Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 114 The Seventh Floor! Yellow Rank Kung Fu Saint Spirit Treasure Hall!

Holy Light Shield: Stacks a shield every hour, has a shield value of 500,000, and can continuously cause 20,000/second damage to surrounding enemies, and can be stacked up to ten times;

Holy Light Bullet: Consume the shield and turn it into a Holy Light Bullet, causing damage equal to the shield value to the enemy;

Holy Light Asylum: Consumes all shields to release Holy Light Asylum to all surrounding allies, increasing defense by 9.99 million within a certain period of time. The more shields, the longer the duration]

"It actually has suit properties!?"

Lin Xiu's eyes were wide open. All the bones in his body were smashed and he actually had a set attribute!

And the attributes are also very powerful. Just the basic attribute of thinking has been directly increased by 50,000!

There are also three accompanying skills. The strength of the Holy Light Shield is almost as strong as the Aphotic Shield.

Increased the tankiness of Death Knight to a greater extent!

And there are also several more long-range magic attack methods, which can be said to greatly supplement the combat power of Death Knight!

"Is it the divine power of the Holy Light? Or...is it already there?"

Lin Xiu murmured, feeling that the appearance of this suit's attributes should be inseparable from the divine power of the Holy Light.

Perhaps the Bone Strengthening Technique does have set properties, but it is so powerful... It is definitely due to the divine power of the Holy Light!

"The four-dimensional attributes skyrocketed by more than 300,000, and the set attributes increased by another 200,000, directly exceeding 2 million!"

Lin Xiu carefully checked Death Knight's attribute column. A wave of enhancements directly doubled its strength!

Not only the bonus to four-dimensional data, but also the bonus to all aspects of entries is also huge!

Damage reduction, explosion damage, explosion rate, damage amplification, attack speed, movement speed, etc.

The data improvement is not huge, less than doubled.

But the overall combat power has at least doubled!

"If it's above +5, it will fail... I'll hit you first, bounty hunter!"

Lin Xiu admired the brand new Death Knight. This guy now looks like he has changed his skin.

Every bone in the body exudes the warm shimmer of milky white "837", making it appear extremely majestic.

The holy light shrouded it, and its whole body was shrouded in death energy.

It looks like it has some Spirit Partitioning sheen!

The hazy light obscures his face, and if others see it, no one will immediately realize that he is actually a Death Knight of the undead type!

The new skin looks great. Lin Xiu hesitated a little but didn’t continue to smash it.

After all, although the current divine power of Holy Light seems to have an amazing success rate in breaking bones...

But if you fail once, the price will be a bit high!

After all, bones above +5 will be shattered if they fail!

Before there is a substitute, if the attack fails once, the Death Knight's combat power will be cut in half.

The loss is too great to accept!

Just give it to the bounty hunter and give it a try to improve your strength.


The bounty hunter nodded eagerly, moved closer with his mouth open and closed,

Following Death Knight's example, he immediately broke off his left leg and handed it to Lin Xiu.

[Get: Bounty Hunter’s Left Thigh +1]

Lin Xiu's crazy amplification and super high success rate quickly strengthened the bounty hunter's body bones to +5.

Triggered the same set attributes as Death Knight, and the combat power soared again!

The controller of the undead can only look at it with envy, but it is a pity that it has no bones...

Bone augmentation has no effect on it.

Just after finishing all this, the two-hour period came again,

With a loud bang, the crystal ground cracked again and then rose into the sky!


The terrifying gravity suddenly struck, causing Lin Xiu's bones to crackle.

But this time he was prepared, Lin Xiu groaned but was not pushed down!

"Two hundred times gravity... Damn it, how did the previous lords reach the eighth level?"

Lin Xiu felt a sharp pain in his legs. Even with his strength, he couldn't help but feel a little pressure at this moment.

Suddenly I couldn't help but become suspicious.

In the history of Human Race, the person who has explored the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit the most is the legendary Heavenly Venerable strongman.

Passed the eighth level of Holy Spirit Secret Realm and achieved impressive results!

But it is said that the lord at that time was just a silver lord, and his divine power was at least several orders of magnitude inferior to Lin Xiu's now.

With the current situation, a Silver Lord will never be able to reach the eighth floor!

"Perhaps it's because of the different difficulty levels..."

Lin Xiu murmured to himself, feeling that this made sense.

Tang Feixuan also said that each Secret Realm clearance mode is different.

In most cases, a powerful guardian beast will appear, and you can only pass the level after killing it.

In this case, if the troops are strong enough, they can indeed pass the level more easily.

In this mode of doubling gravity, the requirements for clearing levels have nothing to do with the type of troops.

You can only rely on the lord’s own hard power!

It can be said that the requirements for the numerical value of divine power are extremely strict, and the divine power has not been reached.

No matter how strong the troops are, they will be eliminated!

With his current total divine power of more than 200,000, he also feels a certain amount of pressure on the seventh level!

He estimated that if he wanted to successfully pass the sixth floor,

It requires at least 50,000 divine powers!

In other words, you need at least the Golden Lord to clear the sixth floor and enter the seventh floor!

Of course, with only fifty thousand divine powers,

I'm afraid you'll be crushed to the ground the moment you enter the seventh floor. If you don't exit in time, you'll be crushed to death in less than five minutes!

The seventh floor Secret Realm is more stressful than the sixth floor.

The crystal ground covered with impurities is constantly cracking and melting,

After reaching the seventh level, it gradually solidified, and finally formed an endless crystal world again!

Compared with the sixth layer, there is not much change, that is, there are fewer impurities and a little more projection.

Lin Xiu moved slightly, and suddenly dozens of his figures appeared around him.

It only made him dizzy and extremely uncomfortable!

In the endless crystal world, any impurity will be constantly projected and reflected.

Dozens or even hundreds of identical phantoms are formed. It’s indescribable to be true or false!

[Enter the seventh level of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm]

[Get: permanent +20 (100) life/mana/command power per minute, permanent recovery +20 (100)/minute]

[Obtain: Blessing of the Holy Spirit*4 (You can obtain the Blessing of the Holy Spirit after clearing the fourth level, and it will take effect when you leave the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit)]

[Obtain: Holy Spirit Treasure Book]

[Tip: The deeper you enter the Secret Realm, the higher the bonus]

[Tip: You can stay in each level for up to two hours. When it expires, you can enter the refresh time of the next level. If you are unable to enter, you will be kicked out of Secret Realm]

The familiar prompt sounded again, and the buff effect on the seventh floor was doubled!

"100 points of life and mana per minute, one hour is six thousand... two hours, twelve thousand!?"

Lin Xiu did some calculations and his eyes widened immediately.

It can only be said that it is indeed the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit. Compared with the original Cave Mansion and this place, there is a world of difference!?

You don’t need to do anything in the seventh level Secret Realm. Staying there for two hours can increase your base power by a total of 24,000!

"The seventh floor is only twenty-two thousand...the eighth floor can't be more?? If you enter the ninth floor...you can directly break through the Platinum Lord!"

Lin Xiu murmured to himself, his eyes suddenly lit up,

This harvest is really too abnormal!

Platinum Lord requires 200,000 basic divine power to break through.

The fastest speed in Human Race's three thousand years of history is the legendary fire Heavenly Venerable,

The breakthrough one year after entering the Starry Sky Battlefield caused an uproar at the time.

It shocked countless big men, and finally a king took him as his disciple.

Only then came the fire Heavenly Venerable!

This record has lasted for two thousand years and no one has broken it.

But now, Lin Xiu clearly sees the hope of breaking through!

According to the difficulty increase of Secret Realm, he can definitely pass the ninth level of Secret Realm with his current divine power.

What's more, there are improvements brought by the seven, eight, nine and three levels of Secret Realm. If not, you can directly clear the Secret Realm!

I just don’t know if the tenth level is the limit of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm.

In addition to the substantial increase in the basic buff, the blessing buff of the Holy Spirit has also been stacked up to four levels again.

The higher the level of stacking, the better the rewards you will receive after the Secret Realm ends.

In addition, there will be a special reward for each level after the sixth level of Holy Spirit Secret Realm.

"Holy Spirit Treasure Book?"

Lin Xiu muttered doubtfully and took out the book from his backpack.

This is a book with a blank cover made of unknown material.

There are only four large gilded characters in the middle——Sacred Spirit Treasure Book!

The book is only one finger thick and looks quite good.

[Holy Spirit Treasure Book]

[Lord Skill-Yellow Rank Skill]

[After using it, you can learn the Earth Level Kung Fu Holy Spirit Treasure Code]

[You can gain 100 life, mana, attack power, defense, and command power each time you practice, and the maximum daily increase is 1,000 points]

[Comprehension increased by 100]

[Skill: Holy Spirit Seal]

"It's actually a Kung Fu!?"

Lin Xiu was stunned and pleasantly surprised,

"It's still the Yellow Rank technique!"

Kung Fu is not a particularly precious thing.

But it is a must-have for every lord. After entering the starry sky battlefield,

The biggest source of improvement in divine power is generally obtained through exercises. Each lord will receive a skill when entering the starry sky battlefield.

The level of the skill depends on the lord’s own Talent!

This is also one of the reasons why lords who enter the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit will have higher achievements in the future.

Because the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit can enhance the lord's Talent, the higher the Talent level, the higher the level of skills he will obtain in the future.

Naturally, the improvement of divine power will be faster!

Generally speaking, the skills are divided into three types: heaven, earth, and human. Human is the most basic initial skill obtained according to the lord Talent.

Levels and talents are generally divided into SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, etc. from high to low.

Human Level exercises are generally evolved from SSS Level exercises.

Platinum and above lords consume a lot of precious materials to upgrade their skills.

The levels are divided into four major levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow.

And the highest Heaven Level technique is the legendary supreme existence.

Legend has it that the gods only use this level of skills.

Divided into four levels of the universe!

His Holy Spirit Treasure Book actually starts directly with the Yellow Rank in the Earth Level technique.

It is the lowest skill in the second level, but for Human Race it is one of the top skills!

After all, the gods...are simply too high for the Human Race!

"Each practice can improve the five-dimensional attributes by one hundred points each... The maximum daily improvement can be one thousand points!"

Lin Xiu was amazed, it was equivalent to a fixed increase of two thousand points of divine power every day.

Even for him now, it is a very powerful improvement.

It is equivalent to increasing 200,000 divine power in 100 days, directly promoting you from trainee lord to platinum lord!

For a new lord, this level of skill is simply a treasure!

And as you practice for a long time, your proficiency can also be greatly improved.

How many unparalleled and even king-level lords only have one Yellow Rank skill!


Lin Xiu did not hesitate to use this Holy Spirit Treasure Book directly,

In an instant, countless cultivation insights and experiences came to my mind!

[Learn: Yellow Rank Kung Fu - Holy Spirit Treasure]

[Learning: Holy Spirit Breathing Iv1]

[Learn: Holy Spirit Seal]

[Study: Holy Spirit Guard]

[Tip: It is said that a holy spirit created a technique that can be cultivated to the peak to develop the power of holy light]

[Tip: The Holy Light Divine Power "Pengling Tunna VV10 Worker" was detected

[Tip: The power of the Holy Light can greatly enhance the power of the Holy Spirit Treasure]


Numerous notification sounds came, and Lin Xiu felt as if a large amount of knowledge was stuffed into his head in an instant.

I couldn't help but feel dizzy for a while, but fortunately, he was now very powerful.

It can be said that I can withstand the impact, but a lot of knowledge still needs a certain amount of time to digest.

Only when the digestion is completed can you truly learn this Holy Spirit Treasure!

[Holy Spirit Breathing Iv10: The legendary Holy Spirit Breathing Technique. Each practice can increase one's own life, mana, attack, defense, and command by 200 points each, and the maximum increase can be 2,000 points in a day]

Among the many improvements brought by the Holy Spirit Treasure Code, Holy Spirit Seal and Holy Spirit Guard are things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed.

It needs to be demonstrated in actual combat, and there is no data analysis.

"Song You, who can clearly see the improvement, has the most basic function of all exercises - breathing practice!"

After cultivating the Holy Spirit Treasure Code to its peak, he was able to cultivate the divine power of Holy Light. However, because Lin Xiu first gathered the four Holy Spirit inheritances into one body,

I have obtained the divine power of Holy Light, and now I can practice the Holy Spirit Treasure Code to get twice the result with half the effort.

He actually directly upgraded the basic breathing technique to Iv10!

The upgrade efficiency doubled instantly!


In the seventh level Secret Realm, the enemy's strength becomes more and more abnormal.

Lin Xiu no longer had any thoughts of killing monsters and leveling up. He just wanted to find a safe place to spend these two hours smoothly.

Each time you enter the next level of Secret Realm, it is a huge improvement!

The shining bounty hunter was sent out in invisible form as a scout, while the undead controller guarded him.

Although it has not been strengthened, it has a hard control skill called Death Scythe.

There is no doubt about its strength!

So far, this is the best hero for Lin Xiu, controlled by Death Scythe.

With his divine power of Holy Light, he can instantly kill enemies within at least Fifth Grade!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xiu sat cross-legged at 3.7,

Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit Treasure Book, close your eyes and spit out your shame!

The first time I practiced meditation, maybe it was because the divine power of the Holy Light directly raised the Breathing Technique to Iv10.

There was no feeling of jerkiness at all, the skill was beyond imagination!

Concentrating and holding his breath, he successfully entered the state of inner vision in just a few seconds.

The scene between the brows when the inheritance was passed down once again came into view, but this time there was no heart-wrenching pain.

He can feel it more clearly!

A warm feeling came over him, and he seemed to have turned into a ball of light!

"It's the Holy Light...the power of the Holy Light!"

If Lin Xiu complained, he transformed into a ball of holy light and divine power.

Skillfully shuttled through the endless clouds and mist, passing through long tunnel-like meridians,

Let the warm feeling flow throughout your body!

Lin Xiu was addicted to this feeling for a while. The feeling of divine power flowing through his body and getting stronger was irresistible.

I don’t know how long it took, but the divine power flowed through the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign and returned to the center of my head and eyebrows again.

A cool feeling came from the Holy Light Bone to wake Lin Xiu up!

[Get: Life +200]

[Get: Mana +200]


The prompt sound seems to be in the horizon, ethereal and pleasant.

Lin Xiu slowly opened his eyes and felt a trance. This feeling of breathing and practicing brought him a wonderful feeling that he had never experienced before.

The improvement in strength brought about by independent cultivation is even more addictive!

It seems like centuries have passed, but if you think about it a little, less than half an hour has passed!

"Is this the practice of breathing and breathing??"

Lin Xiu murmured to himself, clenching his fists and feeling the growing power of Pure in his body.

Breathing practice is not only to enhance divine power, but also to continuously refine divine power.

Prepare to gather your attribute power and embark on the road to becoming a god in the future!

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