Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 126 Fighting Against The Ancient Trees! Sneak Attack By A Strong Man In The Field!

All Lin Xiu's methods, even the full use of Dragon War and Immortal Fist,

There is no guarantee of killing this person, or even serious injury.

After all, although Dragon War and Immortal Divine Fist is a forbidden skill, in the final analysis it does not transcend the scope of a lord.

It just improved his extremely high level of comprehension. If it were the full version of Dragon War: Immortal Divine Fist,

Killing an ancient tree is no problem, but he has only scratched the surface of it at this moment!

"Aquila Claw!"

Gu Mu's offensive was fierce. Last time, he accidentally let Lin Xiu escape from sight.

This time I am determined not to make such a low-level mistake again!

Its claws are like those of an eagle, and its bite is as fast as lightning,

Driving the claw wind to swirl around, it pulled Lin Xiu into his arms like a whirlpool.

At the same time, the claws danced out afterimages, and the divine power imprisoned the space.

If another Platinum Lord from Ordinary faced this kind of attack, he might not be able to react at all and would be instantly killed!

But Lin Xiu is not an Ordinary Lord after all. He possesses a Divine Weapon with a soul bone attached to it.

The biggest feature is that it can fly at maximum speed in any environment, making it immune to all controls!

Activate the Xiaoyaoyou combat skill, and move away as lightly as a swallow with your toes.

Regardless of Gu Mu's lightning-like offensive, it looked extremely thrilling, as if Lin Xiu could be torn into pieces at any time.

But with a dozen consecutive moves, Lin Xiu's side was not even touched!


Unable to attack for a long time, Gu Mu looked gloomy.

Suddenly, he activated his pupil skill again, and a green light burst out from his eyes,

Hit Lin Xiu very quickly!

"It's now! Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist!"

Lin Xiu waited for a long time and finally got the opportunity. His eyes lit up and he shouted - he changed his previous defensive posture.

Without dodging or dodging, he directly resisted Hawkeye's blow and punched out hard with his right fist!


Dragon scales emerged, wrapping Lin Xiu's right hand into a dragon fist.

A high-pitched dragon roar sounded, and he punched Gu Mu fiercely!

"Forbidden skill!?"

Gu Mu's pupils shrank, and a dragon's power made him tremble all over,

I screamed and tried to hide, but it was already too late!


The pause caused by activating the pupil technique, coupled with the suppression of Longwei,

Let the ancient wood take a solid blow!


But Lin Xiu wasn't much better. He took Gu Mu's pupil technique and hit it hard.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body retreated ten meters away uncontrollably.

Instantly exit the range of the True Sight Gem!

"good chance!"

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up and he didn't bother to check Gu Mu's condition.

His body flashed out like lightning and rushed straight towards the teleportation array!

"Come back!"

Gu Mu's gloomy voice sounded, and he swooped down like an eagle,

Both feet turned into claws and slammed down hard. The terrifying power suddenly made Lin Xiu's face change.

Have to step back!

"Eagle Strike!"

Gu Mu's face was ferocious, his orifices were bleeding, and his black clothes were broken, revealing the cyan soft armor underneath.

His breath was slightly sluggish, and he was obviously badly hurt!

But the strength has not been greatly affected, and the offensive is still fierce!

Lin Xiu was secretly frightened, and she was hit hard - Remember Dragon War: Immortal Fist,

He was actually able to stop him first, which can only be said to be worthy of subverting the Diamond Lord!

"If I don't kill you, it seems I won't be able to survive!"

Lin Xiu murmured, giving up the plan of escaping,

Murderous intent gradually appeared in his eyes!


Lin Xiu shouted and completely changed his fighting style.

Facing Gu Mu's sharp claws, he no longer dodges this time.

Instead, he concentrated his divine power on his right fist, and at the right moment, he punched Gumu's claws directly!


The fists and claws collided, and Lin Xiu immediately flew out like a kite with its string broken.

There was a clicking sound of bones, and Lin Xiu's right fist suddenly softened!

"Suffer death!"

Gu Mu's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't expect Lin Xiu to be so reckless.

The figure leaps up like an eagle and then dives down, and the double-pillar attack is even more fierce!


Lin Xiu coughed up blood, but seemed not to feel her broken right hand.

Raise your left fist to meet again!


There was another crisp sound, which made Gu Mu feel happy.

Originally, Lin Xiu was just dodging, as agile as a loach, which gave him a headache.

In the fight just now, I didn't get the advantage.

If Lin Xiu keeps this style of play, he, the top diamond lord, really has no way to do anything to Lin Xiu!

But I didn't expect that this man was young and could not hold his breath.

He actually gave up this style of play and chose to use short attacks to gain strength!

"Come again々"!"

Gu Mu was well aware of the idea of ​​taking advantage of his illness to kill him, so when Lin Xiu was injured, his attack became even more fierce.

His whole body was inspired by his divine power, and he relied on his strong divine power to crush him.

I want to beat Lin Xiu to death completely in one breath!


Lin Xiu flew out, coughing up blood all over her body.

With the control and understanding of the bones, he managed to recover his right fist,

Welcome again!


There was still a crisp sound, and Lin Xiu coughed up blood again and fell back a hundred meters.

The ancient trees follow like maggots attached to bones, and the attack is fierce and continuous!

Watching Lin Xiu's breath gradually weakening until she no longer had the strength to resist,

I couldn't help but feel relieved, and the uneasiness I felt before was all left behind!

"Hahaha... Such an ant dares to rebel against the Human Race?!"

Gu Mu laughed wildly, thinking that it took him several times to capture this person.

Even the dignified Diamond Lord was injured in Lin Xiu's hands, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of anger and shame.

Only by killing Lin Xiu can he wash away his shame!

However, he laughed wildly, but he didn't notice,

As the two of them continued to collide with each other, under his clawed sleeves,

There is already a touch of blazing white light...

"Ahem...hehe...rebellious Human Race??"

Lin Xiu was lying on the ground and also smiled,

There was just a bit of sarcasm in the smile, as if he was mocking Gu Mu,

It also seems to be self-deprecating, more like mocking this bullshit world,

"You said I rebelled against the Human Race? Do you believe it?"

Gu Mu was slightly startled, and his smile slowly faded.

He looked at Lin Xiu with complicated eyes, vaguely remembering a long time ago.

The oath I made when I joined the Shadow Army......

‘Fight for the rise of the Human Race! Vow to eradicate the traitors! Become the sharp knife within the Human Race, punish the traitors and eradicate the evil......

"Is it the rebellion of Human Race or the hope of Human Race?"

Lin Xiu laughed miserably and stared at Gu Mu closely.

"In other words, is there still hope for this kind of Human Race?"

Gu Mu's whole body was shaken, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a trace of confusion.

In this position, he has killed too many people in his life,

There are also some outstanding Prodigy people among them. Too many people who have been killed have shown such sarcastic smiles.

Let him be like a clown, always trapped in self-doubt!

But the professional ethics of being a soldier is to follow orders and prohibitions!

He has great talent and extraordinary fighting ability,

But in the end, he speaks softly and is unable to see the overall situation clearly because he is in a low position.

There are countless factions and opinions in the temple, and he doesn't have the ability to distinguish them.

All we can do is follow the orders of our leaders,


"Are these your last words?"

Gu Mu's eyes gradually focused and he did not answer Lin Xiu's question.

With his claws in the air, he looked at Lin Xiu calmly and planned to take action!


Lin Xiu sneered and immediately stopped hesitating!



Gu Mu couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he looked at Lin Xiu who was calm.

An ominous premonition suddenly arose in my heart!

"If you dare to speak harshly when you are about to die, I will die!"

Gu Mu was upset, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He didn't dare to neglect at this moment, and attacked Lin Xiu with sharp claws, trying to kill Lin Xiu completely!

"Holy light, explode!"

Lin Xiu snorted coldly, tapped her toes on the ground and people floated out like catkins.

At the same time, with a thought in his mind, the divine power of Holy Light under Gu's sleeves was instantly ignited!

"What!? No...impossible!!"

"What is this...ah!! No!!"

Gu Mu's heart suddenly palpitated, and the next second the surging divine power in his body was like gasoline meeting flames,

Instantly ignited!

The blazing holy fire enveloped him, and the fear of death struck,

Gu Mu screamed in disbelief, completely unable to understand what this was!

Something burning with divine power was something he had never heard of or seen before.

This seems like divine power, but also seems a little different,

It quickly reminded him of a terrifying existence!

"Could it be...that it's...attribute...attribute divine power!??"

Gu Mu murmured in disbelief, struggling in the flames of the holy light's divine power,

However, when Lin Xiu used the eagle's claws to bury the divine power into him again and again,

In fact, the outcome of everything is already determined!

The attribute divine power has the characteristics of a higher dimension. When hidden, it is far beyond the ability of a diamond lord to discover.

Calculating intention and unintentionality, when everything breaks out,

Even if the legendary lord encounters this scene, he will never be able to escape!

Gu Mu smiled miserably, but his voice could no longer be heard.

In just half a second, it was completely burned to ashes!


Lin Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he fought with all his strength this time.

He would not use this method unless absolutely necessary!

Although the attribute divine power is astonishingly invisible, it is not in a state of invisibility.

As long as the enemy is not blind, he can fly straight over and see it, but if they are in close combat,

Especially in a close encounter with such a strong man who is far more powerful than him, if he is not careful, he will be beaten to death.

There is no chance to plant the seeds of divine power!

He dared to pick up Gu Mu many times, but only with the help of multiple pieces of Divine Weapon and life sharing skills.

But this is the case, the military units in his lord world,

It can be said that all is dead at this moment!

The three heroes were also seriously injured, and the most fragile commander only had a little blood left.

I almost had to pick up a lunch box on the spot!

But okay, everything went well,

Successfully relied on the bug-level ability of attribute power to trap and kill this terrifying enemy!

"Attributed divine power? I didn't expect you to have such a good thing... If you go back with me, you will definitely make great contributions!"

Just when Lin Xiu breathed a sigh of relief and was about to enter the teleportation array and leave,

Suddenly there was another eerie sound, and the next second a terrifying divine power swept in from a distance!

"The Realm of the Sky!"

The visitor shouted loudly, and instantly the entire space around the teleportation array seemed to freeze.

Lin Xiu felt his body become still, as if his whole body was solidified in cement.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't even move a hair!

"The power of the domain...King Lord!?"

Lin Xiu took a deep breath in her heart, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

A trace of despair,

The power of the domain is a unique combat skill for those above the king level.

Within the domain, any enemy will be infinitely suppressed!

The only thing that can fight against the domain is the power of the domain...

"And, stronger attribute power!"

Lin Xiu tried his best, and the blazing white holy light burst out from his body.

The whole person seems to have turned into a large light bulb!


There was a sizzling sound, as if something was being burned.

White smoke rose around Lin Xiu, and the terrifying cement space actually loosened at this moment!

"...々Let's go!"

Lin Xiu was bleeding all over her body.

He had just been seriously injured and had yet to recover, but he tried his best and finally broke through the blockade of the domain.

The divine power in his body seemed to have been drained out, but at this moment he didn't care to check who was coming.

There is only one thought in my mind, that is to escape!

Diamond Lord, he tried his best and still had a chance to die,

But the king-level lord...escape as far as he can!

Existences of this level have already stood at the pinnacle of life,

It is no exaggeration to say that he might become a god one day in the future!

For the attribute divine power, you already have a certain resistance or can adapt to it.

Even if Lin Xiu possesses forbidden skills and magical attributes, there is no possibility of killing such a strong person!

Being targeted by such a strong man, even escaping is a luxury!

Lin Xiu desperately discovered that even if he was less than a palm away from the teleportation array,

But at this moment, this distance is like a stack in the sky!

No matter how fast he went, a terrifying suction force came from behind him.

Let him get farther and farther away from it!


Lin Xiu's eyes were red, and for the first time he felt the despair of the person he killed.

This unrivaled, unimaginable power,

There is no room for struggle. This feeling is so cruel that it is unacceptable!

"Hmph, is the attribute power worthy of an ant like you?"

The man of the void didn't even show up. He didn't expect that his domain would be broken by a platinum lord.

But at this moment, he was not surprised but happy!

The stronger the attribute power, the more excited he is!

Once you catch Lin Xiu and study it carefully, you might be able to embark on the road to becoming a god in the future!

The terrifying pressure came and enveloped the entire Demon City.

Countless lords didn't even have time to be frightened at this moment, because the power of the domain made everyone so confused that they almost didn't know what was going on!

Except, Lin Xiu,

And the man in white with a cold face under the green mountain!

"Sir, do you want to take action?"

Behind the man in white, the middle-aged man in armor has returned at some point.

Standing respectfully behind the man in white, a murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes when he saw this scene.

"It seems that some people have forgotten the prohibition of the ancestor star after many years (Nuo Haohao) has not been born...yeah?"

The man in white's expression had returned to calmness, and when he saw this scene, his eyelids twitched.

Just as he was about to take action, he suddenly looked stunned,

Lin Xiu looked at the bloody Lin Xiu in front of the portal in surprise. He raised his hand to stop the armored middle-aged man who was about to take action.

"Wait...this breath..."

The middle-aged man's complexion also changed slightly, and he looked along,

At this moment, Lin Xiu was in despair from the front, and Gu Yi was desperately inciting him from behind.

However, the body seems to be pulled by some extreme rubber band, and it is still slowly retreating!

The expression on his face was ferocious, and his orifices were bleeding,

The skin all over the body is cracked like a broken porcelain doll!

But at this moment, he turned his back to the visitor's forehead,

But it quietly emitted a little white light, and then quickly expanded and turned white!

"Don't look!"

The man in white's face changed slightly, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

I quickly reminded you that an indescribable white color appeared in the next second.

In an instant, it bloomed with Lin Xiu as the center!

It's like a sun exploded here in an instant!

That kind of white is indescribable, like the most extreme white,

Not mixed with any color, so white that people can’t see anything clearly.

I even felt a sharp pain in my pupils, as if I was burned blind for an instant!

There was also a terrifying and unimaginable power that instantly erupted from the center of the eyebrows,

Pointing straight to the sky!

"Oh no..."

Outside the vast white sky, a frightened and desperate scream suddenly sounded,

It was as if I had seen some terrifying existence. The mysterious strong man who released the realm,

He screamed in despair, but the screams soon stopped!

Subsequently, the domain power that bound the entire Demon City dissipated instantly!


In the vast whiteness, Lin Xiu fell to the ground without any strength.

The severe pain almost made him faint!

Fortunately, he has experienced extreme pain many times in the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, which greatly improved his endurance.

He forced himself to hold on and crawled into the teleportation array before he was completely unconscious!

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