Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 132: Surprised Asura! I Took Away The Son Of Destiny! ?

"Nonsense... nonsense! The blood demons have been wiped out for a long time. How can there be any blood demons?!"

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Sixth Grade Fire Monkey, but he still forced himself to speak and shouted.


However, before he finished speaking, he heard a fire monkey suddenly let out a miserable scream!

"Enemy attack!"

"Be careful, watch the enemy!"

"The Blood Demon! It's the Blood Demon!"

"The Blood Demon is coming! Run away!"

Before the Sixth Grade Fire Monkeys could react, they heard bursts of frightened screams from the Fire Monkeys in the distance!

As blood arrows shot out from the bodies of the fire monkeys, they sank into the body of a demonic figure like thousands of arrows piercing the heart!

"Blood Demon!"

Two clear words, like a contagious plague,

All the fire monkeys suddenly felt excited and hurriedly mobilized their whole body strength to try to lock in the blood.

But everything is in vain!

As the blood-red figure moved forward quickly, each fire monkey was drained of blood in an instant.

It fell down into a pile of withered bones, and the sound of crunching could be heard endlessly.

Astonishingly, the fire monkey's bones were broken after the blood was drained!

"What!? Really a blood demon?!"

A trace of fear suddenly flashed through the eyes of the Sixth Grade Fire Monkey, the shadow of the famous tree,

According to legend, the Blood Demon was created by the top ten strong men of the Shura Clan, and is known as the most outstanding product of the Shura Clan!

But soon, the Shura Clan was afraid of him because of his loss of control.

The many benefits of Demon Race will be made public to the public at the expense of blood, and the strong Myriad Races will be invited to kill them together!

The blood demon that makes even the top ten Shura Clan so fearful, one can imagine what it represents.

For those powerful tribes, it is a powerful resource.

But for the weak, it is a deadly demon!

Legend has it that wherever the blood demon goes, those who are not strong enough will be devoured with blood and essence and die in an instant.

It’s exactly the same as the scene in front of you!

Various legends about the Blood Demon came to mind, making his scalp feel numb immediately!

But thinking that the fate of the race is still with him, and sensing the strength of the blood demon a little,

He suddenly felt a little relieved.

"It's just the Blood Demon of Fourth Grade... I don't believe it. How can I be afraid of you even though we are two big realms apart!?"

The Sixth Grade Fire Monkey roared to embolden himself, and couldn't help but look at other members of the same race.

"A bunch of losers! It's just a Fourth Grade blood demon that scares you like this!?"

"Cheer up, everyone, we will kill this blood demon today!"

With a strong person in charge, the other Fifth Grade Fourth Grade Fire Monkeys felt a little relieved.

They bravely gathered together and looked at the legendary monster that was approaching quickly with trepidation!

Tsk! Tsk!


The sound of blood arrows piercing the air was endless. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of 207 members of the same clan were riddled with wounds from their own blood.

They turned into shriveled corpses that seemed to have been dead for thousands of years!

This scene made them feel that even though their strength was far superior to that of the enemy, their scalps were numb!

"Damn it, it can only suck the blood of those whose level is lower than itself. What are you afraid of!?"

The Sixth Grade Fire Monkey shouted sternly, and couldn't help but become furious when he saw a group of his fellow humans hiding behind him.

"You, come on!"

It became furious, pulled out a Fourth Grade Fire Monkey from behind and threw it towards the Blood Demon.

The unlucky Fire Monkey was almost scared to death!


The Fire Monkey screamed miserably and desperately. How could it be the opponent of the Blood Demon if it was already frightened?

The blood demon approached within fifty meters like a ghost. In an instant, his blood could no longer be locked away.

In an instant, he broke out of his body and became a monkey!


The other fire monkeys looked at this terrifying scene and suddenly took a breath of cold air and became even more frightened.

Some of the timid ones even turned around and ran away, not daring to face such a terrifying monster.

"Trash! He can't suck blood even if the Fourth Grade one doesn't come within fifty meters, but the Fifth Grade one can get within twenty meters!"

The Sixth Grade Fire Monkey is extremely powerful after all. His powerful strength makes him calm down a lot.

He keenly noticed the difference and couldn't help but curse.

"Give them all to me, use long-range attacks to burn him to death!"

"What are you afraid of? Blood demons are powerful at controlling blood, but fire is also their nemesis. How can you be afraid of them as a fire monkey?"

The words of the Sixth Grade Fire Monkey were like a heart-stimulating drug injected into the bodies of the other Fire Monkeys. After hearing this, the group of Fire Monkeys finally became a little more stable.

After careful observation, I found that this was indeed the case, which finally dispelled a lot of fear in my heart.

"Kill! The flames of the wind!"

The Sixth Grade Fire Monkey knew it well and was no longer afraid at the moment.

He rushed out at the lead, his body burned with flames and turned into a veritable fire monkey.

With a wave of his hand, balls of fire quickly rushed towards the Blood Demon!

The other fire monkeys quickly followed suit, throwing balls of fireballs as if for free.

The flames quickly surrounded the Blood Demon!

"Haha...ha, the blood demon is nothing more than that, it doesn't live up to its name!"

Seeing the blood demon stopped, he seemed to be a little afraid of the flames.

The fire monkey immediately completely dissipated the fear in his heart. In order to boost morale, he even couldn't help but sneer.

I found that this blood demon is a bit exaggerated. In addition to the weird blood energy control that makes people intimidated,

It’s really not a big deal if you fight!

"That's right... Our Fire Monkey Clan is the nemesis of the Blood Demon!"

"Damn blood demon, you have killed so many of our clansmen, I will burn you to death!"

(cddf) "I heard that if you kill the blood demon, you will get the blood demon inner elixir, which is Holy Medicine for healing. You can also gain the power of blood control, control your own blood freely, and learn many secret skills!"

"Ha... Legend has it that the Shura Clan also relies on controlling blood. We fire monkeys can restrain the blood demons. Do you think we can also restrain the Xiuchuan tribe?"

Seeing that the situation was under control, a group of fire monkeys immediately returned to their racial nature,

His words became more and more arrogant, as if he could suppress the Shura Clan.

The other fire monkeys also nodded in agreement, not feeling anything wrong at all.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!"

The Sixth Grade Fire Monkeys were too lazy to say anything to them. How could these weaklings understand what the top ten races meant?

He just wants to kill this blood demon quickly and get back the target that may be on this blood demon!

"Narrow the encirclement, be careful not to let him out!"

The Sixth Grade Fire Monkey quickly gave the order, and the other Fire Monkeys could only obey the order and control the fire.

Step by step, the encirclement is reduced, "I want to completely kill this blood bank!"

"Shura Shen!"

The next second, a low and majestic voice seemed to sound in the void,

All the fire monkeys suddenly felt as if time had stopped and life ended at this moment!


Only the Sixth Grade Fire Monkey could barely see everything clearly.

The blood demon surrounded by them in the flames suddenly flashed and appeared behind him in an instant!

The blood light drew a big horizontal X in the void, and the blood light bloomed from every fire monkey,

Then all the fire monkeys, whether Fifth Grade or Fourth Grade, were instantly cut into four pieces!

The blood light suddenly appeared, coming to the blood demon like a pet and turning into a ball of blood!

Looking carefully, the fire monkey was not killed by the blood demon in front of him.

Instead, the blood in his body turned into a sharp X-shaped blade, cutting them off crosswise!

"How dare you, a lowly and humble ant, insult my noble Shura Clan?"

The blood demon raised his head slightly, and the strong wind ruffled his bloody hair.

The handsome cheeks are faintly showing a hint of cyan!


The Sixth Grade Fire Monkey took a deep breath and felt a chill on his neck.


Not the Blood Demon, but...the noble Shura Clan!!

This was the last thought in its mind, and then it realized that it was feeling cold.

It was not an illusion, but the neck was really cut off,

It was also cut off by the blood in his own body!


The stiff body fell to the ground, and blood flowed from the wound and merged into the man's body!

"Well...finally, I woke up!"

The man smiled slightly, with raised blue scales on his forehead.

He glanced around the battlefield evilly, and endless blood floated around him and turned into a ball.

Continuously refine Pure, and finally turn it into a palm-sized ball.

The man opened his mouth and swallowed it instantly!


After burping, the man's appearance changed rapidly.

Tiny, dense blue scales began to appear on the originally handsome Human Race face.

If you look carefully, you can see that there is a layer of faint golden lines on the edge of each scale!

The temperament of his body has changed drastically, and his green face and fangs give people a unique sense of beauty.

There is no ugly feeling like Ordinary Shura Clan men!

His aura is so noble that it can make Ordinary people feel ashamed when they see him!

"Human Race's body...finally worked!"

The man's body was in tatters, with blood scabs all over his body.

But his actions are full of elegance, and his speaking speed is neither too fast nor too slow.

He muttered lightly to himself, and stretched out his palm, which was still a human palm.

He couldn't help but be a little intoxicated, as if he finally got what he had dreamed of!

"The Lord of the Human Race, as well as the Advanced Talent...the legendary Holy Spirit inheritance, are all mine!"


Asura laughed arrogantly, the blood boiling and burning under his skin,

From every pore of the body, a small body seems to contain endless blood.

Transformed into a blood dragon with one leg outside the body!

Ferocious and terrifying, his temperament instantly turned into the ultimate evil again!

"What a genius of Human Race...he actually found me such an incredible body...well done!"

Asura is very satisfied with this body, and the more he looks at it, the more he likes it.

When I felt the divine power of the Holy Light within my body, I was completely shocked!

"Holy crap! This is... attribute divine power?? Holy light divine power?"

Asura was so excited that his whole body was shaking, and his green face turned red with excitement!

This body gave him too many surprises. The original mission was to use the opportunity of reincarnation to obtain a Human Race body.

But I didn't expect that the subordinate's mission was completed so perfectly. The body he found simply surpassed any strong person in the Human Race known so far!

"Attributed divine power...I will become a god in less than ten years, the chance is 100%!"

Asura was so excited that he could hardly speak clearly. He couldn't wait to continue exploring and developing new bodies.

He wanted to know what surprises were waiting for him!

"Holy Light Bone...the efficiency of using divine power is as high as 90%! It is indeed worthy of being called Holy Light Bone!"

"To Advanced Talent....infinite synthesis?? God help me!"

"Yeah? There are also forbidden dragon skills??"

The more he probed, the more Asura became excited.

This body shocked him

It's almost like a dream!

He could surpass his original goal at any point, but at this moment, one after another,

He simply couldn't imagine how such incredible talent and qualifications could appear in one body!

What is even more unimaginable is that such a heaven-defying body,

It’s actually his new body??

"Where is my king's blood demon? Why didn't you see it??"

After exploring around, Asura accepted the new body with satisfaction.

Then I was a little confused. He had arranged all the steps of reincarnation well.

After the reincarnation is successful, there will be dozens of blood Demon Race experts accompanying him to protect him.

But now he saw no trace of other blood demons, which suddenly made him feel a little strange.

But the surprise was too great, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Now all you need to do is ensure your own safety and grow up smoothly. Everything is over!

"Qingfeng should have already felt my position. Someone will definitely come to greet me within two months!"

"Now we just need to determine where this is...if it's a strong clan area, we still need to hide..."

After all his memories and thoughts were sorted out, Asura began to face his situation squarely.

Looking at the group of shriveled corpses on the ground, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

I have no idea what this group is, let alone where this place is.

"Let's make do with it for now..."

Asura rubbed his face, curled his lips and decided to lie down first.

Although he has great strength and status, he was born in the cruel Shura Clan.

I also climbed up from the bottom step by step. I don’t know how many times I have experienced more dangerous situations than today.

Naturally, there will not be the psychological baggage of those noble and strong men. In order to save their lives,

He can do anything!


Asura let out a low drink, and his face instantly changed again,

The green scales disappeared under the skin, revealing Lin Xiu's face again!

"The area of ​​the Human Race...should be near Wuzhangyuan. A person with at most one moon Qingfeng can find me!"

Asura murmured, quickly analyzing the situation in front of him.

After taking a look at the beggar-like decoration on his body, his heart moved but he did not clear it up.

Instead, his delicate face was stained with a little blood!

The surging aura on his body quickly faded, and he transformed into a Third Grade golden lord!

"There are also several Divine Weapons...This is Son of Fortune!"

Asura clicked his tongue in amazement, wondering how his subordinates got this body.

It is simply a Son of Fortune template, much better than the treatment he received when he rose from humble beginnings!

But now, it's all his!

"Don't suck blood too many times to prevent it from triggering a raid by the nearby big clans!"

"Find a place to hide first and concentrate on practicing!"

Asura glanced at the surrounding environment and quickly thought about his next action.

As the old Yinbi in the Shura Clan, he understands the true meaning of being the king.

I don’t know how many powerful people in the clan wish he could be reincarnated and disappear. Once they know that his true body appears,

If he can't protect everything, someone will come and attack him without his life!

Now is his weakest moment, everything must be safe!

"Yeah? A Secret Realm appears..."

Asura closed his eyes and used Shura Clan's unique exploration method, and soon couldn't help but open his eyes in surprise.

There was a bit of surprise on his face,

"And... Extreme Profundities fruit??"

I never expected that in this poor country-like place,

There is such a treasure, which makes him sigh that he is worthy of being called Son of Fortune.

This kind of treatment...is like a fortress!

"Recruit, Netherworld Wraith Emperor!"

Asura was so surprised that he didn't forget to use his body's skills and tried his best to occupy Human Race's body.

The main purpose is this unique lord Talent of Human Race, so naturally it cannot be abandoned!

Click click…………

The corpse of the Huo Hou Tribe on the ground shook for a while, as if the bones of a corpse that had been dead for thousands of years appeared through the skin.

Became the tyrannical Netherworld Wraith Emperor!

"Batch synthesis!"

Asura tentatively activated his talent, and the next second a group of Netherworld Wraith Emperors were instantly fused together!

[Get: Second Grade Rank Three Death KnightIv72]

"Second Grade Rank Three....With such attributes, he can be called a genius!"

Looking at the synthesized hero with satisfaction, Asura murmured to himself,

I couldn't help but feel more satisfied with this new body of my own.


After finishing everything, his figure turned into a line of blood and quickly disappeared.

Heading towards the destination quickly in concealment and darkness!

He paused briefly until he was in front of a twisted space, and then turned into blood mist and merged into the twisted space.

The distorted frequency of the follower's space trembles, and finally completely disappears in the forbidden rain!.

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