Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 125: Bloody Fight! The Ultimate Battle! Lin Xiuvs Gu Mu!

"Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist!"

Lin Xiu shouted low, turned around and punched hard at the same time!

Pieces of scales quickly appeared on the right arm, wrapping the entire fist into a dragon fist!


Accompanied by the high-pitched roar of the dragon, the shadow of a giant dragon suddenly appeared,

Rush towards the intruder fiercely!

The terrifying divine power is accompanied by the power of the dragon, just like the suppression of life levels,

In an instant, the expressions of the three diamond warriors who rushed towards him suddenly changed!


"No...impossible! How can it be so strong??"

"His! Shadow Dance·Battle Wounds!"

The majestic pressure, the prototype of the forbidden technique was displayed in front of the world for the first time,

The terrifying coercion brought the aura of death, making even the powerful Diamond Lord turn green at the moment!

The three of them took a deep breath and looked at this scene in disbelief.

I never imagined that this blow would be delivered by a newcomer lord.

The legendary giant dragon is an existence that is enough to make everyone blush upon hearing about it, even in the starry sky battlefield.

Anything related to dragons is synonymous with power!

The breath of death made their hearts beat wildly,

This means that this blow is enough to kill them!

It was too late for the three of them to regret it now. Their auras were locked by Dragon Fist.

There is no escape!

Forced into desperation, the three of them could only use their strongest combat skills.

Only by blocking this blow can they survive!


Lin Xiu's face was ferocious, knowing that this was a crucial step.

Originally, he wanted to attract the subversive Diamond Lord so that he could find an opportunity to return to the teleportation array and leave.

But in the end, the enemy's IQ was lowered, and such a simple technique of inducing the tiger to leave the mountain did not take effect.

But since that's the case, then just follow the plan,

Kill these three powerful diamond lords here, and then go to a life-and-death duel with the subversive powerhouse!

If you win, you will leave smoothly.

If you fail, it will disappear!

This battle can be described as a desperate battle.

Lin Xiu looked ferocious and poured all his divine power into his right arm.

This dragon fist, which had killed him dozens of times, was fully utilized for the first time today.

The enemies are the three Diamond Lords!

"Shadow kill! Die for me!"

"Tianyin! Block!"

23 "Battle wounds! Kill!"

The three of them are not easy people. As powerful Diamond Lords,

Generally speaking, they already have quite extraordinary combat power, and they can still protect themselves even if all their troops die.

Even those with extraordinary combat power can be stronger than the heroes under their command!

At this moment, facing the crisis of life and death, he suddenly unleashed all his strength,

Launched the strongest combat technique!


The phantom of the dragon's head is high, and the blazing white dragon's body is rising and falling in the void.

The three people were directly rolled together, and the strong dragon power immediately made the three people's energy and blood suffocate.

Then he opened his huge mouth and swallowed the three of them fiercely!


In the quiet night, such a huge movement can be said to alarm the whole city.

Countless people were hiding in nearby homes, and some city guards came after hearing about it.

But when seeing this scene, everyone felt cold and shocked!

Naturally, the troops sent by the temple cannot be unknown troops.

From Lin Xiu’s unexpected return to quitting smoking in the city just one hour later,

A crime has been placed on Lin Xiu, and the entire galaxy has been notified!

Everyone knows who this person is at this moment, but because of this,

He looked more and more shocked!

Such a huge noise was actually coming from a new lord??

A new lord, fighting against three diamond warriors,

It actually seems to have the upper hand??

Everything seems so magical, but it also makes more people think that Lin Xiu may have really sold out the interests of Human Race in exchange for the support of foreign races.

Otherwise, how could it be so strong??

"This is... a dragon-type forbidden spell-level combat skill!?"

Beside the green hills of the magical city, a man in white stands facing the wind with his hands behind his back.

The white clothes are fluttering in the wind, just like God banishing an immortal to earth.

Looking into the distance lightly, everything hundreds of kilometers away can be seen at a glance!

His plain face was suddenly startled, and he looked at the battle under the city gate in disbelief.

A handsome young man with a resolute face and a ruthless look on his face, punched out and actually performed a dragon-shaped combat skill.

Directly including the three diamond lords, the thin boy was so powerful that he seemed to be possessed by the god of war!

The man in white murmured, his eyes flickering, and he couldn't help but flash a hint of hesitation.

He saw a glimmer of hope in this young man,

He couldn't help but feel excited!

"Sir, do you want to take action?"

A subordinate wearing Mingguang armor saw what he was thinking and couldn't help but ask,

He looked far away and did not hide his admiration.

"Do you think he can escape this disaster?"

The man in white didn't comment, but asked an irrelevant question.

"This... Although Talent has rich combat experience, his opponent is not an easy one!"

The middle-aged man Mingguang Kai hesitated a little but shook his head. He was not optimistic about Lin Xiu's outcome.

"These three people are easy to deal with, but Gu Mu... his strength should not be underestimated. I heard that he once had the experience of escaping from the hands of a legendary strong man!"

"Lin Xiu, I guess this is a hard time!"

The man in white looked deeply and suddenly smiled,

"Let's take a look first. If we can't survive the frame-up and ostracism within our clan, how can we achieve anything in the future when we face the Myriad Races that are thousands of times more dangerous?"

The armored man nodded and stood behind the man in white.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly seemed to feel something.

"Wang Zhenfeng, out!"

"Sir, do you want to catch him?"

The man in white's eyes drifted away, only to see a man in black sneaking towards the distance at the foot of the mountain.

The target is surprisingly the east gate!

"No need, of course someone from the Holy Spirit Guard will keep an eye on you and catch those rats!"

The man in white withdrew his gaze and spoke calmly.

"Yes, sir!"

The middle-aged man bowed slightly and disappeared leisurely.

There was no fluctuation at all, it was as if it had never happened!

The man in white still stood there quietly, looking at the battlefield in the distance.

I saw the dragon-shaped shadow tightly entanglement the three diamond lords, and the terrifying pressure caused the strength of the three to drop by a full 30%!

However, as Diamond Lords, the three of them are not vegetarians.

His whole body was filled with divine power, and he forcefully pushed the dragon's body away by three points.

Although blood spurted out of his mouth, he looked as if he was about to escape!

However, at this moment, a blazing white light suddenly erupted from the Dragon Fist,

Three people were submerged in an instant!

The moment the divine power collided with each other, the three of them suddenly showed fear.

It was as if gasoline had touched a flame and his whole body was instantly ignited!

The terrifying flames swallowed up the three of them instantly!


Miserable and desperate screams fell down the sky, and the three people only left these last words,

It will directly turn into flying ash and dissipate!


"What is this??"

"Damn it! It was this high temperature just now... What kind of combat skill is this? Is it a forbidden fire spell?"

"Isn't it too outrageous!? Damn, a new lord killed three diamond lords in one second??"

A group of onlookers at the city gate turned pale with fright, and gasps of air-conditioning could be heard one after another.

Lin Xiu gasped and glanced around, and the city guard soldiers who gradually surrounded him quickly retreated.

The whole body is full of wits and then scattered in panic!

Lin Xiu's figure became invisible again, and a wave-like shadow instantly broke through the city gate.

Disappear into the night sky!

"Huh? This is... attribute divine power?? It's actually attribute divine power??"

Under the green mountain, the man in white was shocked,

I couldn't help but lean forward as if to take a closer look, my eyes almost popped out.

exclaimed in disbelief!

That kind of breath is something he can never forget.

It is also the highest secret that he has dreamed of and pursued so hard!

I thought I would never have the chance to see it in this life, but I didn’t want to be on this little blue star.

I saw this scene from a little boy!

"The most difficult step to become a god... was actually completed by a little platinum lord??"

The man in white paced back and forth excitedly, unable to control his mood any longer.

The surging aura rising and falling on his body suddenly made all the creatures in Qingshan unable to help but feel an unimaginable pressure.

They were almost knocked out of breath!

"This son, see the path to becoming a god!!"

The man in white was so excited that he couldn't control himself, his face turned red and his breathing became heavy.

With shining eyes, he stared at the young man in the distance who pretended to rush out of the city gate and then quietly returned to the magic city.

His eyes were so hot that he wanted to slap those pursuers to death, and Qingshan would train them himself later!

But after thinking about it carefully, I finally suppressed this impulsive idea, but I was still slightly hesitant just now.

At this moment, the decision has been made!

This young man is guaranteed a bailout!

"It's as white as the sun and as hot as fire...could it be the legendary power of the Holy Light?"

After a while, the man in white gradually calmed down his excitement.

I couldn't help but frown and think about it. As someone who is close to that realm and has tried knocking on the door before,

This is the only pursuit that I must pursue. Naturally, I have exhausted all my means and efforts to study this aspect.

Based on Lin Xiu's magical performance, he quickly made a guess!

Then start to deduce more information!

"The power of the Holy Light...the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit...the inheritance of the Holy Spirit!"

"Legend has it that the Holy Light Bone inherited by the Holy Spirit, which can be cultivated to the extreme to become a god, is the legendary Holy Light Divine Power!"

"And all the opponents this year were killed by Lin Xiu, it's..."

"By accepting the inheritance of the Holy Spirit on your own, and monopolizing four inheritances, you can evolve the divine power of the Holy Light!??"

The man in white's eyes suddenly lit up, and he murmured some calculations,

If Lin Xiu heard what he said, he would definitely be extremely shocked.

It's absolutely perverted to make an inference after just one glance!

"Could this be the correct way to open the Holy Heritage?"

The man in white couldn't help but doubt that the inheritance of the Holy Spirit in the past had created countless strong Human Race warriors.

He was one of them back then. Everyone originally thought that the inheritance of the Holy Spirit required the cooperation of four people.

Each person has one inheritance, and after cultivating to the extreme, he can obtain the Holy Light Bone.

And slowly evolve all the bones in the body into holy light bones to prepare for the road to becoming a god.

But now that he saw Lin Xiu, he had doubts about this inference!

After all, no one knows the importance and power of attribute divine power better than him who is closest to this step.

Now we have come to the conclusion that the four inheritances may exist in one body.

Can actually evolve the divine power of Holy Light directly... Then

Four demigods with holy light bones all over their bodies seemed a bit lacking in weight!

"This child must be protected!"

The man in white had firm eyes and a thought came to his mind:

In an instant, the entire Blue Star was turbulent, and no one in the dark sky noticed Stellar Transposition.

The entire planet has suddenly changed!

In the dark night, ordinary people cannot detect it, but there are strong people above Diamond Lord,

But suddenly his face changed drastically!

At the entrance of the teleportation array, an ancient tree sits cross-legged like a sculpture.

No matter how much noise the demon capital makes, which powerful colleagues are killed in battle,

Many of his subordinates knelt down and begged him to come out of the mountain, but he was indifferent!

Because he has determined that Lin Xiu has nowhere else to go.

Only from him can there be a glimmer of hope!

No matter what commotion Lin Xiu makes, the ultimate goal must be to lure him away.

Lin Xiu, who has infinite stealth skills, as long as there is no longer him here,

He believes that absolutely no one can stop Lin Xiu!

After only two fights, he had already seen how terrifying Lin Xiu was.

Now that this son has been offended, he must be killed on the Blue Star!

Otherwise, once he enters the starry sky battlefield, it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Endless troubles!

Now, no matter what the cost, he must stay here.

And he is also sure that no matter what commotion Lin Xiu makes,

He will definitely come here in the end and fight to the death with him!

However, at this moment, a creepy feeling suddenly came from the depths of his soul.

It's as if an unimaginable prehistoric beast has awakened and descended on Blue Star!

"Could it be..." 663

A distant legend rang in Gu Mu's heart, and he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

An ominous premonition came to my mind!

"This time... maybe the mission will fail!"

Gu Mu's face was expressionless, but for the first time, his heart was shaken!


Feeling confused, Gu Mu suddenly turned his eyes to look at the upper left corner.

There was nothing there, but he felt like he saw something!

The familiar feeling of looking at each other comes from his intuition,

Saved his life countless times!

"Lin Xiu, come out!"

Gu Mu slowly stood up, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart.

He mustered up his energy and stared closely at the dark night in the distance, his body full of divine power and ready to fight!

"The Shadow Army's gold medal warrior Gu Mu, the subversive Diamond Lord known as the Little God of War, truly deserves his reputation!"

Lin Xiu slowly emerged from the darkness, stared at Gu Mu and said,

This person's intuition is beyond imagination, and he was locked in just by looking at him.

It is impossible for such a character to make a sneak attack!

This battle can only be fought head-on!

"But when will the Shadow Army obey the orders of the God of War Army?"

Lin Xiu held the White Jade Bone Knife in his hand, took a step forward and fully revealed himself in the real field of vision, stared at Gu Mu and asked.

"Army of God of War?"

Gu Mu was not in a hurry to take action, and listened to Lin Xiu's words with a mocking smile.

"Who is the God of War Army? Is it worthy of being compared with my Shadow Army?"

Lin Xiu's heart moved, and she secretly said, "Sure enough!"

"Not to mention obeying orders! The shadow army is moving just to kill murderers and traitors!"

"The new king, Lin Xiu, colluded with the blood Demon Race to kill the Prodigy of the same race, and destroyed my Human Race inheritance. He has committed such a heinous crime and he is still not surrendering!?"

Gu Mu didn't wait for Lin Xiu to speak. He shouted loudly and rushed towards him like an eagle.

Use your hands to turn into claws and grab it hard!

The sharp sword energy pierced the air, and the claws arrived before anyone arrived.

Every blow was as powerful as lightning and as fast as lightning. Lin Xiu had no doubt that once he was hit and disemboweled, it would be light!


But Lin Xiu is not afraid. After many battles, he has a certain understanding of the strength of the Diamond Lord!

After many times of understanding forbidden skills in the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, in terms of combat skills alone, he is no weaker than the Diamond Lord and even surpasses him!

Coupled with the excellent conductivity of the Holy Light Bone, he is enough to make up for the gap in the number of divine powers.

Able to fight against Ordinary's Diamond Lord without falling behind!

And once the Dragon War Immortal Fist is launched, it can even seriously injure the Diamond Lord with one punch.

Defeat the opponent without taking any damage!

As a trump card, the divine power of Holy Light only broke out twice, but the results speak for themselves!

No existence, not even the Diamond Lord, can resist the power of attribute divine power.

Enough to completely incinerate any Diamond Lord!

But the Gumu in front of him was not from Ordinary, and his half-night-long efforts were not in vain.

This person is an extremely famous person in the Shadow Army and a gold medal warrior!

He has killed countless strong men and has extraordinary fighting power.

He even had an exaggerated record of escaping from the hands of a legendary strongman without any injuries.

Some people say that this person's combat power is not weak compared to the weaker legendary lord!.

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