Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 133 Secret Realm Opens! Blood God Scripture! The Proud King Shura!

Not long after Lin Xiu left, several figures shot towards him like lightning.

Landing in the forest glade where the battle just took place, the tyrannical aura is intimidating!

"The Blood Demon...is really the trace of the Blood Demon!"

"Damn it! Why would a blood demon appear here?"

"It was rumored that the blood demons were exterminated thousands of years ago... Why are there still blood demons?"

"None of this is important, the key is to use that thing... it's probably in the hands of the Blood Demon!"

"What should I do? Now that the Secret Realm is about to open, the traces of the Blood Demon cannot be revealed..."

"Hmph! This blood demon is obviously seriously injured. He is recovering from crazy blood-sucking. His strength is only Fifth Grade. We can't even deal with a Fifth Grade blood demon?"

"Yes, I heard that you can get the Blood Demon's inner elixir by killing the Blood Demon, which is Holy Medicine for healing! I wonder if this is our chance!"

"The blood demon is running over there, chase!-"

Several lion-headed men looked at the traces of fire monkey activity and the dead bodies on the ground.

Suddenly I couldn't help but secretly cursed trash!

If other things hadn't held it back before, how could such an important matter be handed over to a group of lower races like the Huohou Tribe?

Naturally, there won’t be so many things happening!

After a brief inspection, several people quickly headed towards the direction where Lin Xiu disappeared.

Just chasing after each other, several people couldn't help but look a little weird,

When the trace completely disappeared into a twisted space, several lion-headed men suddenly looked at each other.

"This... the Blood Demon has entered the Secret Realm??"

A lion-headed man looked at his companion blindly, a little dumbfounded.

Damn, this Secret Realm hasn’t been opened yet, how did the Blood Demon get in??

"After all, the blood demon comes from the Shura Clan, which is ranked among the top ten...it is not impossible to have some special methods!"

Some people frowned and murmured to themselves,

"It's just now, what should we do??"

"I have no choice but to enter the Secret Realm to pursue it!"

"But...the quotas within the clan have been allocated, I'm afraid we won't be able to get in!"

"Let's find the young master... we can only entrust him!"

Several lion-headed men looked livid, never expecting that it was just a simple treasure hunt mission.

It has become so complicated.

First, the Water Monkey Tribe colluded with the Tree Demon to cause trouble in order to protect themselves, but by some strange combination of circumstances, they were attacked by the Blood Demon.

That's all. The Blood Demon looked in the wrong direction and failed to intercept the Hu.

But it just so happened that another Flying Tiger Clan appeared...

In the end, he went around and found an inconspicuous treasure, but it fell into the hands of the blood demon again!

Now the Blood Demon has entered the Secret Realm again. They have no strength but cannot enter.

I can only look at the ocean and sigh!

As a last resort, a few people had no choice but to look for the young master of the Lion Clan who was a participant in this Orc Clan event.

After paying a huge price, the young master of the lion clan finally agreed to help search for it some time.

Everything is settled, the Forbidden Forest is an area blocked by the orcs,

The young masters of the major King Clan of the Beast Clan gathered together,

In front of him is a twisted space magnetic field, like a huge vortex that is constantly rotating.

There is a faint fragrance leaking out from the whirlpool, which makes people feel refreshed after just sniffing it!

Eighteen young orcs with different heads are ready to go, quietly waiting for the Secret Realm to open.

Behind each of them, there is a group of followers of their own!

According to the rules of the orcs, the strong are qualified to recruit followers.

Followers and masters are dependent on each other for life and death!

In other words, the two ugly men from the beast tribe met for a duel,

It's not just a one-on-one challenge, but two people each with their own followers,

Let’s have a big melee!

The same goes for entering Secret Realm. Each player can lead all his followers into Secret Realm.

What kind of gains can be achieved not only tests their personal strength, but also

Also test the strength of your own follower team!

In addition to the eighteen orc King Clan young masters in the Secret Realm at this time,

And thousands of their followers!

There are all kinds of orcs in the dark waiting for the opening of Secret Realm!

Ten minutes later, the rotating vortex suddenly stopped,

Then it turned into a huge Secret Realm door!

"Secret Realm is on, rush!"

I don’t know who shouted loudly, and all the beasts were galloping in an instant!

Countless orc warriors rushed into the Secret Realm and disappeared into the Forbidden Forest!

At the same time, news of the opening of Secret Realm spread,

I can no longer hide it from other races nearby!

"It's the breath of Secret Realm!"

"Damn! A Secret Realm appears in the Forbidden Forest!"

"This is not an orc trial event at all, but to open the Secret Realm!"

"Damn it! The Forbidden Forest is shared by our three clans, so the environment should be shared by all three clans!"

"Come here, send the news back, there is a Secret Realm in the Forbidden Forest!"

"Damn it, it's too late! Secret Realm is opened, and many beasts and Human Race have surrounded it!"

Some strong men from other races nearby who were active in the Forbidden Forest instantly sensed this aura.

His face suddenly changed!

Reacting quickly, what Human Race did was clearly to cover up the appearance of the Secret Realm.

At this time, the dust has settled, and the beast Human Race has entered the Secret Realm and gained an advantage. Even if they find out, they will not have time to get a share of the pie!

But despite this, they quickly reported the news,

After all, in this resource-poor area, Secret Realm is an existence that every race attaches great importance to.

And usually, the Secret Realm must have extremely precious resources that cannot be produced by the outside world, and it is a battleground for every race!

News of the Secret Realm appearing in the Forbidden Forest quickly reached the ears of the two Lingfu clans.

Many other powerful races under the three tribes, such as Human Race, Ghost Race, Giant Human Race, etc., also received news.

Send people over quickly, even if you can't get the bulk,

It's also good to drink some soup.

For a time, the entire Forbidden Forest was bustling with activity, and from time to time, a powerful aura erupted,

Rush to a certain place quickly!

And on the other side, in the Secret Realm,

The young masters of the major King Clan of the Orcs, and their followers,

I was a little dumbfounded!


"Fuck...fuck! What's going on??"


In the Secret Realm, a group of strong beastmen just came in,

Looking at the messy grassland in front of me, my face was filled with astonishment. I saw everything on the grassland was in ruins.

The green grass is withered, the fir trees are broken, and various footprints are scattered messily on the grassland.

It was as if a huge battle broke out with thousands of troops just now, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air!

"This...didn't we agree that this is a spiritual grass Secret Realm?? Where is the spiritual grass??"

"Damn it!! My spiritual grass field!"

A tiger-headed man looked at the spiritual grass field with messy footsteps not far away, and the fresh Spirit Field soil was turned up.

The only three or two broken spiritual grasses left were swaying in the wind, as if they were telling the story of the atrocities that had occurred not long ago.

Such a miserable scene made him heartbroken.

I wish I could cut the damn grass thief into pieces!

"Damn it, who did this!?"

"Damn it, it must be the ferocious beast from Secret Realm! What a waste of nature! What a waste of nature!"

"What exactly happened here? Is it possible that there was a war between two groups of ferocious beasts?"

"Who knows? But obviously the harvest will be much lower!"

"If I had known this was the case here, I wouldn't have bothered to come here! It's a waste of time!"

A group of strong men with animal heads and human bodies were cursing, but with the idea of ​​​​taking peace of mind as they came,

It is better to lead his men towards the depths of the Secret Realm, hoping to see if there are any precious spirits that have been abused in the depths.

When the crowd dispersed, only one golden lion-headed orc remained.

Others don't know what's going on, but he knows it very well!

"The Blood Demon... is so arrogant, there is only one possibility!"

A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the lion-headed young master. According to other information obtained not long ago,

He can roughly deduce the strength and status of the blood demon!

"The highest number of kills of the Sixth Grade Fire Monkey...but it was just a sneak attack relying on the blood Demon Race's weirdness. The real strength is definitely not higher than that of the Sixth Grade!"

"And normally the blood demon doesn't even have time to hide himself. He will never suck blood unless absolutely necessary!"

"Not to mention being so unscrupulous, sweeping all the way without even bothering to clean up the tail...

"So, this is just a blood demon that was seriously injured and had to suck blood to save its life!"

"It can kill the Sixth Grade Fire Monkey with sneak attacks, but it can only move around the outside of the Forbidden Forest, which shows that it is close to its peak combat power!"

"I was even injured again in the battle with the Sixth Grade Fire Monkey, and had to hide in the Secret Realm to try to hide!"

The lion-headed man was full of confidence in his reasoning, because when others were still doubtful about the traces of blood demons appearing in the Forbidden Forest,

Because of the old Lion King's mission to renew his life, the lion-men are particularly concerned about the situation in the Forbidden Forest.

Naturally, he was also the first to identify the traces of the Blood Demon.

But after all, Secret Realm is about to appear. Adhering to the principle that doing more is worse than doing less,

They still didn't make any moves, not wanting to have too much contact with the blood Demon Race,

I just let them show weakness, but I didn't expect that they would have to take action in the end.

Before entering the Secret Realm, he had already learned that the Blood Demon had also entered the Secret Realm in advance!

Naturally, I have done a lot of research on the Blood Demon, and combined all the information,

Youshi Human Race think tank analyzed it and came to the same conclusion as him!

"Blood Demon Race can quickly recover from injuries by sucking blood, so don't give him too much time!"

"If someone comes, I'll chase you!"

Thinking of this, the lion-headed man shouted loudly,

Just lead a group of followers and run quickly in a certain direction.

Naturally, he did not choose randomly. Since he knew the information about the Blood Demon in advance,

Naturally, I did a lot of homework before coming in, so I could identify the tokens of blood factors left in the air.

It’s the key to finding the Blood Demon!

"The Fruit of Immortality... is not so easy to obtain, and you will definitely face a struggle in the end!"

"But as long as I kill the Blood Demon and control the Blood Demon's inner elixir with the healing Holy Medicine, I will definitely be able to stand out from a group of competitors!"

The lion-headed man's calculations were very loud, and each of their competitors had fought with each other more than once.

He knew each other's strength thoroughly, and he could definitely inflict serious injuries later to confuse others.

Then he secretly used the Blood Demon inner elixir to recover, and after the others were both injured in the final fight, he appeared with full strength.


You will definitely win the first round!

There is no problem with the calculation. Human Race’s simple mind can come up with such a plan.

It is already quite extraordinary.

It's a pity... He did all the calculations but failed to calculate the dimensions.

That's not an Ordinary blood demon...

Deep in the Secret Realm, a blood shadow sits cross-legged,

The carcasses of various animals were strewn all around, which looked creepy.

But when he got closer, he saw that it was clearly a figure wrapped in endless blood!

"Blood God Scripture!"

Lin Xiu sat cross-legged and started to activate the divine power in his body with a low voice.

At the same time, the blood wrapped around him suddenly became windless and automatically continued to refine and eliminate impurities.

The remaining essence and blood is integrated into the body, blending with the blood in his body,

Then it exudes through the pores of the skin and turns into a blood snake swimming around outside the body.

With every movement of divine power, the magazine is refined again!

The blood circulates again and again, constantly refining the magazine,

Each refining process will gradually reduce the pool of blood until finally only the blood needed by the normal human body is left.

All the blood enters the body, and no excess leaks from the pores at the end.

After running the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign for a total of three days, Lin Xiu’s face turned rosy when the exercise was over!

"Sure enough, rich blood food can maximize the improvement of the Blood God's Heavenly Scripture..."

Lin Xiu felt the divine power in her body with satisfaction, but after occupying this body for just two days,

The divine power has more than doubled!

The Blood God Scripture of the Apex Level Heaven Level technique, to the Platinum Lord, is like a rocket engine driving a small electric donkey.

If he were not worried that the exercise of power would destroy this fragile body, he would even be sure to break through the Diamond Lord within one day!

But just that, he was already very satisfied,

"Using the Blood Demon inheritance to seize the body, I guessed it right... This can perfectly combine the advantages of Shura, Blood Demon and Human Race!"

"The progress of cultivation is rapid, and there are no sequelae, which can completely solve the loyalty problem of subordinates..."

"Human Race is really a unique race... It's a pity that it was born too late, otherwise Human Race would definitely have a place in the top ten!"

Lin Xiu's handsome face looked a little more evil, but it was still the same face.

But it looks like an evil demon king, which is intimidating!

Stand up slowly, every move is full of grace,

Feeling the fluctuations of the Secret Realm outside and the looming feeling of being locked,

He couldn't help but smile evilly.

The Blood God Scripture is a Supreme Level technique exclusive to Asura King Clan.

Ordinary King Clan is not allowed to practice, and you must make great contributions to the Shura Clan.

With the permission of the ancestral gods of the Shura Clan, the group will be taught this skill!

Earth Rank Apex Level's Heaven Level skills, it is said that the gods of many small tribes can only get skills of this level at best.

Its power can be imagined!

Practicing this skill requires a large amount of blood.

Continuously refine the blood and remove all the magazines in the blood.

The first step for an Asura to practice this technique is to refine all the blood in the body into heart essence blood.

This is barely enough to get started!

Every subsequent practice is to purify the blood over and over again.

This is the key to Asura's mastery of blood!

But no matter how you purify it, blood is still blood.

No matter how you control it, the Blood Demon who was born from blood is more proficient and more convenient!

When the Blood Demon Race was created, the purpose was to further increase the speed of practicing the Blood God Scripture.

It is said that it also contains the ultimate secret of the Shura Clan’s spiritual powerhouses!

Therefore, the entire Shura Clan has entered into a process of frantically trying to fuse with the Blood Demon. Who can really achieve this step?

You will definitely be appreciated by the ancestors of the gods, and becoming a god in the future is not an extravagant hope!

Apparently, he has done it now!

And this is the first attempt, using the blood demon's natural control over blood,

They can easily collect a huge amount of blood, which even their Shura Clan cannot do!

Relying on this blood, practicing the Blood God Scripture can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

This time's practice alone was at least ten times more efficient than before!

"Another reckless guy came to our door..."

Lin Xiu stood up and looked into the distance. In the distance, he saw a lion-headed man walking around, seemingly trying to figure out the direction.

It looks particularly conspicuous.

"After killing these guys, the last bit of damage to the soul will be restored!"

Lin Xiu murmured to himself, he also felt a little confused,

This body was invaded by the blood demon and became its slave.

The whole journey of sucking blood has restored the body long ago, but it left some scars on the soul.

The majestic energy deliberately bypasses it every time, and I don't know what kind of plane it is.

He decided to recover from this injury first after killing this group of orcs.

Only in this way can we enter a truly prosperous state so that we can face the next challenges!

"It seems...forgot something? Death?".

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