Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 135: Take Advantage Of The Situation! The Frightened Third Prince!


The huge body shrank by more than half, and the severed golden hair next to the corpse revealed the identity of the corpse!

"Sure enough, the blood of those with strong bodies tastes the most beautiful..."

Lin Xiu took a deep breath and murmured intoxicatedly,

Like a nobleman preparing for a meal, he elegantly stretches out his right hand with an almost perfect posture,

Give it a good pinch!


The body of the golden-haired lion was instantly stretched open by the blood in his body, and the blood of hundreds of orcs from all directions disappeared like streams flowing into the sea.

Turned into a huge blood ball and enveloped him!

"Blood God Scripture!"

Lin Xiu gave a low drink, sat cross-legged and began to refine blood energy again.

Refining every drop of blood into the purest blood essence!

Ordinary creatures only have single digits of blood and essence in their entire body. Every drop lost is a serious loss of vitality.

However, the Blood God Scripture can make the whole body full of essence and blood.

Its combat power, energy, endurance, etc. are powerful, one can imagine!

And having more essence and blood is not only a powerful battle burst and high battery life, but more importantly, an improvement in recovery ability.

The injuries can be recovered instantly, even the injuries to the soul can be recovered quickly.

It is even said that when the blood essence is refined to a certain level, one can even be reborn with blood!

Even if you are killed by someone, as long as there is a drop of blood that is not wiped out,

You can achieve rebirth through this drop of blood!

The power of the Blood God Scripture can be understood in retrospect!

Lin Xiu was sitting cross-legged at this time. The refined blood was not used to repair Soul Refining power.

Instead, he was guided into the sea of ​​consciousness space, where,

There is an enlarged version of Lin Xiu, standing quietly like a sculpture.

The eyes are closed tightly, but there is a terrifying crack between the eyebrows!

It was as if a knife had cut the head in half!

"What a powerful soul... at least twice as powerful as an ordinary person's!"

Lin Xiu looked at this sculpture of his in amazement, his eyes filled with joy and satisfaction.

The results of the blood demons are a bit beyond imagination. It was just an attempt.

Thinking that if you can take a human body at will, you will be successful!

With the strength of His Highness, the Third Highness of the Shura Clan, even a human with terrible qualifications can

He is also confident of returning to his former peak!

Then hand over the results to the ancestor, and becoming a god will be a matter of course!

But he never expected that the result would be millions of times better than he thought!

The body that the Blood Demon found for him far surpassed any existence in the Human Race that he had known before!

Whether it is body, talent or opportunity, including the soul that I have just seen now,

It all shocked him!

It was so perfect that it had almost no shortcomings. He even wondered if all this was a dream.

How could such a character be easily defeated?

But the facts are before our eyes, such a character has really been dealt with!

Now he only needs to repair the last bit of soul damage, and then refine the sculpture of his soul.

He can completely occupy the magpie's nest, and this body will completely become his!

"Blood God Essence, go!"

Lin Xiu's heart was surging, and she stretched out her hand,

Pure's essence and blood energy quickly poured into the wound of the soul sculpture!

Thick blood essence was poured onto the soul sculpture, and the huge sculpture instantly trembled.

The closed eyes trembled slightly, as if they were coming to life!


Lin Xiu was shocked and secretly alerted,

"Let me see... what kind of existence you are, to have such a perfect body!"

Seizing a body has been a taboo secret technique since ancient times.

It’s incredibly dangerous to use!

It is necessary to use the soul body to forcefully enter other people's bodies and forcibly erase the enemy's consciousness, leaving only Pure's soul body.

Then use the power of your own soul to refine it, and then merge it with the enemy's soul energy to take on the appearance of the enemy.

In the end, it will take a long time to get in touch with the body step by step and subtly affect the perception of the body.

Until the soul and body are completely united in the end!

It seems simple, just three simple steps,

But every step involved is extremely dangerous. When the strength is not much different, the secret technique of seizing the body is used.

Almost lifeless!

The most basic requirement is that one's own strength must be at least three realms higher than the target of the spell to have a slight chance of success.

If the enemy is good at souls, he will need at least five realms to have any hope!

And this is just the most basic requirement.

In fact, the physical body seems extremely fragile in battle, but for a pure soul body, it is incredibly powerful.

While protecting your own soul, you can also imprison and seal the enemy's soul!

If you want to enter the enemy's body and defeat the original soul, even if you reach the level of a demigod, you will have to be 90% sealed in an instant!

However, he did not simply seize the body, but created the blood demon himself through seizing the body.

And then enter the opponent's body through the inheritance given by the blood demon,

After the opponent uses the inherited power and gradually adapts to the opponent's body,

This is the main reason why he can easily occupy the body without any resistance!

Without the danger of the first step, the subsequent steps will be much safer.

Now as long as he repairs his soul body, he can awaken the original consciousness of the body that he suppressed!

Then wipe out his consciousness and leave only Pure energy, and he can easily occupy the magpie's nest.

With these few days of running-in, there won’t even be any physical rejection!

Next, while practicing, you silently transform your soul body into your own body, Primordial Spirit.

Then it will be considered as a complete seizure of the body!

He has full confidence in this step!

After all, as the third prince of the Shura Clan ranked among the top ten Myriad Races in the world, his strength and cultivation are unfathomable.

Before his reincarnation, he could suppress the entire Human Race by himself!

Although the strength is no longer there after reincarnation, the energy of the soul is still beyond ordinary people's imagination!

Without being suppressed, even if a strong Tenth Grade man comes here,

It can also be easily wiped out!

How much more to deal with a mere Fourth Grade platinum lord?

Although this lord seems to be the Son of Fortune from Human Race....but so what?

"Come out, Lin Xiu!"

In the Spiritual Sense space, the inexplicable atmosphere is a bit strange.

One Lin Xiu stood at the feet of another Lin Xiu, calling Lin Xiu to come out.


Endless blood and essence poured into the wound, and the power of the essence and blood caused the wound on the soul sculpture to slowly heal.

As the wounds gradually healed, the sculpture's closed eyes began to tremble slightly.

A strange movement sounded in the seemingly endless soul space!


A sigh came from the mouth of the huge sculpture,

This made the expression of 'Lin Xiu' at his feet suddenly change slightly!

"I have just learned the Blood God Scripture and Shura combat skills...what do you think you are so anxious about??"

Sculpture Lin Xiu opened her eyes helplessly, looking down at the trumpet "Lin Xiu" that represents the body with depression.

I feel a little sad in my heart.

This man who occupies a magpie's nest, just by feeling his temperament, it is obvious that he is not an ordinary person.

Seeing him show off his hands a little bit made him even more shocked!

Looking at this guy, he seems to want to take over his body, carefully helping to polish his body and help with training...

The progress was so fast that Lin Xiu was stunned!

The Shura combat skills performed inadvertently made Lin Xiu feel like Divine Insight.

My understanding of Dragon War and Immortal Divine Fist has improved by leaps and bounds!

The appearance of this person who is suspected to be a big figure in the Shura Clan, even if he walks casually, it is like a dimensionality reduction blow.

It can benefit him a lot!

Not to mention fighting when he was practicing. The practice of the Blood God Scripture just now,

Lin Xiu can be said to be addicted to it and unable to extricate himself!

Later, he used his Fourth Grade strength to fight head-on against the Lion Human Race, who was at the peak of the Sixth Grade. His combat prowess and use of divine power showed,

Lin Xiu's eyes were opened to all kinds of steps and combat skills that lasted for several years!

It is no exaggeration to say that I only watched two of this person’s performances.

Just let Lin Xiu, who has already surpassed countless combat skills at the same level, reach a higher level again!

This kind of display, which is more terrifying than a personal demonstration by a peak demigod, brings about an improvement beyond imagination!

Originally, he felt that something was wrong when the blood demon inheritance appeared and started to seize the body, and he was ready to expel it.

But when this man showed his superhuman fighting skills, Lin Xiu hesitated.

After a little thought, he immediately decided on a plan and simply faked his death, hid it and handed his body over to this person.

Hiding behind the scenes and quietly absorbing nutrients, I will learn everything thoroughly in the future.

It's not too late to expel him.

I just didn't expect that it would be discovered so quickly...

"Huh? What a good boy, you are indeed worthy of being called the Son of Fortune of Human Race!"

‘Lin Xiu’ frowned slightly and looked at the true master who had merged into his soul.

Even he was a little shocked. This person was just a platinum lord.

It’s actually possible to perfectly awaken the soul body??

"You deliberately hide behind and learn combat skills secretly... You are really clever!"

"It's a pity... ants can't conquer the sky. It's your fate to be devoured and refined by this king!"

Although he was frightened, he was not panicked. Given the absolute disparity in strength, all the enemy's resistance was in vain.

This body is decided by him!

Even if there is physical restraint and rejection, with his strength, he is sure to take over all the Sixth Grade strong men.

What's more, there is only a Fourth Grade in front of me, and I am not rejected at all!

"Want to learn the Blood God Scripture and Shura combat skills? Why not give them all to you?"

He walked forward calmly, his body inflating step by step like he was blowing up a balloon.

Soon it expanded to the same size as Lin Xiu's sculpture, looking at each other calmly,

His eyes are full of confidence and pride!

He stretched out his hand, and a ball of essence and blood appeared in front of him, floating quietly.

It contains all his understanding of the Blood God Scripture and Shura combat skills!

"What's yours is mine!"

"For the sake of your status as a person, the Sleepy King will give you a chance!"

"Cooperate and let me devour you. I promise to leave a trace of your consciousness. When I become a god in the future, I will find you a Prodigy body from Shura Clan and give it to you!'

"And I can accept you as my first general, and even accept you Human Race as my subordinate, to help your Human Race surpass the top 100 Myriad Races in the world!"

The fake ‘Lin Xiu’ opened his hands and his face gradually changed into a green-faced and fanged Asura.

And he has always been characterized by ugly men and beautiful women. Although he has a green face and fangs, he is not ugly at all!

The gold-rimmed blue scales are full of nobility, and the temperament on his body is also unparalleled.

It’s like a god descending into the world!

He looked at Lin Xiu sincerely and extended an invitation!

It must be said that the conditions he offered were extremely generous, and the sincerity in his tone made Lin Xiu believe that he was not lying.

Once you agree to him, you only need to give up your body,

In the future, he will also be a peak demigod


And with the help of His Highness Shura Clan, a future god,

The Human Race will also rise, and we no longer need to look at the Eldar's eyes.

The current predicament is solved in an instant, and it will be easy to enter the Myriad Races in the future!

Such conditions can no longer be described by the word "rich".

It’s so rich that even Lin Xiu can’t help but feel excited!

If it weren't for the decaying pursuit of the Human Race, which caused him to lose some sense of belonging to the Human Race in this world,

Maybe he really wants to agree!

"How about it? Such a price will definitely not be lower than your body!"

His Highness put his hands behind his back, quietly waiting for Lin Xiu's reply.

He also has his own calculations.

He is bound to get the body!

It's not a price tag, but this man's luck is the pride of heaven.

But he was quite interested in his understanding of the forbidden dragon skills.

It is enough to show that this person's future achievements will not be too low. If he is carefully cultivated by himself,

It is not impossible to replace Qing Feng as his first general in the future!

More importantly, he discovered the Human Race, a race with weak strength but extremely terrifying potential!

Even without this incident, he would have made a decision long ago,

When the strength is restored in the future, Human Race must be included in the bag!

Because the Human Race has only existed for a few thousand years, but it has grown extremely rapidly.

Already have top experts below the level of gods!

This growth rate is terrifying!

Moreover, they reproduce very quickly. It is said that there are already three thousand Star Domains in the race’s habitat.

The population base is like the number of sands in the Ganges!

With a huge population base, it is almost inevitable that outstanding people will be born.

However, a spiritual tribe attached to District 273 has developed so rapidly.

If he is paid by him, the strength and prestige of the Shura Clan,

He is fully confident that he can double the strength and power of the Human Race in just a thousand years!

When the time comes, with the support of Human Race,

His power will also grow unprecedentedly, which will greatly help him become a god in the future!

He didn't think Lin Xiu would refuse this win-win situation.

"What an exciting offer...can you make me a god?"

Lin Xiu sighed with emotion and asked seriously.

Ashura's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but look gloomy.

Damn, he hasn’t become a god yet. You ask me if I can make you a god?

I want to eat shit!

"That won't work. I have only one goal, which is to become a god!"

Lin Xiu smacked his lips in regret. If he really had the power to make himself a god,

He really wanted to agree and forget it.

After all, how can you still stand when you are lying down?

How tiring!

Asura was choked, he said this,

Whose goal is not to become a god??

"If you lose your life, what will you use to form an array?"

Asura looked gloomy and spoke slowly.

"Let's try it!"

Lin Xiu was noncommittal and had obviously rejected his proposal.


Asura laughed angrily, with a trace of killing intent flashing in his eyes,

As the third highness of Shura Clan, he naturally has his own arrogance and invincible self-confidence.

Recruiting people in person is something that has not been done for thousands of years.

I didn’t expect to be rejected now!

But since I refused, there will be no second chance.

No matter how strong your subordinate is, Xi is still your subordinate!

If you dare to refuse, you will have no choice but to die!

"In that case...then die!"

Asura's face turned cold, his eyes flashed with murderous intent,

The offensive was launched instantly!

The huge body soars into the sky and turns into a ball. Pure energy is directly injected into the sculpture Lin Xiu's inner body.

This is a battle between souls to erase Lin Xiu's consciousness.

It must be crushed and destroyed with the absolute advantage of the soul, so as to avoid future troubles forever!

"Then it depends on your ability!"

Lin Xiu couldn't help but marvel at the enemy's invasion inside his soul like clouds.

It seems that the Third Highness is not bragging. Such a powerful soul is beyond his imagination!

But he is no match for other strengths, and I want to erase his soul...

The last person who wanted to do this was already lying on his back!


Lin Xiu did not quarrel with him. The strength of both parties was not of the same level at all.

In a head-to-head confrontation, he will only die!

"Where to go!"

Asura could naturally see where Lin Xiu was leading him, but his invincible strength made him fearless!

The huge and strong soul followed closely, transmigrating all the way directly to the altar space!

It was a shrine emitting a faint white light, and its shape looked more like an eyebrow bone.

But the moment he saw it, Asura's liver and gallbladder burst into tears!


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