Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 111 Holy Spirit Inheritance! Powerful Guardian Beast! Fusion Of Holy Light Bone!

Lin Xiu followed the army towards the depths of the hall, but surprisingly did not encounter any monsters along the way.

Until we reached the deepest point, a humanoid statue with an unclear face appeared in front of us.

At the same time, all the floor tiles were pulled out!

[Obtain: Pure Holy Light Bone*1]

"This...is the end??"

Lin Xiu was a little confused. Logically speaking, this kind of dungeon would create a world.

This time I did nothing except demolition, and I just walked to the end in a daze.

A little bit weird.


Lin Xiu had just put away the Holy Light Bone and was about to use it,

Suddenly, the humanoid sculpture in front of him suddenly lit up with a hazy light, which was very similar to the light that had been paved with bricks before.

But the aura is stronger than that, as if the power level is higher!


Lin Xiu held the White Jade Bone Knife in his hand and looked at the statue warily.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, and a terrifying ability is getting stronger and stronger.

The aura contained in it made Lin Xiu unable to help but feel frightened!


Suddenly, light burst out,

The scorching white light swept across the entire hall instantly, and Lin Xiu felt a sting in her eyes.

All you can see is a vast expanse of white, making it impossible to see anything!

There seemed to be a faint energy sweeping around him, as if he was looking for something!

"Lucky people... hmm? Just one person??"

Faintly, Lin Xiu seemed to hear a low murmur,

The energy of looking for something also paused slightly, and seemed a little surprised.

There was a hint of confusion in the accident, and I was still a little worried in high school.

Soon, Lin Xiu knew what the voice was worrying about!


The light dissipates and sight is restored,

And in the field of vision, there are four more ferocious beasts composed entirely of light!


The four guardian beasts roared and made unexplained sounds.

But Lin Xiu strangely understood what they meant!

"Defeating the guardian beast... you can get the inheritance of the Holy Spirit??"

Lin Xiu looked stunned and couldn't believe her ears.

This little-known copy was swept away like a beggar's den copy.

He actually has the famous Holy Spirit inheritance??

But thinking about the Holy Light Stone...if it hadn't been hollowed out by the predecessors,

It is indeed worthy of this inherited status!

"Originally, many people were supposed to come to the scene to fight the guardian beasts. Those who succeeded in the end would receive the inheritance of the Holy Spirit..."

Lin Xiu looked a little weird, the guardian beast just roared,

But it contains a lot of information, and what’s even weirder is that he can understand it without any obstacles!

According to what the guardian beast said, the inheritance of the Holy Spirit is the inheritance left by a great god.

Anyone who is lucky enough to encounter a creature can obtain its inheritance!

But God’s inheritance is too powerful, and the pressure to accept it alone is too great.

There is a greater chance that the body will explode directly and die!

Therefore, generally speaking, only when multiple people accept the inheritance at the same time can they absorb this power.

At the same time, it is much easier to deal with the guardian beasts!

However, no one expected that this year’s Holy Spirit Secret Realm,

He was brutally slaughtered by Lin Xiu!

As a result, he was the only one who came here in the end!

Even the slightest thought to activate the inheritance was obviously caught off guard.

However, when the inheritance is activated, there is no room for maneuver!


After the four guardian beasts conveyed the news, they seemed to have been wiped out of their intelligence, and they roared coldly,

At the same time, the only trialist Lin Xiu was locked!

"Second Grade Spirit Beast!!"

Lin Xiu's head exploded, and his pupils shrank when he sensed the enemy's information.

The aura of the Second Grade ferocious beast is so obvious, no wonder you need the help of many people to share the burden when you come to the trial!

"Bone prison!"

After a brief period of tension, there was a surge of fighting spirit!

Lin Xiu has never encountered any evenly matched opponent so far.

All the battles have always ended in an instant kill, but now that I encountered a Second Grade enemy for the first time, I felt like my blood was boiling!

Needless to say, Death Knight took the lead,

A bone prison was thrown out and immediately trapped the four guardian beasts, but in less than a second,

The bone prison was shattered, and the guardian beast appeared like a ghostly Death Knight in the temple!

"Standard technology!"


The bounty hunter also took action quickly, appearing directly behind a guardian beast like a ghost.

The invisible dagger stabbed out quietly, and there was no abnormality in the whole process of invisibility.

The guardian beast didn't notice it at all, and was directly stabbed into the back with a sharp knife.

The body stiffened instantly!

Critical hit!


A huge damage occurred, and the guardian beast was caught off guard, even if it was a Second Grade.

His health bar was cleared instantly and he was instantly killed!


The remaining three guardian beasts suddenly noticed something strange, and roared lowly, with a layer of red and green light emerging from their bodies.

The entire form seems to have undergone some inexplicable change!

"Soul-Chasing Thorn!"

Lin Xiu frowned slightly, before she had time to understand what it was.

Death Knight has been turned out with one knife!




Death Knight slashes out with his sword, but his own shield value explodes!

The person being attacked will have a huge green number appear on his head, as if he has been treated!

"Stop...this is a rebound physical attack!"

Lin Xiu reacted instantly and quickly stopped the bounty hunter's attack.

I saw that the guardian beast was flashing with a layer of green light, and it immediately launched a charge while the Death Knight retreated.

The three thin swords stabbed hard on the aphotic shield!




Three huge numbers appeared, and the shield value of the Aphotic Shield quickly dropped by more than half!

"Green reflects physical damage...Red reflects spell damage!?"

Lin Xiu's heart moved and she immediately reacted,

"Death Pulse!"

As soon as his heart moved, the undead controller immediately launched an attack,

The energy of the Six Paths of Pure is emitted from the body and quickly penetrates into the bodies of all living creatures!





Three green lines of recovery and three huge lines of damage floated from the heads of the Death Knight, the bounty hunter and the three guardian beasts respectively!

"It's true! The green status spell attack has double damage!"

Lin Xiu suddenly understood. It was just as he had guessed.

This place is full of game elements from previous lives. I don’t know how many warriors were killed by this perverted buff!

I didn’t expect to meet you again here!


A guardian beast roared suddenly, raised the rapier in its hand and disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, Kung Fu appeared behind Death Knight, and stabbed him three times with the rapier in his hand.

The speed is so fast that even the Death Knight can't react for a moment!





With three consecutive attacks, the Aphotic Shield, which had never been hit before, was powerfully broken for the first time!

However, the next second, a huge damage number floated from the head of this guardian beast!



The aphotic shield is broken, and the only attachment is this sneak attack guardian beast.

All of Pure's death energy is instantly injected into its body!

A huge amount of damage came out of its body, and its full life was instantly emptied!

There was a loud noise, and the unlucky guardian beast failed in its sneak attack and was killed instantly.

He lay down straight and refused to close his eyes to death!


Lin Xiu clicked his tongue, this terrifying damage of more than 10 million,

It looks a little scary.

I can only say that this guy is so unlucky... In the state of being immune to physical damage and taking damage back,

He just ate a whole Death Knight, and it was the only one that suffered spell damage...

Double the damage, enough to kill it twice and more!

"Go on, Holy!"

Four holy spirit guardian beasts, two of them were killed in just half a minute.

One of the remaining two turned from green to red, and Lin Xiu's eyes suddenly lit up.

An attack order was immediately issued,

The Death Knight and the bounty hunter quickly attack while turning their heads in stealth,

Two exaggerated injuries exploded instantly!

The enemy was instantly killed on the spot before he could react!

"The last one!"

Lin Xiu was shocked, and the bounty hunter threw a mark at it.

The figure disappears into the darkness and walks quietly, waiting for the changes in the green color on the other person's body!

"Death Pulse!"

The Master of the Undead is a rather special hero, his skills are not very explosive.

He is the kind of hero who is like boiling a frog in warm water, and his attributes are relatively balanced in all aspects.

He can fight, control, and resist, and he can even grab kills when given the right opportunity.

But the output is relatively poor. At this time, it is better than losing a death pulse.

At least it's a waste.


The guardian's body was flashing with green light, and his teammates were killed too quickly.

At this time, it was the only one left, and his eyes suddenly turned red!

The thin sword in his hand stabbed out like a poisonous snake, causing the world to spin in an instant!

Countless sword lights come from all directions, just like Myriad Swords Return to the Sect!


Lin Xiu exclaimed and quickly stepped back. Death Knight threw a lightless shield to protect him.

The next second, dense damage appeared from the heads of the three heroes!

"Conversion between reality and reality!"

The body of the undead controller instantly became insubstantial, and countless sword lights penetrated through its body.

But it didn’t cause any harm!

"Attribute conversion technique - all attributes are converted into life!"

Lin Xiu didn't dare to neglect, and quickly added a layer of protection to the Death Knight and the bounty hunter.

When the sword energy gradually dissipated, looking at the two heroes who still had nearly half of their lives,

Lin Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, but it also meant that the battle was about to end!

The green light on the guardian beast finally expired, and a red light enveloped it,

This means that its physical damage immunity has expired!

"Soul-Chasing Thorn!"

Death Knight struck quickly, and Lin Xiu converted half of his attack at the right time.



The health bar of the fourth Holy Spirit Guardian Beast was instantly cleared.

Lying down stiffly on the ground!

Four creatures that seemed to be made of light were lying on the ground like this,

It looks a bit weird.

Lin Xiu frowned and didn't receive any notification sound.

After a while, the four corpses began to change,

It turned into balls of light the size of fists, and four balls of light slowly floated up,

The next second, Lin Xiu suddenly felt terrified!

It was as if I was being watched halfway by the eyes of a terrifying demon, and my mind went blank for an instant!


However, before he could react,

Four groups of rays of light rushed in almost in no particular order and illuminated the center of his eyebrows!


Lin Xiu suddenly screamed. She didn't know what this light was.

Directly ignoring the defense of the Aphotic Shield, the intense burning was like a red-hot iron.

It was so hot that Lin Xiu felt like her head would explode!


The light group is still going on, and the pain caused by the first light group has not dissipated.

The second group charges again!


Lin Xiu's body felt as if he had been struck by lightning, as if he had been hit by a locomotive and was knocked straight away.

Then came the third group and the fourth group!

"...々ah uh..."

Extreme pain!

Indescribable pain!

Lin Xiu felt as if his soul had been split in half!

Any physical pain is worthless in front of this feeling!

Lin Xiu's eyes were filled with stars, and she seemed to vaguely smell the smell of barbecue coming from her own head.

At this moment, his soul was shaking and torn crazily, and the extreme pain made him want to faint.

But this feeling that directly affects his soul easily wakes him up from his coma!


Lin Xiu huddled on the ground in pain, arching her body like a cooked shrimp.

I don’t know how long it took, but I seemed to have regained some intuition.

I have a splitting pain in my forehead between my brows, and I feel like someone is drilling crazy holes in my brow bone with an electric drill.

He couldn't help but explore with his mind, and suddenly his vision suddenly changed.

It's like parting through the clouds and seeing the dawn. It's an unprecedented feeling.

The layers of fog were lifted, and he saw a halo of light.

I don't know what is wrapped in it, forming a cloud.

"What's this?"

Lin Xiu thought curiously, and suddenly seemed to be involved in something.

The line of sight changed again and came directly to the light group!

The light group so close at hand can no longer block the sight.

Inside the light group, there is a piece of...


Lin Xiu suddenly realized, as if all the memories returned to the body,

Everything reappeared in his mind, and he understood everything instantly!

"This is... my eyebrow bone!"

"That ball of light is the inheritance brought about after the Holy Spirit Guardian Beast was killed!"

"It's the inheritance of the Holy Spirit!"

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up, and he suddenly breathed out excitedly.

My breathing suddenly became heavy!

According to legend, the inheritance of the Holy Spirit is the foundation of the Human Race.

This is also one of the reasons why this Secret Realm is called Holy Spirit Secret Realm!

Three thousand years ago, four sages of the Human Race rose up in troubled times.

Ending the technological era in which the Human Race could not leave the planet, with the unimaginable power of Transcendent,

Turn on the lord time (good) generation!

From then on, Transcendent and technology coexisted,

Human Race began to develop rapidly, stepping into the galaxy and spreading its branches.

Finally, enter the starry sky battlefield, siege the city, destroy the pond, and expand the territory.

Rapidly becoming stronger in the starry sky battlefield, Human Race is now at its peak three thousand years later!

As for the inheritance of the Holy Spirit, it is said that it needs to be combined with the Holy Light Bone for better results!

"Holy Light Bone!"

Blessed to the soul, Lin Xiu took out the piece of Holy Light Bone obtained from the demolition.

Just a piece of jade bone the size of a palm was pressed between the eyebrows!


A cool feeling came from the center of my eyebrows, and the burning pain was relieved by most of it.

He clearly felt the holy light bone gradually melting and seeping into his head,

Then he was attracted by the light group inherited by the Holy Spirit, gradually merged with the eyebrow bone, and then replaced it!

Four Holy Spirit Light Groups tightly wrapped the Holy Light Bone, and a supreme power was rapidly transforming something in a form that Lin Xiu could not understand.

He could clearly feel that his divine power was soaring rapidly!

The divine power all over the body flows through the limbs and bones, rising to the center of the eyebrows and being quickly refined.

Refined into a more pure and powerful divine power, and then fed back to the limbs and bones!

"Uh... cool!"

Lin Xiu stretched his limbs, feeling the ultimate relief after the extreme pain.

The feeling brought by the powerful flow of divine power is incomparable to any physical desire!

This is a kind of leap in life level, and it is the instinctive trend of any living thing!

[Life +99]

[Life +99]


Thousands of reminders kept flooding the screen in his mind, but it was a pity that he had automatically blocked all reminders at this time.

He didn't notice the surge in his own divine power!

When the power of the first inherited light group was exhausted and dissipated, the Holy Light Bone had been completely integrated into the body.

Replaced his eyebrow bone!

A piece of perfectly fused Holy Light Bone made Lin Xiu feel clear-headed and clear-eyed.

The speed of any reaction is instantly increased by more than ten times, and the mobilization of divine power must be more rapid and free.

Compared with now, the previous mobilization of divine power was like a ball of sludge blocked in the meridians!

Obscure and difficult to control!.

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