Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 113 +5 Death Knight! The Powerful Set Attributes Of Holy Light Bones!


Death Knight immediately activated his skills, and twelve skeletal cages were born out of thin air.

The marked goblin was instantly enveloped!

"Holy light power! Go!"

The goblin's strength is too strong, and the bone prison can only trap it for a second at most.

Lin Xiu didn't dare to be lazy and stretched out his hand directly.

A piece of divine power the size of a soybean was ejected like a marble, and it accurately landed on the goblin who broke out of the prison in the shower!


Silent and indestructible, it is strong enough to withstand the defenses of the Weeping Blood Blade and the Hidden Dagger.

At this moment, it seems like paper!


The fear of death made Goblin's voice change.

A sharp howl sounded, piercing Lin Xiu's eardrums with severe pain.

But fortunately, the scream only lasted less than a second, and the divine power of the Holy Light attribute was like the hottest temperature in the world.

The goblins were burned to death in an instant!


In less than a second, my companion was burned to the point of being burned to ashes.

This scene obviously frightened the other surviving goblin, who screamed sharply and turned around to run away!

The figure kept changing and moving away quickly. In Lin Xiu's sight, it looked like a dozen goblins mixed together and constantly changing positions.

Flying thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye!

Lin Xiu looked at the frightened goblin speechlessly. He had no time to stop him but he breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if you kill a monster on the sixth level, your harvest will be comparable to that of a spiritual grass.

But it doesn't seem very important to him whose basic divine power has exceeded 100,000.

But the threat this thing posed to him was real!

At this level, the Death Knight and the bounty hunter are already a bit overwhelmed.

Although his divine power is exaggerated, this method of condensing his divine power into a respectful manner without any skills,

Not to mention the high consumption, just hitting is a problem!

Death Knight's strength is limited, and his bone prison has little effect on monsters of this level.

It is difficult to control the enemy once you are on guard. If a fight really breaks out,

There is a high probability that a lot of divine power will be wasted just to hit the enemy by chance!

[Get: Life +60]

[Get: Mana +60]

[Get: Command +60]

[Obtain: Goblin's Awe*1]

"One monster has one hundred and two magical powers..."

Lin Xiu clicked his tongue and couldn't help but feel pity. With so many attribute improvements,

If you kill hundreds of them like the third level...it's exciting just thinking about it.

I'm afraid I can break through directly to the Platinum Lord!

It's a pity that I don't have that strength!

The environment on the sixth floor is harsh. Lin Xiu made plans and waited to clear Secret Realm to stack buffs.

I simply didn't bother to run around and just hid in place to sort out my harvest.

Lin Xiu was very excited when she saw the items in her backpack.

The harvest from the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit is beyond imagination!

The harvest in the trial land is nothing compared to it!

There are tens of thousands of various skill upgrade scrolls and various materials alone.

There are thousands of skill advancement books of various grades in total!

Even if it’s a First Grade skill advancement book, there are quite a few!

There are also many Soul Fire, inner elixir and other materials of various levels!

There are also a lot of equipment obtained in the third-level prisoner cow dungeon, but most of them are epic or below.

He didn't like it very much.

The most important gain is still the advancement books and upgrade scrolls that can directly increase skill levels, as well as various military recruitment techniques!

Dozens of treasure chests, including five gold treasure chests.

There are many high-level military recruitment techniques available in it.

[Kui Niu Recruitment Technique: After using it, you can learn the Third Grade Kui Niu Recruitment Technique]

[Conditions of use: Alien Lord, Golden Lord]

[Thunder Titan Recruitment Technique: After using it, you can learn the Fourth Grade Thunder Titan Recruitment Technique]

[Conditions of use: Giant Lord, Platinum Lord]

[Silver Corpse King Recruitment Technique: You can learn the Fifth Grade Silver Corpse King after using it]

[Conditions of use: Undead Lord, Diamond Lord]

[Elf Marksman Recruitment Technique: After using it, you can learn to recruit Sixth Grade Elf Marksman]

[Conditions of use: Elf lords, legendary lords]

The four highest-level recruiting techniques, the highest even reaching Rank Six,

On the same level as Tan Siyan, the backer of the second generation of the temple!

If you sell it, it will definitely be worth a fortune!

Among them, the only one Lin Xiu can use is Fifth Grade's Silver Corpse King Recruitment Technique.

You can recruit Fifth Grade zombie-like troops, the Silver Zombie King!

However, you need to wait until you break through the Diamond Lord before you can use it. It is considered a special type of zombies.

The combat power is extremely powerful and the defense is incredible!

There are also many Earth Level undead troop recruitment techniques.

Units such as ghoul recruitment, wraiths, ghosts, etc. can be regarded as supplements to his basic undead units.

There are many other branches of Skeleton Race, which are similar to Skeleton Warrior.

But adhering to the principle of not overburdening yourself with too many skills, Lin Xiu learned them all directly.

Even if you don’t need to upgrade, Two-in-One Talent is here,

If necessary in the future, you can directly synthesize a high-level unit of the corresponding race!

After all the military recruitments were used, Lin Xiu started to upgrade the recruitment skills again!

There are many undead races, but if they are divided according to recruitment requirements,

It can be roughly divided into four categories: Skeleton Race, Ghost Race, Zombie Race, and Undead Race.

Needless to say, Skeleton Race, various Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage, Skeleton Shooter,

Bone Wolf, Bone Horse, Bone Dragon, etc. may have different strengths.

But essentially they can be recruited as long as they have bones!

Lin Xiu directly upgraded the Skeleton Warrior recruitment technique to First Grade Rank Eight, which basically means that this series of races have the highest level recruitment technique!

The ghost race is relatively rare and is a branch of the soul system.

There is not much difference from the Necrons, but their strength performance is completely different!

Everyone knows the signature skills of the ghost tribe,

That’s possession!

They have no entity and no special means of attack.

You can only fight by controlling other people's bodies by possessing them and seizing their bodies!

The stronger the ghost, the stronger the target it can possess.

According to legend, there was even an undead lord who devoted all his efforts to cultivate a Tenth Grade Ghost King.

He directly transformed into all things and took over an entire race!

Even though that race is not considered strong, it still caused a huge sensation.

After all, annihilating a clan by oneself is a rare occurrence even in the starry sky battlefield!

Zombies are very simple.

Everything that summons and controls dead bodies falls into this category.

There are also a series of subdivisions such as zombies, zombies, and lichs. There are not many types, but each type of strength is extremely fishy!

They account for half of the undead lords!

The undead type is very simple,

Soul reapers and undead controllers are one of them,

Belongs to the soul body and is proficient in legal attacks.

Among them, high-level arms are better at attacking the enemy's soul. If the enemy does not have enough soul defense means,

It is easy to be defeated by the weak!

It can be said that the undead lord is relatively strong even among the entire Human Race.

But the limitation of command power greatly reduces the strength of the undead lord!

There are also too many undead races. If the Undead Lord’s troop types are too restrictive,

Too single a unit type can easily make their strength incompetent.

In addition, the undead lord drinks corpses and bones every day... He is naturally not very approachable.

It is not difficult to understand the less bright image of Undead Lord today.

However, throughout history, there has never been a shortage of powerful Undead Lords who suppressed all parties.

In the starry sky battlefield, the Undead Lord has always been an existence that enemies fear like snakes and scorpions!

"Phew! First Grade Rank Ten's skeletons, soul reapers, zombies, wraiths...all have Iv100! That's enough!"

After being busy for a while, Lin Xiu took a long breath,

There are still many resources in the backpack, but he has no needs anymore!

All four categories of recruitment skills in Undead Race have been upgraded to the current High Level.

Other recruitment techniques only need to be learned and do not need to be upgraded.

With the Supreme Level Two-in-One, any type of troops you need can only be recruited in large quantities through these four types and then synthesized in batches!

As for First Grade Rank Ten, it is completely limited by the fact that you have not obtained items above Second Grade before the fifth level of Holy Spirit Secret Realm.

Monsters above Second Grade are difficult to kill, and dungeons are even more difficult to think about.

Too dangerous!

Although it seems that his strength has not improved much at the moment, he has done the details to the extreme.

In the future, as long as there are sufficient recruitment resources, we can develop rapidly.

Recruit and synthesize the troops corresponding to the lord level, and then quickly upgrade to obtain the corresponding strength!

After sorting out the goods, Lin Xiu looked at the three heroes again.

They are still First Grade heroes, but along the way they kill many monsters and recruit zombies to synthesize them.

It can be considered that the strength has been improved more or less.

Death Knight and Bounty Hunter were combined to First Grade Rank Eight, and the level was not improved much.

But the thinking attribute has also skyrocketed, and the total attribute of Death Knight is more than 1.2 million!

The bounty hunter marks the enemy multiple times to obtain the attributes of the enemy, which is much better than the Death Knight.

The total attributes add up to almost 1.6 million!

The Necromancer has also been improved to a certain extent and has been synthesized to First Grade Rank Ten.

It is only a thin line away from the Second Grade, with a total attribute of 1.5 million!

It's a pity that although the three of them have greatly improved in strength, they are still a bit useless to Lin Xiu now.

Although I can still break through defenses against Second Grade monsters, I feel a little helpless when trying to kill them.

After finishing everything, Lin Xiu looked at Death Knight again,

This influence initially followed him, although now his strength has begun to fall to the bottom,

But I have saved him from fire and water many times, so naturally I can’t give up easily!

"Bone Strengthening Technique......Come here!"

Lin Xiu picked up a craft that had not been used for a long time.

Called the Death Knight over and removed one of its arms.

Death Knight looked at his master with a faint look, and Soul Fire couldn't help but jump for joy.

As a hero, he gradually becomes useless to his master.

Undoubtedly a shame!

It just can't speak, and now it naturally knows that the owner wants to strengthen it.

"Bone strengthening!"

Idle time is also idle, Lin Xiu directly started the bone strengthening plant!

[Obtain: Death Knight's left arm +1]

[Obtain: Death Knight's left arm +2]

…Please give me flowers…


[Obtain: Death Knight's left arm +5]


After five consecutive successes, Lin Xiu was a little surprised.

Every time we strengthened in the past, the failure rate was as high as over 90%.

Often it takes forty or fifty times to achieve success.

Once, in Cave Mansion, the place of trial, only three or four +5 bones could be broken out in one night.

but now..

"Is it because of the divine power... attribute of divine power??"

Lin Xiu's eyes suddenly lit up and he murmured thoughtfully,

Attribute power is the exclusive power of gods and has many wonderful uses.

I can't believe it helps with this!

Amplification and strengthening, in the final analysis, are achieved by using the lord's mana to act on the bones.

Attribute power has far more power than Ordinary power, and it should have other magical uses!


Lin Xiu was overjoyed and put the arm back on Death Knight with a click.

Another click made its right arm come down.

"Bone Strengthening Technique!"

[Obtain: Death Knight's right arm +1]

[Obtain: Death Knight's right arm +2]


[Obtain: Death Knight's right arm +5]

"Fuck!! Really! It's outrageous!!"

Lin Xiu's eyes almost narrowed down. He was completely sure.

This is definitely one of the wonderful uses of the divine power of Holy Light!

The probability of strengthening is greatly increased, infinitely close to 100%!

Lin Xiu also attached the right arm to the Death Knight and looked at it with a faint look.

Just thinking about which part to hit next...


I saw Death Knight's Soul Fire falling from his head to his chest instantly, and then he raised his hands,

When he grabbed his head, there was a click, and he took it off and handed it to Lin Xiu.



Lin Xiu looked at the skull in his hand speechlessly, with its mouth still opening and closing.

I just felt a chill in my body.

Fortunately, I have a lot of experience now, so I quickly accepted it.

"Bone strengthening!"

[Obtain: Death Knight’s Head +1]

[Obtain: Death Knight's Head +2]


[Obtain: Death Knight’s Head +5]

"Calm down, troubled!"

Lin Xiu looked at Wulianshang calmly, completely calm.

Death Knight also expressed that he was very calm and calmly took back his slightly glowing head.

Then he calmly pulled out his spine.


Even Transcendent creatures cannot violate basic mechanics.

The spine was pulled out, and the Death Knight's bones suddenly fell to the ground.

If Soul Fire wasn't still whirling in its head, people might think it was dead.


Lin Xiu is also idle, skillfully strengthening his bones.

Soon all the bones in Death Knight's body were smashed to +5,

When the last pelvic bone was put back on its own, every bone in the body was instantly connected together.

Like a whole bone, it looks integrated, even the joints are shrouded in light, as if a piece of cartilage has grown!


The next second, the brilliance connected,

A ray of milky white light rose from the soles of his feet and flowed through every bone of the Death Knight.

Finally, it enters the head, merges with Soul Fire and disappears!


Death Knight's whole personality changed drastically, his aura surged,

Finally, he spoke directly and said something!!

"You...can talk??"

Lin Xiu's eyes widened and she looked at her hero in disbelief.

The bounty hunter and the controller of the undead were also shocked, and quickly gathered around and looked up and down.

He seemed very shocked by the scene.


Death Knight nodded, moving his upper and lower jaws continuously,

But he could only say the word "master", and he seemed a little uncomfortable with it.

“Could it be due to strengthening??”

Lin Xiu murmured to himself in surprise, it is not a strange thing for soldiers to be able to talk.

In fact, most heroes have the ability to communicate with their masters, especially those lords of the alien beast type.

In the First Grade, heroes can have the ability to speak and communicate normally, but some special units, including the undead and mechanical types,

You need a very High Level to activate this ability!

If I remember correctly, the undead skeleton system requires at least Fifth Grade or above!

And his Death Knight...is not even Second Grade yet!

After much deliberation, only the changes brought about by strengthening can explain,

Lin Xiu couldn't wait to open Death Knight's attribute interface.

[Death Knightlv65]

[First Grade Rank Ten]


[Set attributes:

Death Knight's left thigh +5

Death Knight's thigh +5

Death Knight's head +5;


Life +50000

Mana +50000

Attack +50000

Defense +50000

Command power +50000


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