Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 116: Understand The Forbidden Skills! Confused Outside Bosses!



Two crisp sounds sounded, and in an instant, the glass-like ground under Lin Xiu's feet was suddenly covered with spider webs.

And it spreads in all directions around it at an extremely fast speed!

It didn’t stop slowly until a thousand meters away!

"This punch...is this the power of combat skills??"

Lin Xiu looked at the cracks in the ground in shock. The glass floor was healing rapidly under the extreme pressure.

But the power of the attack still deeply shocked him!

In this punch just now, he did not use Dragon War Immortal Fist.

It’s just a hint of the use of divine power gained after learning this forbidden skill!

You must know that although the ground looks like glass, it is not really that fragile glass.

It is a transparent reflective surface similar to glass that was born after being compressed to the extreme by various materials on the ground after being compressed by 500 times of gravity!

Its hardness was something that Lin Xiu could not break even with all his strength.

The only damage it can cause to the ground is to burn out a large hole less than ten centimeters deep with the power of the Holy Light!

With a punch that can create a crack thousands of meters long, Lin Xiu probably had to exhaust all his divine power to cause the same amount of damage!

But just now, he only used a trace of divine power,

With an attack like this, he can at least throw hundreds of punches!

And if the Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist is launched.

He almost doubted that he could destroy this Secret Realm with one punch!

He didn't know whether it was an exaggeration or not, but it felt to him that the power of this punch had exceeded his imagination.

But since it is a forbidden skill, it is naturally impossible to release it at will.

The cracks in the glass under his feet healed quickly, and Lin Xiu stood still with her fists closed.

Close your eyes and carefully appreciate the charm of that punch. Learning and practicing this forbidden skill cannot be accomplished overnight.

It takes many years of continuous understanding and practice to gradually master and master it!

And the scene I just saw was the process of learning the Immortal Fist!

Under Dragon Fist, you will use all your life's knowledge to fight against Dragon Fist. The longer you persist, the more you will understand.

When you can completely smash the Dragon Fist, it means you have completely mastered this forbidden skill!

Fortunately, relying on the power of the Holy Light,

Lin Xiu broke more than ten dragon scales with the strength of the Golden Lord, although the persistence time was not extended much.

But it also gave him many different insights into this punch!

Although it is still very difficult to use it, you can finally count it as learning it!

And during this understanding process, he also gained a lot of understanding of combat skills. Combined with the Holy Spirit Seal, Holy Spirit Guard and other similar combat skills in the Holy Spirit Treasure Hall,

There have also been many indescribable improvements!

The overall combat power of the lord has been greatly improved!

I don't know how much exactly,

He also has no rivals to look to.

"Dragon Fist!"

In Secret Realm, there is nothing to do anyway.

The eighth level exists like a mirror world, and you can't even see the shadow of a monster.

Lin Xiu simply devoted himself wholeheartedly to practicing Dragon War: Immortal Fist!

Lin Xiu shouted low and punched out,

It looks ordinary, but in my mind, it is a dragon fist that destroys the world and crushes it hard!

"Dragon Fist!"

Lin Xiu has gained experience this time, and is no longer just fighting with divine powers without rules.

Instead, he tried to wield the Immortal Fist he had just realized!

The divine power of the Holy Light traveled through the body in a strange way. When it reached the right arm,

Something incredible happened!


A piece of milky white scales was born from Lin Xiu's arm,

It looks very young and soft, even a little cute.

But Lin Xiu recognized it at a glance. It was the white dragon scale on the Immortal Fist!

The sound of chissing was endless, and pieces of dragon scales grew out of his arms.

The soft dragon scales are like the skin of a young dragon, and are not as hard and powerful as the adult dragon.

But the pressure that belongs to Shenlong alone arises spontaneously!


The dragon scales grow, and the divine power of holy light swims in the scales, making the young dragon scales shine.

As if something had been activated, Lin Xiu unconsciously let out a high-pitched roar,

His right fist was tightly clenched in the scales and he punched hard!


On one side is the dragon fist that is completely covered with hard and blazing white scales, and on the other side is the milky white and soft human fist that is only covered by thirteen scales.

The two sides collided fiercely, and the result is self-evident!


The Dragon Fist exploded everything, and the milky white scales shattered, revealing Lin Xiu's right arm.

Then the entire right arm exploded into blood mist almost in the blink of an eye!

Lin Xiu groaned in pain and turned pale, but her eyes could not hide the joy!

"Eight...one punch shattered eight dragon scales!."!"

Lin Xiu's face turned pale, and his right arm completely disappeared.

This punch can be said to have seriously injured him!

But the results of the battle are also gratifying. The divine power of the Holy Light that had been spent nearly one-tenth of the body's divine power could only melt a dragon scale.

But now, with almost the same amount of divine power, one can blast eight dragon scales with one punch!

This effect is equivalent to directly increasing the power eight times!

"Come again!"

The dragon fist still struck slowly and firmly. Although Lin Xiu lost an arm, his expression was more determined.

The fighting spirit boiled in his eyes, and he raised his remaining left arm with a low shout!

"Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist!"

Lin Xiu roared and directly used all his divine power to inject into his left arm!

In an instant, the appearance of the entire left arm changed drastically.

Thirteen dragon scales appeared almost instantly, and the color was much darker than before.

A looming dragon power emerged from his body, which actually caused the dragon fist on the opposite side to stop for a moment!


The dragon's book pierced the sky, and Lin Xiu punched out with all his strength,

Compared with the dragon fist that descended from the sky, it is like the comparison between a newborn dragon and an adult divine dragon.

But at this moment, the young dragon is not timid at all, facing the difficulties firmly and persistently!


There was still a deafening loud noise, filled with blood mist,

There seemed to be no difference at all under this Dragon Fist, even if he tried his best to strike.

Lin Xiu's entire body turned into blood mist without any resistance!


As soon as his eyes changed, Lin Xiu fell to the ground and groaned,

The pain of life and death seemed to be real. Even with his current strength, he felt the pain was unbearable!


Lin Xiu sat slumped on the mirrored ground and rested for ten minutes before she recovered slightly.

Thinking of the pain just now still makes me feel frightened!

There is no doubt about the power of forbidden skills, but the more powerful something is, the less likely it is to obtain it easily.

If he waits until he breaks through the Star Lord, the Unparalleled Lord and even becomes the King in the future,

Naturally, it won’t be so uncomfortable if you practice this forbidden skill again, but when that time comes,

The improvement of this combat skill is not as great as it is now.

The so-called drinking and pecking has its own destiny. If you want to master the unparalleled combat power when you are weak,

Naturally, it requires effort and pain far beyond what ordinary people imagine!

"One punch, ten pieces!"

After the pain, I recalled the performance of that punch just now,

Lin Xiu couldn't help but feel proud again, and a sense of accomplishment arose in her heart!

In the case of serious injury, he punched with all his strength,

Although he was still killed instantly by the dragon fist, he directly smashed ten of the opponent's scales!

"Ten pieces, eight pieces, the total is eighteen pieces!"

Lin Xiu was extremely excited. This realization made him reach the next level!

The initial understanding of this forbidden skill is either to find a way to last longer under the Dragon Fist.

Let yourself have enough time to observe the dragon fist and figure out the dragon's power, so as to understand your own defense method.

Come and improve your own strength!

When you persist until the Dragon Fist cannot kill you, you will naturally gain the full level of Dragon Warfare and Immortal Divine Fist comprehension.

Integrate this access control technique into yours and master it completely!

But this method is easier for strong people with advanced strength.

It's useless for Lin Xiu. After all, the gap in strength is too big.

No matter how hard you struggle, even if your defense is increased tenfold, you will still end up being killed with one punch!

For him, there is only one way to understand,

That is to go to the extreme to understand the attack and killing method of Dragon Fist, and use attack to attack to increase your lethality without limit.

The higher the output of Dragon Fist, the deeper the understanding will naturally be.

When I can completely die with him, I will naturally master this forbidden technique.

It can produce output equivalent to its power!

The first step of this method is to knock off the scales of Dragon Fist.

Only then can we further cause real damage to Dragon Fist!

The first time he studied, Lin Xiu completely exposed his shortcomings.

If it weren't for the power of the Holy Light, it would never be able to knock off even one dragon scale.

Naturally, I can’t understand how to get started!

And now, although only thirteen scales were knocked off the first time,

However, the understanding of the operation of divine power contained in this high-level combat skill gave Lin Xiu Divine Insight when he came into contact with it for the first time!

It was like opening the door to a new world, and his combat power increased by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

I came into contact with novel and mysterious knowledge!

Only then did Lin Xiu's strength soar in a short period of time, and for the second time he directly used a simple dragon fist to knock off eighteen dragon scales!

Lin Xiu was pleasantly surprised but couldn't help but feel a little scared. After all, every practice is equivalent to death.

Pain comes second, the feeling of real death,

Once you try it once, you won’t want to try it a second time!

"It's not like...what are you afraid of!?"

Lin Xiu—while cheering himself up, he sat down cross-legged and began to sort out this harvest.

He broke five more dragon scales than the first time, which was also a great improvement for him!

Having gained a lot of combat experience and a deeper understanding of combat techniques, he is like a dry sponge.

Absorbing this experience eagerly, replaying the battle just now over and over again in my mind!

"The Biguan point should not be used. It should start from the Foot Shaoyin meridian. After passing through the Liao point, it should go through the Dushu point. The power should be increased by 30%..."

Lin Xiu murmured, eyes slightly closed, silently running magical experiments in the body,

Suddenly his face flushed, and he suddenly coughed up blood!

"Pfft...cough! Damn...that's wrong!"

Lin Xiu was in a hurry, and quickly controlled her divine power to return to her meridians.

Then carefully understand and think about what went wrong.

Time passes by, and there is no better cultivation environment in the world than the eighth level of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm.

Not only does it have basic divine power that increases every minute and every second, but it also has super high recovery power.

Let Lin Xiu practice unscrupulously without fear of the consumption of divine power!

If anyone could see this scene at this time, they would definitely be extremely curious.

I saw a handsome young man sitting or standing, constantly changing his body shape as if he was boxing.

The face is sometimes happy and sometimes painful, sometimes puzzled and sometimes thoughtful,

Punch after punch, but from a distance you can't tell anything.

It's like a young man who is obsessed with martial arts and doesn't want to make progress in studying martial arts.

But if you look closely, your views will definitely change!



Within a kilometer of Lin Xiu, loud noises could be heard all the time.

The mirror-like surface was constantly shattered and then restored by the unique environmental gravity. Lin Xiu's body was full of energy and blood, like a dragon, and his chest was thundering continuously.

A faint coercion gradually strengthens. If someone from a certain wealthy family comes to feel it carefully,

It will definitely change your complexion!

This turned out to be the legendary Dragon Power!!

Although it is not pure, it is still the power of Long that cannot be imitated and no one dares to imitate it!

Just this wisp of coercion is enough to capture people's soul.

When you encounter a strong person of the same level, you must first reduce your strength by at least half!

Lin Xiu is obsessed with deduction and understanding, crying and laughing sometimes.

Sometimes I suddenly realize something and am happy to try my best, sometimes I am stuck in a dilemma and frown and think hard.

When Lin Xiu finally understood everything, he struggled for a long time and gritted his teeth.

Finally, I overcame my inner fear and started a new round of battle understanding again!

'''々Dragon War·Immortal Fist!"

In the dragon fist space, Lin Xiu did not test this time.

Directly using all his divine power and his right arm, the eighteen scales have begun to take shape.

Divine power flows through the body and enters the right arm, and the dragon's power blooms all over his body and he swings towards the dragon fist fiercely!



No surprise, he was still killed instantly with one move.

In the Secret Realm on the eighth floor, Lin Xiu screamed and squatted down with his head in his hands,

It hurts so much!

It took him a while to recover, and a trace of joy and excitement flashed in his eyes.

This blow was stronger than the last one, shattering twenty dragon scales!


After a long time of understanding, Lin Xiu realized that his strength has improved again.

After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and entered the dragon fist space again!

In this way, Lin Xiu repeated the process of understanding, fighting, being instantly killed, and understanding again again and again.

Getting closer and closer to clearing the Secret Realm, the trouble caused in the trial area is like a death knell.

Lin Xiu had no choice but to transform into a desperate Saburo, not wanting to be able to directly compete with the Temple of Human Race in one step.

I just want to have the strength to protect myself so that I won't be killed silently by the enemy in an instant!

The fourth time, he shattered the twenty-two dragon scales of Dragon Fist,

The fifth time, he shattered the twenty-three dragon scales of Dragon Fist,

The fifth time, I talked about Dragon Fist in the 24th month of the Dragon...013304023 Feilu 051262160]

Lin Xiu is like a sponge, opening the door to a new world of combat skills.

He eagerly absorbs all the knowledge that can improve his combat power, constantly honing his ability to use divine power and his reaction speed.

So much so that he didn't even notice when the time on the eighth level ended and he entered the ninth level Secret Realm!

In the Secret Realm on the ninth floor, gravity skyrocketed again to a thousand times!

But the increase in difficulty of Secret Realm is obviously not as good as Lin Xiu's increase in strength. Even if it is like a devastating collapse,

He even managed to escape everything easily just by relying on his physical reactions. Even after reaching the ninth level of the Secret Realm, he was still feeling the pain of death like a madman.

Also continue to take the initiative to face death and improve your character and courage!

Lin Xiu is training like a madman in the Secret Realm, but he has no idea that countless powerful people outside are looking confused at this moment!

Whether it's someone from a small family who doesn't know the situation and tries to win over people from a small family he's friends with, or a killer from the Holy City or Temple who comes with evil intentions and murderous intent,

In other words, the Holy Spirit Guards who the Temple Reformists planned to protect were a little confused at the moment.

Originally, everyone had budgeted that they would come out at night at most. Many strong men were wandering around the ancient city, always ready to take action.

Even occasionally, they bump into each other by chance and get into fights for no apparent reason. But just wait and wait.

I waited until dawn but still didn’t wait for the target to appear!

This makes many people vaguely wonder whether Lin Xiu has died in Secret Realm, but this guess is a bit unconvincing.

After all, those Apex Level bosses have an unimaginable intelligence network, and they were able to piece together all of Lin Xiu's performance in the Trial Grounds.

It is really hard to imagine that such a rigorous, talented and unparalleled person would die in the Secret Realm!

But from dark to dawn, and from dawn to dark,

The target still did not appear, causing many people to gradually give up on guarding...

Invisibly, it actually gave Lin Xiu a little more hope!

"Where's Soul Fire? Check to see if his Soul Fire is out!"

"...He is an Ordinary, where did he get Soul Fire?"


In a dark hall somewhere, such a conversation made even the boss silent. .

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