Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 118: Gate To Immortal World! The Return Of Lin Xiu!

[Enter the tenth level of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm]

[Get: Permanent +100 (500) life/mana/command power per minute, permanent recovery +100 (500)/minute]

[Obtain: Blessing of the Holy Spirit*10 (You can obtain the Blessing of the Holy Spirit after clearing the fourth level, and it will take effect when you leave the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit)]

[Obtain: Lingyun·Xiuwu Externally Attached Soul Bone~]

[Tip: Enter the Secret Realm-the deeper you go, the higher the bonus]

[Tip: You can stay in each level for up to two hours. When it expires, you can enter the refresh time of the next level. If you are unable to enter, you will be kicked out of Secret Realm.


[Basic divine power breaks through 200000]

[Golden Lord→Platinum Lord]

[Command power +500]

[Life +10000]

[Mana +10000]

[Attack +50000]

[Defense +50000]

[Unlock Fourth Grade unit recruitment]

In the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, the world rises to another dimension again,

The huge movement woke Lin Xiu up from his addiction, and a pleasant sound sounded in his mind.

A bright golden beam of light erupted from the body, and then a ray of white light erupted from the body,

Gradually rendering it into a brilliant platinum light!

There was a pleasant sound in his mind, but Lin Xiu had no time to check it at the moment.

He only felt that his body seemed to be falling continuously. When he opened his eyes and looked at the environment in front of him, he was slightly stunned!

"The tenth...thousand times gravity has become the void!?"

Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment, then became horrified!

What the extreme gravity brings is that the original matter completely ceases to exist and is compressed to the extreme.

Even the light was completely distorted and attracted, and nothing could be seen in sight.

He could not see the darkness that could not be described with any fingers, only the pillar of breakthrough light gradually extinguished on his body,

He could barely see clearly a mass of twisted matter at an unknown distance under his feet!

"This is...gravity!! Gravity caused by the extreme compression of matter!!"

Lin Xiu's hair stood on end and she reacted instantly,

According to previous theoretical knowledge, any matter compressed to the extreme will form a neutron star.

The gravity will increase to thousands of times, enough to absorb everything around it!

And the current tenth level is exactly a thousand times gravity.

It’s almost a small neutron star!

Once you are absorbed and reach a certain distance, you will be captured

The consequences would definitely be death and no life!

“Must stay away!”

Lin Xiu's scalp is numb, but luckily she is far away now.

If I wake up a little later, I might be too late to do anything after being sucked into the capture range!


Lin Xiu shouted loudly, and his divine power moved downward to offset part of the gravity.

I clearly felt my body shake, and the speed of descent slowed down a lot!

But it continues to decline!

"No, you can't escape if you don't know how to fly..."

Lin Xiu frowned, but he had another idea now.

Simply choose to exit Secret Realm and leave with the score of clearing the ninth floor to ensure safety.

But on the tenth level, the divine power increased by a full thousand 0 every minute... It really made him reluctant to leave like this!

"Try to slow down the speed as much as possible. Two hours is enough..."

Lin Xiu's thoughts were racing, and she was constantly thinking about countermeasures.

The holy light and divine power on the body bloomed with a little light. With the help of this light, I looked down.

Finally, I have a rough idea of ​​the neutron star under my feet and the speed of my descent!

At this speed, I estimate that I will enter the capture range in ten minutes at most.

By then everything will be powerless!

"No, we have to find a way..."

Lin Xiu's head turned rapidly, and he quickly thought of the prompt just now!

"I've cleared the eighth and ninth floors, but I haven't seen the two rewards yet!"

Lin Xiu quickly checked the harvest. When he cleared the eighth level, he was addicted to the practice of Dragon War and the Immortal Fist.

I didn’t notice the type of reward at all, and only now did I have time to open my backpack and look for it.

Sure enough, there are two more items in the backpack!

[Pet·Sword Spirit]

[Mythical Beast]

[After use, a mythical beast-level pet - Sword Spirit can be summoned]

"It's actually a mythical beast-level pet?"

Lin Xiu was dumbfounded, this reward is not bad.

Being named a Divine Beast Level means that he will be at least a semi-Divine Level powerhouse when he becomes an adult in the future.

It's not impossible for someone with a little more talent to break through and become a god!

Such a reward is incredibly valuable!

However, it has no effect on his current situation. Lin Xiu doesn't care about hatching pets.

He put it back into his backpack and took out another item. When a piece of equipment that looked like an exoskeleton armor was in his hands,

Lin Xiu was immediately overjoyed!

This is a wing-like equipment, composed of a total of sixteen skeletal-like materials.

There is a thin layer of membrane connecting each bone, and each Root Bone sparkles with a light blue glow.

It feels warm to the touch and feels smooth but not greasy.

It can be folded up easily and opened at will!

[Ling Yun·Xiu Wu Externally Attached Soul Bone]

[Divine Weapon]

[Lord Equipment]


[Basic life +30000]

[Basic mana +30000]

[Attack +45000]

[Defense +45000]

[Agility +450]

[Command power +50000]

[Function: Flying]

[Divine Movements and Various Changes: Understand the skills of movement and movement, and greatly enhance agility and movement skills]

[Xiaoyaoyou: Comprehend the flying skills Xiaoyaoyou, and you can fly freely in any environment than carrying Kunpeng on your shoulders]

[God-praying mantra: Comprehend the skill God-praying mantra, reduce your own attack and defense for a certain period of time and enhance the power of magical movements and free travels]

"Flying wing-type equipment, and it also comes with three combat skills!?"

Lin Xiu looked at the properties of the equipment with surprise, and got another Divine Weapon.

The enhancement of attributes is secondary. Having three combat skills is a bit outrageous!

Combat skills are skills that are unique to the lord's use of his own divine power.

Different from the so-called attribute conversion technique he learned before and Wu Xiaowei's skills that belong to the military type,

Skills only need to be learned to be released perfectly, and the power only depends on the skill level!

But the value of combat skills far exceeds skills.

It belongs to the lord's use of his own strength and requires the lord himself to understand the skills.

It is dispensable for Low Level lords, but the end of practice is to become a god.

In the final analysis, it is also the sublimation of the lord's own life level, which inevitably requires the lord to dig out everything about himself to the extreme.

The use of divine power is the most basic and important among them!

The more powerful the lord is, the more he pursues his own strength.

For lords of the same level, one more combat skill may determine the success or failure of their battle!

In the final analysis, military units are just an auxiliary means to deal with the lord's initial lack of strength!

And this piece of equipment actually comes with three combat skills.

Even among the Divine Weapons, it is definitely considered powerful!

The improvement of the strength of the three combat skills is secondary. The most important thing is that the combat skills can improve the lord's understanding of the use of divine power.

The more combat skills you learn, the deeper and stronger your understanding of Comprehension Through Analogy will naturally be!

A lord who has learned ten combat skills is definitely more than five times stronger than a lord who has learned three combat skills of the same level!

Lin Xiu didn't have time to think too much. What he lacks most now is

It is a combat skill in flying!

Although I have learned many methods of operating divine power through Dragon War and Immortal Divine Fist,

As long as you give him a little time, he can deduce a basic flying combat skill by himself.

But after all, it takes time, and what we lack most now is time!


Lin Xiu's mind moved and he directly equipped this Divine Weapon.

In an instant, a pair of bony wings appeared behind him!

The bound external soul bone wings are like flesh and blood, and can be used like your own hands.

Light blue light flashed behind the back, and the divine power of the holy light flowed directly into the soul bone.

In an instant, the soul bone wings were activated!


Unconsciously, the wings vibrated,

Lin Xiu clearly felt his body lighten, and his descending speed instantly dropped by more than ten times!

"It's not enough...I can hold on for an hour at most!"

Lin Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, but a little calculation was still not enough.

But luckily I got an hour!

“Understand the Escape!”

Lin Xiu looked around and saw that there was no life in the absolutely pitch black void.

Naturally, there is no danger.

Lin Xiu sat down cross-legged and began to understand the skills of the bone wing!

Xiaoyaoyou, amazing flying skills!

After understanding it, you can freely roam in any environment!

Perhaps the reason is that Lin Xiu has understood the forbidden skills in advance, and then going back to learn this slightly higher level combat skills is like a doctoral student going back to do high school mathematics.

The progress is faster than expected!

Soon Lin Xiu initially learned the methods and routes of magical movement of Xiaoyaoyou. With a little movement,

The divine power of the Holy Light flows through the bones,

With a shake of her wings, Lin Xiu changed her body shape from a straight fall for the first time!

After a hard time, he could even fly up a few meters with a little more power!

Worst of all, I have mastered not falling again!

"Phew! Get it done and call it a day!"

Lin Xiu let out a long breath, and her heart finally returned to her stomach.

With the crisis gone for the time being, Lin Xiu had time to carefully observe the surrounding environment.

In the pitch-black void, you can occasionally see streaks of light flashing like meteors.

If you look closely, you will see that they are diamond-like crystals that have been compressed to the extreme.

Under the influence of gravity, it flies towards the abyss-like miniature neutron star at the bottom!

Create a short and brilliant light, until it disappears into the darkness below!


Just as he was sighing at the beautiful scenery, Lin Xiu suddenly saw a meteor falling from above his head.

The trajectory was about to pass not far from him!

Lin Xiu, who was bored, suddenly became energetic and fluttered the wings on his back.

His eyes are fixed on the meteor, and his body is constantly moving, waiting for the meteor to arrive!


Lin Xiu's eyes flashed with a blazing white light, and two seconds later he whispered in his heart,

The divine power circulates and stretches out to the left and right, and pieces of dragon scales emerge,

A total of forty dragon scales have covered almost half of the left arm!


A huge force suddenly hit Lin Xiu's palm hard!


The weight of an object compressed to the extreme is a bit beyond imagination, a gem the size of a pigeon egg,

……Please give me flowers……………………

It weighs at least over a ton!

Coupled with the extreme falling speed, the impact is beyond imagination!

Lin Xiu was directly carried down a full kilometer to offset this huge force.

The hard dragon scales on the palm are even more

They all shattered into pieces!

The pain was so severe that Lin Xiu couldn't help but grimace, and his bones seemed to be cracked.

My entire left arm lost all feeling instantly!

If it weren't for the dragon scale body protection, he had no doubt that he would be smashed directly through the palm of his hand by this thing!

After a long while, Lin Xiu felt his left arm gradually regaining consciousness.

He took the item that was tightly counted in his hand. It was a ball the size of a pigeon egg.

The surface is shining with crystal brilliance, and it is so round that there is no trace of bulge.

It looks like a glass ball, as transparent as if it doesn't exist!

But the hardness is a bit beyond imagination,

Such a huge impact caused Lin Xiu's hundreds of thousands of divine powers and dragon scale body protection to be smashed to pieces, but this glass ball was completely fine.

It’s simply outrageous!

"It seems to contain a unique power...indescribable!"

Lin Xiu frowned slightly as he played with this strange thing. There was no attribute introduction, indicating that it was not an equipment or prop.

But he clearly felt that this thing was not simple!

But he couldn't tell exactly what kind of power it was!

I put divine power into it but there was no reaction at all. I tried dripping blood but there was no reaction at all.

No matter how hard Lin Xiu tried for a long time, this thing was like a stone in the toilet.

Smelly and hard!

"What the hell..."

Lin Xiu played with it for a while and found nothing, so he curled his lips and threw it into his backpack.

After looking around blankly for a while, Lin Xiu couldn't help but feel bored.

The silent nothingness is like a vacuum, and there is only loneliness!

I want to practice combat skills, but I feel a sharp pain like tearing in my head when I use the Dragon War and Immortal Fist even a little bit.

Today's immersion in it has seriously overdrawn his soul, and he has realized it dozens of times.

It also means that he was killed by that punch dozens of times!

Although it is not a real injury, the burden on the spirit and soul is not fake.

Practicing again in a short period of time may cause irreversible damage to his soul!

Having nothing to do, and being curious about this glass ball,

Lin Xiu simply went to catch beads to play, although she grimaced in pain every time.

But he found that constantly adjusting the operation of divine power to reduce damage had invisibly deepened his understanding of combat skills!

Occasionally, when no meteors pass by, Lin Xiu takes the time to hatch the pet again.

[Pet-Sword Spirit]

[unnamed ]

[Mythical Beast-Infancy]


[Exercise: Sword God Heavenly Scripture]

[Combat skills: Wind Chasing Sword, Dream Broken Sword, Lotus Peanut]

[Introduction: A special life born from long-term influence of the Divine Sword, with a transcendent understanding and talent of Sword Dao]

The power of the mythical beast is still unknown.

But Lin Xiu was extremely envious of him for possessing two thousand divine powers at an early age!

This thing is equivalent to just being born, and it already has strength comparable to the Silver Lord of Human Race.

Moreover, it also comes with one skill and three combat skills. From this starting point,

It’s simply outrageous!

It's a pity that this poor little guy can't adapt to this environment.

It's hard to see his true face.

As time passed by, Lin Xiu took the initiative to look for meteors to capture.

From the beginning, one after another hurts the muscles and bones. Gradually, the use of skillful energy to release the strength only numbs it for a while.

In the end, I was able to catch a meteor without any injuries. It seemed that I didn’t feel too bored in this boring and lonely environment!

Thousand Shadows Star Domain, Andromeda, Milky Way, Blue Star,

Deserted ancient city.

The sun sets slightly, and another day passes quietly,

People who originally had some expectations in their eyes gradually disappeared.

The topic of people's chat gradually shifted to other people. After all, the quality of this year's lords is far higher than before!

It was just overshadowed by Lin Xiu's style. Now with Lin Xiu's fall,

More and more geniuses are gradually making the headlines of major news, attracting everyone's attention!

The major power consortiums were like cats that smelled the fishy smell, quickly changing their positions.

Scattered throughout the Star Domain of Human Race.

The main forces of the Temple and Holy City families are also gradually withdrawing. After all, the situation of Human Race in the Starry Sky Battlefield is not optimistic now.

It is impossible to extract a large number of strong people for a long time.

In addition, nearly a day and a night have passed. If Lin Xiu is still alive,

That means he has to clear the tenth level of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm!

How is it possible for a new lord to clear the tenth floor directly!?

One by one, the men in black hid in the darkness and gradually evacuated,

At Blue Star's dock, both shuttles quickly departed.

At the moment when darkness completely falls, if there is a strong man above the peerless lord in the ancient city,

You will definitely be able to find that a weak space fluctuation suddenly appeared in the sky above the ancient city!

And it is getting stronger and stronger, and the fluctuations are getting more and more violent!

Ten minutes later, a huge space crack tore completely apart!


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