Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 128 The Pursuit Of The Temple! In The Starry Sky Battlefield, The Blood Demon Inheritance Sh

"Haha, you are a scumbag, just living in a tent, this is the Temple of the Human Race?"

In the noisy temple, an angry voice sounded,

The handsome young man stood up and glanced at the other twelve people.

There was a trace of sadness and despair in his eyes, even though he was very powerful,

But facing these corrupt and dark existences, I still feel powerless!

"Lin Xiu, you have the love of becoming a god!"

"As a rookie of my Human Race, not only did you fail to protect him, but you pursued him with all your might and tried to steal his Root Bone to pass on to you...

"Having lived for thousands of years, don't you know whether you have the qualifications to become a god?"

The young man glanced around sarcastically, not hiding the disdain in his eyes.

A group of people who spoke directly were blushing and angry!

"Qichen Perfected Being, what do you mean!? Lin Xiu has the talent to become a god? Which one of us didn't have the talent to become a god when we were young?"

"Hmph, I think you, Qichen, are the rotten Human Race! All day long, you are wishful thinking and don't seek for yourself but place your hopes on others. Isn't that what a strong person does?!"

"On the path of cultivation, the weak will eat the strong. Wait for Lin Xiu to become a god. One thousand years? Or two thousand years? Or three thousand years?"

"The great talents from all over the world are used to build my altar. The day when I become a god is when my Human Race rises!"

"Brother Zhu is right. How long will it take to wait for Lin Xiu to become a god? But if his inheritance is added to us, we will definitely become gods within ten years!"

"That's right! What is the righteousness of the Human Race? For the sake of my righteousness of the Human Race, Lin Xiu should surrender and pass on the inheritance to help us become gods!"

A group of strong men were angry and their tone was irritating,

As a top expert, he naturally has his own set of ideas.

If you only do what you think is right, how can you be easily reversed by others?

In their opinion, Qichen, who has a high self-esteem, is looking for trouble and cannot see the situation clearly.

The Human Race is now comparable to the top 100 races in the world in terms of size and number of strong men.

But there is no Divine Spirit Level strongman belonging to Human Race to guard him, so he has to settle for a thousand!

Recently, due to various factors, Human Race was defeated in the Starry Sky Battlefield.

Countless domain resources have been robbed, constantly crowding out Human Race's territory.

They urgently need a god belonging to the Human Race to appear, and they, the group of strong men closest to this level,

It is the most important existence!

Everyone is looking for this opportunity, and Lin Xiu's appearance is undoubtedly like a piece of fresh flesh and blood.

Let these hungry wolves stare at them immediately!

Especially with the many performances of Lin Xiu's strength, they were even more convinced that

With Lin Xiu, they are almost 80% sure of becoming gods!

Whether it's for the Human Race or to become a god,

It's impossible for them to give up!

"Hmph! So grand!"

Qichen is very dismissive of their views. In his opinion, the Prodigy of the Human Race and letting a hundred flowers bloom is the right way to develop.

Now, in order to quickly become a god, we wantonly kill Prodigy heroes.

Trying to artificially graft the so-called God-casting platform, not to mention whether this evil way can become a god.

Even if he becomes a god, he is still an evil god!

It definitely does more harm than good to Human Race's situation!

"If you want to kill the goose and get the eggs, just step over my corpse if you have the ability!"

As soon as Qichen said these words, everyone became furious.

"Qichen Perfected Being, everyone, Fellow Daoist, please don't force us!"

The atmosphere between the two sides was tense, and there was an undercurrent surging in the hall.

At this moment, the other strong men who were watching the excitement could not sit still and hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over.

"Okay, okay, we are all grasshoppers in the same boat. If we have different opinions, we can discuss it. There is no need to actually take action!"

"It would be too shameful for us to take action, and I'm afraid it would be a good thing for our clan's current situation!"

"Let's sit down and talk. If it doesn't work, just stick to the old rules and let your subordinates take action, each according to his own means!"

Both sides borrowed donkeys from the slope, and a group of strong men looked at Qichen proudly,

They have the strength in numbers, whether they act personally or with their subordinates,

It can be said that Qichen was eaten to death!

Various disputes have continued for thousands of years, but as long as Qichen still has Human Race in his heart,

If you don’t have the strength to completely overturn the situation, you have to endure it!

"Haha, good! Good, good! Great!"

Qichen glanced at his colleagues, who were as friendly as ever, and suddenly woke up.

In the past, I still wanted to win their support, but now,

Things have clearly reached a moment where the future of Human Race will be decided, but these old antiques are still sitting on the Diaoyutai and remain silent.

Their attitude has been unintentionally explained!

In other words, they have expressed their stance from the beginning to the end.

It’s just that I didn’t understand it!

"Human Race has you, Aqi House!"

Qichen laughed angrily, looking at the evasive looks in the eyes of these ancient Hexini people,

It suddenly dawned on me that maybe...

These people are also blinded by the so-called desire to become gods. They are neutral on the surface.

I'm afraid I've already started planning in my heart how to capture Lin Xiu and seize the foundation of becoming a god!

"It's such a human race, even if you're drunk, don't wait!"

Qichen suddenly felt powerless, no matter how much he cultivated to the sky,

But after all, there is no power to turn things around!

With a self-deprecating smile, Qichen walked away directly.

"What does he mean??"

The last words made everyone in the temple change their expressions slightly,

There is no doubt about Qichen’s strength, and he has made great achievements in the starry sky battlefield.

To be able to maintain its current foundation for hundreds of years, Qichen is indispensable!

This is also the reason why although they have always scorned Qichen's ideas, they have never broken their skin!

"Huh, let's just leave. It will be more convenient for us to do it without him!"

Some people's faces changed, and they gave orders with no expression on their faces.

"Yes, if he leaves, Lin Xiu will no longer be able to escape. In less than ten years, we will be able to become a god, and he will definitely turn the world around!"

"In order to avoid harming the harmony of the opportunity to become a god, how about each of our subordinates take action?"


"no problem!"


His complexion changed slightly, which lasted less than three seconds.

Then the temple was full of laughter and laughter, and Qichen's presence disappeared.

The temple seemed more harmonious.

On this day, Three Thousand Star Domain,

The starry sky teleportation array seems to be activated more frequently. From time to time, strong men with solemn expressions and extraordinary auras can be seen hurriedly entering the teleportation array.

Along with the colorful light, disappear into the territory of Human Race!

In the starry sky battlefield, a huge city crawls on the ground like a wild beast.

The towering city wall reaches into the sky, and unknown rune patterns are carved on the behemoth.

In a forest a hundred miles outside the city,

A red figure jumped in the forest like a flame. In front of it was a White Tiger with wings on its back, fleeing in panic.

Hong Ying followed closely behind and chased after him!

The White Tiger, who was supposed to be very handsome, is now extremely embarrassed.

A piece of the smooth white hair on his back was scorched, and his abdomen was cut open with an unknown sharp blade and dripping with blood.

Even with one of his wings broken, he couldn't fly. At this moment, he was staggering and running quickly through the forest, trying to escape the pursuit!

"The best Flying Tiger...suffer death!"

The fiery red shadow is a monkey-like creature, with fiery red hair like burning flames.

The hands have sharp nails, jumping nimbly through the forest,

The sharp-mouthed and fanged face looks like a demon from hell, staring greedily at the wings behind the Flying Tiger!

This thing is simply the most perfect treasure for their fire monkey clan. They are born with extraordinary affinity to the wind element.

Having a pair of flying tiger wings is a symbol of strength and status for them Fire Monkeys!

Today it finally managed to ambush and kill the flying tiger's wings, so naturally it would never let him go!

The two chased each other and ran away, passing through the forest at extremely fast speeds.

Feitianhu was injured and his physical strength was gradually weakening.

Just when it was desperate, it suddenly saw a person lying quietly on the ground in front of it!

"Human Race!?"

Feitianhu's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw life.

"Fire monkey loves people the most... I have hope of escape!"

The Flying Tiger couldn't wait to turn around, and it was on the Fire Monkey's hunting list.

In the past, the Flying Tiger was the first and no one dared to be the second, but since the Starry Sky Battlefield has added a Human Race,

With a body shape similar to that of the fire monkeys and a very good spiritual power absorption physique, Hesitation soon became the best hunting target of the fire monkeys!

After the Human Race found out, it was naturally impossible to sit idly by and launch a counterattack against the Fire Monkey Clan.

The hatred between the two deepened as they went back and forth, and now they have become the biggest life-and-death enemies of both sides!

It can be said that the kind of person who will decide life or death when they meet!

It didn't care about how it would meet the Human Race here, and quickly turned and ran in the direction of the attractive corpse!

"Yeah? There's a Human Race!? There's life... not dead yet!"

"Severely injured and dying Human Race!? Hahaha, what a double blessing today!"

Fire Monkey was ecstatic when he saw this scene. Human Race can take over the skin of Fire Monkey.

Let them practice faster!

As for the Flying Tigers, with a little training of their wings, they can fly across the sky!

Today, I encountered two injured prime preys one after another. It was almost as if the goddess of luck had come in person.

So lucky!

"Five-step seal!"

The Fire Monkey looked at the seriously injured Human Race on the left, and then looked at the Flying Tiger on the right who was about to run away.

He immediately gritted his teeth and took out the treasure he had treasured for a long time, and threw out a jade seal.

Quickly submerged into Feitianhu's body!

"Ah! Damn it...how could you have such a ghost thing? No..."

Feitianhu screamed in horror with a hint of despair, and his body was quickly pulled back to Fire Monkey uncontrollably.

No matter how hard it struggled and ran away, it couldn't get within five steps of the fire monkey!

"I wasted a five-step seal... and suffered death!"

The Fire Monkey was heartbroken, looking at the Flying Tiger so close at hand,

He immediately grabbed it hard, and Feitianhu, who was already extremely tired, suddenly stiffened.

The screams suddenly stopped!

"Double happiness...Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's still a Supreme Grade Human Race, get rich, get rich!"

The Fire Monkey held the Feitian Tiger's body in one hand and quickly came to the boy in white.

After a little exploration of the bones, I was so surprised that my mouth watered!

"Not dead yet... Fresh human brains are the most delicious, quack quack..."

The Fire Monkey dropped the body of the dead Flying Tiger, rubbed his hands excitedly and walked around the boy's head,


The foodie, who seemed to be about to start a feast, swallowed excitedly,

However, it did not notice that when the Flying Tiger hit the ground,

A few drops of still-heated blood splashed on the young man's body. The next second,

The blood seeped into the skin, and a switch seemed to be activated in the boy's body


A thirst for blood loomed, pulling Feitianhu's blood to burst out from the wound.

As if controlled by some mysterious power, a line was drawn in the air and submerged into the boy's body!


Such a big movement naturally cannot escape the Fire Monkey's attention.

Turning around to look at this scene, I suddenly felt something bad and had an ominous premonition in my heart!

"Blood Control Technique?? Blood... Blood Demon... He is a Blood Demon!?"

The fire monkey suddenly seemed to remember something, and immediately screamed in terror and turned around to escape.

However, the next second, the blood all over his body seemed to be boiling,

It flows rapidly inside the body and seems to be ejected!


The fire monkey screamed in fear, but his body seemed to be no longer his.

No matter what he does, he can't escape even half a step!




A series of muffled sounds came, and the fire monkey suddenly groaned and widened his eyes.

His whole body was like a sieve, riddled with holes in his own blood!

A stream of blood arrows erupted from his body and hit the young man.

Then, like river water seeping into the desert, it quickly seeped into the young man's body and disappeared!

With the loss of blood, his face became paler and paler, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

The dead Feitianhu next to him turned into a skin and bones!


But the face of the young man lying on the ground gradually turned from pale to rosy.

The heartbeat that had almost disappeared has returned again!

"I'm not willing to give in..."

The Fire Monkey roared with anger and despair, his intestines turned green with regret,

The damn blood demon actually learned how to transform to lure his prey into being fooled. He is really a trap!!

The screams did not last long, and blood flowed all over the body,

The Fire Monkey's body suddenly seemed to have shrunk, and its dry body lay on the ground.

The originally ferocious and terrifying appearance is enough to scare the timid to death!


With the death of the fire monkey, Lin Xiu, who had recovered a little, finally woke up slightly.

The excruciating pain hit him, almost making his vision go dark again after he had just woken up!

His whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he was lying on the ground enduring severe pain.

It took a while to finally bear it.

After checking his body a little, Lin Xiu suddenly smiled bitterly,

This battle cannot be said to be tragic!

Everywhere in your body, from the inside to the outside, both body and soul,

It can be said to be riddled with holes at this moment!

The meridians were broken, the bones were shattered, and almost half of the body was unable to move!

My soul was severely damaged, and even a little movement gave me a splitting headache!

First, there was a battle with Gu Mu. Although he successfully killed the peak diamond lord,

But he has also been seriously injured, and both fists have been broken countless times.

If it weren't for its amazing resilience, it would probably leave permanent damage!

If it's just that, it's nothing.

With his resilience, it won't take long for him to return to his original state, but the domain expert who finally appeared,

It seems that he doesn't do much, but he just breaks free from the shackles of the field.

Stimulating the divine power of Holy Light in all directions has already overloaded his soul.

The injuries caused are unimaginable!

But the most serious injury on his body was actually the side effect of the white light that burst out in him at the end!

"Supreme Bone damages the enemy by one thousand and damages eight hundred by itself. If you use it once and you are not lucky, you will die immediately!"

Lin Xiu recalled that scene and still felt frightened.

Holding back the pain that felt like my soul was being torn apart, I looked inwards at the center of my eyebrows.

I saw that the original Holy Light Bone was now whiter in color.

It’s exactly the same as the extremely white light that broke out in the first place!

"What is the origin of the Holy Spirit Secret Realm?? It actually possesses such a terrifying thing?"

Lin Xiu stroked the center of his eyebrows. He couldn't control this.

You must face the threat of death to be passively punished. The consequences of punishment,

It's like this now, half of my life is gone!

And this thing, the Holy Light Bone that was fused when it officially received the inheritance of the Holy Spirit,

Advanced version!

Holy Spirit Secret Realm clears ten layers of superimposed buffs, a total of ten layers of buffs.

The final result is the evolution of the Holy Light Bone into a higher level Supreme Bone!

The power that erupts in front of the teleportation array can only be said to be worthy of the name Supreme!

It's a pity that such a powerful and heaven-defying thing cannot be triggered at any time.

It would cost him most of his life once, and he wouldn't be able to trigger it again for at least a month.

Otherwise he will definitely die!

"Is this...the Talent inherited from the Blood Demon?"

Lin Xiu exited the inner view and looked at the two corpses beside him.

He murmured to himself with a complex expression, he accidentally got the blood demon inheritance in Shura Blood Palace,

He always felt that there was some conspiracy, and he kept trying not to use it.

But he didn't expect that this inheritance would save his life this time!.

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