Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 121: Magic City! Target: Star Teleportation Array!

"Uncle, take care!"

Seeing Chen Sifan's eyes about to fall off, Lin Xiu couldn't help but smile.

The hard work of the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit. Only he knows how much he has suffered and how many sins he has endured.

But now it seems that the harvest is also gratifying!

As a forbidden skill, the power of Dragon War Immortal Fist is astonishing.

Now he has only learned a superficial knowledge, and he can already understand many methods of divine power operation without a teacher.

He could roughly learn Chen Sifan's two combat skills just by looking at them twice.

The power when used is definitely far greater than that of Chen Sifan!

But even so, he didn't expect that he could kill a platinum lord instantly with just a little punch.

With emotion in his heart, Lin Xiu clasped his fists and bid farewell to Chen Sifan.

"You...you will be feared later in life...you will be feared later in life!!"

Chen Sifan came back to his senses and looked at Lin Xiu like a monster,

He shook his head repeatedly and sighed, but he soon reacted,

The blocking formation was opened a little again.

"Don't be careless...Although Tan Siyan is just a legendary lord, his status is extraordinary, and there are also many powerful men of the same level under him!"

Chen Sifan sent Lin Xiu out of the ancient city with a complicated expression, and finally warned,

"Don't delay too much, go to the Magic City as quickly as possible, and then enter the starry sky battlefield!"

"Don't trust anyone...Don't show too much before the legendary lord is not strong enough!"


There was hesitation on Chen Sifan's face. He didn't know whether his persuasion was correct.

In the Human Race territory, no one can recruit troops,

The lord's strength has been reduced to the maximum extent, but he still has unimaginable control over the powerful nobles.

Their intelligence is pervasive. Lin Xiu only needs to stay in the Human Race territory for one day.

In less than an hour, his traces will be found!

In comparison, although the starry sky battlefield is more dangerous, it also has higher freedom.

Just like a fish entering the sea, trying to find traces of a person,

The difficulty is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack!

For a talented prodigy like Lin Xiu, this kind of place is a perfect fit.

It can make him grow up faster!

"Uncle, take care!"

Lin Xiu nodded and suddenly glanced behind Chen Sifan.

Without any time to say goodbye to Chen Sifan, the wings behind his back vibrated and he soared into the sky and disappeared into the darkness!

"Lin Xiu, wait..."

In the ancient city, a black-armored figure quickly passed over,

Seeing Lin Xiu moving away again, she immediately cursed her in anger,

He shouted again and again, but Lin Xiu ran faster!

"Why are you running away...I'm here to protect you!!"

The man in black armor was furious. He was tricked by someone just now and didn't show up in time.

Now it's hard to catch up, but Lin Xiu can run faster than a rabbit!

"Follow me back to the Holy Spirit Guard to keep you alive..."

The man in black armor rushed over quickly like a savage beast, trying to make Lin Xiu stop.

"Without our protection, you are dead!!"

However, it was okay if he didn't say it. The more he said it, the faster Lin Xiu ran.

Chen Sifan also instantly noticed the movement behind him. The terrifying aura was just as strong as the Platinum Lord just now.

It immediately made him look even paler!

But even though he was scared to death, he quickly closed the formation in the ancient city.

As for what the man in black said about protecting Lin Xiu...hehe,

When he, Chen Sifan, was a three-year-old child?


The black-armored man hit the city defense formation hard, and a loud bang suddenly came.

The man in black took a few steps back, but the entire ancient city seemed to tremble.

Chen Sifan couldn't help but feel even more furious.

"Damn it... I am Chen Yufan, the third captain of the Holy Spirit Guard. I have been ordered to protect Lin Xiu, the new king of this year. Why don't you open the door quickly!?"

Chen Yufan was furious and watched Lin Xiu quickly disappear into the night sky.

He was so angry immediately. If he hadn't looked at Chen Sifan for the sake of protecting Lin Xiu,

I should have slapped this guy to death!

"Hmph! Do you think this city lord is a three-year-old child? If you want to go out, don't even think about it!"

Chen Sifan slapped his neck, indicating that he would never believe whatever you say!

If it was to protect Lin Xiu, I didn’t even see you come out despite the huge commotion and pursuit before.

Now I just killed a platinum lord and you came here, saying that you are not here to kill Lin Xiu,

Who believes it?


Chen Yufan was furious, but he had no time to explain.

As a member of the Holy Spirit Guard, he knew very well how determined those big shots were to get rid of Lin Xiu.

If Lin Xiu had come out yesterday, and their Holy Spirit Guards had been stronger, there might have been room for maneuver in this matter!

But it only came out today... This means that Lin Xiu has been in the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit for a full twenty hours!

It’s equivalent to clearing ten levels of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm!

It means more... Lin Xiu broke the record of countless Prodigy in Human Race for three thousand years!

And the last one that broke the record was the fire from thousands of years ago, Heavenly Venerable,

Now, it has fallen!

When he fell on the second level and tried to break through to enlightenment and become a god, he was attacked by foreigners and died!

But there is another version circulating in the temple, which is said to be related to some powerful people within the temple...

Now there is another Lin Xiu, who has achieved a higher achievement of Fire Heavenly Venerable.

It will obviously touch some people's nerves. How many people's interests were ultimately harmed by allowing the fire Heavenly Venerable to grow?

They will never make this mistake again this time!

That means, get rid of Lin Xiu's heart,

I'm afraid it's beyond imagination!

It seems that the crisis has been temporarily resolved, and the pursuers are blocked in the ancient city.

But this news has already spread out, and now it may have fallen into the hands of the big shots in the temple.

The pursuit that Lin Xiu will face next will definitely be beyond imagination!

"You can't enter the Magic City... Going to the Magic City now is a dead end!"[!"

The man in black armor suddenly turned red when he thought of the upcoming scene!

Their group was called the Reformists in the temple,

Trying to subvert the rights of those in charge of the temple and prevent some big shots from trying to perpetuate the Human Race.

But it triggers the interests of too many people, so being unpopular is even more powerful.

If there hadn't been a great being above to withstand the pressure, the ambitious people would have feared that a quarrel would completely irritate the other party.

I'm afraid these people have already been liquidated!

But despite this, they are still struggling outside.

If they didn't have the overall interests of Human Race in mind, such a difficult situation would have made them give up long ago.

The only reason I can persevere till now is that I still have hope in my heart.

I hope to wait until a genius who is incredible enough can appear and lead Human Race to break through the current constraints.

Completely change all decay!

Lin Xiu thought it was Tan Siyan who was chasing him, but he knew in his heart that

Tan Siyan is nothing!

He was just a pawn, and now he has already been disposed of if he messed up the matter!

The one who actually sent people to hunt him down was more than 10,000 times more terrifying than Tan Siyan!

If Lin Xiu thought that he could escape by entering the Magic City, he would be totally wrong!

The Magic City at this moment is like a dragnet.

I opened my pocket and waited for Lin Xiu to fall into the trap!

"Senior, stop doing useless work!"

Chen Sifan looked at Chen Yufan calmly, ready to die calmly.

He has done what he can do, can Lin Xiu escape next?

Then you can only look at your own destiny!

"If you want to kill or behead me, you have to do whatever you want! But if you want to get out, there is no way!"


Chen Yufan was furious, but when he saw this kind of character in Human Race,

He couldn't help but admire him a little, since it was impossible to really kill him.

"Good intentions lead to bad things...ignorance!"

Chen Yufan cursed, but there was nothing he could do.

This guy is the city lord of Huanggu City, and he has made up his mind not to open the door.

Unless the formation is forcibly broken, no one can do anything about it!

And the breaking formation...as a defensive formation on the border,

A single move can affect the whole body, even if the legendary lord comes, it won't work.

Not to mention him!

"I just hope that the adults can react faster..."

Chen Yufan sat aside and murmured, and could only pray silently in his heart.

The imaginary move did not appear, which made Chen Sifan a little suspicious.

But he couldn't tell whether it was fake or real, and he couldn't tell for a while.

"Go to the Magic City, and then enter the starry sky battlefield!"

In the darkness, the bone wings on Lin Xiu's back vibrated,

As soon as he left the ancient city and flew into the darkness, he equipped the shimmering cloak.

He instantly entered a state of invisibility, and quickly headed towards the Magic City after briefly identifying the direction!

Starry Sky Battlefield is a battlefield linked to Myriad Races,

No one knows where it is. Some say it is in the interlayer of the major cosmic planes.

Some people also say that it is somewhere in the extremely distant universe and starry sky, but so far the only way to enter is

It’s just teleportation!

The strength of Blue Star is not enough to support a star teleportation array, but as the border area of ​​Human Race,

Coupled with the fact that it is the ancestral planet of the Human Race, there is still a teleportation array inexplicably.

Located in the only big city in Blue Star, the Lord of the Demon City!

This is the only big city in Blue Star,

Different from the desolate ancient city that looks like a farming and civilized city in another world, this is a modern cosmic metropolis full of high technology.

Everywhere is full of high-tech landscapes, perfectly realizing the integration of technology and Transcendent.

There are not only various starry sky fortresses and space terminals, but also various colosseums and dueling stages that symbolize barbarism and bloodshed.

It is the only place that Blue Star people must pass to go to other planets or starry battlefields!

The prosperous Magic City was once a place that Lin Xiu visited many times in his dreams.

Looking at it from high in the sky, the Magic City in the distance looks like a giant beast resting on the ground.

Even in the dark night, the lights are brightly lit here,

Magic City has another name,

The city that never sleeps!

"There is the starry sky teleportation array!"

Lin Xiu was invisible in the night sky and looked at the Magic City in the distance, a little to the east.

There is a building that shines with colorful lights, and sometimes it shines brightly,

It means that someone activates the teleportation array to go to the starry sky battlefield, or someone returns from the starry sky battlefield!

"There is an ambush here!"

Lin Xiu did not rush into the Magic City, but carefully walked around the Magic City.

Tan Siyan is already an extremely important person to the Ordinary people. It seems that the legendary lord is only two levels higher than him.

But the difference in divine power is hundreds of times!

And to be able to stand out from countless soldiers, his strength is by no means as simple as that of an Ordinary legendary lord!

Facing the pursuit of such a person, he didn't dare at all


Magic City is Blue Star's only external port, and he knew with his buttocks that there must be an ambush here!

But the more she looked at Lin Xiu, the more frightened she felt, and she felt that something was wrong!

"Tan Siyan...is he so powerful??"

Lin Xiu murmured, there was strangely not much noise in the magic city,

And I didn’t feel any powerful aura, and looked extremely calm.

Too peaceful!

If any other young man had come here, he probably wouldn't have thought of going here.

But as a second-generation person, he could see the deliberateness here at a glance!

"...It is the financial and political center of the entire planet, with a population of tens of millions. It is said that the lights are as bright as day, so it can't be so quiet!"

"Someone has taken control of this place and deliberately suppressed all noise and activities!"

Lin Xiu frowned and muttered to himself, a legendary lord-level god of war,

He didn't know exactly how much energy it had. After all, the world was too huge.

There is no way to use the situation in the past life as a reference. Maybe there is such a big energy?

"There is no choice! The longer the time is delayed, the more stringent the other party's arrangements will be!"

"Guard the only passage, and then send more people from the outside to search... We must try our best!"

Lin Xiu hesitated for a few seconds and quickly made a decision.

Alone and weak, facing the God of War who dominates the starry sky battlefield, he has no choice at all!

Make a decision, Lin Xiu acts immediately!

Although the enemy is powerful, he is not completely unsure.

First of all, he has a god-level invisibility suit!

Shimmer cloak!

It can resist one-time developing props. This function seems like nothing.

But when used at the critical moment, the survey went against the sky!

After all, the development tools are very precious, and no one would be too lazy to use them multiple times in one place.

But after only using it once, Lin Xiu can be directly immune!

Relying on this method, he should be able to pass most levels smoothly!

Secondly, he has attributes and divine power,

The great improvement in combat power is secondary. The main reason is that this magical power makes him seem to be standing in a higher dimension.

Many simple detection devices simply cannot detect it!

If the two work together, even if today's demons are in a dragon's pond and a tiger's den,

He is also confident of giving it a try!

"There are two main levels, one is the city gate, and the other is the starry sky teleportation array..."

"As long as we pass these two places smoothly, it will be worth it even if we are discovered!"

Lin Xiu silently continued to refine the plan in his mind. He only needed to enter the battlefield through the starry sky teleportation array.

When the time comes, there will be plenty of places to hide in the dangerous battlefield, "which can maximize the difficulty of catching the enemy!"

With his talent and heritage, as long as he is not caught immediately,

(Li Mo's) His strength will definitely improve beyond everyone's imagination!

"All is ready except for the opportunity!"

Lin Xiu stood invisibly at the city gate, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

While constantly deducing in the bottom of my heart.

When a group of lords in tattered clothes and with a lot of blood on their bodies came out, Lin Xiu knew that the opportunity had come!

"Wang Laoer, it looks like the harvest is good?"

A soldier in rattan armor who was guarding the city walked to the center of the city gate in an instant, and moved towards that station with a golden sword.

Said meaningfully.

"Haha... adults are joking, dawdling, dawdling..."

The faces of everyone in the team suddenly changed. The leader quickly signaled to his teammates not to act rashly.

He took a step forward with a smile on his face, took out a bag of things from his arms and handed it to the soldier.

"My lord, please forgive me. This trip was really unlucky. I didn't kill the boss and even lost a leg..."

"Next time, next time I will be respectful to you all!"

The captain nodded and bowed, turned and looked behind him,

There was a stretcher carrying an unconscious young man with a pale face.

The left leg was broken at the base from the step, and the wounds were jagged, as if it had been bitten off by some monster.

However, the soldiers were obviously used to this kind of situation and were not moved at all.

He shook the bag in his hand and looked at Wang Laoer with a smile.

"It's easy to talk, but the inspection needs to be stricter today. The higher-ups are looking for a fugitive who entered the city. Please cooperate with us!"

Wang Laoer suddenly cursed secretly in his heart, "What does it have to do with me checking out the fugitives who entered the city?"

This is obviously an excuse, just because I am not satisfied with the filial piety I have given.

But his trip was really unlucky. Not only did he gain nothing,

They also lost a leg to their team members. For lords of their level, losing a leg basically means bidding farewell to the Starry Sky Battlefield.

As the captain, he also gets a pension, so how can he have the money to pay for it?

"Your Majesty, hold your hand high..."

"Get out! Stand against the wall. I'll let the fugitives go and I'll question you!"

Amidst the noise, no one noticed that there seemed to be a breeze blowing by!

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