Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 130 Tree Demon And Fire Monkey! Go On A Rampage And Kill!


In the sky above the forbidden forest, several birds suddenly started to fly,

It seemed that he smelled something dangerous.

Lin Xiu walked forward and felt something was wrong.

The big trees on the road seem to have a bit of a strange atmosphere.

"This is... there's a tree demon!"

Lin Xiu's heart moved and she suddenly realized,

Tree Demon Race, although it is called a clan, most of them are actually tribes.

Different tribes would encounter each other and even fight to the death!

The group of tree demons he killed just now were a tribe of tree demons named Zhan.

A large area around here is their territory, and it is extremely difficult to find them because they are hidden among the trees and jungles.

An Ran has lived here for many years, and will hide when he encounters a strong person.

Only attack when you encounter the weak, swarm up and quickly kill the enemy to eat their flesh and blood!

These existences, which are not very strong, have become the most terrifying existences for practitioners in this forbidden forest!

After absorbing and devouring the essence and blood of more than a dozen tree demons, he was obviously more sensitive to the breath of the tree demons.

After a brief inspection, I suddenly discovered that there were hundreds of tree demon auras nearby!

"So many tree demons?"

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up, there were so many tree demons,

It can be said to be a great supplement!

He originally planned to kill the Fire Monkey Mercenary Group first and then kill the Tree Demon to recover from his injuries.

I didn't expect to encounter these tree demons here in advance!

The tree demons have superb concealment skills, and they can move quickly through the woods without making any movement!

There is no sign at all from the outside. If Lin Xiu could not sense their breath,

I’m afraid it’s really impossible to discover their existence!

Such concealment ability is no less than invisibility!

However, these guys who are good at hiding have no idea that among their army,

At this moment, a truly invisible guy also sneaked in...

"The tree demon army is out...where are they going?"

Lin Xiu did not rush to take action, but quietly changed the direction.

Following the movement of the tree demon army, these old silver coins are good at sneak attacks.

He had sent out Death Knights and bounty hunters to patrol before but they were not discovered, so they were directly attacked!

These old yinbi are so big in action now, there is no way they are just out for a ride!

Follow them and you might even gain something!

The tree demon army is very fast. 23 There is only a gentle breeze blowing through the woods.

They move quickly like elves in the wind. Although Lin Xiu is invisible,

But I didn’t dare to make too big a move, lest I attract the attention of these guys.

In addition, I had an old injury, so it was a bit hard to follow.

But not long after, the group of tree demons actually divided into two teams,

One group of hundreds of people continued to move forward, while another group of dozens of tree demons separated and headed in the other direction!

"This is... toward the Fire Monkey Camp?"

Lin Xiu thought for a moment and discovered that the dozens of tree demons that had separated were heading towards the fire monkey camp.

Suddenly my heart moved, and I felt that the target of this group of tree demons was probably the group of fire monkeys!

This makes sense. The tree demon clan lives here all year round.

Seeing this place as their own territory, the Huohou tribe, as outsiders, seems to be here looking for something.

However, there is no strong person taking charge, which will naturally arouse the covetousness of this group of tree demons.

Probably preparing to destroy them!

But why they were divided into two teams, he was a little confused.

After a slight hesitation, Lin Xiu quickly made a decision,

With so much rations right in front of him, there is no way he would give up!

"Follow this group of tree demons first, get rid of them, and then come back to the fire monkey camp!"

"Maybe we can catch up with the decisive battle between the tree demon and the fire monkey, and kill them all at once!"

Lin Xiu's heart moved slightly, and he immediately sent out bounty hunters to follow the separated army of tree demons.

He once again kept up with the original army of tree demons!

The target of the tree demon army is unknown.

After they separated, they advanced another five or six kilometers, with no sign of slowing down.

The tree demon army on the other side was clearly approaching the fire monkey camp.

Lin Xiu immediately couldn't wait any longer. If he waited any longer, he might be unable to get back even after the fight there was over!

"Kill! Blood Devour!"

Lin Xiu did what she thought of and rushed into the middle of a group of tree demons.

Instantly activated the Blood Demon's exclusive skill - Blood Devour!


In an instant, green blood flew everywhere!

The tree demons who were on their way never dreamed that they would be attacked unexpectedly!

Caught off guard, with no time to react, large numbers of tree demons were instantly riddled with holes in their own blood.

It shriveled up in an instant and fell to the ground like a wooden stake.

It looks like a dead tree!


"Be careful! There is a sneak attack!"

"There are enemies! Ah..."

"My blood...no!"

"Rewind! It's a blood control technique!"

"No...it's the Blood Demon! Damn it, how can there be a Blood Demon here??"

Most of the group of tree demons were killed and injured in an instant, and the rest were shouting in panic,

A powerful tree demon reacted instantly and recognized the identity of the sneak attacker by looking at the blood flying all over the sky.

Many strong men jumped directly between the trees and fled far away, bending their bows and arrows to fight back!

However, Lin Xiu, who had received a lot of blood, recovered from his injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The feeling of comfort from soul to body made him want to stop!

The blood demon's skills are each more powerful than the last.

This kind of thought can make enemies instantly killed in droves, which is simply more terrifying than drugs!

A trace of greed flashed across Lin Xiu's face unconsciously. The rapid recovery from his injuries allowed him to use most of his divine power.

He shuttled between the woods like a ghost, and all the tree demons he chased seemed to have the water in their bodies drained instantly.

In an instant, he completed a lifetime's journey and turned into a withered piece of wood!

Such a terrifying and weird scene made a group of tree demons even more frightened.

After shooting several arrows, Lin Xiu's shadow was not even touched. As more and more tree demons died,

The remaining tree demons suddenly couldn't hold on any longer and fled in all directions with a cry!


Lin Xiu pursued relentlessly, chasing and devouring all the blood demons in sight before stopping.

There are hundreds of tree demons, but no more than three can escape!

If he wants to chase him, it's not like he can't catch him.

But for fear of delaying the battlefield on the other side, Lin Xiu didn't bother to pay attention to the fleeing tree demon.

After briefly cleaning the battlefield, collecting the few stumps of the Fourth Grade tree demons, they turned around and quickly headed towards the fire monkey camp!

He himself didn't even realize that from the outside, his face looked extremely strange at the moment.

His face was as red as cinnabar, his eyes were evil, and several strange lines appeared on his face!

He swept away through the forest like the wind, but he even forgot to put on his shimmering cloak!

The journey along the way was like the arrival of death, with all the vegetation within twenty meters around me drying up.

It seems like all the moisture has been sucked out!

Such a terrifying scene moved forward in the forest, revealing a trace that looked like a fire dragon passing by,

The birds in the distance were startled and quickly headed towards the Fire Monkey Camp!

When he arrived, the battle had already begun,

The defense of the fire monkey camp seems a bit empty, with only a dozen fire monkeys defending the danger.

But under the sneak attack of the tree demon, the outer layer of defense has been completely removed.

The fire monkey was surrounded by tree demons and looked desperate, with no chance of escape!

"You humble tree demons who dare to provoke the great fire monkey clan are not afraid that our strong men will come and burn your forest to ashes!?"

A fire monkey with strong aura roared gloomily, wondering where these tree demons got the courage to provoke them.

Fire Monkey Fire Monkey, as the name suggests, they are experts at playing with fire.

It can be said to be the nemesis of these tree demons!

In the past, even if an Ordinary fire monkey passed by here, the tree demon would generally not dare to embarrass himself unless necessary.

After all, the tree demon is just a tribe, relying on its ability to hide and attack the weak.

If you provoke some untouchable beings, you will really get angry and burn the forest in one breath.

No matter how powerful the tree demon's concealment is, it's useless!

Burning the Forbidden Forest is not an easy task, but there happens to be a strong person in the Fire Monkey Clan who can do it!


The tree demon's laughter is full of villain vibes, but it has to be said that in the gloomy forest,

This kind of laughter sounds very atmospheric.

"Hand over that thing, or die!"

The tree demon was not afraid and said with a sneer,

However, the shooting of arrows did not stop at all, forcing the fire monkey to hide in the makeshift fortress without even daring to show his face!

"That thing... Damn it! Isn't your Demon Race neutral?? You were bribed by the Water Monkey!?"

The face of the fire monkey inside changed and he reacted instantly,

He drank in shock and anger.

"Looking for death! You are looking for death!!"

"If you're not neutral, it's up to you...you, the tree demon clan, this is the way to death!!"

The Fire Monkey was furious and understood everything in an instant.

The only one who came for that thing was the Water Monkey Clan, the mortal enemy of their Fire Monkey Clan!

They both belong to the monkey vein, and they both serve under the beast clan,

Due to their natural conflicting attributes, the two sides have always disliked each other.

On weekdays, everyone has disputes. Today you kill one of my people, and tomorrow I will take one of your mines away.

As the quarrel lasts for a long time, the hatred will naturally become deeper and deeper.

If it weren't for the orcs pressing down on it, they would have been fighting to the death!

But this time, there was a big shot in the Orc tribe who needed something,

It just so happens that the Fire Monkey Clan knows where that thing is. Once they complete the big shot's instructions,

The status of the Fire Monkey Clan will inevitably be higher than that of the Water Monkeys. The Lord promised,

When the time comes, the orcs will not interfere in the affairs of their two clans!

But he never expected that Water Monkey got the news from somewhere and knew that their destination was the Forbidden Forest.

I don’t know what price I paid to buy a neutral tree, Demon Race!

If the water monkey gets that thing, then give it to that adult...

That adult is so high up that he certainly doesn’t care where things come from.

He will only see who gave it to him!

At that time, the status of both parties will be reversed.

An ordinary treasure, but it has caused the death of the entire Fire Monkey Clan!

"The way to die?? No, no, no... We are still neutral, but neutrality does not mean that we cannot accept employment from others!"

The tree demon grinned and looked mockingly at the group of fire monkeys huddled in the castle.

It seems like you are laughing at the other person’s naivety!

Do you really think they created the Demon Race by robbing the passing creatures just to eat a bite of meat?


The fire monkey's face turned pale when he was attacked, he knew

I'm afraid today will be more unlucky than good.

But it's not despair, after all, the things are not here with them.

As long as the things are successfully delivered, it will be worth their while if they die!

"Send a signal and tell them to go back directly after getting the things!"

After thinking about it, Fourth Grade Fire Monkey turned around and ordered,

His eyes revealed an aura of looking forward to death!


A fire monkey looked sad, but he still quickly took out the signal device!


Lin Xiu, who had just arrived, watched the signal blooming in the sky like fireworks.

I couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Damn it, you've already arrived at the starry sky battlefield, why do you still want to play the trick of using a cloud-penetrating arrow and thousands of troops to meet each other?

"Jie Jie Jie...it turns out to be there...you can leave in peace!"

Fireworks exploded in the sky, and an inexplicable aura fell down and was connected to another place,

When the leader of the tree demon saw this scene, he immediately revealed a scheming smile, and then began to signal the tree demon to take action!

"No! Damn it, I fell into a trap!"

Fire Monkey's expression suddenly changed. The opponent's purpose was obviously to blow up his signal.

Then, I don’t know what means were used to trace the whereabouts of another group of fire monkeys using the aura of the fire monkey clan in the signal.

I am afraid that at this time, another group of more powerful tree demons has already headed towards the main force of their Fire Monkey Clan!

"Damn it, you inferior races, I will fight you!"

Being teased by 310 monster races that he had always looked down upon, the fire monkey suddenly became angry.

He rushed out of the fortress in despair,

Like a burning flame, it quickly ignited the nearby trees!

But in the next second, dozens of arrows pierced through his chest, instantly pinning him to the ground and killing him alive!

With the help of this fire monkey's death charge, the other fire monkeys immediately rushed out with sad faces.

In an instant, fire broke out everywhere, causing a lot of trouble to the tree demon clan.

Unfortunately, there were too few fire monkeys, and the resistance was quickly extinguished.

Arrows flew out from all corners, and the battle was over in just a few minutes!

"Damn...what other treasures are there??"

Lin Xiu had just arrived and the battle was already over.

I just vaguely heard that there seemed to be some treasure in the hands of other fire monkeys.

Looking at the direction, it seems to be the target of a group of fire monkeys that I just killed??

"That is to say...the treasure is actually still in the hands of the fire monkeys, and they are already leaving the Forbidden Forest??"

Lin Xiu regretted it endlessly. It turned out that the food over there was the big meal.

This is just a little dessert!?

He took action in advance to put away the big meal, but he kept running over to eat some leftovers??

Lin Xiu was extremely depressed. If he had known this was the case, he would not have acted in a hurry.

However, it is too late to regret now. The two sides are fully ten kilometers apart.

Even if he were to advance at his full speed, it would probably take more than ten minutes. In such a long time, the other party would probably have disappeared!

"Damn it, it's all your fault for saying it earlier..."

Lin Xiu was depressed and vented his anger on the remaining tree demons.

The aura that overwhelmed the reddish body was violent and ghastly, and he rushed out directly,

The blood all over his body was boiling and he instantly activated the blood attack!




The tree demons who are immersed in the success of their plans have always been responsible for sneak attacks on others.

How could you have imagined that one day you would be attacked by someone?

And it is such a weird way to sneak attack, anyone within 20 meters of Lin Xiu,

No matter what your cultivation level is, you will almost always end up being drained out instantly!

Lin Xiu flew by quickly, almost piercing the tree demon's team in the blink of an eye.

There were only sections of wooden piles lying on the ground wherever they passed!

"Damn! Who!?"

The tree demons looked at the team that seemed to be cut off from the waist in an instant, and their eyes were about to burst.

The tree demons on the periphery quickly escaped and then bent their bows and shot arrows. It was almost exactly the same as the previous battle.

The results speak for themselves!


The blood rioted and turned into sharp swords that fiercely shot through the tree demon's body.

It shot out like an arrow and then sank into Lin Xiu's body!

"The Blood Demon...it's the Blood Demon! Damn it, how can there be a Blood Demon here!?"

There were tree demons screaming in terror, but nothing could be changed.

I can only watch every trace of blood in my body rush out of my body with full of doubts and panic.

The living thing turned into a piece of dead wood!

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