blood, even if he was an unparalleled strong man,

Several ups and downs made him a little unbearable!

The blood spurted out, and Wang Jinnan fell to the ground on his back with dull eyes.

As the saying goes, silence is greater than death, that's how he felt at the moment.

"Damn... Lin Xiu Lin Xiu!!"

Wang Jinnan gritted his teeth and remembered the name deeply in his heart.

"Uh...Tan Hongli...is dead!!"

"Hiss!! How dare he? Fang Han and Wu Xiaowei... are also dead! It was Han Dufeng and Li Qinghua who did it..."

Wang Jinnan was no longer in the mood to watch, but Mr. Gu was watching with gusto.

I couldn't help but be amazed when I saw the end, a man without mud legs,

Not only did he reach this point, but he also killed two Holy City family disciples and a second-generation Temple member!

How audacious!

In the end, he forced the rest of the second generation of the temple and trapped them in a boat with him.

Make sure that the other party will not pose a threat to him after returning!

"If this son doesn't die, his future achievements may be limitless!"

Mr. Gu was secretly frightened, but he was not optimistic about it.

Because Wang Jinnan was just an unparalleled lord, he could see this scene through the backhand left behind.

There’s no reason why others can’t see it!

This scene may have been clearly seen by the strong men behind the second generation!

Lin Xiu, no matter how amazing his talent is,

It has already offended too many powerful people before it even started, and more importantly, it also destroyed the temple’s plan for the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit!

"Nine Nine Seven" doesn't know how many people will have murderous intentions. I'm afraid that when he leaves the Holy Spirit Secret Realm after the trial,

That was the day he died!

"A good Holy Spirit Secret Realm... Only when it is open to the public can we select the most powerful talents. There is no way that the Holy Spirit's inheritance will be inherited... What a pity!

Mr. Gu sighed secretly, with complicated eyes,

As early as two thousand years ago, the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit was not like this...

The Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit at that time, the Secret Realm that was the foundation of the Human Race,

It has trained a large number of extremely talented people for the Human Race, allowing the Human Race who has just set foot in the starry sky to barely have a place in the starry sky battlefield!

Through the efforts of countless Human Race forefathers, Human Race is now at its peak!

However, two thousand years ago, a strong man discovered another secret method to open the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit.

From then on, the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit became the exclusive Secret Realm of the strong men in the temple!

Eliminating the possibility of the Ordinary Lord entering, he directly used cheating to seize this opportunity.

While making the temple stronger and its rule more stable,

It also cost too many Prodigy of the Human Race an opportunity to lay a foundation!

The most direct consequence is that today, two thousand years later,

There is no successor to the Human Race, and the starry battlefield on the frontline is gradually exhausted.

The battle front areas have been shrinking again and again, and countless territories have been lost...

And today’s temple still has no intention of changing.

We also hope that the opening of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm will enable carefully selected second generations to inherit the legacy.

Cultivate a strong man with unparalleled talent, who will be able to maintain the noble status of the faction in the future.

It can help Human Race regain a foothold in the star battlefield!

But now…………

Originally, everyone had the opportunity to enter the Secret Realm. Even if the fighting was fierce, there would still be many opportunities to obtain the inheritance.

As a result, accidents happen frequently now,

The Temple Project is perfect, but the long-term life of pampering has obviously made the second generation a lot more inflated.

I have lost a bit of overall perspective and become a bit more arrogant and domineering!

"It's been a troubled time...This time it will inevitably intensify the conflicts between the two parties, and may even cause internal strife!"

Mr. Gu looks worried, but now he is full of ambition.

But he couldn't help himself, and there was no room for him to show off at all.


Mr. Gu glanced sideways at Wang Jinnan lying on the ground, thoughtfully.

"Kill! Damn it, you dare to kill my son...I want him dead!!"

"And Li Qinghua... Qin Mingyue, Pang Shanshan, you three bitches, God will never let you go!"

In a certain gorgeous room, a middle-aged man roared with red eyes,

All the decorations in the room were smashed to pieces, and the middle-aged man was like an angry lion.

The terrifying aura spread out, causing a group of frightening cicadas to crawl outside the room door, not daring to breathe at all!

In another family, the same thing is happening,

A young man also looked at the scene in the void with a complex expression. His younger brother was killed by Han Dufeng under his eyes.

Although the two brothers have never had a good relationship because their painting styles are so different,

But watching his younger brother die in front of Secret Realm still made him plant a seed of hatred in his heart!

"Han Family...What a Han Family...I'm not done with you anymore!"

A middle-aged man who looks like Wu Xiaowei is looking at the picture with a gentle look and a faint look.

His fists were bleeding, his voice was like a poisonous snake in hell,

It makes people shudder when they hear it!

"What's the ghost's name? Isn't there another one?"

An old man looked at the empty screen quietly, frowning and shouted angrily.


The middle-aged man suddenly felt aggrieved. He knew that his father had never liked the feminine Wu Xiaowei.

But you wouldn’t be so heartless even after your own grandson died, right?

"The Han Family are just accomplices, the real murderer is Lin Xiu!"

The old man ignored his grievance and said calmly,

"This kid has unlimited potential...it's a pity that something bad happened and he won't survive!"

"The Han Family...is not a trivial matter and should not be taken lightly!"

The middle-aged man suddenly felt aggrieved again and looked at his father unwillingly.

"Then, is Xiaowei's death like this in vain? We don't do anything?"

The old man glanced at him angrily,

"What do you want to do? Fight with the Han Family? Or slaughter the entire Blue Star?"

"Lin Xiu has no family, no background, no support, and he is already dead. How do you want to take revenge?"


The middle-aged man suddenly became speechless and slumped down on his chair.

I felt powerless.

As a member of the Wu family, one of the Holy City families, he is powerful and is considered a legendary lord.

The youngest son he loved the most died like this, but he tragically found that he had no place to take revenge if he wanted to!…

How can one be so frustrated!

Han Family


There was a lot of excitement at this time, but they had nothing to lose.

Han Dufeng also successfully entered the Holy Spirit Secret Realm, but no one was happy at this moment.

"This... what should we do? I'm afraid the Fang family and the Wu family won't give up..."

In the family hall, a group of elders sat in order,

At this moment, I watched Han Dufeng and others enter the Holy Spirit Secret Realm and disappear.

They couldn't help but look at each other.

The great elder at the top couldn't help but have a headache. Two of the four major families had died.

Their Han Family successfully entered the Secret Realm and achieved their set goal. This should have been a good thing.

However, Han Dufeng took action against Wu Xiaowei...and broke Wu Xiaowei's defense at the critical moment.

As a result, Wu Xiaowei was killed by Li Qinghua and others, which was a bit painful!

"Fang Bin... was executed by Li Qinghua for not resisting. It has nothing to do with my Han Family!"

"As for the Wu family... at most it's just some compensation. If they don't accept it, what do I, the Han Family, have to fear?"

After hesitating for a long time, the head elder finally made the decision.

Due to emotions and reasons, the Han Family is not afraid of the Wu Family either.

At that time, Wu Xiaowei was already in a certain death situation, and he would have been dead without Han Dufeng taking action!

Han Dufeng's action was just to ensure his own survival. From this point of view,

At the worst, I can give the Wu family some compensation as a thank you.

If the Wu family doesn't know what's good and what's good, and insists on making trouble,

Then his Han Family is not a fool!

No matter what, the prestige of the Han Family cannot be compromised!

Han Dufeng, a disciple of the family, can be regarded as bringing glory to the family.

If he were handed over, the disciples of the family would definitely be heartbroken.

Who will dare to fight for the Han Family in the future?

At this moment, the Tang family has an even bigger headache.

Han Dufeng only killed Wu Xiaowei to save his life, but Tang Feixuan actually mixed with the hostile elements...

Moreover, the relationship between the two is unusual, and it is suspected that their relationship has been officially announced!

This is incredible!

There was an uproar in the Tang family, and countless family elders expressed their opinions.

Some people say that those who shamelessly make peace with outsiders will be severely punished.

Some people also decided that Tang Feixuan had good vision, and more importantly, she had such a strong man to protect her.

At least the Tang family's initial goal can be easily accomplished, and even more can be obtained!

Achievements far beyond those of the other four Great Saint City families!

Moreover, before that, other people attacked Tang Feixuan first, and finally Tang Feixuan stopped Lin Xiu from killing someone.

There is no reason to trouble the Tang family, either emotionally or rationally. It is simply a waste of money!

After Lin Xiu leaves the Holy Spirit Secret Realm, he will inevitably die.

When the time comes, the Tang family will not only be able to obtain gains far beyond expectations, but also be able to get rid of them perfectly without any responsibility.

Simply win!

Some people also think that Lin Xiu is extremely talented and has a deep love for Tang Feixuan.

Maybe you can consider saving Lin Xiu and marrying her to the Tang family. In the future, the Tang family may have a chance to join the temple and reach a higher level!

There were different opinions in the entire Tang family hall, and it was extremely noisy.

Everyone has their own opinions, but there is only one point:

The atmosphere in the Tang family is the most relaxed.

Central Star Domain, somewhere in the main hall,

An old man wearing dark gold robes, full of extraordinary temperament,

At first glance, he looked like a person in a high position, but at this moment, he was lying on the ground trembling in fear.

Like ants in the dust, waiting for the judgment of God!

There are three other people like him,

One of them, Wang Jinnan, General of Zhennan of the Azure Dragon Legion, is officially here!

The four people knelt humbly at the bottom, with a round table above them.

There are about a dozen seats around, but most of them are empty at the moment.

Only five seats are occupied…………

"Huh, is this what you call foolproof? If the inheritance of the Holy Spirit is lost, you will be the eternal sinners of my Human Race!"

On the round table, a man wearing armor took the lead in attacking,

Although he looked at the four people on the ground sarcastically, the target was obviously the other people at the same table.

"You are

What do you mean? Is this what we want to see? Who knew that such a defiant person would appear this year?"

Immediately, some big bosses stood up unconvinced, arguing with each other and refusing to give in.

"What do you mean? I told you to restrain yourself. The Human Race has reached this point not only by the strong men of the Temple, but also by the billions of Ordinary Human Race!"

Jia Jia Nan was so rude that he almost pointed at the opponent's nose and scolded him.

"The combination of High Quality genes can certainly give birth to more talented people, but the collision of billions of Ordinary genes will inevitably give birth to beings far beyond imagination!"

"What you have done is destined to lead to your own destruction, and this is just the beginning!"


Another big boss became furious and stood up to express his dissatisfaction.

"Instead of relying on us and relying on those Ordinary civilians? It's hard to find a star among billions. How many years will it take for a Heavenly Venerable to be born?"

“Just one of the top ten Heavenly Venerables today is the greatest affirmation of our plan!”

"Haha, how do you explain the materials used for repair?"

The armored man glanced at the two of them with disdain and didn't bother to argue with them.

"Facts are the most powerful weapon! All things considered, the fact is that your plan has failed and the inheritance of the Holy Spirit is about to be cut off!"

"Within a thousand years, our Human Race territory will shrink again, and the territories established by our ancestors over the past two thousand years will be completely destroyed in your hands!"

The more the armored man talked, the more excited he became, roaring angrily that he wished he could clear away all the decay in these temples.

However, the strength is limited and too many interests are involved.

Even if there is one of the top ten Heavenly Venerables behind him, he can only feel helpless!

"Humph, it was just a momentary mistake! The history of the Human Race is only three thousand years ago. Which of those great races has not experienced hundreds of thousands of years of struggle to reach its current status?"

Some people were still dissatisfied and stood up and spoke,

"Thousands of years of losses can help us learn the reasons for this failure, and we will completely control the inheritance of the Holy Spirit in the future!"

"It's only a thousand years. If you train according to our plan in the future, your strength will definitely be ten times or a hundred times what it is today!"

"Regaining lost ground and reviving Human Race is just around the corner!"

The armored man was trembling with anger. This failure was before his eyes.

The emergence of Lin Xiu's incredible talent gave them hope, but these rotten moths are beyond redemption.

I still stubbornly believe that the so-called noble blood and extraordinary genes are simply... unreasonable!

"Hmph! It's hopeless...it's hopeless! Sooner or later, Human Race will be destroyed in your hands!"

Both sides had an angry quarrel, each with their own opinions and persistence.

In the end, they could only break up unhappy.

"What are you going to do with Lin Xiu?"

Before the show ended, the armored man asked one last question.

"Having damaged the 1.3 major events of my temple and disrupted the inheritance of my Holy Spirit, I should be beheaded!"

Someone spoke indifferently, as if a superior god was announcing the decree of heaven.

"Then let's see who kills whom!"

The armored man suddenly became furious, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

"A good one will ruin your affairs and mess up your inheritance... If there is such a Prodigy in the Human Race, what you want to do is not to cultivate but to get rid of... Good! It's really good!"

The armored man laughed angrily, his eyes full of disappointment and disdain.

"Ignoring the great situation created by our forefathers, I don't think about forging ahead and expanding the territory. I am busy fighting for internal divisions and power all day long. I exclude dissidents and call it eradication... What a good person.

Human Race Temple!!"

"In this case, Prodigy, my Holy Spirit Guard has secured it, and you cannot kill him!"

The armored man's eyes were completely cold and he announced his decision directly.

It seems to be the last hope for this decadent race, and it also seems to be a declaration of war against these factions!

"Then try it!"

The other party was not to be outdone and did not look at the armored man in his eyes.

The so-called Holy Spirit Guard has long been riddled with holes.

Lost its former glory!

After all, there are very few people who can resist the corruption of interests!


The armored man walked away, and suddenly there were only four people left in the hall who had done something wrong and were kneeling on the ground.

Waiting for the powerful ones from above to announce their fate!

"Stay there and wait for the end of Secret Realm before the trial!'

Someone looked at a few people indifferently. In the eyes of outsiders, the four people were extremely noble and powerful.

Just like dragging a dog to death, Wang Jinnan felt despair in his heart!

The other three people were just like him, terrified in their hearts.

But he didn’t even dare to ask for mercy!

"Secret Realm, is it the fifth floor? Is anyone coming out?"

When everything was over, someone suddenly asked,

However, no one answered, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn again!

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