Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 134 Shura Evil Light Slash! The Desperate Young Golden Lion Master!

"It seems...forgot something??"

However, after having this thought,

He felt vaguely uneasy, but when he thought about it carefully, he didn't know what the problem was.

The lion man and his followers on the other side were almost approaching, and he didn't bother to think too much.

In his previous life, he was one of the kings of the Shura Clan, a strong man who could be counted among the entire starry sky battlefield.

Naturally, he has unparalleled confidence and arrogance in the world, and he is sure to solve all troubles!

Deep in the Secret Realm, the young lion master is three meters tall.

His golden hair made his tall body look extremely majestic.

Feeling the token getting hotter, he suddenly felt happy!

"Be alert! The Blood Demon is nearby!"

As the strongest being of the younger generation of the current Lion Human Race, he has won the respect of the Lion King.

If we can successfully kill the Blood Demon today and get back the treasure that the Blood Demon took away from the Flying Tiger Clan,

After returning, he will definitely be appreciated by the old Lion King, so the next Lion King will take the throne.

It must be him!

Thinking of this, he suddenly became a little excited, and suddenly the temperature of the token in his hand rose rapidly.

He was immediately brought back to reality!

"We are approaching quickly? Are you treating me as blood food?"

After learning the blood demon's actions from the token, the lion-man young master, who was so proud and confident just now, suddenly became angry.

This damn blood demon is just a lost dog, but he still dares to be so arrogant!

"Bold Blood Demon, do you really think that I am the trash of those Fire Monkey Clan?!"

A blood shadow flashed rapidly in the distance, and the Lion King suddenly erupted with aura.

Transformed into a mighty golden lion, he roared and rushed forward to kill this damn blood demon!

"Such a strong aura... This is almost Seventh Grade, right??"

"Hiss! The young master came up and used Divine Body!?"

"So strong! Young Master's Divine Body has grown bigger again!"

"Yeah? That blood demon...why is he Fourth Grade?"

"Tsk, tsk, they are indeed the legendary blood demon clan! "940" but the Fourth Grade actually caused such a big disturbance!'

"Haha, I just killed some tree demons, fire monkeys and other garbage. Now I will definitely die when I meet the young master!"

"It's hard to say if they are at the same level, but if they are two levels apart, the Blood Demon will definitely die!"

The young lion master roared and transformed directly into a huge golden lion, with a powerful breath coming to his face.

Immediately, the eyes of the group of followers behind him were filled with enthusiasm and wonder, looking at their master with admiration.

Being able to follow the great young master of the Golden Lion Clan is a blessing they gained in their previous life!

Although the Blood Demon has a good reputation, it is more famous for its strange skills in controlling blood.

In real frontal battles, there were no outstanding results!

But the Golden Lion Clan is different. With their strong bodies, huge strength and strong blood,

Even if you fight against the top 100 races, you will not necessarily be weak!

What's more, the aura of the Blood Demon opposite was clearly that of Fourth Grade. Although it also made them feel palpitated,

But compared with the aura of Young Master Lion, it is like the difference between a small river and the sea!

No matter how weird the ability is, it is a joke in the face of the huge gap in strength!

"Suffer death!"

Young Master Lion obviously thought so too, feeling the other person's breath,

I was a little nervous before, but now I feel completely relieved!

With a ferocious laugh, he jumped up high and was about to kill the blood demon directly!

"Shura Shen!"

Even though Lin Xiu felt the lion's strong energy and blood and the aura that reached the peak of Sixth Grade,

His expression remained unchanged, and the speed and direction of his charge did not change at all.

When the two sides were about to come into contact, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Say three words lightly!


Just like the previous battle in the forest glade, blood shadows seemed to flash,

The golden lion jumped in the air. He didn't hit the enemy but felt a riot of blood in his body.

He immediately felt bad!


The young lion master shouted loudly, and all the energy and blood in his body instantly locked up.

This suppressed the blood riot, but he was strong enough to resist it.

Many of his followers do not have this strength!



"Young Master, save me..."



The endless screams behind him made him feel bad.

When he looked back at the bloody scene, his eyes were filled with tears!

"Damn Blood Demon, sleep!"

The young lion master stared angrily and roared angrily,

I saw that my subordinate had hundreds of followers, but at this moment, it seemed that he had turned into a purgatory on earth!

The blood that originally belonged to them turned into the sharpest blade at this moment.

Strike out from their bodies like a bright red Cross Slash knife,

Directly cut everyone into four pieces!

The screams came and went as quickly as they came, and endless blood overflowed from the corpses of hundreds of beasts, Human Race,

It condensed into Lin Xiu's hand and turned into a huge pool of blood!

For the first time, he truly saw the power of the Blood Demon, and finally understood that the Blood Demon Race was considered a scourge by countless races.

In a short period of time, countless powerful people were terrified of him!

The hundreds of followers under his command completely turned into beasts after just one encounter.

It seems like he has been dead for thousands of years!

"No...damn it!! I want you to die!!"

The golden lion's eyes were red, and he roared angrily,

Only by completely killing this damn blood demon can he vent his hatred!

"Golden Hammer!"

The lion roared angrily, and its huge body stood upright.

Qi and blood surged, divine power surged, and turned into a huge war hammer,

Hit the blood demon hard!

The surging divine power locked the Blood Demon, but when he hammered it down, it didn't even hit a hair.

The blood demon is as slippery as a loach, strolling under the hammer,

But no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't even touch one of his sides!

The tyrannical divine power that I am proud of is locked, but the opponent does not know how to be immune to it!


The golden lion smashed the war hammer angrily, smashing the nearby environment beyond recognition.

However, it had no effect at all, and it made him angry and mad!

"Damn Blood Demon, can you just hide!?"

The angry lion roared with all his power,

But he couldn't even touch the edge of a Fourth Grade enemy. This feeling drove him crazy!

It was originally just a comment out of anger, but the other party's reaction was unexpected!

"Don't hide? What can you do to me?"

Lin Xiu put his hands behind his back and stopped, but with a height of 1.8 meters, he still had to look up to see the whole golden lion.

The faint smile hanging on the corner of the mouth is so arrogant!

The black eyes seemed to contain the entire galaxy, making him feel the urge to kneel down and worship!

"Don't hide? If you don't hide, one strike from me will be enough to kill you!"

The golden lion was stunned for a moment, and forced himself to break free from the strange feeling of this word.

Roaring and raising the war hammer!


Lin Xiu still smiled slightly, a trace of nostalgia flashed in her eyes,

"Once upon a time, I also faced a battle between Fourth Grade and Sixth Grade... I didn't expect to encounter it again today!"

"That's all, let's just review it!"

The long black hair instantly turned blood red, and some blue-gold scales sprouted on the handsome cheeks.

A touch of cyan appeared on Lin Xiu's forehead, and his whole aura changed!

"Hiss!! This is......pretending to be a ghost!"

The golden lion looked at the changed enemy and suddenly shuddered for some unknown reason.

There was an inexplicable uneasiness in my heart, as if I was not facing a Fourth Grade blood demon.

But a... great and invincible demigod!

"It's impossible...it's all an illusion! Die!"

Divine Body leaped high and raised its war hammer,

As if he wanted to smash the uneasiness rising in his heart for no reason, he smashed it down with a ferocious expression!

"Savage Beast Human Race...Fighting skills are almost non-existent!"

Lin Xiu looked at the orc who was furious and could only use brute force to hit him. He couldn't help but shook his head and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Fan Jin didn't retreat in a flash, and stepped forward directly!

The power of wielding a war hammer may seem astonishing, but once an enemy gets close to you, 80% of your strength will be reduced!

To fight a weak enemy with a strong one, you must look for the enemy's weaknesses.

Use your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses!

"Haha, good time!"

However, when he stepped forward and came to the belly of the lion Human Race,

The arrogant, incompetent and furious lion laughed in surprise, revealing a smile that showed a successful plot.

"Lion King Fist!"

The golden lion war hammer instantly transformed into a giant bell to surround itself, which not only greatly enhanced the earth's defense, but also

At the same time, it also traps the enemy around him, greatly restricting his flexible movement!

At the same time, he punched out hard, driving the surging divine power to form a vortex in the fist wind.

A pulling force entangles the enemy, forcing the enemy to snap his fist!

"How can the savage beast Human Race be so cunning?"

Lin Xiu was surprised, secretly Dao Guo couldn't underestimate anyone,

This little lion Human Race actually used incompetence and rage to cover up. If he was accidentally fooled, he would face this guy's fist as big as a sandbag.

If it had been any other Fourth Grade strongman, he would have been beaten to pieces by this punch!

But he is naturally not an Ordinary Fourth Grade strongman. To attack like this,

It can only make him slightly surprised!

I didn't see how he moved, his body just swayed slightly.

The young lion master's punch missed him strangely, and the fierce wind of the punch had no effect except blowing up his hair!

"What? How is it possible!?"

The fatal punch was inexplicably dodged.

The young lion’s jaw almost dropped in shock!

Looking at Lin Xiu's figure in disbelief, he was still within five meters of him.

But it seems so far away!

Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't figure out how to escape. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable!

"Lion King Fist!"

The young lion master punched out again without believing in evil. This time he even used Spiritual Sense to lock on.

The fist wind vortex extended out of Lin Xiu Entanglement, but when the fist actually fell,

It was another strange passing by!

"Damn! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The young lion master's face was ashen, and he punched out one punch after another without believing in evil.

However, no matter how hard he tried, a Fourth Grade weakling who was usually not noticed by him at all,

But he managed to dodge one blow after another strangely. He was panting for a long time, but he didn't even touch the opponent's skin!

"Impossible...who are you...what kind of movement is this??"

Panting, the young lion master couldn't help but let out a little fear,

With such terrifying movement skills, even if he is a fool


This person's background is definitely not trivial, and his strength is definitely not as simple as Fourth Grade.

Absolutely terrifyingly high!

He even felt that his king, the Twelfth Grade strongman Golden Lion King, probably did not have such weird movement skills.

We can't even do anything to this person!

"Little lion, are you tired now?"

Lin Xiu looked at the Big Mac next to him with great interest, his playful eyes seemed like he was teasing the neighbor's children with his amiable eyes.

There was no malice in his eyes, but the golden lion looked at it with a chill in his heart!

"You...what do you want to do??"

The young master of gold stuttered and backed away, and quickly removed the golden bell transformed from the giant hammer.

His eyes were looking left and right, and he was already planning to escape!

This human being is obviously not as tall as his thigh, but at this moment, he seems to be looking down at him strangely!

This feeling made his heart tremble!

"Wait...Human?? You are a human?? Not a blood demon!?"

Suddenly, the young master of the golden lion seemed to have thought of something,

He screamed in disbelief, thinking that this person was a blood demon.

But at this moment, I suddenly woke up. This was obviously the annoying Human Race next door!

"Haha, you know too much!"

Lin Xiu smiled faintly, and suddenly her expression changed.

The cold murderous intention burst out, and what followed was his body like a ghost!

"Hiss! No good... get out!"

The golden lion instantly felt his hair standing on end, and felt tingling sensations all over his body.

The ominous premonition made him a little hysterical, and all his divine power condensed on his hair.

The golden hairs stood up like golden needles!


This move worked as expected, and the ghostly figure stopped,

Frowning at the golden needles on his body, he seems a little unsure of where to start...

"Orcs, do you still have this kind of method?"

The enemy looked strange and muttered to himself, instantly making Golden Lion Xiu's face turn red.

From the outside, where is there any trace of the domineering and majestic appearance of the Golden Lion Clan?

I’m afraid some people believe him when he says he has become a giant hedgehog!

But in order to save his life, he didn't care about his face.

Holding back the shame in his heart, he turned around and wanted to run away.

"It tastes delicious...you still want to run?"

Lin Xiu took a greedy sip. The young lion master's rich and pure blood was the best quality he had ever seen in this time.

If he can be eaten, he will be able to break through to the Diamond Lord tomorrow!

Naturally, you can’t let go of such a great supplement!

"Shura Evil Light Slash!"

Lin Xiu let out a low drink and swiped the White Jade Bone Knife in his hand.

The next second, the golden lion suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart. When he saw the crescent-like sword lights appearing,

He suddenly felt like he had fallen into an ice cave!

"Hiss!! This... this... what is this??"

The palm-sized crescent moon appeared with a blazing white sword light,

Wrapping the golden lion all over, the sword light 1.5 chopped it down lightly.

He is a powerful man at the top of the Sixth Grade, but his powerful divine power is like tofu.

The golden hair wrapped in it was cut off like tofu by the light of Crescent Blade!

The hair that symbolized coercion and domineering was chopped off cleanly in an instant!

"You... you... you... damn, you... I will fight with you!!"

The cool breeze came, and the young lion master gave a chill,

Looking at the hair all over the floor and myself being naked, my eyes suddenly turned red with anger!

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

The majestic young master of the Lion Clan was actually shaved off.

This is simply unreasonable!

"Fight? No need!"

Lin Xiu couldn't help laughing when he looked at the big lion that had been stripped of its hair.

Facing the lion who lost his mind and turned around to fight for his life, his steps were still graceful.

"The delicious blood, waiting for one more second is a blasphemy..."

There was a trace of obsession on Lin Xiu's charming and handsome face, as if she was talking to a lion or to herself,

The White Jade Bone Knife in the hand gently slid in the void, and correspondingly, moonlight slashes struck the young master Lion,

Bring a bunch of blood flowers!


When wounds appear and blood explodes,

The young lion master seemed to understand something, and immediately let out a frightened and desperate scream,

But it's already too late!

The next second, he lost control all over his body.

The destruction of his divine power and the appearance of wounds reduced his control over blood to its lowest point!

For Blood Demon, this state is undoubtedly an Apex Level buff!

The strength of the Sixth Grade can no longer resist the Blood Demon's natural talent!


Streams of blood spurted out from every wound of the lion,

Like ferocious giant snakes, the young lion shuddered when he saw him!

He opened his mouth to say something to write, but the rapid loss of strength in his body prevented him from even making the last move!

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