Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 124: Attack And Kill The Diamond Lord! Kill Instantly With One Hit!

"Hey, you said that Lin Xiu is just a rookie king. No matter how talented he is, he is still a newcomer. As for such a big fanfare?"

"You know a der! He is a genius! Do you know what a genius is? Can a genius be viewed with normal eyes?"

"Tsk tsk... so what if he is a genius? Isn't it a dead end? Why do you think he did something bad and dared to communicate with foreigners?"

"Hey, yes... But he is really awesome. He contacted Shura Clan while still in the trial field. How cool!"

"Hmph, maybe it's because I betrayed the secrets of the Human Race and got the support of the Shura Clan that I became so powerful! If I had the support of the Shura Clan, I might be even better than him!"

"Damn it! I heard that someone discovered the deal with the Shura Clan and went on a killing spree. I heard that a disciple of the Shangcheng Clan was killed by him because of this!"

"Not only that! Several members of the Holy City family have died! Even the only direct grandson of the legendary Lord God of War was killed by Lin Xiu!"

"I heard that the niece of our Andromeda Master was also brutally murdered!"

"Also, an outstanding genius of the Zhenbei Army has also died..."

"Hiss! It's so heart-breaking! It's so heart-breaking! Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise when he grows up, our Human Race might be destroyed in his hands!"

"Shh! Someone's coming from above, okay!"


The East Gate of the Magic City, which used to be open 24 hours a day, is now closed.

Groups of heavily armed soldiers patrolled the city wall continuously, and a huge light curtain rose from the city wall.

It seems to cover the entire Magic City!

Under the city gate, the originally lazy soldiers now stood neatly,

He didn't dare to blink, and the inner and outer city gates were tightly closed.

It is heavily guarded and all defense functions are fully activated. It is armed to the teeth and even a fly can't even think of flying out from here!

Such a terrifying guard is almost as good as aliens coming to attack the city!

Under the city gate, a group of rattan-armored soldiers had never stood "four four three" for so long.

As the time went by, everyone couldn't help but chat. Some were regretful, some were angry, and some were gloating.

It wasn't until a black soft-armored soldier full of murderous intent came from the distance that they couldn't help but shut their mouths in fear.

"Cheer up! If the suspect lets go, none of you will be able to escape!"

The man in black glared at these weaklings with murderous eyes. As someone who had actually been on the battlefield,

He can tell at a glance whether the opponent is a strong person or a rookie!

These people in front of them have considerable divine power, but there is no blood or fighting spirit in them.

At first glance, he looks like an ordinary person who has never been to a battlefield, and may not even have been to a starry sky battlefield!

Relying on the influence of my family, I got a good job in the local area.

Relying on exploiting past adventurers to gain profits and increase strength, but actually fighting,

In other words, we can only bully those below the Golden Lord!

As long as the lord has a certain level of combat power, a simple glare may be enough to scare the shit out of them!

If they were not outsiders, controlling the local city defense would still require their cooperation.

He doesn't even bother to take a look at this bunch of garbage!

"Yes, sir, don't worry, I guarantee that not even a fly will fly through the east gate..."

The cold murderous aura caused a group of goalkeepers to fight, and a man who looked like the captain quickly came forward with a flattering look on his face.

He promised while patting his chest.

"Humph, that's best!"

The man in black's face softened a little, and after giving a few more instructions, he returned to patrol the city wall.

The role of these people is only to check the city gate defense mechanism and send a signal immediately if anything is discovered.

The real defense relies on the powerful Diamond Lords hiding secretly near each city gate!

"Tch, what? You might die on the battlefield one day!"

"That's right, why are they all so awesome working part-time?"

"Haha, he's just a hard-working Low Grade guy. Brothers, don't be like him!"

"Yes, yes, it's like two to five to eighty thousand... It sounds like Lin Xiu will be beaten out of our place!"

"Hey! I don't know how well they can defend here. If I were Lin Xiu, I would fight against the teleportation array! Escaping from the Demonic City is the real way to death!"

"Yes, as long as we fight our way into the starry sky battlefield, the regiment will have a glimmer of hope! Although the hope is slim."

"I heard that there is a strongest person guarding the teleportation array. Lin Xiu was just preparing to go there, but he was discovered and ran away!"

When the man in black walked away, the few people who had been submissive just now couldn't help but complain,

No one thought that Lin Xiu would leave the city. After all, even a fool could see it.

Now there is no place for Lin Xiu in the entire Blue Star. He can only fight his way into the starry sky battlefield.

There is only a glimmer of hope!

They thought so, and the Diamond Lord guarding the east gate thought so too,

So, he meditated and practiced carelessly,


"Holy light bullet!"

Quietly, the Diamond Lord who was practicing suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.

His powerful spiritual intuition instantly woke him up from his practice.

Like a frightened cat, it jumps high!

However, Lin Xiu lay in wait for a long time and used calculated and unintentional sneak attacks.

Is it so easy to escape?

"Entanglement Technique!"

Lin Xiu threw a scroll, and the Diamond Lord who had just bounced up felt as if his feet were being pulled by something.

He staggered and almost fell to the ground!

"Who!? Dare to attack me secretly!?"

The Diamond Lord was shocked and furious. The power of this Entanglement spell was not very strong.

At best, it has the power of a Golden Lord. It only takes him less than a thousandth of a second to break free.

But what we lack most now is time!

A fist-sized, milky-white light bullet flew quickly?

Although it seems not surprising, I didn't even notice any fluctuations in divine power.

But his face instantly turned pale, and a fatal threat in his heart made his heart beat wildly!

"Looking for Death...Guardian!"

The Diamond Lord roared with a ferocious expression, and the majestic divine power instantly surrounded him,

The powerful aura fluctuations instantly alerted the surrounding guards. Hundreds of auras were quickly gathering here.

Many of the men in black even have the aura of the Platinum Lord!

"Are you making a fuss?"

Lin Xiu felt relieved when he noticed that the movement around him was as expected.

The holy light bullet accelerated suddenly and hit the Diamond Lord instantly!

"Oh no!!!"

The divine power barrier was instantly burned through like paper, and the holy light bullet landed directly on his abdomen.

Suddenly a burning pain hit me, that unique divine power,

Something suddenly occurred to him, and he looked at Lin Xiu with a horrified expression.

He opened his mouth to scream, but the horror of the divine power was already doomed when it fell on him!


Diamond Lord looked at Lin Xiu in horror, and wanted to say something tremblingly,

But the divine power of the Holy Light instantly burned through his abdomen, and the raging fire instantly submerged him.

When other members of the Shadow Army arrived, they saw the Diamond Lord surrounded by fire.

The screams suddenly stopped, and in less than a second,

A powerful diamond lord has turned into ashes and disappeared!


Dozens of soldiers in black suddenly took a breath of cold air and felt cold all over their bodies.

And the enemy's figure has disappeared into the darkness again!

"Quick!! Sprinkle powder, sprinkle powder!!"

Someone screamed, and then the Tengjia city guards reacted,

He hurriedly took out the dust of manifestation and scattered it, and you can imagine the result!

"No! City gate! He is going to attack the city gate!"

Someone reacted quickly and looked over in surprise,

Sure enough, the next second I heard an alarm sound coming from the city gate, and a visible air wave appeared at the city gate.

Like a locomotive, it instantly smashed the half-meter-thick special alloy city gate into a human-shaped hole!

"Quick! Call for reinforcements! Notify Lord Furugi!!"

Someone in black screamed and issued orders quickly,

"Raise the moat and fire the siege crossbows indiscriminately! Throw the thunder and fire bombs out of the landing door!"

"Kill this man here at all costs! Even if you can't kill him, you must block him in the doorway!"

Although a leader of the men in black was shocked and angry that Lin Xiu had killed the Diamond Lord, he still quickly issued an order.

Lethality and defense are never the same thing. No matter how high Lin Xiu's attack is,

Personal strength is nothing compared to the power of this siege machine. Entering the doorway,

It is completely Lin Xiu who is seeking his own death!

Although the man in black is only a platinum lord, he can be considered to be battle-hardened.

Even if he was extremely shocked, he could react quickly. A group of rattan armored soldiers guarding the city fought in two groups.

But the well-trained Shadow Army reacted quickly and did not care to despise these wastes.

Directly taking their place, calling out the defense equipment at the city gate!

But despite all their calculations, they forgot that this was not their fortress in the starry sky battlefield.

It's an ordinary planet in the starry sky behind the Human Race, an ordinary city that hasn't seen a war in a hundred years!

When the entire Shadow Army was in position and took control of the city defense equipment,

I was stunned immediately!

"Fire... Damn it! Captain, this city police is bad!!"

"Report! There are only three duds in the thunderfire bombs!"

"The moat... the sling is rusty!!"

A group of shadow soldiers wanted to bite their teeth into pieces, and veins were jumping on their foreheads.

For soldiers on the battlefield, daily maintenance and upkeep of city defense equipment is simply a must.

It’s hard to imagine that there would be a city where nine out of ten ways to defend the city were useless!

"Damn!! Capital punishment! Capital punishment!! Chengbei Army, you all deserve to die!!"

The captain immediately broke his guard and felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead.

My vision went dark and I almost fainted!

"Beheading! It's all the crime of beheading! If you put it in the Shadow Army, I will definitely kill all nine of your tribes!!!"

The captain's eyes were red with anger, and he roared angrily,

However, no matter how angry you are, reality must be faced after all.

Looking at the terrifying existence that was running rampant like an invisible train, he still wanted to stop it in the city even though he knew he would die!

"Here you go! Throw away all these wine bags and rice bags. Even if you die, you have to complete the mission!"

The captain roared angrily and gave orders with cold eyes,

The vine-armored soldiers on the side suddenly felt something bad, and if they had the dexterity to do so, they turned around and ran away.

Those who were a step too late were immediately caught by the men in black and thrown directly from the city wall, blocking them alive at the city gate!


"Spare your life...Sir, spare your life..."

"It doesn't matter what we do, the funds are taken away by the superiors..."

"Sir, please forgive me, I just came here and I don't know anything..."

A group of vine-armored soldiers were immediately frightened to death.

I cried for my father and mother, begging for mercy, but I couldn't escape the fate of being thrown off the city wall!

After throwing away the vine-armored soldiers, the black-clothed shadow army also jumped off the city wall one by one, fearing death.

As soldiers, they must complete their orders even if they die!

"Good soldier!"

In the city gate passage, Lin Xiu was also speechless by this scene.

With his strength, after killing the diamond lords, he actually has a chance to kill these platinum lords instantly.

But his goal is not to escape from the Demon City, he is here just to attract more powerful people.

I thought that the delay in the city gate passage would be enough for the other diamond lords to rush over.

However, when the truth made the Shadow Army's anger rush straight to his forehead, it also left him a little speechless...

However, he admired these shadow armies very much.

As soldiers, they are obviously qualified!

But the camps are different now, and he will never show mercy!

If they happen to arrive at your door, then use their lives to

Come help yourself complete your plan!


Lin Xiu's eyes were cold, and he rushed into the crowd like a tiger.

There is no skill activated, just a punch and a kick with restrained divine power.

After many times of understanding the forbidden skills, his punches and kicks still have the charm of returning to nature.

Even if the combat skills are not activated at this moment, the power is still beyond the enemy's imagination!

Facing the Tengjia soldiers, Lin Xiu showed no mercy.

These people have the same aura as Tan Hongli and others. As the second generation, they humiliate and exploit their own people at will.

But he didn’t have the guts to go to that starry sky battlefield and fight the enemy bravely!

He is a typical villain who is submissive to others and aggressive internally.

Xiu still remembers the scene of blackmailing Wang Laoer at the city gate!


Lin Xiu punched out hard, and a vine-armored soldier's eyes suddenly popped out.

Without even uttering a scream, he immediately lost his breath.

There were no scars on the front of his body, but there was a huge bloody hole on his back.

My belly is empty!

"Ah... have mercy on me!"


"Sir, I was wrong, please spare my life..."

"No! You can't kill me! My father is the director of the Chengbei Army..."

"My uncle said that the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion...as long as you spare my life, I can open the door for you..."

How have a group of second-generation people who have never been on the battlefield seen this scene?

Suddenly, everyone was crying for mercy, but they didn't have the courage to take up weapons to fight back.

It’s completely different from the arrogant and domineering scene in the past when he blocked the door and extorted money!

"Form up! Kill!"

"Sancai Formation, stop him!"

"Silver spider poison!"

In comparison, the Shadow Army is quite different.

Although there was a huge disparity in strength, he still mustered up the courage to fight. A small team of several people formed a 5.6 formation and stepped forward.

I could barely hold on for a while!

"Hold on, reinforcements are coming!"

"Master Baigu is here, he is dead!"

"Quickly, form a defensive formation and don't let him get out!"

Soon, the people on the city wall shouted in surprise,

This immediately made the people in the cave below feel happy, and they all quickly changed their defenses.

I just hope that when Lord Diamond comes, the mission will be completed!

"One, two, three?? Only three!?"

Lin Xiu's heart moved, feeling the powerful auras approaching rapidly, and her heart sank slightly.

Even if he directly attacked and killed a diamond lord, the subversive powerhouse guarding the door of the teleportation array was not lured over!?

"It's too late... kill!"

The plan did not go smoothly, but Lin Xiu had no better way.

The more people you can kill, the less pressure you will face when facing that subversive powerhouse later.

One more chance of winning!

"Suffer death!"

The goal has been achieved, Lin Xiu immediately stopped wasting time with this group of soldiers,

The divine power all over his body suddenly surged, and he punched out with the same punch,

In an instant, the blazing white divine power turned into a giant dragon and wreaked havoc in the doorway. The terrifying high temperature made the Shadow Army understand everything instantly!

"Damn it, I was fooled!!"

"No...he deliberately stayed to delay time!"


There wasn't much time left for them to scream. The heat of the Holy Light's divine power was beyond imagination.

There was nothing that could stop the punch. The solid city wall was melted by more than three meters under this blow.

The door opening, which was originally only ten meters wide, was nearly doubled in size in an instant!

The fist wind passed by, and dozens of shadow soldiers were instantly dead!

"The next step is to deal with you..."

Lin Xiu suddenly turned around and faced the three diamond lords who quickly surrounded him!

"Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist!".

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