Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 123: Chase In The Demon City! At Stake!

Gu Mu's face was ashen, a new lord,

He dodged his attacks three times and hit the opponent once by surprise.

Not even killed!

It even seemed that the other party was not even seriously injured, but escaped instantly with the help of the force of the counter-shock!

"Lock down the entire city! Activate the Demon Realm radar! All doors are closed, and everyone who is still outside is waiting to be inspected!"

"Anyone who dares to act arbitrarily is holy!"

Gu Mu's face was gloomy, and the murderous intent in his eyes was as real as reality.

Give the order in a cold tone!


The subordinates did not dare to neglect and hurriedly accepted the order and left.


On the top of a tall building in the Magic City, Lin Xiu staggered and landed on the rooftop.

I couldn't help coughing out a mouthful of hot blood anymore. After all, it was the diamond strongman's blow.

If it were the Ordinary Platinum Lord, he would have been instantly killed and there would be no scum left, that is to say, he has the life sharing skill.

Just barely withstood the blow!

However, in the lord space, there are also soldiers who are not at the lower level of First Grade and die directly after their health is emptied!

There are countless units with residual health!

Fortunately, he passed the Holy Spirit Secret Realm directly during the trial.

His own recovery power has been greatly improved. At this moment, the divine power in his body is recovering rapidly.

It only takes a few minutes to be back as before!

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate anyone..."

Lin Xiu stood on a tall building and looked down at the teleportation tower. The strong man who attacked him did not leave.

Instead, he ordered his subordinates to say something and then continued to guard in front of the teleportation tower. The twenty-meter range of the True Sight Gem completely covered any position entering the teleportation array!

Obviously he was determined not to let Lin Xiu pass from now on!

The subordinate left in a hurry, knowing with his backside that what awaited him next would be a city-wide alert and search!

He must leave here as soon as possible, whether it is to enter Chuanzheng or escape from the Demon City!

But either of these two methods seems to be a dead end!

The teleportation array is guarded by a strong man with the Subversion Diamond, carrying the True Sight Gem.

He had no choice but to fight hard to get in!

As for leaving the Magic City, let’s not talk about whether we can leave.

Even if he leaves, there will be no place for him in the entire Blue Star.

What awaits him is bound to be endless pursuit and search, and when the time comes, there will be no way in or out of the sky!

"It is said that to physically cross the void, you need at least a Diamond Lord, and to cross the starry sky, you need at least a Legendary Lord!"

Lin Xiu frowned and murmured, directly passing the idea.

If it is a legendary lord, it is not impossible.

At worst, I can directly enter the void and choose to cross physically. Although it takes a long time, it is still a way.

Moreover, if the target is too small in the void, it will be difficult for the enemy to chase it down.

But for him, this road is impossible!

"There is no choice...

Lin Xiu's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, seemingly two paths.

In fact, he has no choice at all!

Escape from the devil's capital is just a temporary solution, not the root cause.

It can only be delayed for a while, and the future will definitely be a dead end!

"Only by killing this person and entering the starry sky battlefield can we have a chance of survival!"

Lin Xiu's eyes were cold, staring at the figure under the teleportation formation from a distance,

There is only one thing left to do next, which is how to kill the peak diamond and claim all the diamonds!

Two kilometers away, Gu Mu, who was guarding the teleportation formation, suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.

He quickly looked up at the tall buildings in the distance, a flash of green light flashed in his eyes,

The dark night did not have any impact on his vision. He stared at the tall building.

Although there was nothing, he was very sure,

Lin Xiu, just hide in that formation!

"Eight o'clock direction, rooftop, launch!"

Gu Mu's eyes were like those of an eagle, and he quickly issued orders!


There was a sudden explosion in the sky, and a strong beam of light seemed to bloom from the sky.

Shining directly on the rooftop of a tall building!

A figure quickly appeared on the rooftop, and jumped directly from the rooftop the next second,

Disappeared into the night again!


Gu Mu shouted loudly, and the figure of the only Diamond Lord behind him sprang out like lightning.

Quickly rush towards the tall building!

The light beam on the rooftop also moved closely with Lin Xiu's figure, and the light beam spread rapidly.

It seems to be covering the entire Demon City!

"Damn it!"

In mid-air, Lin Xiu cursed secretly with a gloomy face,

The look he had just made with Gu Mu made his heart throb. His decisive decision to move was indeed the right decision!

But he still underestimated the horror of the Magic City!

I saw that the radar beam behind him was spreading rapidly, chasing him like a shadow.

The speed is so fast that even with his strength, he can't escape for a while!

The most important thing is that this thing is not a light beam with a limited volume.

Instead, it seems to be infinite, rapidly spreading and the volume is getting bigger and bigger!

Even if he wanted to dodge to the side, there was nowhere to go. This beam of light was chasing closely behind him.

The speed is extremely fast and it is still spreading, and it seems to cover the entire Demonic City!

What made him even more desperate was that there were many tyrannical auras in front of him.

It's coming towards him quickly!

It is conceivable that once stopped by the enemy,

I will be completely exposed to the real field of vision, shrouded in radar light,

When the time comes, you will definitely have nothing to hide!

There will be more and more enemies coming to kill you, and by then your life will be completely lost!

“Is there really no way out??”

Lin Xiu's face was full of reluctance. It was the first time he saw the horror of such a powerful organization.

In terms of strength, there are countless masters working for it.

In terms of means, countless giant cities in the starry sky are at his disposal.

When it comes to intelligence, countless spies spread across the starry sky!

There is no need to arrange any plan to deal with him, just one round after another of strong men attacking him,

That’s enough to solve most of the troubles!

No matter how strong the enemy is and how many methods they have, they will still have countless ways to deal with it.

Absolute power comes crushing like a raging wave,

There is no way to escape!


"God can change everything!"

No matter how unwilling and desperate she is, Lin Xiu will never give up until the last moment.

He shouted low and activated his combat skills again. At this time, the injury he had just received had recovered as before.

His body suddenly became much more flexible, and the bone wings behind his back vibrated, and his whole body rose into the sky!

"Where to go!"

A platinum lord is extremely fast and rushes to the front.

Although Lin Xiu's figure was not exposed when his bone wings vibrated, he could be quickly spotted by the flow of air around him.

The visitor's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw the great achievement right in front of him.

He shouted loudly and slashed with his sword!

"court death!"

Lin Xiu was already simmering with anger, but when she saw the visitor, she immediately lost her good temper.

Without stopping at all, he simply punched out.

A ball of mediocre divine power blasted towards the visitor, and then continued flying without looking back!

"Hmph! Still want to run away!? Stay..."

When the visitors saw Lin Xiu being so arrogant, they stopped for a moment.

Suddenly I felt as if I had been half-scorned and became furious!

Looking at that mediocre ball of divine power, he felt even more contemptuous. He snorted and slashed it away with a knife.

As a result, his pupils shrank instantly and his whole body was shaken.

It stayed in the air without any movement!

"Zhang San, why are you in such a daze? Stop him!"

The people behind him quickly caught up and looked at Zhang San standing there in a daze and couldn't help but curse.

There is a reward from above. Anyone who stops this person will be rewarded with 30,000 gold coins!

Whoever kills this man will receive a reward of one million!

They are in the same team. If Zhang San stops this person,

They swarmed up and chopped it into pieces, at least each of them could get tens of thousands of gold coins.

What a windfall!

But such a huge reward flew by right in front of my eyes. Zhang San was obviously the first to arrive, but he was just here in a daze.

It's really hateful!

"Look at your sister, hurry up and chase her!"

The visitor yelled and cursed, then continued flying forward without saying anything else!


A slight sound came from Zhang San, and the other team members who followed him immediately realized that something was wrong.

I saw Zhang San standing quietly in the void, not even a hair moving on his body.

If you look carefully, your pupils almost shrink to a small dot, as if you have seen something incredible.

My mouth opened as if I wanted to say something, but no words came out!

"Hiss!! Dead...dead!??"

The visitor suddenly took a breath of cold air and shivered in surprise,

I just feel my scalp is numb!

"Not good!! Zhang San is dead!!"

The visitor only felt his head was covered and couldn't help but scream loudly!


Someone else passed by and his heart skipped a beat.

He came to Zhang San and tentatively reached out to touch him!


In an instant, Zhang San’s whole body suddenly looked like a clay sculpture,

Clothes, skin, flesh and blood, hair and even the long knife in his hand,

They all turned into dust and fell in an instant. The breeze blew and the whole person disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It’s like it never existed!


Several people who witnessed this scene suddenly felt a chill rising from their bodies.

My whole body was cold and my scalp was numb. This scene was really beyond imagination.

A platinum lord has initially mastered the use of divine power.

To the Ordinary Lord, he was already a superhuman being, but he died so silently in front of them.

They don't even know how they died!


Someone thought of chasing the captain directly, and their heart skipped a beat and they shouted hoarsely.


The captain was officially the first person to catch up with Zhang San and yell at him, with a surge of divine power reaching over one million.

Obviously, you have reached the threshold of diamond lord, and you can become a diamond powerhouse with just a few breakthroughs!

And Lin Xiu is obviously an opportunity for him to make a breakthrough!

At this moment, I heard the prompt from the team members behind me, but I didn’t see anyone following me.

He immediately cursed these unreliable teammates, but did not take their tips to heart!

"Lin Xiu, suffer death!"

Too lazy to pay attention to the group of teammates who were lagging behind, the captain smiled evilly and accelerated quickly to catch up with Lin Xiu.

Although the opponent cannot be seen, the air fluctuations caused by rapid flight are so conspicuous!

…Please give me flowers………………

"Breeze breaks!"

The captain shouted loudly and waved the sword in his hand,

A sword energy instantly penetrated the body and shot quickly towards the direction of the space fluctuation!

"Damn you looking for death!"

Lin Xiu was running away in a panic, thinking about how to escape while avoiding the two powerful Diamond Lord auras.

I was too lazy to pay attention to these little minions, but

But these people are as annoying as flies,

He was immediately furious!


Lin Xiu is in hiding, and the movement is so huge that it cannot escape the ears and eyes of those approaching.

But in the end, we have to take the lead. People are ahead and fluctuate behind.

Seeing the opponent, the Diamond Lord also changed direction and headed in front of him to intercept him.

Just make a sudden U-turn and head diagonally upward, in that direction,

It happens to be the direction that the Platinum Lord team is chasing!

"Huh? Not good!"

After all, the captain is also a ruthless character. He can hit everything with his sword energy.

Feeling the direction of the air fluctuations, he immediately analyzed Lin Xiu's intention.

But what frightened him even more was that he felt threatened by 40,000 people!


A slight crisp sound sounded in the air, and the captain's eyes suddenly widened.

I just felt a white jade-like sword flash in front of my eyes, and my neck felt cold.

The divine power that has just been mobilized throughout the body is like a sand castle on the seaside,

Collapse instantly!


"No! The captain is dead!"

"Hiss!! Isn't it just a golden lord? Why is it so scary!?"

"Are you crazy!? This is the new lord??"

"Instant kill...I killed two platinum lords in a row. Even the captain died!"

"Fuck! They're coming at us, run away!"

Watching the air fluctuate, crashing towards them like an invisible train,

Look again at the familiar figures around you who have been turned into ashes and whose limbs are limp and falling freely not far away.

A group of people suddenly felt the cold air rushing down their backs, shivering and screaming,

Escape instantly!

They are just related households in the Magic City, and they are afraid of the dangers of the Starry Sky Battlefield and are unwilling to be Ordinary people.

I just found some connections and joined the patrol team in the Magic City. I usually collect some people's fat and people's ointment to increase my divine power.

Where have you seen such a battle before!?

Immediately, everyone just cried for father and mother, wishing that their parents would have two more legs.

He didn't even care whether the enemy was chasing him or not, he simply ran away and finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Lin Xiu looked at the patrol soldiers who had fled in silence, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Although these lords cook in batches one by one, it will inevitably be a bit troublesome if there are too many people.

His situation is imminent now, and the chances of successfully escaping will be much higher if there are fewer people harassing him!


Lin Xiu's figure shot out like electricity. At the same time, he saw the radar scanning light beam that was chasing behind him and spreading, and stopped spreading after covering nearly one-tenth of the Demon City.

It just moved in the direction he left like a large searchlight, and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

"Radar can't cover the entire Demon City..."

Lin Xiu murmured, deliberately avoiding those two powerful breaths.

Quickly move towards the periphery, without the harassing strong men,

His speed increased until the mechanism finally got rid of the radar scan, and then he quickly turned away from the direction of the radar.

When he saw the radar beam passing in front of him like a giant dragon, Lin Xiu knew that he was safe for the time being!

"Go back from here, kill the guardian diamond lord, and then activate the formation to go to the starry sky battlefield!"

Lin Xiu's hidden figure will fall to the ground, hiding under the same roof and blending into the dark night.

Silently planning a new route in my heart.

"Did you find it?"

"I haven't found it. That kid has stealth skills. Where can I find him without blocking him?"

"Humph! What a bunch of trash. Two people will die before they give up. We only need to stop them for two seconds and we'll be there!"

"A bunch of drunkards! What to do now?"

"The radar can't cover the whole city, so there's no way to find it!"

"It doesn't matter, the four gates are guarded by Lord Diamond, and the entire city's formation is activated. He can't escape!"

"Will you go to the teleportation array?"

"It's better to go there. The strongest Lord Gu Mu is guarding there, and there is also the True Sight Gem. If he dares to go, he will fall into a trap!"

"Just wait, this matter has been reported, and a big shot will be sent from above. It is said that the big shot has extremely strong tracking skills, and no one can escape from his grasp.


"Let's go, let's take a look over there. There seems to be a figure that the radar just scanned..."

Under the night, countless strong men flew like mosquitoes in the sky.

I am very dissatisfied with the local patrol team in the magic city. They patrol in a hurry and still complain.

But they didn't worry too much, they were full of confidence in catching Lin Xiu!

"There are people guarding the city gate? The strongest ancient tree..."

Lin Xiu hid under the eaves, listening to a few voices passing above her head,

If you think deeply, a new plan suddenly appears in your mind!

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