Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 115 The Legend Of The Gods! Dragon War·Immortal Fist!

The first time he practiced practice, he was so addicted that it took him half an hour to complete.

But as my practice progressed, I got used to the feeling of exhalation and relief.

The efficiency of practice will also continue to improve!

The second time I breathed out, it took twenty minutes.

The third level of breathing took fifteen minutes.

The fourth time of inhalation, the efficiency increased to the fastest.

Breathing is completed in ten minutes!

When the mainland trembled again, Lin Xiu was forced to wake up from the ninth breath.

After taking a look, life, mana and command have each increased by a full 1,600!

The proficiency of Holy Spirit Breathing is also increased by eight points. When the proficiency is full, you can upgrade again!

"You need to practice for almost two hours every day, and you will have four thousand points of divine power... In fifty days, you can increase your divine power by two hundred thousand, which is equivalent to ten platinum lords!"

Lin Xiu did some calculations and was shocked. A book of Earth Level exercises.

The promotion of the lord is beyond doubt!

Generally speaking, only diamond lords and above have the opportunity to obtain this level of kung fu, and they must be extremely powerful diamond lords!

In fact, his calculations were too ideal. Putting aside all factors,

Even if a Bronze Lord obtained the Yellow Level skill as he thought, the attributes and divine power would not be a big deal.

Even if someone has magical attributes like him, it is impossible to gather together even the same attributes as the skills...

Regardless of this factor, if you get a copy of Yellow Level Kung Fu, you can only practice it from scratch.

It is normal for it to take several months just to get started. After getting started, the Iv1 Breathing and Breathing Technique is

It also takes twice as long to get this improvement!

In other words, other normal lords,

Without so many coincidences, it would take at least half a year to become a platinum lord!

If there is just one coincidence missing from these factors, the time will more than double!

The lord of the Ordinary, leaving behind all dangers and falling halfway,

To grow into a platinum lord, it will take at least a hundred years.

And this one can become a platinum lord,

They are all considered to be the best among countless lords, one in a million!

And at this moment, Lin Xiu, even if she finds a place to hide,

As long as he stays for fifty years... no, he already has hundreds of thousands of divine powers,

In less than a month, he will definitely be promoted to a 23 platinum lord!

Not only that, with the practice of breathing out the Holy Spirit,

He also has a better understanding of the techniques in the Holy Spirit Treasure Book. Each technique in this book is more than just the cultivation of divine power!

It also contains many understandings of one's own fighting skills such as combat techniques, martial arts, and body skills.

The higher the level of the skill, the more and stronger the skills it contains. It is said that the Heaven Level skill even has the legendary Divine Ability!


Lin Xiu looked forward to the future, and the constant cracks and vibrations of the earth woke him up from his meditation.

The gravity on the eighth floor skyrocketed again, soaring to five hundred times!

The impact of extreme gravity on Lin Xiu is secondary, with a basic divine power of up to 140,000.

The total divine power is as high as over 300,000, and without even realizing it, every bone, skin, and muscle in his body has been tempered to the level of Golden Immortal iron!

Moreover, the divine power with attributes far exceeds the ordinary divine power. If someone pulls out his bones,

You will definitely find that every Root Bone is shining with a little bit of Holy Light and is slowly transforming towards Holy Light Bone!

This is the terrifying thing about the divine power of Holy Light!


The crystal ground suddenly shattered, and cracks like spider webs appeared from under Lin Xiu's feet.

Spreading quickly in all directions!

"not good!"

Lin Xiu's expression suddenly changed. As the gravity continued to increase,

The purity of ground crystallization is also constantly improving, and impurities are constantly being forged by extreme gravity.

The structure of the molecules changes and gradually turns into a mirror-like substance.

But correspondingly, the toughness is constantly decreasing!

At this moment, there are almost no impurities visible on the ground.

The whole world seems to be made of extremely pure tempered glass, and if it is broken just a little bit,

The whole world is broken!

Endless glass fragments broke, and the original cracks expanded rapidly.

A dense and endless abyss was formed!

Lin Xiu's face changed drastically. For the first time, he felt that the top management of Secret Realm was not facing dangerous enemies and copies.

The worst and most dangerous thing is actually the environment here!

The abyss is bottomless. Looking down, the darkness in the depths looks like a demon that chooses people to devour.

Although he couldn't see anything, his intuition told him that once he fell into the abyss,

The consequences are definitely not what I can bear now!

Lin Xiu asked Death Knight to put a lightless shield on himself, and then directly put away the three heroes.

Watching the movements around him vigilantly, he kept moving around on the tiny continents that were no more than ten meters in length and width!

Looking down from a high altitude, this scene is like a flea looking for a place to shelter in a magnitude 18 earthquake.

There are countless life and death crises happening every second. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are wandering crazily on the edge of death!

For any Ordinary gold lord, if he survives for more than three seconds, he is considered a Son of Fortune!

Fortunately, Lin Xiu has extraordinary strength, and the benefits brought by the Holy Light Divine Power and the Holy Spirit Treasure that are not reflected in the data are revealed for the first time.

It makes him more sensitive, and his reaction speed and sensing ability have been greatly improved.

Only then can we escape from the edge of death almost every time, and quickly find the safest place to stay in the crisis every time!

"The eighth level Secret Realm...so damn perverted!"

Lin Xiu secretly sighed. It was really hard for him to imagine how the legendary fire Heavenly Venerable could be achieved.

He was able to clear the eighth level of Secret Realm!

I’m afraid the initial Talent will definitely not be lower than SSS Level!

However, even such a unique genius is said to have failed and died while trying to attack the realm of gods.

It’s hard to imagine how difficult it is to become a god!

Lin Xiu concentrated on avoiding the abyss under her feet. After a full minute, the cracks on the ground gradually slowed down and then stopped.

The rise of the continent also slowly slowed down, and then he seemed to have arrived at a glass manufacturing factory.

Countless broken continents seemed to have been processed deep into silver-white liquid,

It surged up from the depths of the abyss and completed cooling and condensation in a very short period of time.

A new mirror world reappears!

There is not much difference from the seventh layer, but there is no impurity visible on the mirror surface here.

The purity is beyond imagination. “Standing on the ground and looking at the reflection under my feet, I can’t tell which one is real and which one is fake!

But it is relatively safer than the seventh floor. After all, there are no protrusions on the ground to reflect.

As long as you stay still, there will be only one shadow under your feet in the whole world.

Don't move casually and the world will be full of people. If another monster wants to sneak attack,

It won’t keep him in a hurry and unable to find the monster’s body!

It's just that this kind of world is a great test for mental strength.

There is no reference at all. If you stay there for a long time, you will even doubt your own existence.

If you sink into the spiritual world forever, the consequences will be no better than death!

Fortunately, each level of the world only lasts for two hours.

Even if you go deeper into the next level, the sense of fragmentation when you move up is enough to bring you back to reality and prevent you from sinking too deep!

[Enter the eighth level of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm]

[Get: permanent +40 (200) life/mana/command power per minute, permanent recovery +40 (200)/minute]

[Obtain: Blessing of the Holy Spirit*6 (You can obtain the Blessing of the Holy Spirit after clearing the fourth level, and it will take effect when you leave the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit)]

[Obtain: Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist]

[Tip: The deeper you enter the Secret Realm, the higher the bonus]

[Tip: You can stay in each level for up to two hours. When it expires, you can enter the refresh time of the next level. If you are unable to enter, you will be kicked out of Secret Realm.


The continent trembled, then calmed down,

A familiar voice also came to Lin Xiu's ears. After clearing the seventh level of Secret Realm,

Another different item was given.

Lin Xiu is already familiar with buffs and Holy Spirit blessings, but the so-called Dragon War Immortal Fist,

He was really looking forward to it. After all, he was given a Yellow Rank skill after passing the sixth level.

The one on the seventh floor can't be any worse than that!

Lin Xiu opened the backpack expectantly, and a fist icon formed by bright light appeared in the backpack.

But if you look closely, it looks like a clenched claw, and the thick scales look inexplicably familiar.

[Dragon War·Immortal Fist]

[Forbidden Skill]

[A certain strong man from Dragon Race’s combat skills changed based on humanoid creatures, possessing the power to destroy the world]


After seeing the item description clearly, Lin Xiu took a deep breath.

"Dragon Race!???"

No wonder Lin Xiu was shocked, the origin of this thing is really scary!

The legendary Dragon Race!

Blood Demon Race is the strongest race he has come into contact with now, but in fact it is just a dog released by Shura Clan.

You can create a blood Demon Race today, and it won't be difficult to create a bone Demon Race tomorrow.

But Dragon Race is different!

As one of the top ten Shura Clan in Myriad Worlds, the gap between it and Dragon Race is no smaller than the gap between Human Race and Shura Clan!

Dragon Race is the legendary race of gods!

It has long been separated from the so-called racial divisions of the heavens!

The so-called God Race, as the name suggests, is a race with gods!

But it is said that it does not mean you can be called a god if you have gods. You still need to make extremely difficult challenges.

After success, the whole clan will receive incredible benefits!

The specific details are not something Lin Xiu can know.

But the power of Dragon War is irrefutable!

And now he actually got a treasure related to Dragon Race, which was the work of a strong man in Dragon Race...

Those who can be called strong in Dragon Race are by no means as simple as the so-called unparalleled and star-powerful ones in Human Race.

At least it is a semi-Divine Level existence!

There are no more than ten Human Race beings of this level in Nuo Da.

And in terms of combat power, it is absolutely incomparable to the demigods of Dragon Race!

This forbidden skill is definitely one of the top combat skills in the entire Human Race!

Lin Xiu took a deep breath to suppress the shock in her heart, and could only say that this Holy Spirit Secret Realm,

You have come to the right place!

After looking at Long Zhan a few more times, Lin Xiu reluctantly put it into his backpack.

This forbidden skill is equivalent to the forbidden spell of the legal system, and has transcended the scope of skills.

It is not a simple double-click to learn how to use it, but it is like a High Level skill secret book.

It takes years of practice and understanding before you can learn and use it!

Lin Xiu did not rush to study, but sat down cross-legged again,

Complete the remaining two breaths today!

[Get: Life +200]

[Get: Mana +200]


Twenty minutes later,

Today’s inhalation is completed,

Four hundred points of four-dimensional attributes have been added again!

But compared with the buff on the eighth floor...it seems a drop in the bucket!

But Lin Xiu doesn’t mind it either. After all, the Holy Spirit Secret Realm’s buff is not available everywhere.

It can even be said that this kind of environment is unique!

"Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist!"

After completing the exercise, Lin Xiu stood up and stood still.

Slightly excited, he took out this book of combat skills that was equivalent to the forbidden spells in martial arts.

A flaming fist. If you look closely, you will be surprised to find that it is a dragon claw in the shape of a clenched fist!

The blazing white dragon scales look inexplicably awe-inspiring, and the thick dragon scales wrap the dragon claws.

Gives people an unparalleled sense of power!


Lin Xiu thought about studying silently in her heart, and suddenly her mind was shaken!

The terrifying breath lock is enough to suffocate him!

An indescribable pressure came over like a god, instantly causing Lin Xiu's chest to tremble!


A mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, and Lin Xiu's body, which had been tempered many times by the power of the Holy Light and was as strong as divine iron, was cracking at this moment!

"Apholess Shield!"

The crisis of death frightened Lin Xiu, and he issued orders at the top of his lungs.

However, the hero, who was like a part of his body, completely lost control at this moment!

He couldn't even sense three heroes.

It’s like it never existed!

"Holy Spirit Seal-Block!"

At the critical moment, the sacred heart between the eyebrows keeps beating,

The cool feeling guided Lin Xiu to calm down, and she formed a mudra with her hands without any guidance.

The pressure I feel on my body has improved a lot!

437 click!

However, this powerful Holy Spirit Seal did not last long.

In less than three seconds, Lin Xiu felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

The Holy Spirit Seal shattered suddenly, and he spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood again!


The defense is broken, the Dragon Fist can no longer block it,

Not fast but unable to evade, no matter where he escapes,

The distance between Dragon Fist and him is still closing rapidly!

The closer he got to that terrifying power, the more breathtaking it became. He had an intuition,

When this punch falls on him, he will definitely not escape death!

"Holy Light Divine Power!"

Lin Xiu's scalp was numb. He used to rely on the extraordinary power of the Holy Light to feel that he was quite strong.

But at this moment, I felt my own insignificance!

Without the support of his troops, he has all his divine power but no way to output it!

I can only use the most basic method to condense a ball of holy light and divine power in the palm of my hand.

Blow towards the Dragon Fist fiercely!


Dragon Fist does not dodge or dodge, but it eliminates the problem of Lin Xiu's hit.

The divine power of the Holy Light hit the Dragon Fist hard, and the dragons were shocked in an instant.

A piece of blazing white dragon scale was melted and disappeared, and the rest of it was still crushing downwards unabated!

"There's a show!"

Although the injury was less than a drop in the bucket, it still made Lin Xiu's eyes light up.

It’s like seeing hope in a desperate situation!

Quickly mobilizing the holy light power in his body, he turned into a ball simply and roughly,

Use both hands to smash the Dragon Fist hard!




Like throwing grenades, the sound of bombing is endless,

The blazing white dragon scales surrounding the Dragon Fist continue to dissipate, but the huge Dragon Fist is still so powerful that it makes people despair!


Lin Xiu laughed miserably, and the divine power of the Holy Light met its opponent for the first time.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't defeat this dragon fist. He was reckless about the consequences and didn't use any magical methods.

He just threw more than twenty holy light balls, and all his divine power was consumed!

And Dragon Fist is already close at hand!

Only a dozen scales dissipated!

Lin Xiu was in despair, and the soldiers could not sense it.

His own divine power was exhausted, and under this dragon fist,

I can't find any hope at all!

"I never expected that just learning a skill would actually... hmm??"

Lin Xiu smiled miserably and cursed secretly, but suddenly her head was confused.

Wake up instantly!


The Dragon Fist fell completely, and the terrifying pressure was accompanied by the most direct physical blow.

In an instant, Lin Xiu's body was shattered, her meridians were broken, and her bones were cracked!

Almost in an instant, the whole person was completely shattered by this punch and turned into ashes!

"Huh...that's terrible!"

Severe pain struck, but Lin Xiu suddenly woke up the next second.

My whole body was sweating profusely, as if I had been fished out of water, and I was breathing heavily.

I have lingering fears!

"Is this a forbidden skill??"

Lin Xiu silently clenched her fist and punched hard,

In an instant, the mirror on the ground shattered!

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