Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 112 The Divine Power Of Holy Light! The Terrifying Sixth Level Of The Holy Spirit Secret Rea


The inheritance of the Holy Spirit still continues, and the Holy Light Bone wrapped in it continues to function.

The Holy Light Bone between the eyebrows is rapidly transforming into a form that Lin Xiu cannot understand!

Just the increasingly powerful fluctuations of divine power and the clear touch,

Let him know that everything is moving towards a more perfect direction!

Light blooms from every pore of Lin Xiu's body,

He can easily control everything, and divine power flows through the Holy Light Bone,

Inexplicably transformed into a special divine power!

"Attribute divine power...light attribute divine power!"

Lin Xiu murmured to himself in shock. Legend has it that the Holy Light Bone can possess the attributes of Holy Light when it evolves to its ultimate form.

He has just obtained the Holy Light Bone, and he has already evolved the Holy Light attribute!!

Attribute divine power has always been exclusive to gods in legends.

It is also a sign of the gods!

Its power is completely overwhelming compared to divine power without attributes!

Comparing the two is like the difference between bubbles and gold!

The same unit of attribute power is enough to crush tens of millions of units of Ordinary power!

Of course, whether it is one thousand or ten thousand specifically...

Then it depends on the mastery of attribute divine power, and what specific attributes it is!

The Holy Light attribute is one of the Myriad Worlds High Level attributes.

It is said that there is a god among the angel tribe who specializes in the attributes of holy light. His name is Guangming.

He is one of the strongest in the endless starry sky of Myriad Worlds, the main formation of light!

"too strong!"

Lin Xiu was so excited that she stretched out her left palm,

With a thought, a ball of divine power condensed in the palm of my hand, and the milky-white divine power flowed slowly,

Looks stunning!


Lin Xiu pushed with his left palm, and his divine power flew out like a cannonball.

It smashed directly into the ground where the floor of the main hall was pulled clean!


There was no loud bang as expected, nor any earth-shattering movement.

Sometimes there was just a slight sound, and then a hole as big as a fist melted out of the ground like spring snow meeting the sun!

It’s half a meter deep!


Lin Xiu looked at this scene in surprise. Don't look at the pothole that was only half a meter deep.

But you must know that this is the Secret Realm inherited by the Holy Spirit!

He had noticed when he was scraping the floor before that the ground here was indestructible.

Even the high attacks of Death Knight and Bounty Hunter cannot damage the ground!

If the floor hadn't been stripped clean by those who came before, the Holy Light would have been stripped away again by future generations before it could cover the ground.

There are a lot of gaps in the ground, and Lin Xiu even doubts that it will be possible to peel off the Holy Light Bone floor here!

Now it is just the launch of a ball of divine power Ordinary, without any skills or techniques being activated at all.

The ability to melt the underground depends entirely on the properties of the divine power of the Holy Light!

Looking closer, the temperature in the cave has not dissipated even after a week.

The extreme high temperature turned the cave walls into crystals, and it looked as if it had always been like this.

323 There is no trace of artificiality at all!

"Attributed divine power... I'm afraid even the legendary lord can be directly melted and killed by a careless move!"

Lin Xiu looked at the cave with lingering fear. The power of the divine power shocked him.

Even with nearly 100,000 divine powers, he had no confidence that he could withstand such horrific damage.

He had not seen the legendary lord, but his intuition told him,

This terrifying divine power may even cause the legendary lord to be harmed if he is caught off guard!

The inherited light group gradually finished its effect and disappeared, and the severe pain on his forehead and between his eyebrows also gradually dissipated.

The holy light bone between the eyebrows emits a shimmering light in the body, bringing a bit of coolness to the whole body.

Let him stay clear at all times.

The inheritance is completed without any information prompt.

This kind of inheritance that has risen to the level of gods has long been separated from the category of attribute data.

It’s not something that data can parse!

But this does not mean that his attributes have not been improved. In fact, his basic life and mana have skyrocketed by a full 50,000!

The commanding power is actually the external manifestation of spiritual power, which has skyrocketed to as high as 100,000!

Although he didn't have any extra skills, he could clearly feel that

My strength has increased at least ten times compared to before!

On the contrary, heroes such as Death Knight seem to be a bit behind in terms of strength...

None of these heroes could stand up to one of his magical cannonballs.

At the end of the inheritance, there is no settlement score like before.

Lin Xiu was teleported directly outside.

The environment of the Secret Realm on the fifth floor is completely different from the original one!

With nearly a hundred times the gravity, even Lin Xiu felt a little strenuous.

The ground is dry and cracked, and the soil has collapsed several times in succession.

It looks like it has been crushed by a hydraulic press. The hardness of any piece of soil is comparable to that of a steel plate!

There are no stones on the ground anymore, only diamonds the size of eggs!

All the roots of plants and trees have been crushed into ashes, and only a touch of green can be seen occasionally.

Astonishingly, they are all priceless spiritual herbs!

There are various Spirit Stone minerals all over the ground. Unfortunately, in this harsh environment,

It's impossible to dig at all!

I can only look at Baoshan and sigh with joy.

After several Ascension, Lin Xiu looked around and there was no one left.

(cdac) When he climbed up to the fourth level of Secret Realm, he caught a glimpse of Han Dufeng.

But there was no trace of Tang Feixuan, which made him a little worried.

The goblins on the fourth floor are more powerful, and on the fifth floor,

The Renault I met before turned into a monster, not even a mini-boss.

However, the number of monsters is obviously much smaller, and the fifth level is about to expire.

But they only met a small team.

"The Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit...the improvement of Talent is amazing!"

Lin Xiu's eyes were filled with emotion. This place is indeed the Secret Realm that everyone is flocking to.

We have trained many talented people for Human Race!

Starting from the third level of Secret Realm, clearing each level of Secret Realm will greatly increase the Talent level.

His original SSS Level Talent Two-in-One has been upgraded to Supreme Level on the third level!

Now the level has not been improved, but the effect has been improved a lot again!

[Two-in-One (Supreme Level): Can be synthesized in batches for any arms of the same level. You can choose to synthesize them into any arms of high Rank One (limited by the arms and races you already own). There is a certain chance of synthesizing a higher level arm. Mutated arms, a very small chance of synthesizing a hero]

The Supreme Level arms have another attribute based on the previous ones.

There is a chance that higher level mutant arms can be synthesized!

For example, two units of First Grade Rank One are combined into one unit of First Grade Rank Two.

But it is possible to directly mutate and synthesize a First Grade Rank Three unit, which will greatly increase the strength!

But this is nothing. At best, the synthesis efficiency is a little higher.

But the extremely small chance in the end is a bit exaggerated!

You can actually synthesize heroes directly!

You must know that heroes are different from soldiers.

Normal arms can actually be regarded as a skill. After being recruited by the lord, every move needs to be controlled and directed by the lord.

This is also the origin of the limitation of command power!

Each unit needs to be personally commanded by the lord, which requires a certain amount of energy from the lord.

If too many troops are recruited, the lord will have a mental breakdown!

It can range from schizophrenia to immediate death!

But heroes are different, not only reflected in the difference in strength,

What's more, they have a higher level of wisdom and can fight independently.

Even with the influence of the Supreme Level, you can command some units in battle on behalf of the master!

This shows the importance of heroes!

Even if Lin Xiu has unlimited synthesis of SSS Level Talent, he has a lot of strength in the trial field.

I only got two hero crystals!

The hero crystal of the undead controller was obtained from someone else!

And now his synthesis Talent can directly synthesize heroes...it's simply incredible!

"Everything is ready...all that's left now is a large number of bones..."

Lin Xiu murmured, with high morale,

Even if he leaves the Holy Spirit Secret Realm now, he only feels that the future is bright!

As a golden lord, his basic divine power is as high as 100,000.

He is not far behind the higher-level Platinum Lord, and he also has Supreme Level Talent with him.

Although the strength of the troops cannot keep up for the time being and is not as good as other platinum lords,

But as long as there are enough bones, relying on Supreme Level Two-in-One Talent,

He can quickly take advantage of the situation and quickly synthesize a Third Grade hero!

Based on past experience, multiple synthesis of heroes will also improve the entry attributes.

From First Grade synthesis to Third Grade synthesis, at least dozens of times,

There must be quite a few trigger entries!


The ground trembled, and a loud bang interrupted Lin Xiu's enjoyment.

The ground as solid as diamond cracked again, and countless cracks appeared.

The rocks fell into the Endless Abyss and disappeared, and the cracked earth led Lin Xiu to run all the way to Ascension again!

"It's the sixth floor!"

Lin Xiu murmured, putting the hero into the lord space,

Watching the surroundings vigilantly, the terrifying gravity rose rapidly again!


The sound of bone activity in the body was heard, and the gravity suddenly increased to two hundred times.

The diamonds on the ground began to explode crazily, turning into business powder and seeping into the hard earth!

But Lin Xiu felt a little more relaxed this time. With more than 200,000 divine powers, his physical fitness had been improved to an abnormal level!

[Enter the sixth level of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm]

[Get: permanent +10 (50) life/mana/command per minute, permanent recovery +10 (50)/minute]

[Obtain: Blessing of the Holy Spirit*3 (You can obtain the Blessing of the Holy Spirit after clearing the fourth level, and it will take effect when you leave the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit)]

[Tip: The deeper you enter the Secret Realm, the higher the bonus]

[Tip: You can stay in each level for up to two hours. When it expires, you can enter the refresh time of the next level. If you are unable to enter, you will be kicked out of Secret Realm]

There haven't been many changes. In fact, Lin Xiu feels that the income from Secret Realm after the third level is not equal to the income from killing goblins at the third level.

The income has become higher, but compared with killing monsters, it seems a bit unimpressive.

However, starting from the fourth level, after clearing the level, there is an additional buff of Holy Spirit Blessing, but I don’t know what effect it has.

He remembered that Tang Feixuan had mentioned before that it was enough to enter the fourth level.

I don’t know if this wish has come true.

In other words, the target of Li Qinghua and a few others is actually the Secret Realm on the fifth floor.

Regarding their strength, Lin Xiu doubted why these people entered the fifth level of Secret Realm.

I always feel like there is something weird in it, but I can’t figure it out after thinking about it.

I was too lazy to think about it.

“Is this the sixth floor??”

With a loud bang, the mainland returned to its place,

The environment on the sixth floor is even worse, with a gravity of two hundred times.

Different from external pressure, it is directly targeted at each

The power of every atom of an individual,

It is a power that cannot be described or spoken. The gravity of two hundred quilts is enough to crush all materials in the world!

The environment is beyond imagination, and the ground is still pressed into a crystal shape by gravity.

Standing on the ground is like standing on a piece of rough glass mirror.

It seemed that there was not much danger if he could bear it, but Lin Xiu soon realized the horror of this environment!


A low roar came, and a group of monsters suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xiu.

It was a flat monster that looked like a deep-sea creature. If you looked closely, it looked like a Goblin.

It's like...a goblin being crushed by a hydraulic press!

The thickness of the whole body is no more than 20 centimeters, and the flat body is like a flying wing.

Their limbs were degraded to the extreme. When Lin Xiu got closer, he discovered that they were not running wildly on the ground.

But gliding!


Lin Xiu's complexion changed slightly, and he took a step later.

Death Knight struck out instantly with a sliding shovel, and the bloody blade fell from his hand.

But Lin Xiu realized something was wrong the moment he took action!

A dozen Death Knight figures suddenly appeared on the ground!

As the 0.25 second appearance time of the shimmer cloak ends, it enters the invisible state and disappears together!

"No! It's not a group of goblins...but one!!"

Lin Xiu's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed in disbelief,

The goblin glided and moved at high speed, its body constantly changing,

The mixed and impure crystal fragments on the ground actually formed more than a dozen vivid projections after complex refraction!


Death Knight slashed out with his sword, but it passed through a figure.

He slashed hard at the unimaginably hard crystal, causing sparks to fly but nothing happened!

"We need to find the true body!"

Lin Xiu had a headache. This was the first time he had seen such an environment.

There was no way to find it for a while.

Various projections are constantly changing, always following the position of the body.

It only made him dazzled, and even a little careful observation made him dizzy.

It’s so disgusting that I want to vomit!

"It's so disgusting...Death Pulse!"

Lin Xiu was depressed, and then she thought of a way.

The master of the undead activates the skill knowingly, and releases five balls of pure death energy.

Two of them quickly headed towards the two goblins!

"Here! Kill!"

Lin Xiu's eyes suddenly lit up. The bounty hunter was also surrounded.

Hearing this, he immediately became energetic and immediately threw out a marking technique to mark one.

However, before he could activate his backstab skill to lock onto another enemy,

Then I saw the figure flickering, and the goblin quickly disappeared from sight again!

"Damn...there are actually two of them!"

Lin Xiu was depressed for a while. The strength of the goblins who survived in such a harsh environment on the sixth floor was far from comparable to those on the third floor.

The speed is extremely fast, and the flexibility of gliding with the flat body is beyond imagination.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared into various refraction projections.

Fortunately, there is a bounty hunter here, and a goblin has been marked so that he cannot escape!

"Soul-Chasing Thorn!"


The bounty hunter and Death Knight had already been cornered, and they rushed over like hungry tigers pouncing on prey!




However, the damage was shocking, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing,

The two heroes who are always invincible, but now their attacks seem a bit weak.

Goblin skin is incredibly tough!


Lin Xiu is even more depressed. The more improvements in the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit are aimed at improving the lord’s basic divine power and Talent.

Although he also obtained a lot of treasures to upgrade his skill level and soldier level,

In the prisoner cow copy of Secret Realm on the third level, many precious treasures were obtained from the treasure chest.

His skeleton recruitment level has also successfully broken through to First Grade.

But the improvement in hero strength still cannot keep up with the increase in difficulty of Secret Realm!

It feels a bit weak in the fifth level of Secret Realm. All attributes must be accumulated into attacks to cause considerable damage to the Holy Spirit Guardian Beast.

If those guardian beasts didn't have a buff that allowed them to be immune to damage and receive double damage from another type of damage,

That battle will never be so easy!

"I'll come! Put it in the ossuary!"

Lin Xiu frowned, and the overwhelming shadows made him dizzy.

In this environment, if you don't deal with the enemy as soon as possible, you will easily be attacked by a sneak attack and you won't be able to find out where the enemy is!

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