Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 122: A Surprise Attack In Front Of The Teleportation Array! True Sight Gem!

"No...Sir, please forgive me, there really is no...this is our pension..."

"Sir, next time! I will definitely make it up next time..."

At the city gate, something that never happened in the ancient city but happens all the time in the Magic City is taking place.

Several vine armor soldiers Ning stepped forward with a smile and pushed the adventure team directly to the wall.

During the pushing, the unconscious young man lying on the stretcher was almost knocked to the ground.

No matter how Wang Laoer begged for mercy, these people were indifferent!

The rattan armor on the soldier's body and the sword on his waist,

It is a symbol of the power of the temple that Wang Laoer and others dare not speak out in anger.

With this skin on their bodies, even if they are an Ordinary, they can easily crush anyone within the Golden Lord status.

And they are just a team of hard-working Silver Lords!

Lin Xiu looked at this scene coldly, taking advantage of their confusion,

Quietly follow the city gate on the other side and enter the city gate!

The moment he passed through the city gate, an unknown force suddenly seemed to sweep past him.

Lin Xiu was suddenly shocked and secretly thought something was wrong!


Suddenly, the alarm sounded at the city gate,

It's like someone in the supermarket was detected for evading the order.

Such movement instantly attracted the attention of the guarding soldiers!


The soldier who blocked the road first suddenly changed his expression and pulled out the long knife in his hand with a loud sound.

Not caring about fishing for oil and water, he shouted and rushed under the city gate.

Skillfully reached out and slapped a black button!

Suddenly a handful of dust enveloped the entire city gate. It was the revealing dust that Wu Xiaowei had used in the trial area!

The dust of appearance and concealment scattered on the ground, and the air was silent,

Nothing happened. The soldier looked around suspiciously.

Soon he turned his attention to the young man who fell to the ground unconscious!

"Ge, I've been waiting for you here for a long time, hiding contraband, right!? Search for me!"

The guarding soldier kicked the unconscious young man hard and flew him out.

The severe pain suddenly woke up the unconscious young man, and he screamed weakly,

His already pale face turned even paler now!

"Your Excellency, you are unjust... How could we have the guts to hide contraband... Your Majesty, please be merciful... Spare Awei's life..."

Wang Laoer stood in front of the young man with a sad face. He was just an Ordinary lord.

Leading the young people in his village to go out for training, on the one hand, is to see if they can emerge as a strong person.

On the other hand, 280 hopes to gain something from the battlefield and improve the life of the village.

But as a weakling, how you gain in the starry sky battlefield depends on your fate.

Obviously, this time,

Their lives are not very good!

But no matter how bad it is, I still come back alive.

I am about to return to the village. If I am killed by soldiers here,

That would be too humiliating!

"Search for me and see where the contraband is hidden!?"

However, the soldiers didn't buy it and didn't even care about extortion.

Just hope that you can find the contraband, and the harvest will be much better than extorting a few dollars!

However, the facts are obvious. Even though they rummaged through the team's belongings, they did not find any contraband.

In the end, the soldiers cursed and fished out a lot of oil and water before letting the few people go.

Wang Laoer's face was filled with sadness. Faced with these people's banditry, he could only swallow his anger.

Taking a few teenagers out of the city lonely, the bustling city that never sleeps is destined not to be their destination!

"The rotten Human Race...the bad roots of human nature!"

Lin Xiu, who was in invisible clothes, watched this scene quietly,

There are also mixed feelings in my heart. From being a strong man in the temple to guarding a mere city gate,

For the sake of their own interests, they will use any means to exploit and suppress them. A glimpse of one spot will reveal the whole leopard.

It’s enough to show how decadent Human Race has become today!

In the middle of the night in the Magic City, people are still coming and going.

However, the quiet environment seemed to make the adventure lords coming and going feel depressed. They walked on the road one by one and looked around.

Trying to find out what’s special about today’s Demon City.

"What's going on? Why did the vendors close their stalls so early today??"

Lin Xiu passed by an intersection that looked like a large market in his hidden clothes. Several dusty lords were carrying a large package and whispered in confusion.

There seem to be quite a few lords gathered here as well.

"I don't know. I heard it's to arrest someone... Many big shots have come to the Magic City and are setting up something!"

"I've heard about it too. It seems like an ambush has been set up at the teleportation array. I don't know who they want to catch!"

"I see... I mean, when I came back just now, I saw a lot of men in black passing by the teleportation array!"

"I don't know who they are. It is said that even the Diamond Lords are here at least ten... Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a huge battle!"

"Hiss! Such a big battle??"

"Hey, it's been such a troubled time... The battlefield front lines are retreating steadily, and our Golden Lord area has begun to arrest young men. I heard that starting next month, everyone must go to the battlefield and serve a minimum sentence of one year!"

"Hmph, those officials are so high on the outside, they are obedient to the outside world, but they strike hard (cdbh) internally...Sooner or later, Heavenly Venerable will break out of this mess!"

"Hush! You want to die!? How dare you say this!?"


A group of adventurers gathered together to ask each other for information. As one person said something treacherous and outrageous,

The other people's expressions suddenly changed and they quickly moved away, and then the crowd slowly dispersed.

"Ambush in the teleportation array?"

Lin Xiu thought silently, this was expected.

But ten Diamond Lords appeared directly... This was a bit unexpected!

"Can Tan Siyan, a legendary lord, really send so many people to hunt me down so blatantly??"

“And I’m also this year’s Rookie King??”

Lin Xiu felt something was wrong more and more. Tan Siyan sent ten diamond lords, it was nothing.

But with such great fanfare, he even asked the Lord of the Demon City to cooperate with him in ambushing the teleportation array.

It seems like the whole city is helping with the arrest... This is a bit incredible!

After all, he is no longer an unknown trainee lord, but the new king of this year!

He has also achieved unprecedented achievements. It stands to reason that even if the temple sends people to recruit him to directly join the temple, it is a basic operation.

Tan Siyan is just a partial general of the Zhennan General's Mansion within the White Tiger Legion, one of the four major legions.

Where did you get the courage to do this??

"Could it be...that there are still those Holy City families exerting their strength?"

"In other words, the killings of Tan Hongli, Qin Mingyue and others were all exposed, and several companies jointly took action?"

Lin Xiu could only guess this. Even if he were killed, he would never have imagined that the entire Human Race Temple was rotten to the core.

The big shot at the top has murderous intentions, but Tan Siyan is just an ant!

"You have to break into the dragon's den and the tiger's den..."

Lin Xiu sighed secretly, and his eyes were full of fighting intent in an instant.

If you don’t go now, you will be unable to go further!

In the magical city, the doors are closed,

Groups of vine-armored patrol soldiers hurriedly passed by on the road, and the leader was impressively capable of a golden lord!

Lin Xiu moved toward the teleportation array like a ghost. With the characteristics of the shimmering cloak,

The journey was very smooth.

But because he didn't dare to move too much, when he arrived near the teleportation area,

A full half hour has passed!

The starry sky teleportation array is inside a hollow tower.

When it is not activated, there is a circle of colorful halo swimming on the ground like a colorful python!

When someone activates the teleportation array, the colorful light quickly climbs up the tower.

It turned into a colorful beam of light shining in all directions, as if it was guiding something.

Return to the Magic City with the person teleported from the opposite side!

Lin Xiu closed her eyes and sensed carefully. With the power of her attribute power,

The traces of most of the ambushers were quickly found!

"Fifteen Platinum Lords, hidden in the shadows behind the tower!"

"There are three more Diamond Lord auras... just standing there... invisible!"

Lin Xiu's pupils narrowed and she looked at the empty space in front of her.

But he clearly felt that there were three bottomless auras at the entrance of the teleportation array.

Surprisingly, he also has the invisibility function turned on!

The distance from the entrance is less than ten meters. For such a strong person, being invisible is almost the same as not being invisible.

Unless you can avoid it by standing still, any slight disturbance will never be hidden from the perception of such a strong person!

"It is said that more than ten diamond experts have come...could there be something hidden secretly??"

Lin Xiu frowned and thought, but did not dare to act rashly.

After all, a diamond lord is no better than platinum. A person with two million divine powers is called a diamond lord.

19.99 million is still a diamond lord!

Taking into account the bonuses from external factors such as equipment, skills, and talents, it is not uncommon for a diamond lord to have 50, 60, or even hundreds of millions of magical powers!

His current basic divine power is just over 300,000, and his total divine power has not even exceeded one million even after playing all the games.

Being an enemy of such a powerful person, no matter how powerful the dragon tactics and the divine power of the Holy Light are,

He doesn’t have much confidence either!

If there was any other way, he would never take the risk here!

"There's really no one left??"

Lin Xiu cautiously moved a little closer and felt carefully again,

Tried to find the hidden strong man, but found nothing.

"No matter what, we have to give it a try!"

After hesitating slightly, Lin Xiu secretly gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

The strongest opponent is the Diamond Lord, so if he makes a sneak attack, he might not have a chance!

Determined to act immediately, Lin Xiu deduced the possible variables in his mind.

While quietly approaching the auras of the three figures sensed, the higher level of divine power made the invisibility of these three people completely invisible!

"The person in the middle is the strongest, and the weaker ones on the left and right should be able to handle it. Let's kill the person in the middle with a sneak attack first!"

Lin Xiu calculated and immediately determined the goal!

The divine power of the Holy Light enveloped him, and he slowly approached the opponent under the shimmering cloak.

I silently calculate the distance in my heart!

"Fifty meters!"

"Thirty meters...isn't enough!"

"Twenty meters! Right now...fuck!"

Lin Xiu slowly built up his momentum, and twenty meters was his best attack range.

However, as soon as he stepped within twenty meters, Lin Xiu's expression suddenly changed!

"Who!? Die!"

A sneer came, and the Diamond Lord in the middle roared and rushed towards him like a roc!

"Damn it! There's a gem of true seeing!!"

Lin Xiu's expression changed drastically. This person was indeed prepared.

He actually carries the most precious treasure that can break the secret of opinions, the gem of true vision!

All invisible units within 20 meters around you are invisible!

As soon as he stepped in, his invisibility was instantly broken.

If he hadn't possessed the power of the Holy Light and was always on high alert, he might not have had time to react.

He was immediately captured by the three men who had been preparing for a long time!

"When you come, please stay. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The Diamond Lord sneered, holding one hand in the shape of a claw,

He grabbed Lin Xiu's head very quickly!

The surging divine power almost solidified the nearby space, and the strong pressure made Lin Xiu almost unable to breathe!


Lin Xiu's eyes narrowed sharply and he glanced around. There were already many men in black rushing towards him.

Behind the strong man in front of him, two other Diamond Lords were also approaching from the side.

The three people formed a triangle and blocked the portal tightly!

Lin Xiu instantly gave up the idea of ​​rushing in and directly started Xiaoyaoyou to retreat quickly!


The leader of the Diamond Lords was suddenly startled, and his dignified Diamond overthrew the Lords,

Another attack that had been lying in wait for a long time was regarded as a sneak attack. Even against an ordinary Diamond Lord, it was still a sure shot.

But now he is being avoided by a new lord!?

"Golden Lord?? No...there's something weird!"

The Diamond Lord raised his eyebrows and carefully explored Lin Xiu's strength, but at first glance, he was even more surprised.

His exploration into Lin Xiu's body was like a stone sinking into the sea, without getting any response!

Lin Xiu's body didn't even have any fluctuations in divine power, and it looked extremely strange!

"Huh, what a small trick, I can't help but defeat it!"

After some exploration, he found nothing, and he suddenly became impatient.

Although he was surprised that the blow failed, he was still fully confident.

After all, as a peak diamond lord, his basic divine power reaches over 10 million.

The total divine power is nearly over 100 million!

He is sure to compete with even the weaker legendary lords!

"Eagle Strike!"

The missed hit made him put away his contempt,

He actually used combat skills directly!

In an instant, the eagle's claws were a little faster, and the sharp nails shone with cold light.

Even being several meters apart made Lin Xiu feel a pain in his head!

"So fast!? Is this the strength of the Diamond Lord??"

Lin Xiu felt a chill in her heart and quickly activated a skill again.

He didn't even have time to turn around, so he leaned back and quickly retreated.

Even after activating two movement skills in succession, there was no sign of getting rid of the enemy!

The strength of the Diamond Lord is so terrifying!

However, he was shocked in his heart, but he didn't know that the strong man on the opposite side was even more shocked!

"You can still hide??"

Two consecutive attacks were dodged by a little newcomer lord, which made Gu Mu look a little worried.

Thinking of his majestic diamond ability to subvert the lord, he is still a leader even in the Shadow Army.

The people who were ambushing here at this moment were all his people. In front of his subordinates, he failed twice in a row.

Where does this put his face?

"Good boy, take a look!"

Gu Mu laughed angrily, murderous intent rising in his heart!

"Hawkeye! Die!"

Gu Mu became completely serious, shouted angrily, and suddenly a green light shot out from his eyes,

Instantly transmigrate the void and hit Lin Xiu hard!

"Pfft! Damn it!"

Lin Xiu was caught off guard and had no time to dodge, so she received a solid blow.

Suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out from his throat, and he was seriously injured!

"Eye Technique!"

Lin Xiu gritted her teeth and stared at the person coming with a fierce expression.

The eye sockets are deeply sunken, and the badger bones are raised high,

His eyes are as sharp as an eagle's, which makes people's hair stand on end!


Lin Xiu remembered this person's appearance deeply in his mind, and quickly retreated with the help of the impact of the eagle's eyes.

Finally, I opened a little distance from this person, and after getting out of the range of twenty meters, my figure instantly disappeared into the darkness!

"He's not dead yet!?"

The smile that just appeared on Gu Mu's face suddenly froze, and his face turned pale and ugly.

I was puzzled and couldn't understand how Lin Xiu blocked it!

His blow with tens of millions of divine power couldn't even kill a new lord??

He almost suspected that his magical power was fake!

"He actually ran away!? Sir, what should I do?"

Everything seemed to be very long, but in fact it was just a flash of lightning. It was not until Lin Xiu escaped that the two diamond lords behind him caught up.

Looking at the empty night, the two of them were a little overwhelmed for a moment.

He asked Gu Mu reflexively.


Gu Mu's face was ashen. Although the effect of the True Sight Gem was strong, its weaknesses were also obvious.

That is, the effective range of his Low Level True Sight Gem is only twenty meters!

He cannot see invisible people beyond this range!

But just because he can't see it, doesn't mean there's nothing he can do!

"Seal the entire city immediately! Activate the Demon Realm radar! Scan the entire city!".

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