Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 120 The Dragon Battle Shows Its Power! Kill The Platinum Lord Instantly! The Shocked City Lo

"You bastard, you dare to kill me. Prodigy of the Human Race, the ancient formation, rise!"

Chen Sifan's eyes were red with hatred in his heart. As a soldier who retired from the battlefield,

Well aware of Human Race's current need for talents, it was not easy for a Prodigy to appear in his territory.

But he was being chased by the dark rats inside Human Race, which immediately made him crazy with hatred!

I no longer bother to worry about the existence behind these people, I just want to kill these nasty rats!

As soon as Chen Sifan thought, a huge formation immediately enveloped the entire ancient city.

His body instantly expanded and became as tall as a giant, and the terrifying aura was overwhelming.

Like a torrent, it headed towards the stunned people!


"Demon Suppressing Array....You are the city lord??The city lord of the ancient city??"

The man in black, who was headed by him, turned green when he saw this scene. He couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air and screamed.

I cursed in my heart that I was unlucky. I never expected that a rookie would pop up randomly.

It turned out to be the city lord of the ancient city!

What's even more disgusting is that the city lord of this place,

How dare you take action against their shadow army!

But they can't reveal their identities yet. After all, they are members of the temple military.

But braving the whole world to kill this year's new king will undoubtedly create great power of public opinion!

"Monster, Human Race!"

Chen Sifan looked majestic and his voice was loud,

"If you dare to harm me, Prodigy of the Human Race, I will represent the Temple of the Human Race today and kill you!"


The giant's voice was like a bell, and he punched him hard!


Several men in black looked pale, suppressed by the power of the formation and unable to move at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the giant fist fell, screaming in despair,

But there is no way!


With one punch falling, the battlefield instantly became quiet.

Several people were killed instantly, and Chen Sifan's body quickly deflated like a deflated balloon.

It became the size of a Perfected Being, but its face was also pale,

The skin all over my body is full of wrinkles, my breath is weak and my breathing is short!

Obviously bearing so much external force is a huge burden on his body!

"Quickly... leave here and go to the starry sky battlefield!"

Chen Sifan's breath was weak, but he was not in a hurry to rest.

Instead, he urged quickly.

"They are from the military! There must be someone behind the scenes, and there will definitely be more and stronger killers sent. As long as you are within the alliance, you will never escape death!" 23 Chen Sifan said like a barrage of words. Coming out, it was obvious that the brief battle and exchange had allowed this battle-hardened being to discern a lot of information.

He looked very ugly at the moment. He had long heard that there were a lot of moths inside Human Race.

He does not think about the survival of the race and expands his territory, but focuses on fighting for fame and fortune within the powerful to consolidate his position.

Even in the past hundred years, many geniuses from different factions have been assassinated!

But I never expected that things would develop to such an extent!

Ordinary genius assassination will only kill, and it will not affect the overall situation of Human Race too much.

But now, even Prodigy like Lin Xiu, who is unprecedented in Human Race and is likely to lead Human Race to a new level in the future, dares to chase and kill him.

This is no longer something that a simple moron can describe!

It's a pity... others are soft-spoken and have limited abilities.

Faced with this situation, there is nothing we can do except be cynical. We can only try our best to maintain peace.

Show Lin Xiu a clear path and everything in the future.

You can only rely on Lin Xiu to go on your own!

"Senior, are you okay?"

Lin Xiu was slightly moved. He was used to the intrigues and corruption and calculations of Human Race’s top management in the trial area.

He was already disappointed with Human Race, but he didn't expect the first person he met after coming out.

But he quietly changed his opinion!

Human Race, is a race,

No individual or even group can represent it!

It is composed of many endless individuals, each individual will have its own thoughts,

Among them are great men and women who have selflessly sacrificed their lives and blood to open up and expand the territory of their ethnic group.

There are also despicable people who are sneaking around and plotting to benefit themselves at the expense of others.

There are even more powerful thieves who only care about stealing the interests of the race and enriching themselves!

In this decadent era, there will still be some virtuous heroes who work silently to light up the dim light!

"It's okay...someone is here again, let's go!"

Chen Sifan's face changed slightly and he didn't care to say more.

He directly pulled Lin Xiu up and ran quickly, relying on the geographical advantage here to try to get rid of the unknown existence behind him!

However, I don’t know who the person coming from behind is, and the speed is extremely fast.

Even though he was unfamiliar with the road conditions, he was not thrown away, and the distance was even getting closer quickly!

The powerful pressure of the Platinum Lord swept over, making Chen Sifan's already pale face even more pale as a sheet!

"How about I do it...Senior, just show me the way!"

Lin Xiu couldn't bear that this senior was working so hard, so he spread his wings behind his back and grabbed Chen Sifan.


Chen Sifan was about to remind Lin Xiu that he had just activated the formation here and it was now a no-fly state.

However, they found that Lin Xiu was not blocked at all and soared directly into the sky!

"Can you ignore the no-fly formation??"

Chen Sifan was surprised and happy. What surprised him was that Lin Xiu could ignore the no-fly formation.

Fortunately, Lin Xiu's strength seems to be a bit beyond his imagination, so the survival rate is a bit higher!

"Quick, I can let you out from there and buy you some time!"

Regardless of the shock, Chen Sifan quickly changed his position.

He pointed in a direction and said.


On the ground, there were constant rumblings,

When I looked down, I saw a black figure surging with divine power, chasing after him like a prehistoric monster.

No matter what is in front of you, just smash it away!

Because they flew up, although the speed was faster,

But the target was also more obvious. The man in black was still extremely fast and was not pushed too far away!

"Platinum Lord! Run away!"

Chen Sifan's expression changed drastically. The higher the level of the lords, the greater the gap!

The Golden Lord can be reached with only 20,000 divine powers.

The Platinum Lord seems to be just one level higher.

But the difference in divine power is ten times and a hundred times!

Just now, with the help of the ancient city's formation, he could barely touch the threshold of the Platinum Lord, and he killed those assassins in one fell swoop.

But he was also seriously injured because his body could not bear the pressure. At this moment, there was a stronger enemy chasing him below.

It’s simply disappointing!

"What are they from?"

Lin Xiu lowered his head and glanced at it, although he didn't take it seriously.

But I couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

He had known that after leaving Secret Realm, there would be strong people he had offended who would not let him go, but he did not expect that he would directly offend the Platinum Lord!

And this is just the moment when the action is taken, it is difficult to imagine the origin of the existence behind it!

"It's hard to say... There are traces of military formations, but I don't know which group army it is or the private army of a certain big shot!"

Although Chen Sifan is not very strong, he has been fighting in the starry sky battlefield for many years.

His eyesight is pretty good, and he can tell the general origins of these people at a glance.

"From the army? Could it be from the Ares Army?"

Lin Xiu pondered slightly. He didn't know how many big shots he had already paid attention to.

I thought the strongest person I had offended was just Tan Hongli’s grandfather—Tan Siyan, the God of War!


Chen Sifan was noncommittal. As a low-level lord, he

I also don’t know that this Human Race regime is rotten to the core, but there is still a glimmer of hope for the Apex Level powerhouse!

"Tan Hongli has not returned...do you know his whereabouts?"

Chen Sifan was taken flying quickly by Lin Xiu, and there was nothing to do for a while.

Thinking back on the news of the past few days, I couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Killed by me!"


Chen Sifan's expression was so wonderful that he almost choked on his own saliva.

Lin Xiu's fluttering words immediately left him speechless.

Suddenly I felt like I was a little too cynical...

After all, it seems that it is not too much to send someone to hunt down someone's only legitimate grandson?

"Quick, go directly to the Magic City after you get out! Only after entering the starry sky battlefield from there will you have a chance to survive!"

It’s a sigh of relief, but a newcomer with great talent,

And he seems to be a good character. If he grows up, it will definitely be good news for Human Race!

As a retired soldier, he must not let him die in front of him!

The ancient city was not that big, so the two of them quickly arrived at the edge.

Without thinking too much, Chen Sifan quickly made a secret and used his identity as the city lord to open a small opening in the formation.

I will push Lin Xiu out in one go!

"Senior, wait a moment. If I leave, you will be dead!"

Lin Xiu landed on the ground, and Chen Sifan raised his head dumbly,

It felt like he was pushing against a wall. No matter how hard he tried, Lin Xiu remained indifferent!

"Don't worry about me! I am the city lord appointed by the Privy Council, they dare not touch me!"

Seeing the enemy approaching quickly, Chen Sifan suddenly said anxiously,

If the enemy catches up, he will never accept Lin Xiu dying in front of him like this!

"Senior, don't worry, I'm just a lucky person!"

Lin Xiu smiled brightly, and Chen Sifan's presence made his heart feel warm for a moment.

Such a person is worthy of respect no matter what his strength is!

"Senior, please protect me once, and then let me call you once!"

Lin Xiu smiled lightly and took a step forward with a firm tone,

The whole aura suddenly changed!


Chen Sifan looked at Lin Xiu's back in confusion. He originally wanted to say something, but

But suddenly I felt that Lin Xiu seemed to be a different person!

Although Feng Shen Ru Yu was originally unrivaled in noble aura, it seemed that he lacked some of the domineering power of a strong man!

At this moment, I took a simple step forward,

But it made him feel domineering!

There was no divine power in his body, but it gave him a feeling of being lifted up!

This feeling is indescribable,

But it made him feel extremely at ease!

It’s as if the gods will stop even when they come!

"What a good boy, you didn't even run away!"

The visitor was still a man in black. When he saw Lin Xiu, he stopped running instead of running away.

He immediately sneered.

By accident, several of his subordinates died.

It had already made him furious, and he vowed to kill the person in front of him!

"Bow your head and die, I can help you die more happily!"

The man in black strode forward, surging with divine power.

The tyrannical divine power has almost condensed into substance, making the nearby space seem to be still!

It rushed directly like a prehistoric beast, enough to smash everything into pieces!

"Lin Xiu, hurry...run away, I will stop you

Stop him!"

Every step the man in black took made Chen Sifan's heart tremble.

The terrifying power instantly wiped away the information he had just felt towards Lin Xiu in his heart.

As a lord who has been on the battlefield for many years, he has seen countless strong men.

Well aware of the power of Platinum Lord!

If you are in the starry sky battlefield, you can recruit troops,

He still has the confidence to compete with them, but returning to the realm of Human Race,

There is a world of difference between the two instantly!


Lin Xiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and she was even more moved in her heart.

A gold lord, not everyone has the courage to face the impact of a platinum lord!

Ordinary people will lose all their courage just by looking at them. Even if they don't show any signs of movement, they are considered to be extremely courageous.

A person who dares to face a strong enemy even though he knows he will die, it is not an exaggeration to call him a brave person!

"Needless to say, the current situation of the Human Race is worrying... If you can survive, I just hope that you can reorganize the Human Race and take back the river..."

Chen Sifan turned around and forced a smile, a Prodigy from Human Race,

He doesn't know how far he can go in the future. Maybe he will die immediately after entering the battlefield.

Or he might die in a battle with other tribes in the future, or he might be too bright and be targeted by a Prodigy from a wealthy tribe to challenge him...

No matter what the situation, the growth of a strong man is full of dangers.

No one can guarantee that anyone will live to achieve success in the future!

But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, even if he sacrifices, it will be worth it!

Chen Sifan turned around resolutely and looked at the person who came with a look of death.

I secretly made up my mind to delay Lin Xiu's escape as long as possible, even if I risk my life!

"I mean……"

Lin Xiu had no choice but to interrupt Chen Sifan again with 760, which immediately made Chen Sifan furious.

The emotions that had finally been brewing were interrupted like this, but what made me even more angry was my hatred for Lin Xiu!

"Let's go! Let's go! If we don't go, it will be too late!"

Chen Sifan suddenly turned around and looked at Lin Xiu like a beast,

urged angrily.

Lin Xiu rolled his eyes speechlessly. He is not a talkative person.

It’s not easy to speak over and over again, but I still get interrupted all the time.

I simply didn't bother to say any more, just stepped forward and punched suddenly!

"Haha...hahaha...do you still want to challenge me??"

Seeing this scene, Chen Sifan was stunned.

Before he could speak, the man in black opposite him was amused.

"I am the Platinum Lord, and I have 80 million... What do you want... Damn it!"

The man in black was about to say something, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

Screaming in horror, as if he saw something unbelievable!

"Lin Xiu, give me...um?? What...what???"

Chen Sifan's heart palpitated for a while, and he felt as if something beyond imagination had arrived.

The terrifying and mysterious pressure surpassed the aura of the strongest person he had ever seen!

Even if Lin Xiu deliberately avoided it, Chen Sifan was still confused.

I was so confused that I couldn't think of anything!

"No...spare my life...this...this...what is this..."

In contrast, facing this punch directly,

The targeted man in black "feels more than a hundred times more powerful than him!"

The so-called savage aura in his body shattered instantly like paper!

The terrifying pressure was crushed directly, and Lin Xiu's image grew infinitely taller in his eyes.

His surging divine power seemed to be frightened, and disappeared like smoke.

The man in black's body fell to the ground like a noodle, helplessly watching the punch but unable to move!

"No...you can't kill me...damn it, move it!!!"

The man in black was like a trapped animal on the verge of death, howling desperately and ferociously,

However, due to the suppression of divine power and dragon power, his poor divine power is like a single existence.

Any struggle is in vain!

"Dragon battle!"

Lin Xiu looked at everything indifferently, without any sympathy for this person.

Say two words gently!

The power of Dragon War Immortal Fist is beyond imagination,

He didn't even officially deliver the blow, it was just the wind of the fist.

The man in black was instantly carbonized as if being burned by fire, and then turned into blue smoke and dissipated when the breeze blew.

There wasn't even a bone or scrap left on the ground!


Chen Sifan just came back to his senses and saw this scene, staring blankly,

It took a long time to react, and I suddenly took a breath of cold air and shivered all over!

Her eyes protrude and she looks at Lin Xiu like a monster,


Chen Sifan was trembling and couldn't speak clearly. We couldn't say a word for a long time.

The shock in my heart cannot be expressed in words!

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