Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 110 52# Copy! Holy Light Bones Paved With Floor Tiles!

Human Race Three Thousand Star Domain, the undercurrent is surging,

As the trial ended, countless lords who passed the trial returned to the stars,

Things about this trial are gradually revealed!

[Shocked! Defying the Heavens and Changing Fate! Speaking out for the undead system, the great new king turned out to be him...]

This is the headline of the Undead Guild, and it immediately topped the list of hot searches once it was released.

The heat remained high, and countless undead lords burst into tears of excitement.

Everyone expressed their opinion that there are strong people in Undead Race!

[The following is the fault! The second generation of the counter-war temple! A mortal body crushes the cheater and hangs it on the wall! ]

This is the headline of the mercenary union, which reveals the cheating of many second-generation strong men in this trial.

And brought into Lin Xiu's perspective through some modifications and exaggerations,

It tells the inspirational story of how a humble undead lord fought hard and finally resisted the second generation of cheaters and successfully ascended to the top of the New King!

[The story I had to tell the dead that night...]

[Why did the Undead Lord cross servers in the middle of the night? Why was the hero in the upper city killed? Why did the beautiful girl in the Holy City cry? Please follow us and enter the heart of this new king... ]

[Seven days ago, he was still an ordinary Undead Lord. On that day, the gears of fate began to turn...]

[The battle for the Golden Cave Mansion! The rise of a great generation! ]

[How could an ordinary blue star give birth to such a heaven-defying prodigy? All of this starts from three thousand years ago]

[Analysis: The first Rank Ten unit announcement reward! ]

[ Lin Xiu’s Talent and Attribute Guessing and Demonstration! ]

[On! The rise of the undead lord and the equipment matching! ]


On this day, the entire Human Race Alliance was excited!

A new king named Lin Xiu does not have a massive army.

There are no exaggerated equipment or rare units.

He does not have a noble background or origin, he is just an ordinary hero Death Knight!

But he rushed out of the thousands of troops and walked out of the Cemetery of Sighs,

Loot the golden Cave Mansion and defeat the super-level troops,

In the end, within seven days, he gradually transformed from an unknown Undead Lord to the most dazzling new star in this trial!

The hard-resistant fire gun array output instantly killed the cheating Holy City II.

Winning this year’s Rookie King with an invincible attitude!

The name of Lin Xiu has dominated the headlines of all information at a terrifying speed!

Together with the Andromeda Milky Way Blue Star, it quickly became famous,

It has become a place known to everyone, and many lords from well-off families are willing to spend huge sums of money to bring their children who will be tested next year.

I hope I can be part of the joy of this unprecedented newbie king, so that I can achieve good results in the trials next year.

The entire Human Race Alliance, three thousand Star Domain,

Containing millions of living planets, it became known to everyone in just half a day.

The speed of spread is evident!

Some people say that Lin Xiu was just an unknown person at first.

In the first few days, I couldn't even enter the top 100 of the Cave Mansion rankings, but my subsequent rise was inexplicable.

Some people say that Lin Xiu was far from Ye Tian's opponent in the first three days.

But in the end, Ye Tian suddenly disappeared, and only then did Lin Xiu rise.

Even Ye Tian's name became famous far and wide, and Lord Tian was dumbfounded.

But this can be considered a good thing. In the end, Ye Tian, ​​who didn’t even squeeze into the Rookie King Arena,

Inexplicably, it became popular.

Many media outlets, like cats that smelled fishy smell, removed all his information in less than an hour.

Countless media swarmed to interview, and many large consortiums and forces took a whiff of it.

Looking for various endorsements, he, a bronze lord who had just finished the trial, made a lot of money.

Ye Tian couldn't help but look extremely excited for a moment, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Blue Star Wild Ancient City has completely become an internet celebrity Sacred Land!

Countless people flocked here, sent by powerful forces to win them over.

There are also killers sent by certain enemies, and even people from the temple!

Most of them are media and other people with ulterior motives who come here to find information about Lin Xiu.

"Lin Xiu, ah haha...I have always believed that my children would have a bright future since I was a child. Isn't it true?"

In a certain alley, an old man sat under a willow tree,

Smoking a dry cigarette, he happily said to a group of people who were inquiring about Lin Xiu,

"That boy, he was as smart as an adult since he was a child, and he was as smart as an adult..."

In the Lord's Academy in the ancient city, the school that was supposed to be on vacation at this time was overcrowded.

The principal of the school and the teachers of the graduating class were all glowing, and many of the people who came to interview were far stronger than them.

The luxurious spaceship parked at the Blue Star Pier was a High Level cargo they had never seen in their lives.

At this moment, they were all standing respectfully in the audience, waiting in line for interviews.

"Lin Xiu is the most outstanding student in the history of our Lord's Academy in Huanggu City!"

The principal's face was glowing. Although time was tight,

But he had already prepared a draft.

"Although I am just an orphan, I have always upheld the good qualities of being hardworking and not trying to compare with others in my life!"

"Study hard and be among the best in our school!"

"Be kind, upright and responsible, brave, perseverant and polite!"

"He is an outstanding talent of the 31st century, the pride of our ancient city, the future of Blue Star, and the hope of Human Race..."

The principal was spitting like water, and the teachers behind him were sweating coldly.

He quickly grabbed the principal, who was gradually letting himself go. If he continued talking, he would talk about the Starry Sky Myriad Races.

The deserted ancient city is crowded with people,

The lords who came with various purposes acted individually,

But I can't help but feel a little confused. The Rookie King Challenge is over.

Why hasn’t Lin Xiu come back yet??

People from ordinary forces are confused, but the strong men from the Holy City family and the temple know very well.

Lin Xiu has entered the Holy Spirit Secret Realm. According to their estimation,

With Lin Xiu's strength, he can at least enter the fifth floor without any problem!

Ten hours in total, which means immediately,

It’s time to leave Secret Realm!

"When Secret Realm comes out, there will be no small movement, so be prepared at any time!"

"Silver Lord...a First Grade hero, send the Gold Lord to take action with the Third Grade heroes. Be careful not to make too much noise!"



In a dark hall somewhere, several figures hidden in the darkness communicated quickly,

After making the plan, several people quickly disappeared.

"We are alone and weak, and we have a long way to go to eradicate corruption and cure stubborn diseases!"

"Needless to say, Lin Xiu's Talent has not been released yet either died in the Holy Spirit Secret Realm, or entered the fifth level of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm!"

"The guarantee is also an SSS Level Talent. In the future, he can at least become Heavenly Venerable's right-hand man. He must keep it!"

"Everyone, please pay attention, those moths will never let him go. We must be ready at all times to protect him!"

"Protection level - SSS Level! Even if I sacrifice you, I must protect you. Do you understand?"


In another hall, a group of men in black armor were having a meeting.

The leader looked resolute and simply mobilized and quickly issued the order. The remaining team members were like dead soldiers.

He accepted the order indifferently and then dispersed!

"Lin Xiu, must be brought back to Huili!"

"This person now has an unimaginable reputation. Once he masters it, he will be able to gain the support of many parliamentarians!"

"There is an order from above! Lin Xiu must be brought back alive, there is no room for error!"


Scenes like this keep happening in the ancient city,

No one knows how many monsters and monsters there are in the ancient city at this moment!

Night is coming, which makes their activities more convenient.

Figures shuttled under the dim sky, ensuring that there were people in every corner of the ancient city.

Just wait for the end of Secret Realm and Lin Xiu appears, go and complete the mission immediately!

“Ah sneeze!

"A sneeze!"

The turmoil of the outside world cannot interfere with the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit.

But Lin Xiu sneezed several times in a row for no apparent reason, which made him wonder if he had a cold.

"It shouldn't be... I'm a golden lord with a basic divine power of 50,000 to 60,000, but I still catch a cold??"

Lin Xiu murmured to himself in confusion, feeling something was not quite right.

A few hours later, he arrived at the fifth floor of the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit.

The basic divine power has soared to more than 60,000, and the strength has more than doubled compared to the third level?

As a result, he was sneezing one after another, which made him a little confused.

"No matter...it is said that there will be mysterious rewards after clearing the fifth level Secret Realm..."

Lin Xiu rubbed her nose and was too lazy to think about it.

He looked expectantly at the Secret Realm in front of him. This was the information he finally obtained through torture from Qin Mingyue.

It is said that it is also the ultimate goal of the second generation of the temple to cheat and get in, even at great cost!

As long as you get this opportunity and then clear the fifth level of Secret Realm,

You will receive some unimaginable mysterious reward!

[Discover 52# copy]

[Sacrifice required to enter: First Grade troops*4/different Rank Ten troops*12]

A cold voice came, a distorted copy space,

Lin Xiu only touched it once, and a mechanical beep sounded.

"Four super-level arms..."

Lin Xiu raised his eyebrows. He didn't have twelve different Rank Ten arms.

But super-level troops... not too many!

"Netherworld Wraith Emperor! Sacrifice!"

Lin Xiu randomly recruited four First Grade Rank One Netherworld Wraith Emperors,

He synthesized a lot of this stuff, just to deal with this kind of environment.


The twisted space seemed to transform into a huge mouth, directly swallowing up the four Great Emperors.

The next moment it turned into a door of light as high as one person.

"Get in!"

Lin Xiu is a master of art and bold, and Tan Hongli and the four losers are sure to pass the level.

Of course he was not afraid at all.

With a thought in his heart, Death Knight activated his invisibility,

Then he entered directly. After waiting for a while and there was no danger, Lin Xiu followed closely and entered.

After the bounty hunter died, the undead controller followed closely beside Lin Xiu.

"Ni Meng Bana blasts the mud board......"

This dungeon is also a main hall. As soon as you enter, you can hear a clear but unknown murmur.

It's like Sanskrit chanting, but also like the whispers of demons.

At the end of the corridor is a huge plaque with four strange symbols written on it,

It seems to be some kind of text. If you look at it carefully, you will feel dizzy.

My mind is so heavy that it feels like I have a layer of shackles on me!

"This place...is unusual!"

Lin Xiu quickly looked away and shook her head, feeling much better now.

This plaque is enough to say

Knowing that this place was unusual, he immediately became more cautious.

It is definitely not that simple to master the copy that was cheated by the Temple of Human Race!

Walking through a long corridor and entering a large hall, the walls looked bare.

The floor was also a bit miserable, as if it had been swept away by the Japanese.

The entire hall looked dilapidated, with potholes on the walls, pillars and even the steps.

Lin Xiu looked strange. The environment was really not worthy of the plaque outside.

But when he walked through this hall, he immediately understood the reason!

The second main hall is still pitted and bare.

But at the end of the corridor, there was an indescribable light emitting from the ground.

This ball of light is spread at the end of the corridor. When you get closer, you can see behind the light.

They are neat floor tiles that exude a gleam of light!

"This is...Holy Light Bone!?"

Lin Xiu looked carefully, and a name rang in his mind,

He immediately took a breath of cold air!!

"Holy Light Bone, Holy Light Bone Floor Tile??"

Lin Xiu's heart almost stopped, and she looked along the corridor in disbelief.

In the next hall, there is this unique light faintly exuding,

It is more than ten thousand times more powerful than this ball of light on the ground!

"The Holy Light Bones formed floor tiles and covered the entire hall... Damn it!!"

Lin Xiu's eyes bulged out, looking at the ground in disbelief.

A group of shimmering light moved at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, slowly forming a floor tile.

993 was laid neatly on the corridor floor, leaving no gaps!

"Holy Light Bone is actually generated like this??"

Lin Xiu's pupils shrank, still a little unbelievable.

The reputation of the Holy Light Bone is not unknown in Human Race. It is said that it can transform the bones and physique of any living being.

Make it better conduct the divine power, the same divine power,

Those with Holy Light Bones will be able to use their divine power at least 30% more efficiently than Ordinary Lords!

It is even said that there once was a strong man whose whole body was integrated with the Holy Light Bone, and his fighting power was enough to fight with a strong man with twice the power of him without losing!

The utilization rate of divine power is as high as 90%!

Almost no loss at all!

And this is just the most basic function of Holy Light Bone!

What is truly precious about the Holy Light Bone is its help on the road to becoming a god!

With the Holy Light Bone, the chance of becoming a god is increased by at least 30%!

With such odds, how can we not make people crazy?

This also gave rise to the famous name of the Holy Light Bone, which occasionally appears in the outside world.

It is enough to attract countless strong men to fight for it in bloody battles. It is even said that many strong men with a number of leaders # died in the fight for treasures of this level!

Such precious Holy Light Bones are just used to lay floor tiles here??

"Is this...really the Holy Light Bone??"

Lin Xiu was very excited, but still maintained a little doubt.

This thing is really too precious, it can be said without exaggeration,

His luxurious equipment and achievements would not be worth a piece of bare bones even if they were sold!

He now understood why the main hall in front of him was completely bare, as if it had been half-swept by the Japanese...

This is not just a feeling, it is really being swept away!!

With such a heaven-defying treasure appearing in front of you, who the hell can bear it?

He looked at a floor tile that he had unknowingly broken off, and couldn't help but blush.

Human Race is like a natural disaster, not to mention the floor tiles on the ground.

Even treasures deep under the sea are guaranteed to be within reach!

[Obtain: Impurity Holy Light Bone]

[Holy Light Bones with certain impurities can be purified into pure Holy Light Bones by gathering a large number of items]

"Fuck!! It's true...it's really the Holy Light Bone!"

Looking at the introduction of the properties of the floor tiles in his hand, Lin Xiu suddenly became excited.

All units were quickly summoned, and each zombie and skeleton quickly transformed into a demolition brigade.

They frantically began to demolish the main hall, tearing off all the floor tiles.

He doesn’t let go of anything stuck on the wall, everything is taken into his palm!


Lin Xiu himself was not idle either. He squatted down and looked at the mysterious white light on the ground.

As the Holy Light Bone behind him was taken away, the white light began to slowly retract,

He quickly retracted to the deepest part of the hall and disappeared!


Lin Xiu was shocked and doubtful. The Holy Light Bone is indeed precious.

But this kind of thing that can create Holy Light Bones is even more unimaginable!

But it's a pity that it takes thousands of years to create a pure piece of Holy Light Bone.

It somewhat lowers its value. .

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