Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 127: Instantly Kill The Peak King! ? Lin Xiu Has The Talent To Become A God!


There is a vast expanse of whiteness between the sky and the earth, and all colors have lost their authenticity.

That kind of extreme white, pure without a trace of color,

Destroyed everyone's vision instantly!

When it reaches the extreme whiteness, it becomes even more terrifying than the darkness of the starry sky.

It makes people even more helpless!

The six senses spread from sight to hearing. The moment when the strength is slightly weaker, the whole person seems to have entered the chaos of death.

Completely losing all cognition and perception, all six senses are deprived!

Those with stronger strength can barely maintain the last bit of clarity, but in this state of being able to clearly know their own existence but everything is out of control,

On the contrary, I feel even more terrifying, sometimes as if I have fallen into an infinite abyss.

Sometimes it seems like the world is spinning, and the unknown fear in the world makes everyone unable to help but panic and despair!

The white light spreads to the sky, covering almost half of the blue star.

Countless creatures seemed to have lost all intelligence at this moment. It took an unknown amount of time before they gradually regained consciousness as the white light dissipated!

"what happened??"

"Who am I? Where am I??"

"I... am from the Magic City! I came from the Magic City, and I feel like I'm going to die!"

"This...this...what is this??"

Countless creatures were sweating profusely, as if they had been fished out of the water.

He greeted in a panic, the feeling he felt at that moment,

It’s almost as if it has been transmigrated. I have no idea what’s going on!

Some of the stronger ones could barely recall the source of the white light. It was from the most prosperous and powerful city in the entire Blue Star.

It came from the magic city!

Countless people looked into the distance blankly, not knowing what was happening!

But in the magic city, it's even worse!

Closest to the center of the white light, even many powerful lords,

It's not much better. After coming back from an extreme state of six senses failure,

I suddenly felt dizzy, nauseated and vomited, and felt as if I was suffering from a serious illness.

My whole body was paralyzed and I had no strength at all!

The stronger being looked up at the sky in confusion,

I still vaguely remember that there seemed to be an unimaginable strong man coming just now, and the power of the domain enveloped the entire Demon City.

The next second, white light came, and it seemed as if I heard the strong man's scream.


A loud bang sounded again, startling many people.

In the very center of the Magic City, a humanoid object fell from the sky like a meteor.

It smashed a big hole into the ground, and many nearby buildings were directly shocked by the impact!

When the smoke dispersed, someone curiously came over to take a look.

Suddenly my eyes widened and I couldn't help but take a breath!

"Golden Scales...Golden Scales...Temple Elder, Golden Scaled Powerful One! 097!"

There was a platinum lord who relied on his strength and had the courage to step forward and take a look.

I saw a charred figure lying there quietly in the big pit.

His face was burnt and blurred, and his armor had become like a beggar.

But the two golden scales on the right shoulder are sparkling!

The man suddenly took a breath of cold air, trembled all over and screamed uncontrollably!

"Elder Golden Scale...still has two scales...is the subversive king...subversive lord!!"


The surrounding onlookers suddenly took a breath of cold air.

I only feel two wars, the city lord of the magic city,

The strong man who was also the master of Blue Star was coming after hearing the news. When he saw this scene, his eyes suddenly darkened.

The legendary lord actually fainted!

"Fuck!! He's dead!"

"What!? Elder Jinlin is dead??"

"Hiss! What on earth is this white light?? It actually killed the subversive king instantly??"

"Then... that... that's coming from Lin... Lin Xiu, right?? Doesn't it mean that Lin Xiu is just a rookie king??"

"Have you seen any new king who can kill the subversive king??"

"I heard that Lin Xiu colluded with the Shura Clan and that the wreckage of the Human Race genius was wanted by the Temple..."

"Are you stupid? No matter how strong Shura Clan is, it is not a god. A subversive king in Shura Clan is also a Transcendent Level strong person... What kind of information do you need to sell to train a new person to be able to kill the subversive king?"

"This...without colluding with the Shura Clan, it would be even more impossible!"

"What on earth is that white light? Isn't it too scary?"

"I don't know, but I know there will probably be a big earthquake in the temple next... I don't know if it will affect us!"

"Nonsense! The two golden-scaled elders of the temple died here, and we will definitely not let it go!"

"Didn't you see that the city lord has fainted? Let's go to the starry sky battlefield to avoid the limelight..."

"Fuck, that makes sense! Let's go together!"

In the Magic City, countless lords felt a chill coming from their backs.

Looking at the corpse in the pit with awe, those two golden scales seemed to have some kind of indescribable magic power.

A subversive king, even among the top ten top families in the Myriad Races, he is considered an absolute powerhouse.

Sit in an infinite territory and control the life and death of countless creatures!

What's more, in Human Race, the number of strong people of this level is not even a hundred.

But he died in the magic city without any explanation, or at the hands of a wanted newcomer lord...

It is conceivable that the senior officials of the temple will be furious next. Lin Xiu still doesn’t know how to deal with it.

But their magical city and even the entire Blue Star may be affected!

Those who were smarter suddenly changed their expressions and went home overnight to pack their bags.

Prepare to take refuge in the starry sky battlefield!

It's night, and the starry sky teleportation array in Magic City is operating particularly frequently.

The colorful lights are constantly flashing, adding a tense atmosphere to this planet on the edge of the Human Race territory.

Under the green mountain, the armored man was also shocked.

Looking far away at the two golden scales in the big pit, even with his strength, he couldn't help but frown!

"It's Jin Guangda! The sixth elder of the Temple Pavilion's old group, the overthrowing king lord, the second-level elder!"

"What on earth is that white light?? It actually ignored such a huge level gap and killed a subversive king instantly??"

The middle-aged man was so shocked that he couldn't help but ask,

The gorgeous white light just now enveloped the green mountains. If the man in white hadn't taken action, he felt that he would also be affected!

"A subversive lord will die when he dies...but I'm afraid those old immortals in the temple won't let it go!"

The man in white also frowned and muttered to himself, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It's troublesome... I should have taken action earlier if I had known!"

The man in white couldn't help but smile bitterly, and a feeling of regret arose in his heart.

I regret that I wanted to see Lin Xiu’s potential because I wanted to see what Lin Xiu had gained in the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit.

Sitting back and watching him being cornered...

Now it's good, I can see the potential and harvest,

But things are in trouble!

Originally, the wanted manhunt in the temple could be solved if he came forward, but now...

A peak king died, and more importantly, Lin Xiu’s last burst of white light,

It has an unimaginable allure for beings of their level, and even he is a little excited.

I couldn't help but have a trace of evil thoughts, not to mention those guys in the temple who had long since lost their original intention!

Especially the Jin family...

With the intention of revenge for Jin Guangda, he naturally took the initiative.

No one can blame anyone!

But thinking of Lin Xiu's burst of terrifying divine light, he couldn't help but feel surprised and excited.

He is no more than a platinum lord, but with a sudden burst he can instantly kill and subvert the king...

What will happen after he grows up??

"Perhaps, when Lin Xiu grows up... I, Human Race, will have a firm foothold in the starry sky battlefield!"

The man in white murmured to himself, forcing down the greed in his heart,

Relying on its exaggerated reproductive ability, the Human Race has established a firm foothold in the starry battlefield in just three thousand years.

Even the top experts are no longer inferior to many powerful clans, and can already be ranked among the top 100 in the starry sky!

But Human Race's godlessness...is a fatal weakness,

Let them only wander around among the thousands, not daring to cross the line at all!

After all, no matter how many subversive kings, glorious kings or even demigods there are, they are all vulnerable to a true god!

Without a god, one is doomed to be unable to stand firm.

You can only rely on a certain big clan and pick up some scraps!

Although it sounds unpleasant, it is really a true portrayal of Human Race!

Human Race wants to rise up and truly get rid of the dilemma of dependence,

There is only one way, and that is to truly give birth to a Human Race god,

Only then can you truly gain a firm foothold and stand on your own feet in the starry sky battlefield Myriad Races!

But it sounds simple, but it is so difficult to implement.

Ever since Human Race entered the starry sky battlefield, there have been countless generations of Prodigy people working hard towards this goal.

And to this day, among the trillions of human races,

There are only a handful of people who have actually come this far!

Without exception, they all fell on the threshold of becoming gods.

Transcending Tribulation failed (cdfg) and died!

But now, he sees hope in Lin Xiu!

However, the Platinum Lord has mastered the attributes and powers belonging to the gods one step ahead.

This has already surpassed the old guys who are closest to that realm by a long way!

Based on this alone, the future opportunities will be more than 30% greater than theirs!

Moreover, he has also mastered dragon-type forbidden skills. Although the forbidden skills are not as valuable as the attributes of divine power,

But the dragon-type ban... will add a lot of points again,

Because Dragon Race is a legendary race of gods,

It is a great race that is superior to the knowledge of the Myriad Races!

Completely comprehending a forbidden dragon skill, even the top ten experts in the starry sky would have to give some face when they saw it.

Don't dare to move easily!

Now, he has shown an ability beyond imagination,

This white light can instantly kill and subvert the king. Even he doesn't know what it is!

But through the analysis of that breath, he can guarantee that,

In the end, it is a treasure that is on par with the attribute divine power. It even feels like there is a high chance that it will far exceed the attribute divine power!

"This boy has the qualities to become a god!"

The man in white was so excited that he couldn't help blurting out.

The expression of the middle-aged man in armor on the side changed. He never expected that the adult would give such an exaggerated evaluation!

"Chiming, I have a task for you!"

Before the middle-aged man could ask further questions, he heard the man in white speak again.

"I will not give up even if I die!"

The armored middle-aged man's expression changed, and he immediately clasped his hands and respectfully accepted the order!

Outside the Magic City, a group of men in blue armor hurriedly arrived,

Looking at the central city where the atmosphere had solidified and was almost in ruins,

His face suddenly couldn't help showing a bit of shock and disbelief. He hesitated when he encountered a sniper on the way.

They were delayed for a while,

As a result, I didn’t catch up with Lin Xiu,

Looking at this situation, my heart suddenly felt heavy. I thought the mission had failed and Lin Xiu had been killed!

At this moment, the leader's ears suddenly twitched,

His face suddenly became wonderful!

"The latest news... Lin Xiu killed Diamond Lord Gu Mu, and... Golden Scale Elder Jin Guangda, entered the starry sky teleportation array and fled into the starry sky battlefield!"

"The superiors asked us to go back and said that we could not protect Lin Xiu with our strength..."

The leader's expression was extremely exciting, and his tone was dull. He didn't know whether he was shocked by the news or was shocked by the failure of his mission.

"What!? He actually killed Gu Mu?? Is it the Gu Mu who overthrew the Diamond Lord and was known as the Little God of War??"

"Isn't it possible?? What kind of strength is Lin Xiu? How is it possible... Wait! Who?? Jin Guangda??"

"Killed the Golden Scale Elder Jin Guangda? Is it the Jin Guangda who overthrew the King Lord?"

"Hiss!! How is that possible! That's the temple elder, the subversive king!!"

A group of team members were shocked by Lin Xiu's performance and suddenly realized,

He looked at the captain in disbelief, his face turned green with horror!

They almost suspected that their captain had made a mistake, but soon after they saw the body still lying in the pit,

When the two golden scales flickered slightly, everyone was silent!

"Elders Jinlin are all dead...there's going to be a big earthquake!!"

Someone murmured, and suddenly a chill ran down his back.

"Let's go...protect him? Protect this guy...whom he can't even do, we're just going to deliver food!"

The captain looked bitter, as if crying and laughing at the same time.

He shook his head and led his teammates gradually into the darkness, with a faint ending in his back.

The distant central Star Domain, beside the round table in the main hall,

For the first time in history, it was filled with twelve figures!

In the past, it was a solemn conference room known as the highest authority of the Human Race.

At this moment, it’s as noisy as a wet market!

"The Heaven-burning Divine Fire! It must be the Divine Fire! If you give it to me, I am 80% sure that I will achieve enlightenment and complete the painting within ten years!"

"No! According to the legend of the Heaven-burning Divine Fire, everything will burn. If it is really this divine fire, the entire Blue Star will be wiped out!"

"More like the divine power of the Holy Light, but the divine power of the Holy Light isn't so terrifying?"

"Perhaps it is some kind of more powerful divine power, or it may be some kind of inheritance!"

"Hiss...you mean...the inheritance of the Holy Spirit, the complete version?"

"Yes, in the past, it was divided into four in order to withstand the power of inheritance. Although it also created more strong men," but now it seems...perhaps it is right for one person to accept it.


In the temple, whether it is the conservative decadent faction or the new reform faction,

The leaders are all here at this moment, and videos taken from another planet near Blue Star are released over and over again on the round table.

The intense bright light caused all the equipment on the Blue Star to fail. Only the equipment on other distant planets could be seen.

But even though the view was not particularly clear [the ending of Jin Guangtang being killed] is enough to illustrate the terror of those ten white lights!

"Well, whether it is inheritance, divine power, sky-burning fire or other treasures, it is certain that they belong to existences above the gods!"

A man with a vague face knocked on the table and stopped a group of quarreling strong men.

Seeing everyone looking over, he continued to speak.

"Perhaps, this is the closest our Human Race has ever come to the gods!"

"This child has the qualities to become a god! This thing has the help to become a god!"

"Everyone, please share your thoughts on how to deal with this matter!"

Before he finished speaking, a tall man took over the topic with a cold snort.

"Hmph! What's the point of thinking about it? Catch him back and ask for the secret. For my Human Race eternal prosperity, please Lin Xiu die!"

"Haha, it's for the Human Race's eternal prosperity! I think it's for your Jin family's eternal prosperity, right?"

As soon as the big man finished speaking, someone suddenly laughed sarcastically,

He did not hide the contempt in his eyes.

"Brother Jin is not rude, but after getting this secret, who should use it...and how to distribute it?"

A gloomy voice sounded from the third person on the left, who was obviously determined to win.

"Of course it's me! The previous opportunities have been given to you every time, and it's my turn this time!"

A smart female voice sounded in the cold Tianxuan House.

"No, no, no...what was it like before? How can it be compared with the opportunities this year?"

"Everyone should rely on their abilities. The opportunity to become a god... no one will be convinced if you give it to anyone!"


In the Human Race Temple, a group of Apex Level experts were arguing,

Even those from the same camp are refusing to give in at this moment.

He was quarreling with his face red and his ears red, like a hawker in a vegetable market,

The smell of greed permeates the hall!

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