Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 117 Lin Xiu Is Dead! ? The Outside World Is In An Uproar! Absolute Inheritance!

"Hey! Did you hear? Newcomer King Lin Xiu is dead!"

"Hiss! What!? How is that possible!"

"Really! It's been several days since the trial ended, and I haven't seen Lin Xiu show up yet. I heard that he discovered a Secret Realm after the Newcomer King Challenge, and finally died in the Secret Realm!"

"This... there is a Secret Realm after the Rookie King Challenge?? How come there isn't a Rookie King from previous years?"

"Who knows? Haven't you noticed? Many big names have come to Huanggu City recently, just to win over the new king, but now they have begun to withdraw!"

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. I heard from my aunt's niece's third cousin and niece that many of them are here to kill Lin Xiu!"

"What??Why do you want to kill Lin Xiu?"

"You don't even know this? Which new king rises without blood on his hands? It is said that Lin Xiu killed a young master from a certain Shangcheng family and caused the murder!"

"Hiss! What?! Shangcheng family? Lin Xiu, is he crazy!?"

"Haha, a bunch of noobs dare to spread rumors! The Shangcheng family is nothing!"

"Your Excellency, you have such a strong tone! The Shangcheng family is nothing, but you think it's important to be accurate?"

"Retarded, have you forgotten the person who fought against Lin Xiu in the Rookie King Challenge? He was the only grandson who defeated Lord Tan Siyan!"


In the ancient city, a message came from unknown sources.

It quickly spread to the streets and alleys, undoubtedly giving a heavy blow to the entire Huanggu City Aboriginal Diary!

It is rumored that this year’s rookie king, Lin Xiu, has achieved impressive results.

But he died before he was born, before he left the place of trial.

Ushering in the most glorious moment of his life, he died directly in the place of trial!

Let the carnival in the deserted ancient city cease immediately, and countless residents sighed!

Although most people don’t know who Lin Xiu is, as an orphan,

There are not many people who interact with Lin Xiu, except for the school’s teachers, principal and three or five close classmates.

What’s more, it’s just a pity that the upcoming benefits are lost like this!

After all, there is a new king in the ancient city. Even if they have no interaction with this new king,

Even if they have never met this new king, it is just because they and this new king happen to come from the ancient city!

It’s enough to make Huanggu City famous in Three Thousand Star Domain!

There will be countless people who come here to check in, pray, etc.

In this year, Qianying Star Domain Andromeda Galaxy Blue Star Wild Ancient City,

It will become the check-in Sacred Land for countless Internet celebrities, and countless students who are about to take the trial next year will spend huge sums of money to come and pray.

Invisibly, it will also promote local economic development and bring huge benefits to the millions of residents of Huanggu City.

Maybe they can earn a lot of wealth and provide it to their children and future generations who are fighting in the starry battlefield.

Help them either defeat a strong enemy, get an opportunity, or escape a chase...

And now, Lin Xiu is dead,

Then all the benefits that are about to be obtained will disappear like Mirror Flower Water Moon!

"Damn it! If I die sooner or later, I will die now!"

"You can't come out first, you can go to the Starry Sky Battlefield and then die!"

"That's right! If you're not satisfied even though you're the new king, why should you enter Secret Realm... After you come out, you can just choose a big family to join and you won't get more resources than Secret Realm?"

"Short-lived ghost! It kills people! My son is about to break through to the Golden Lord, and he only needs a little money to buy materials!"

"Hey, who isn't? My daughter has been attracted by a young master from a big family. She has already spoken to support the young master and can marry into a wealthy family!"

"Should I say it or not...are you sure that the person who likes your daughter is the young master of a big family?"

Human nature is cold and has always been like this!

The style of painting in the ancient city has changed dramatically. From the original Blue Star Hero,

Countless people spontaneously hung up red lanterns and pulled up banners, and the scene was filled with joy.

Nowadays, many people who have dark hearts and hope to make a fortune by using Lin Xiu's name have cursed viciously.

The evil of human nature is coming back!

But there are also many people who really feel regretful and sad.

The surprise came too quickly, their classmates, students, neighbors, friends,

Suddenly he became the new star shining in the entire Human Race, and news came one after another.

Continuously improve their knowledge and refresh Lin Xiu's achievements!

But just when he was at his peak, bad news suddenly came.

It came so suddenly and unexpectedly, as if everything was just a dream!

Some are sad, some are sad, some are disappointed, some are excited,

It seems that countless people in the entire Human Race Alliance are involved in this name!

"Dead? Haha... Let those so-called reformists see what will happen if they lack information and wander around in the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit!"

In a grand hall somewhere in the central Star Domain, a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes and extraordinary temperament was sipping divine tea.

Hearing the news coming from below, he smiled slightly and did not doubt the authenticity of this matter.

"Do you really think that anyone can enter the Holy Spirit Secret Realm? I'm afraid they have forgotten the scene when the first Holy Spirit Secret Realm opened...all the creatures were devastated and blood flowed into rivers!"

"Sealing the Secret Realm and preventing Ordinary people from entering is actually protecting the weak like them..."

The middle-aged man murmured to himself, his elegant robe shining with precious light,

For a rookie king with extraordinary talent to fall like this, there is no encouragement at all!

It's like a high-altitude god looking down at an ant who doesn't know the heights of the world and died on the way up.

Some are just cold sarcasm, mocking the other person's overestimation of one's abilities!

"Lord, Holy Might!"

When the two subordinates who came to report the matter heard this, they bowed to the ground respectfully.

Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, it’s over.

"Go, those people can be transferred back. Just send a few spies to see what the Holy Spirit Guards are doing!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand and dismissed the two subordinates.

"Holy Spirit Secret Realm... is it really so dangerous??"

In the Holy City, Han Family, several middle-aged people gathered together and seemed to be recording something.

A young man is sitting in the center of the Tang Dynasty. If Lin Xiu were here, he would definitely find it.

This person is surprisingly the only remaining Han Dufeng among the four Great Saint City family heads!

"Du Feng, do you think this news is reliable?"

The middle-aged man looked at Han Dufeng and asked with a kind expression.

Although there is a huge gap in status and strength between the two sides, and the gap in seniority is even greater,

But I can’t stand it. If I’m lucky, I’ll be born.

He happened to be born when this Holy Spirit Secret Realm was opened, and he happened to be the only direct descendant of his age in this generation.

As a result, he became the only member of the entire Holy City family who has entered the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit!

And Han Dufeng lived up to expectations. When all the people chosen by the Wu family and Fang family died,

Han Dufeng returned smoothly!

And the strength has been greatly improved, and future achievements are limitless!

It is no exaggeration to say that Han Dufeng, who successfully returned from the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit,

He is already one of the confirmed candidates for the next generation patriarch of the Han Family!

As long as he doesn't do anything that violates the family's bottom line in the future, his status will be unshakable!

Therefore, even if they are the elders of the family,

It's not easy to show off to Han Dufeng, after all, the identity of the opponent lies here.

"Lin Xiu... I can't tell you, this person's strength is incredible! He is the best among the newcomers in our generation!"

Han Dufeng hesitated slightly, thinking of the scene of seven in and seven out when surrounded by goblins.

It can be said that it has become a shadow in his heart!

Being able to come out alive was like a dream to him!

In that Secret Realm, if you make a wrong step,

My end will definitely not be any better than that of Fang Bin, Wu Xiaowei and others!

I heard that the three second generations of the temple have not come out yet... Now it seems that they have probably been taken care of by Lin Xiu!

"However, the environment in the Holy Spirit Secret Realm is extremely harsh. The gravity of each layer is soaring, and there are also powerful goblins..."

"I reached my limit when I barely entered the fourth floor. If I barely entered the fifth floor, I would definitely die!!

"Although Lin Xiu is strong, if he doesn't know the depth...it's normal for him to die inside!"

The middle-aged man nodded. This was pretty much what he had guessed.

Although he has never been to the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, he has heard a lot about it from his ancestors.

Although there are treasures everywhere, as long as you enter, you will gain a lot of money.

But there is never anywhere in the world where there are only opportunities and no dangers!

In the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, opportunities are everywhere, and dangers are everywhere!

Legend has it that when the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit was opened for the first time, there was no temple at that time.

There are many lords who have entered the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, but except for a very few who have the self-knowledge to get some gains and then quit,

Most of the others died tragically in the Secret Realm!

The deeper you go into the Secret Realm, the higher the danger,

Some died in conflicts between the same clans, and some were hacked to death by Secret Realm monsters.

Some of them died miserably while entering a dungeon of opportunity, but in the end they came out of the Secret Realm alive.

Only single digits!

Throughout the ages, no matter where we got the news about the Holy (cddh) Spirit Secret Realm,

All reveal the danger there!

That is, those of them whose ancestors had experienced Secret Realm many times were able to reluctantly explore a safe path.

Don’t ask for too much, just ask for a blessing from the Holy Spirit, which will be enough for future generations to achieve achievements beyond ordinary people’s imagination!

That’s why today’s blockade Secret Realm!

But I never expected that Lin Xiu would appear this time.

His incredible fighting power messed up their plan, and now even he died due to the use of Secret Realm.

It can be said that I can’t even take revenge, it’s so frustrating!

"Haha, Dufeng, you can practice with peace of mind. Just tell me what you need. You don't need to worry about anything else!"

Every time he thinks that Han Family has become one of the biggest winners this year, the middle-aged man almost smiles crookedly.

The more he looked at the handsome Han Dufeng, the more he liked him, and he immediately said with satisfaction.

"As for the Wu family... don't worry, our country is not made up of mud either!"

"Yes, elder!"

Han Dufeng put down his worries and saluted with great joy in his heart.

As for Lin Xiu's affairs, he was too lazy to worry about it.

Whether he dies or not, it doesn't have much impact on him.

Another Holy City family, the Tang family,

At this moment, the elders were feeling mixed emotions.

In the main hall of the Tang family, even the head of the Tang family was alarmed.

A group of senior family owners sat around and whispered, sometimes looking at the woman standing in the middle and frowning.

A beautiful girl stood quietly in the center of the hall, her whole body as cold as ice.

A little closer than three feet, even those with stronger cultivation than them can't help but feel a chill!

"Clan leader, what is this...??"

An elder frowned and looked at the clan leader and asked.

"Tang Feixuan.

Tang Shuhong is the head of the Tang family, with strength as high as Epic Lord.

Usually they sit in the family head area on the Starry Sky Battlefield.

But this time he was alarmed and had to rush back to the Human Race territory.

Looking at his grandniece in front of him, he couldn't help but frown.

Looking at Tang Feixuan's extremely cold aura, she already had a vague guess.


Tang Feixuan's eyes were cold, without any sparkle in them.

As cold as ice.

"Have you accepted Juetian's inheritance?"

Tang Shuhong looked at Tang Feixuan, who had no emotion at all, and his guess was once again confirmed.

He immediately asked directly.

As soon as these words came out, the entire Tang family was in an uproar!

"What!? It's actually Jue Tian inheritance!?"

"This... the inheritance that the ancestors have never successfully passed has been obtained by her??"

"Hiss! What a blessing it is for our Tang family... With the blessing of our ancestors, our Tang family will surely reach a higher level!"

"The ancestor received the inheritance of the Holy Spirit and created the thousand-year foundation of our Tang family! Now the descendants of the future generations are even better and have obtained the inheritance of the heaven... This is a sign of great prosperity!"

"Hahaha... Our ancestor once said that the Juetian inheritance is stronger than the Holy Spirit inheritance. If we had not encountered the Holy Spirit inheritance first, it is not impossible that this Secret Realm might be called the Juetian Secret Realm...

"With this inheritance, Tang Feixuan's achievements may surpass those of her ancestors in the future, and the cause of her death will surely be found out..."

"Shh! Shut up! Don't mention this again!"

A group of old men who are hundreds of years old, with the faces of middle-aged people,

At this moment, I couldn’t help but burst into tears!

The Jue Tian inheritance is an opportunity that only the Tang family knows is not weaker than the inheritance of the Holy Spirit!

It is passed down from the founder of the Tang family, who later suffered an unknown fire. Heavenly Venerable,

The last message left before dying!

The message said that this is a greater opportunity than the Holy Spirit inheritance, but it is also more difficult than the Holy Spirit inheritance.

If future generations have defiant people, they can try it. Once they get it,

It will not be difficult to surpass him in future achievements!

I never expected that Tang Feixuan would win this term!

Thinking of what Tang Feixuan can achieve in the future, a group of old men were immediately excited.

This is a sign of great prosperity for the Tang family. Today, the Tang family seems to be at its peak.

But only those at the top know how difficult their situation is!

Fire Heavenly Venerable, is the ancestor of the Tang family,

The strong man who single-handedly brought the Tang family into contact with the Holy City family, and is also one of the top ten Heavenly Venerables in the Human Race Temple.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is a unique Human Race genius, a top powerhouse who once wanted to become a god!

But no one knows that the fire Heavenly Venerable has been missing for more than a thousand years...

The last words he left were like his last words, vaguely pointing to the inside of Human Race!

The one who can make the top demigods and the powerful Heavenly Venerable suffer misfortune,

The identity of the suspect is enough to make the entire Tang family tremble!

They are in danger of being overturned at any time, but at this critical moment,

The Tang family actually gave birth to a Tang Feixuan, who received an unparalleled inheritance that no one knew was weaker than the inheritance of the Holy Spirit!

This is undoubtedly a life-saving straw for the entire Tang family!


Tang Feixuan still had no expression at all, and replied with a cold tone without any emotion.

"It's actually true!"

Tang Shu Hongrao, who was honored as Lord Xingyao, also clenched his fists in excitement.

The rest of the Tang family were so excited that they cried with joy, and a group of old men almost hugged each other and celebrated!

"Quiet! This matter is related to the fate of the family! It must not be spread outside!"

Even though he was excited, Tang Shuhong did not forget the confidentiality measures.

He quickly asked everyone present to keep it secret, and this matter must not be spread outside!

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens to Tang Feixuan,

That would be a disaster for the Tang family!

"The inheritance of Jue Tian, ​​it is said that Jue Tian, ​​Jue Earth, Jue Ren, lose all their feelings, and not until the Great Accomplishment can everything be restored!"

"Then, Feixuan, do you still recognize me as a member of the Tang family?"

Tang Shuhong signaled everyone to be silent, looked at Tang Feitu nervously and asked.

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Tang Feixuan nervously, fearing that their happiness would be in vain.

"My parents, my body, my skin, my skin, you are all my relatives. How you treated me since I was a child, Feixuan will naturally remember it in your heart. Why do you ask like this?"

Tang Feixuan looked at Tang Shuhong in confusion, her eyes still cold and emotionless,

But everyone was overjoyed and breathed a sigh of relief!


Tang Shuhong considered it carefully and thought about what to say.

"Who is Lin Xiu?"

Tang Feixuan asked again in confusion, and everyone immediately looked at each other. .

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