Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 131 Undercurrent Is Surging! There Is A Blood Demon Infested! ?

Lin Xiu is obsessed with the blood demon's ability.

Such powerful power can control all body fluids in the Spirit Body at will!

It's like incarnating the god of death, and wherever he goes, there seems to be a killing halo.

Everywhere you go, life is extinguished and not a blade of grass grows!

A group of tree demons fell to the ground and turned into dead wood like trees that had been dead for thousands of years!

That kind of powerful power, control over life and death,

It’s enough to make even the most determined and strong man in the world unable to help but indulge in it!

Unknowingly, Lin Xiu's eyes turned red like an evil god,

The body was like the wind, wreaking havoc in the forest, and all living things in its path were instantly destroyed.

The grass and trees on the ground withered instantly, and the land turned into scorched earth as if it had been burned by fire!

The vast areas in the Forbidden Forest seem to have become dead zones, with no life at all!

Lin Xiu was in a state of confusion, and his whole person was completely eroded by the killings.

Turn into a complete killing machine, with endless energy of blood and essence integrated into your body,

The physical injuries were completely healed, and most of the injuries on the soul were quickly recovered.

The only remaining trace seems to be deliberately manipulated without compensation!

A strange aura surged in Lin Xiu's body, slowly eroding his body.

Gradually it spreads into my mind, and the evil breath continues to spread in the forbidden forest,

Let the nearby creatures, whether they are strong men of various races who come to explore and gain experience or the mindless monsters of Warcraft,

They all felt a chill running down their spines and unconsciously stayed away from this area!

At the same time, on another battlefield infinitely far away,

In a bright red palace, a green-faced and fanged Shura was practicing cross-legged.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

"The aura of His Highness the Third... His Highness is back!"

The young man's breath was as thick as the abyss and the sea, and his face suddenly became ecstatic.

That familiar breath slowly rose in a distant place, although it was still extremely weak,

But it is improving steadily and rapidly, and you can clearly feel that the state is recovering!

"His Royal Highness is back... His Highness the Third has been reincarnated successfully and will return soon!"

Shura suddenly stood up, trembling with excitement,

He has been waiting for this day for too long!

Now that we have finally seen the light of day, how can we not be excited?

"Third Highness, please wait a moment... I will take you back soon..."

Shura murmured and was about to get up and leave the palace.

But suddenly he thought of something, and he hesitated slightly,

Then I had to apologize in my heart and summoned a capable subordinate!


A woman with a hot figure and a beautiful face quietly appeared, and the beautiful image of the male Shura Clan was completely separated!

The woman stood there quietly, her face as cold as ice,

He looked at the man and said nothing.

The man was neither surprised nor angry. Instead, he took out a hexagonal talisman and handed it over in a pleasant manner.

"Yingna, His Highness the Third is back!"


The cold and hot woman suddenly shook her body and exclaimed in disbelief,

Her beautiful face was full of excitement.

"Your Highness, Third Highness, has returned??"


The man smiled slightly. Wasn't he so inspiring when he felt the breath just now?

"I just discovered it, but it should be that some uncontrollable factors occurred during the reincarnation process, causing it to be far away from us!"

"According to my induction, it should be in the territory of the Orcs. You need to go and find the specific location in person!"

"This talisman will get hot when it is close to His Highness. The closer the distance, the higher the temperature will be. It can help you find traces of His Highness!"

"Remember, don't act rashly after finding His Highness the Third. Just protect His Highness secretly!"

"The timing of return will be announced separately by Guobenzuo!'"

The man looked at her meaningfully. His Highness's return was a good thing for them.

But in Shura Clan, there are people who don’t want to see this happen!

Once they return early, their plan has not yet been completed.

If something unexpected happens to His Highness, everything will be over!


Yingna's face became serious, and she also knew that this matter was of great importance.

He immediately responded with an unprecedented reply, and then quietly left with the talisman in hand!

The Forbidden Forest has not been peaceful recently,

There are rumors that there are traces of the Blood Demon!

"It's been such a troubled time... Where are the people from the Fire Monkey Clan? They haven't brought anything back yet?"

In the city of the Beast Lion King, an old lion man sat on a golden throne,

The slightly withered hair shows that the big man of the beast Human Race is not in very good condition.

The hall was filled with the atmosphere of twilight, but the old lion man still looked calm and confident!

Like a late king, he is old but not stiff and still has great power!

"Back to your lord, it seems something unexpected happened."!"

A leopard-headed man butler knelt down respectfully and replied,

"The Water Monkey Tribe bribed the tree Demon Race and sniped it in an attempt to seize the target, but it seems that other tribes got involved for unknown reasons..."


Before the housekeeper could finish speaking, he heard a loud bang.

The old lion man slapped his palm on the table angrily, and in an instant, the tabletop forged by the divine stone fell into pieces!


The old lion man snorted angrily, and the terrifying aura instantly made everyone in the palace and mansion burst into tears!

"A bunch of trash!"

"Useless things that dare to ruin my king's important affairs, there is no need for the Shui Maw Tribe to exist!"

The old housekeeper lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, his eyes were unruffled.


A single word can determine the life or death of a clan.

If the Water Monkey Clan were to know about it, the entire clan would be stunned!

Originally, I went to the Yin Fire Monkey Clan just to save myself.

Trying to grab this credit, if everything goes well,

So of course there is no need to say more. The higher-ups never care how you got it.

I only care about whether you can deliver the things in good condition!

It's a pity... no one would have thought that Lin Xiu would appear out of nowhere,

Yin Changyang accidentally wiped out all the tree demons, causing their plan to fail.

It also indirectly caused the Lion King to be furious!

"Where's the Fire Monkey? What happened again?"

The Lion King remained calm and calmly looked at the butler below.

He asked again.

"In the Forbidden Forest, there are suspected traces of the Blood Demon!"


The old lion king was shocked and couldn't help but sit upright.

An uneasy feeling arose in my heart,

"There hasn't been any trace of the Blood Demon in a hundred years,...are you here for that place??"

"It shouldn't be. This Secret Realm was discovered not long ago by the Prodigy of the Human Race. Only our royal family knows about it..."

The old Lion King was in shock and doubt. Although everyone was shouting about Demon Race,

Many powerful people are constantly tracking and hunting the blood demon in order to obtain the blood demon's inner elixir and the ability to control blood energy.

But this is a matter for the strong. Although they, the Human Race, are considered strong in this three-acre land,

However, looking at the entire starry sky battlefield, after all, they can’t even be ranked among the top 100.

Facing a race like the Blood Demon that is involved with the Shura Clan, we are still wary of them.

There are traces of the Blood Demon here, and this news alone is definitely a big deal for the entire Human Race!

What made him even more uneasy was that the point at which the blood demon appeared was too coincidental.

It happened that their beast, Human Race, discovered a new Secret Realm deep in the Forbidden Forest, involving treasures about blood and lifespan.

The blood demon appears...

It was a matter of life and death, and he couldn't allow him to think too much about it!


"What does it say above?"

The old lion king coughed a few times and asked nervously,

His already twilight face became a little more rosy. Obviously, this incident also stimulated him a lot.

He had to brace up his energy to maintain his condition, even at the expense of consuming some of his scarce original energy!

"In order to prevent the Eldar and Rune tribes from causing trouble, it is not recommended to make a big fanfare and only select a few Prodigy from the King Clan to go to the Secret Realm!"

Leopard Head was slightly silent, but still reported truthfully,

"As for the Blood Demon... we will keep it secret for the time being. We will report everything to Secret Realm after everything is settled!"


The old lion king slapped him again, his chest heaving with anger,

His face turned even more ashen, this decision,

He didn't mention that thing at all, which was undoubtedly because he didn't intend to care about his life or death.

If he is not prepared to search the mountain on a large scale, he will naturally not be allowed to send people on a large scale.

We can only count on the Fire Monkey and Water Monkey clans!

"Send the order!"

The old lion king took a deep breath. Although he was extremely angry, he had nothing to do.

The so-called king has come to an end. Now he is old and his blood is declining.

If the new king didn't kill him to death, he would have done nothing but benevolence and righteousness!

"The fire monkey and water monkey clans will cooperate fully to complete the task. Anyone who dares to disobey in the process will be killed without mercy!"

"If you don't get the things back within a week, both tribes will be buried with me!"

The old lion king stared angrily, his withered yellow hair grew angry,

The terrifying divine power swept through the hall along with the power of the Lion King!

"Yes, my king!"

Butler Leopard felt a chill in his heart, as if the former king had returned.

It knows that this is the greatest obsession of a king before his death. If it cannot be completed,

No one can guarantee what this king can do, and it is possible to have the two clans buried with him!

On this day, from the Beast Clan, young men from King Clan such as Lion Man, Tiger Man, Elephant Man, etc. all came to the Beast City on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

I heard it was a beast. The kings of the Human Race began to hold annual competitions again, sending powerful young people from all races into the forbidden forest to hunt ferocious beasts.

Hunt down more and stronger beasts to win!

This caused countless orc youths to flock to the City of Beasts, shouting slogans and surrounding the young master of their clan.

Become a fanatical follower and vow to help their master win!

Countless strong men from the orc tribe set out to the Forbidden Forest one after another, setting aside a large area to prohibit foreigners from entering.

Although this move is overbearing, considering it is an annual event celebration of the orcs,

In the absence of major friction, the Ling and Fu clans still gave them some face, promising not to send anyone into this area in the short term.

Of course, the most important thing is to see the generous gift given by the orcs.

After receiving the order, the two tribes of fire monkeys and water monkeys turned pale with fright, regardless of their hostility.

A large number of strong men were sent to sneak into the forbidden forest.

Want to search for the missing fire monkey mercenary group.

And in the dark, there are many races that are attached to the orcs,

He secretly sneaked into the Forbidden Forest with an unknown purpose.

Suddenly, the Forbidden Forest suddenly became lively, and the tree demons that were active in the past disappeared and hid somewhere unknown.

Even the various monsters and ferocious beasts seemed to be missing a lot, leaving countless orcs who flocked here puzzled.

It feels like I'm in the wrong place


In the forbidden forest with surging undercurrents, the fighting has not diminished at all.

There are dozens of subsidiary races under the Orcs, attached to different factions.

Either they have animosity towards each other, or they have become a knife in the master's hand.

For the sake of dignity and racial unity, the beasts and human races will not easily use force against each other, so the most suitable way to resolve the conflict is naturally to send out the strong men of the race under them.

There is a decent and apparent unity among the Human Race, but these races have been fighting to death for many years. Today you kill me, and tomorrow I will kill you.

Naturally, a complicated grudge has been formed. Is there any reason to turn a blind eye when they meet in the Forbidden Forest?

The smell of blood continues to spread in the Forbidden Forest, making people unable to help but feel the adrenaline surge.

The bloodthirsty orcs were stimulated by the smell of blood, and for a while no one noticed anything was wrong with the Forbidden Forest.

The representatives of the orc King Clan, who had agreed to come to practice killing enemies in a competition, actually headed towards a certain destination in a daze.

There is no intention of looking for monsters to kill!

It’s just that no one knows such a scene,

For Lin Xiu, she is like a fish in water. She has been very happy these past few days!

It's like a machine that keeps feeding automatically, with a steady stream of creatures coming to your door.

His figure shuttled through the forest like a ghost,

No one survived wherever he went!

The injuries on his body have long since recovered, and his continuous blood-sucking has allowed him to continue to unlock the inheritance of the Blood Demon.

The progress bar skyrocketed, and my understanding of blood control skills improved rapidly.

The blood control technique in one hand is so superb that he can easily sense the movements of all creatures with blood even if they are ten miles away!

What's more, any strong man whose realm is no higher than his own can instantly drain all his blood away as long as he comes within a hundred meters!

The strength and weirdness of his strength were simply beyond imagination, but at this moment Lin Xiu didn't notice anything unusual at all.

The vow I once made to never use the Blood Demon inheritance again after the healing was over was thrown out the window!

If anyone sees Lin Xiu right now, they will definitely be scared to death by his image!

His hair is disheveled like a ghost, his face is ferocious, his eyes are dull,

His face was covered with blood-colored lines like spider webs, and his long robe became like a beggar.

His body was covered with dried, blackened blood scabs, and he didn’t know if they were his own or those of other creatures!

His whole body smelled like a demon emerging from hell, and the smell of blood filled his body.

Wherever it passes, it's like a sea of ​​blood descending, and the terrifying and ferocious aura is enough to scare ghosts to death!

Like a mindless demon wandering in the boundless forbidden forest,

Attracted by the smell of fresh blood, he killed and recruited (to get Zhao's), and left,

The trilogy is silky smooth and extremely busy,

All creatures that enter the Forbidden Forest are his targets!

In the forbidden forest at night, the smell of blood spreads in every corner,

Constantly stimulating everyone's nerves.

In a clearing in the forest, fire monkeys quickly returned from a distance,

Reporting his gains with a sad face.

Suddenly, a strong smell of blood was carried by the wind,

A group of fire monkeys immediately covered their noses and felt nauseated. Some strong men even frowned and fanned themselves with their hands.

I am disgusted with the harsh environment of this Low Level map.

If it wasn't a matter of life and death for the race, they, as Sixth Grade experts, would not come to a small place like the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

You have to go deep, where the monsters are stronger and even the blood contains a different spiritual power.

It’s definitely not just a fishy smell that makes people get used to it. The environment is richer in spiritual energy and the air is much fresher than here!

''''Not found yet?"

No matter how disgusted you are, you still have to do what you need to do,

The leader of the fire monkeys asked, feeling very irritated.

"found it!"

However, his subordinate's answer shocked him and he searched for several days.

Finally got something today!

"Quickly tell me, where is it!?"

The fire monkey who reported the report had a bitter look on his face and was slightly uneasy.

"It was the Flying Tiger clan who did it... At that time, a Flying Tiger was killed by the fire. He was the grandson of a strong Flying Tiger!"

"Later, the Flying Tiger Clan sent people to take revenge, and they happened to encounter my clan. All the clan members' belongings fell into the hands of the Flying Tiger Clan!"

The Sixth Grade Fire Monkey didn't care about the life and death of his tribe, and immediately got up and wanted to fight for the Flying Tiger Tribe.

But he was pulled back by his subordinate's next words.

"Later... something happened to the Flying Tiger clan, and the whereabouts of that thing are unknown!"


"I heard... that there is a blood demon in the Forbidden Forest. The tree demon that the Water Monkey was looking for, our tribe's resident and the last Flying Tiger clan... all died in the hands of the blood demon!"

As soon as these words came out, a group of fire monkeys suddenly trembled,

I couldn't help but show a hint of panic in my eyes!

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