Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 119 Assassination In The Dark! The Wrath Of The City Lord!


There was a loud noise like thunder, and the blazing white light illuminated the ancient city as bright as day!

A huge space door appeared in the sky, like the legendary door to the Immortal World!

"What the hell! What's going on!??"

"What a big light door... Ruins, are they ruins??"

"After taking a breath of the rich Spirit Qi, my basic divine power increased by ten points!"

"Quick! An opportunity has come... I, Blue Star, have also had an opportunity. Come in quickly!"

"Rush!! Maybe I will have a chance to break through the Silver Lord and return to the starry sky battlefield!"

"Relics are often accompanied by treasures, hurry up, first come first served!"

"Hiss! I seem to see a figure... Is it a god? A god has come to the world!"

"Look...there's someone there!"

The huge light door exploded in the sky above the ancient city like thunder, startling countless people in the ancient city who were preparing to take a rest after a busy day.

But as the blazing white light fell, a huge light door emerged,

After a short period of silence, the entire ancient city suddenly boiled!

Countless people looked at this scene with fiery eyes, and the rich Spirit Qi spilled from the light door,

Just taking one breath caused me to fail these trials and end up as a trainee lord, and I had no choice but to withdraw from the starry sky battlefield due to lack of stamina.

The divine power that had not been moved for many years suddenly surged. The feeling of increased divine power,

It's like the dry earth is suddenly moistened by rain and dew, and the wonderful taste makes people lose their minds!

Countless people screamed and swarmed forward,

Those who have the strength directly occupy the heights, greedily absorbing the Pure spiritual power spilled from the light gate.

For this reason, many disputes even broke out, and fights were fought over a better location.

The winner occupies a high position while the loser flees to find another place!

There are also many powerful people who may have come back to visit relatives or have other plans. Those who returned from the starry sky battlefield did not expect to encounter a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity such as "597".

Suddenly, the divine power was shaken and soared directly into the sky, wanting to enter the gate of the Immortal World to find out!

But soon, some sharp-eyed people discovered that a figure appeared in the light!

Many strong men suddenly stopped and looked at the light gate in surprise.

Be on guard.

The figure came from the depths of the light door and gradually walked outside,

The figure is getting clearer and clearer, and against the backdrop of the endless light, it seems like a god has descended!

But when the figure completely walked out of the light door and stood under the starry sky,

But many people were suddenly confused!

"So young...a boy..."

"What a familiar face... I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

"Yeah, I think I've seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while!"

"Who is this person?? He is so handsome..."

"What a handsome young man, as rich as a jade..."

As a lord, even if he is just a trainee lord,

He is more or less a Transcendent, and his strength is astonishing.

Looking at the handsome young man walking out of the light door, I was immediately amazed!

The appearance is astonishing and the spirit is as beautiful as jade, just like a character walking out of a painting.

His temperament is also unparalleled, and he is noble and extraordinary without lacking in domineering majesty!

What made them even more confused was that this person's face was extremely familiar.

It seemed like I had seen it somewhere, but I couldn’t remember it for a while.

What’s even weirder is that everyone seems to have this feeling, which immediately makes them even more afraid to act rashly!

In the end, she is still a girl from the Lord Vocational College in the ancient city. The more she looks at her, the more familiar she becomes, and her expression becomes weirder and weirder.

He smiled and seemed to cry.

"... Brother Lin Xiu... It's Brother Lin Xiu!! You're not dead!!"

The girl laughed through tears, raised her long neck and shouted,

The sound cut through the sky like a lark, and exploded in everyone's ears like a thunder!

This made everyone wake up from a dream!

Finally remembered where I saw it!

"Damn it! It turns out to be him... I wonder why he is so familiar! There have been overwhelming reports in the past two days..."

"He's the Rookie King this year? Didn't he say he's dead?"

"I don't know... It seems that not only did he not die, but he also got an incredible opportunity!"

"Hiss! That aura... I feel palpitations in my heart!"

"Moshang is like a jade, a gentleman like no other in the world...what a new king!"

"Such a person deserves to be called the unprecedented newcomer king!"

"Hahaha, the Prodigy of my ancient city is indeed not that easy to die!"

"I've been watching this kid since he was a child. You all said he was dead yesterday, so I knew he was definitely not dead!"

There was an uproar in the ancient city!

Countless lords talked about it, and their tone changed again.

Many lords looked up at the sky in surprise. That young man had become the pride of their ancient city!

Some people proudly spoke the words of Prodigy in the ancient city, completely forgetting that when the news of Lin Xiu’s death came during the day,

What kind of faces do they have!

"not dead!??"

In some dark alleys of the ancient city, even the gate of Immortal World illuminates the place as bright as day.

There are still some alleys that are still dark.

Some shady beings naturally like to stay in such alleys.

At this time, the large forces had evacuated, leaving only some logistics and intelligence troops still cleaning up debris.

But suddenly I saw the target in the sky who I thought was dead returning.

Suddenly everyone was dumbfounded!

"What...what should I do??"

Several men in black stopped what they were doing and couldn't help but look at each other.

A bit dumbfounded.

They had already evacuated, but the target suddenly appeared.

What to do??

Continue to execute...the main force has retreated,

They are just an intelligence department, not good at combat capabilities.

And I have never had the experience of attacking head-on before.

Don’t execute it... As a member of the Dark Night Ace Army,

It’s okay if the goal is solved in advance. Now the goal is appearing steadily.

If you retreat without even fighting, you will probably be laughed to death by your teammates when you return!

"Take action! He's just a trainee lord [even if he encounters something unexpected, he's still nothing more than a golden lord!"

Soon, a man who looked like a captain gave the order,

He thought very simply, this matter is important and important,

After all, the order personally issued by the higher-ups shows that it is very important to get rid of this person!

But it’s not important, it’s not important,

After all, the target is just a trainee lord who has just participated in the trial. No matter how talented he is and how many opportunities he has,

After all, he is just a novice who has only been on the road to Transcendent for a few days. How strong can he be?

Sending their ace army to carry out the mission in person is just to show the importance they attach to this mission!

And to deal with possible interference from the so-called new forces!

Although their main force has withdrawn now, the corresponding main force of the new faction has also withdrawn!

In that case...what's there to hesitate about?

After all, it’s just a new lord, so what if he is the new king?

Apex Level Prodigy also needs enough time to grow!

Their shadow army kills geniuses!

"On the 83rd and 85th, you two should leave the city immediately and notify us to go up to the peak!"

"On the 88th and 89th, you immediately investigate the movements of the newly dispatched people and pay attention to the reports at any time!"

"Everyone else, execute plan D!"

The captain looked up in the dark alley and glanced at the young man in the sky who was surrounded by countless enthusiastic people.

After a brief hesitation in his mind, he immediately issued the order!


The dozen or so people immediately took the order and went in several directions.

He left the dark alley and quickly disappeared into the ancient city!

"The new king?"

In an instant, only the captain was left in the quiet alley. He looked up at Lin Xiu, who was surrounded by thousands of people.

His face hidden under the black scarf couldn't help but become distorted!

"I have killed many talented people, but the new king... this is my first time!"

The captain murmured, his eyes flashing like poisonous snakes,

I don’t know if it’s jealousy or resentment!

On the other side, there is also a group of people gathering,

I was also caught off guard by this situation, but after a short thought and discussion,

Similar arrangements were made immediately, but their purpose was

It is to protect the Prodigy of the Human Race and prevent such a genius from being killed by those stubborn and corrupt existences!

There are also many people from unknown forces approaching quickly with various purposes.

In the small deserted ancient city, there is an undercurrent surging!


The hustle and bustle was endless. Lin Xiu stood under the light and felt in a trance.

When he came out completely, the cracks in the space behind him slowly closed and dissipated.

The light that illuminated the ancient city as bright as day also slowly dissipated, and the ancient city returned to the dark night again!

"But, the new king, Mr. Lin Xiu, has returned?"

A middle-aged man flew up from the ground and looked at Lin Xiu, who was standing quietly in the void with bone wings on his back.

I couldn't help but feel shocked.

Lin Xiu raised his head and looked at the person coming, a ball of holy light flame flickering in his eyes,

Suddenly, the middle-aged man felt palpitations in his heart, as if he was staring into the eyes of an unimaginable beast!

"Lord City Lord?"

Lin Xiu was in a daze, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar ancient city below.

Finally I woke up completely. The middle-aged man opposite me was very familiar.

It is none other than the lord of the ancient city, the golden lord Chen Sifan, who returned from the Starry Sky Battlefield ten years ago!

The once extremely powerful city lord now seemed a bit weak in his eyes.

You don't even need to take action, just the pressure of divine power is enough to crush the Lord of the City, who is unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people, to death!

"Is it really the newcomer King who returns?"

Chen Sifan felt an aura from Lin Xiu that made his heart palpitate. He also knew what a newcomer king meant.

Although this person was once his subject, he did not dare to neglect him at this moment.

He knows what the new king means!

Even though he is just a young man who has only been on the road to becoming a lord for a few days, geniuses can never be viewed with ordinary people's eyes.

As a rookie king, breaking through the gold lord within one year and platinum within ten years is simply an achievement!

What's more... his intuition told him,

This new king, Lin Xiu, is likely to have broken through the Golden Lord now!

"After the trial, I broke through the Platinum Lord directly... so terrifying!"

Chen Sifan secretly smacked his lips, and became more respectful on the outside.

The attitude can almost be called humility!

"Lin Xiu, I have met City Lord Chen!"

Lin Xiu nodded and held his hand in return.

After all, he is a city lord. In the past few years in Huanggu City, he has known a thing or two about the character of this city lord.


A Transcendent world is definitely accompanied by a strict hierarchy that treats human life as nothing.

But in the ancient city, it is rare to have good order.

Various vicious incidents rarely occur. As a city lord,

Chen Sifan is quite respected by Human Venerable!

"Hahaha...it's really you...you're so polite, you're so polite!"

After receiving the confirmation, Chen Sifan was immediately overjoyed.

Look again, Lin Xiu is not showing off at all, and she is so happy that she can’t close her mouth.

Liandao is young and promising...

"Who can come out of our deserted ancient city!?"

Chen Sifan rubbed his hands and surrounded Lin Xiu as he landed on the ground.

Just as he was about to invite Lin Xiu to the city lord's palace to talk, suddenly a warning sign appeared in his heart!

His face changed drastically, he shouted loudly, and a suit of armor instantly appeared on his body,

The sword in his hand slashed hard to the left!

"Luo Yanzhan!"

Chen Sifan shouted loudly, and the divine power surged from his body and he chopped it down!

"There is such a powerful person in a small ancient city... Get out!"

In the darkness, a gloomy voice sounded,

It seemed that he was a little surprised that he was discovered by a gold lord, but he didn't panic at all.

The figure flashed and appeared in the other direction instantly!

"Things who don't know whether to live or die, this has nothing to do with you. If you don't want to die, get out!"

Chen Sifan's face turned slightly pale, and two figures of men in black emerged from the darkness.

The man in black appears like a ghost with his face covered, and in the darkness he looks like a monster that chooses and devours people!

"You...who are you!?"

Chen Sifan's blow missed, and his heart suddenly sank.

But after looking at the young man beside him, he still resisted the urge to run away.

Protect Lin Xiu behind him and use the law to notify the city guard to confront the man in black.

"He is the current rookie king of our Human Race alliance, the future Prodigy of Human Race. You dare to take action against the new king, aren't you afraid of death!?"

Chen Sifan sent out the signal, but found that everything was like a stone sinking into the sea.

Suddenly, my heart became heavier and I could only reveal my identity as Lin Xiu, hoping to scare these men in black.

"Haha... Prodigy of the Human Race? We are killing Prodigy!"

The man in black sneered, as if he had heard some big joke.

“What’s a Prodigy if it can’t be used by me?”

Chen Sifan felt cold in his heart!

What the man in black said contained a bit too much information.

It's enough to make people's hair stand on end!


The man in black seemed to know that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately stopped talking nonsense.

After a low shout, the figure suddenly approached quickly like a ghost, the dagger in his hand flashed a green and cold light in the darkness,

It's obviously quenched with poison, which makes people shudder just looking at it!

"Lin Xiu, be careful! Don't recruit troops in 1.7!"

Before Chen Sifan had time to think too much, he quickly reminded Lin Xiu and rushed forward with his sword.

"Luo Yanzhan!"

Lin Xiu's eyes flashed with a strange color, Blue Star belongs to the edge of Qianying Star Domain,

The geographical location for the entire Human Race, although it is the ancestral planet,

But he is also a part of the frontier!

On weekdays, it is inevitable that some other races will invade. Ever since the Human Race barely gained a foothold in the starry battlefield during its heyday thousands of years ago,

Then we started to consolidate the internal situation!

In all frontier Star Domains, the lords of the formation system will deploy some powerful killing formations, which will be automatically activated once a non-Human Race strongman is detected!

Therefore, no one in Blue Star dares to recruit their own troops to fight against the enemy!

This was also the reason for Chen Sifan's reminder, but to Lin Xiu's surprise,

In fact, it’s Chen Sifan’s strength!

He is just a golden lord. Looking at the countless lords who have failed trials behind him, he appears to be very strong.

But actually it’s nothing!

It is said that back then, it was just because his potential was at its peak that he never had any hope of breaking through to become a Platinum Lord.

In addition, after decades of military service, he was able to retire and find a job as the city lord of an ancient city.

Lin Xiu thought that his strength was just like that, but he didn't expect that his strength was a bit unexpected.

A golden lord actually has two combat skills!

Moreover, he is extremely experienced in taking action, unlike a golden lord who has just begun to improve his combat power!

"A mere golden lord actually has such strength?"

A man in black retreated in shock and anger, "I didn't expect that they, who have been on the battlefield for a long time, would be blocked by a little-known golden lord.

"We hold him, No. 81, No. 82, and kill Lin Xiu!"

The captain of the man in black quickly gave the order, and two figures emerged from the darkness again.

Chen Sifan suddenly became furious!

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