Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 136 The Inheritance Of Heavenly Dipper! Divine Power +100,000!

"To... Supreme Bone!?"

"No...how could it be Supreme Bone??"

"How could you have Supreme Bone!?"

Asura's face suddenly changed, and he shouted in horror,

His eyes instantly changed from confident to frightened and desperate. The moment he saw this altar,

He already knows his ending!

Even if he is as powerful as the Third Highness of the Shura Clan, he has no idea of ​​survival in his heart!

It was obvious that he, with his extraordinary origins, knew this thing beyond imagination!


Lin Xiu was a little surprised. He didn't even know what Supreme Bone was.

There is no data introduction for Holy Light Bone, let alone the higher-level Supreme Bone.

His knowledge of it was limited to its name,

And the last time it was attacked by a domain expert in the Blue Star Magic City, it exploded with terrifying power.

Directly kill the powerful Primordial Spirit instantly!

A strong man in the field has no room for resistance under Supreme Bone.

Without saying a word, the Primordial Spirit will be extinguished!

Unexpectedly, he actually knew this so-called Shura Clan Third Highness, and seemed to know its power very well.

"No...impossible...how could Supreme Bone appear in the lower world??"

Asura didn't seem to hear Lin Xiu's words, he just looked closely at the white jade bone that resembled a altar and smiled miserably.

His eyes were full of shock, jealousy and envy, and more,

But it is despair and helplessness!

"Supreme Bone is used as a altar...Holy light and divine power, as well as Holy Spirit Treasure Book, Divine Blood Scripture...hehe...haha..."

His Highness the Third Highness smiled desperately, and his huge soul body exuded a trembling and despairing pressure.

But at this moment, it was as if all his strength had been taken away from him, and he fell limply to the ground.

No thought of resistance at all!

"Don't you try to struggle?"

Lin Xiu asked curiously, he couldn't activate the Supreme Bone thing either.

It can only be activated by external stimulation. He is very curious about how powerful this thing can be.

At this moment, looking at His Highness the Third, who was paralyzed by fear, he became even more curious.

It seems that I still underestimated this thing. It was able to scare a big shot from one of the top ten races in Myriad Races to the point where he had no power to resist.

It’s really a bit exaggerated!


His Highness the Third Prince looked at Lin Xiu like an idiot, feeling so unwilling in his heart!

I want to be famous all my life and rise from the bottom,

Counterattack all the way up, killing countless powerful enemies,

After repeated defeats and repeated defeats, in the end, he relied on his unparalleled perseverance to survive everyone. Prodigy finally succeeded in breaking through to demigods at the age of 9,900.

With his accumulated experience and unimaginable combat power, he became the Third Prince of the Shura Clan and reached the highest level!

What followed was a smooth journey, killing many powerful men of the same level.

He has made great contributions to the Shura Clan, and has won the respect of the Shura Clan’s spiritual masters.

Later, he presided over the development of the blood Demon Race that could change the fate of the Shura Clan. Finally, with great courage, he personally reincarnated and experimented.

Today, countless years later, he finally reincarnated successfully. He can only wait to return to Shura Clan and become the supreme king of Shura Clan!

In the future, with the support of the whole family, I can achieve breakthroughs and become gods in one fell swoop!

For such a Prodigy character, I never thought I could get the Supreme Bone.

But this ant-like weakling in front of me, the human race, the human race, exists.

The strength is no more than a Fourth Grade piece of trash, how can He Dehe possess Supreme Bone??

“Do you know what Supreme???”

His Highness the Third Prince collapsed to the ground weakly, looking at Lin Xiu with complicated eyes.

Without too many words, just the word ‘Supreme’,

This is enough to show how terrifying this thing is!

"So, have you given up?"

Lin Xiu nodded thoughtfully, making some guesses about the origin of this thing.

"If you don't give up, what can you do?"

His Highness the Third Highness smiled miserably with complicated eyes, and looked at Lin Xiu hesitantly.

"Sure enough, being the son of destiny is not that easy..."

Asura was extremely depressed. He felt everything was like a dream before.

Now when I look at it, it turns out... I am really dreaming!


Without giving him much time, the breath belonging to foreign objects entered the most important place in the Holy Spirit Body,

That should belong to the Supreme Bone, and it is also the depth of the soul that will be used to build the altar when one becomes a god in the future.

Suddenly a terrifying aura erupted!

The blazing white flame burned, and Supreme Bone seemed to be stimulated and awakened,

The terrifying flames erupted, like a star exploding!

The pure white dazzling light illuminated the infinite space, and Lin Xiu felt a surge of heat in his head.

As if the head had been stretched many times, the fog of nothingness in the space of the altar was dispersed by white light.

The space of the altar has been expanded countless times!

"I didn't expect that this king would die here..."

The Third Highness laughed miserably, although he had already thought of his own ending the moment he saw Supreme Bone.

But when this scene really happened, I was still so unwilling and helpless!

"Lin Xiu...fulfill my last wish, and I will give you an opportunity!"

Suddenly, the Third Prince gritted his teeth and looked deeply at Lin Xiu,

He made a decision that even he thought was crazy!

"I will give you the entire Heavenly Dipper Palace of Shura Clan and all the forces under my command. As long as you become a god in the future and kill one person for me..."

"Are you going to do it or not?"

His Highness the Third Highness has a green face and fangs, his face is burning wantonly,

The temperament on his body is still elegant and aristocratic, without the hysteria before his death.

I didn’t want to die with Lin Xiu, I just poured all my life’s learning into a blood cell.

Staring at Lin Xiu with bright eyes, the blood cells quickly pushed towards Lin Xiu!


Lin Xiu felt the amazing aura of the blood cells in front of her, and couldn't help but feel her heart beat.

The blood cells integrated into his body with an unstoppable trend, which contained the lifelong learning of His Highness the Third Prince!

Perfect understanding of the Blood God Scripture, the ultimate Shura combat skills, and all his understanding and deduction of blood control techniques!

All of them were given to Lin Xiu. This act of not only not being hysterical at the moment of death, but also packaging up what he had learned throughout his life and giving it to the murderer.

Lin Xiu couldn't understand, but was shocked.


When the white light came, His Highness showed a strange smile,

There is a bit of ridicule on the face, but also a bit of hatred and unwillingness,

What is more, it is powerlessness and despair!

"How can the enemy of this king survive to this day?"

White light engulfed him, and an arrogant and unruly tone came from it,

"Only God is worthy of being my enemy!"


Lin Xiu suddenly took a breath of cold air and opened her mouth to curse.

However, seeing the white light shining through the blank space that instantly disappeared, I couldn't help but swallow the words that came to my lips.

Looking at the empty space of the altar, Lin Xiu was silent for a long time.

I have known this legendary figure for a short time. From the time I used Blood Demon inheritance to heal my injuries,

When the crisis arose, he who should have been confused by the killings benefited from his second life and the reminder of the Holy Heart.

Suddenly wake up at the critical moment!

I wanted to exorcise the inner demons and regain my mind, but I sensed the looming terrifying aura.

He temporarily changed his mind and simply hid it completely and handed over his body!

The result was unexpected. The person who took over the body was not the strong blood demon as imagined.

But a big shot in the legendary Shura Clan!

Your Highness Heavenly Dipper!

This can be said to be a legendary figure of the Shura Clan. He is unparalleled in battle.

He was not outstanding at that time, and even suffered countless defeats when he was young.

It was not until he was three thousand years old that he gradually emerged from the Shura Clan, and his combat power soared, defeating many Prodigy in the same realm.

But his reputation wasn't very good at that time.

Because those Prodigy...most of them are under a thousand years old!

There are even many who are less than 100 years old!

Although the reputation is gradually spreading, it is not very good.

Known as a typical example of bullying the small.

It’s just that as time goes by, this ‘old Prodigy’ keeps making great progress,

With strong momentum, he defeated one strong person of the same realm one after another, and as his opponent,

The age gap also gradually narrowed...until he was nine thousand years old,

Finally broke through the shackles in one fell swoop and became a demigod of the Shura Clan!

Standing in the same realm as the person he couldn't look up to when he was young,

And defeat it forcefully!

After that, Heavenly Dipper became famous in one battle,

He became a legend of the Shura Clan and was valued and rewarded by the gods.

Was given the name Third Highness!

Established the Heavenly Dipper Palace, with countless followers,

He is even listed as a strong contender for the next Shura Emperor!

The Blood Demon Rebellion that later resounded throughout the Starry Sky Battlefield was said to be caused by this strong man!

Just three thousand years ago, this legendary figure was said to have entered a state of seclusion in order to attack the gods.

Once successful, Emperor Shura can be replaced.

Become the top ten supreme beings in the entire starry sky battlefield!

It’s just that no one thought that this top person among the gods,

He was able to abandon his demigod cultivation and ten thousand years of hard work, and directly go deep into reincarnation and turn into a blood demon with great courage.

He also uses the body of the Blood Demon to plot human bodies, and his plans are simply beyond imagination.

Once it is revealed, I am afraid that the entire Myriad Races will be in an uproar!

However, success is reincarnated and failure is reincarnated.

No one can know that this great and supreme being,

He unexpectedly fell silently during the reincarnation process, or fell into the hands of a platinum lord who was almost certain to win over him!

"Such a magnificent life...it's not a waste of time to live this life!"

Lin Xiu slowly opened his eyes and browsed through the life of this important man like a horse watching a lantern.

As if countless years had passed, a trace of vicissitudes of life flashed in his eyes,

The face that was a little childish before now has a hint of maturity and...the nobility and elegance that belongs to Heavenly Dipper!

"Heavenly Dipper Palace is good...but compared to other enemies at the Divine Spirit Level, isn't it a bit too stingy??"

Being semi-forced to accept the entire inheritance of Heavenly Dipper, Lin Xiu was also a little depressed.

Who can refuse the entire inheritance of a peak demigod?

Heavenly Dipper is indeed worthy of his reputation that has been resounding in the sky for thousands of years. He is upright and does not do any conspiracy.

The blood cells given to him indeed contain his life's experience and understanding, which can be of great help to him!

It is no exaggeration to say that with this inheritance,

Lin Xiu found a place to hide and practice hard for a hundred years, and when he came out, he would at least start as a Star Lord!

Back to Human Race, he is still an important member!

But inheritance is precious, and the enemies he left behind are also extraordinary.

It turned out to be a god from the fifth race, the Demon Race!!

Nima is still a big man who became a god thousands of years ago. He even doesn’t even know the name of the god.

Dare not mention it,

Afraid of attracting the other party's attention, I killed him casually!

Throughout his life, he was hailed as an epic struggle,

It’s just to break through and become a god one day, and then seek revenge on him!

"What a simple and unpretentious ideal... But Nima is a god, not a cat or a dog!!"

Lin Xiu complained with a wry smile,

The messes on my body are really getting bigger and bigger. I just escaped from Human Race's wanted arrest and haven't recovered yet.

Another divine enemy appears!

Just thinking about it makes people despair!

Although he is extremely confident and is certain that he will become a god in the future,

But gods and gods are also different... People have become gods thousands of years ago,

Does it take the year of the monkey, the year of the horse, and the month of the horse to become a god?

For more than ten thousand years, it is impossible for people to stay in the same place, right?

What's more, gods are the bottom line of every race.

If he wants to kill a god, he must face his entire race!

Thinking about that situation makes my scalp numb!

"Nima, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have wanted this inheritance..."

Lin Xiu was very depressed, but she thought so,

If it were to happen again, he would still accept this inheritance without hesitation!

After all, how many years will it take for God to be slaughtered?

And the inheritance exists now!

By accepting the inheritance of Heavenly Dipper, you can gain everything from him,

Including his identity!

The original Heavenly Dipper has been reincarnated and taken over the body of Human Race.

He knows everything about Heavenly Dipper!

He even integrated more than half of Heavenly Dipper's soul power!

He said he was Heavenly Dipper, he was Heavenly Dipper!

The huge Heavenly Dipper Palace is filled with experts,

There is even more than one powerful demigod!

Such a terrifying force could defeat the entire Human Race if brought back.

It’s okay to make those temple oldies kneel down and call daddy!

It is of great help to his current situation!

Besides...slaying the gods, what happens after the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse,

When the time comes, we will all forget about it. Can the dead Heavenly Dipper still jump up and hit him?

Lin Xiu was happily arranging Heavenly Dipper's belongings and curled her lips indifferently.

Kill God?

Do not make jokes!

Wait until he becomes the Divine King!

"Blood God Scripture!"

After finishing everything, Lin Xiu climbed to the west and sat down again,

Tried to run the Blood God Scripture belonging to Heavenly Dipper!


Lin Xiu only felt itchy on her face, as if something had grown.

He reached out and touched it unconsciously, and he was startled by the coldness of his tentacles!


Lin Xiu's magical power formed a mirror in front of him, and he was shocked when he saw it.

“I’ve become an Asura??”

Lin Xiu's eyes widened with confusion, and he saw that his face in the mirror was undergoing inexplicable changes at the moment!

Pieces of cyan scales gradually grow as the blood god's scripture moves, and the faint dark gold frame makes it extremely eye-catching!

The scent on my body is absolutely the same as that of Heavenly Dipper before!

The Blood God's Heavenly Meridian is running at full strength, and the changes on his face are becoming more and more obvious.

It gradually changes into the shape of green-faced fangs, which is exactly the appearance of Heavenly Dipper before!

Ferocious and noble, but can't compare with ugliness!

"Heavenly Dipper.... That's good, no one will doubt that I am Heavenly Dipper!"

"But... after three thousand years, will the people in Heavenly Dipper Palace really still follow them loyally??"

Lin Xiu hesitated slightly, feeling a little doubtful in his heart.

From Heavenly Dipper's memory, we don't know what means he has to control his subordinates, so that he can have the status of Heavenly Dipper.

It’s all about your own charm!

But as a second generation person, the thing that I can’t believe the most is the human heart.

When you have strength, you will naturally be surrounded by good people, and your subordinates will obey orders.

But it doesn’t matter when you fall to the ground and are surrounded by people or ghosts!

He still has reservations about how to deal with the so-called Heavenly Dipper Palace.

[Get: Divine power +100000]

Lin Xiu was thinking wildly in his mind, the Blood God Scripture is also the end of the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign.

The pleasant sound sounded in his mind, immediately bringing Lin Xiu back to reality.

The surge of divine power up to one hundred thousand caused his aura to expand.

It even seemed like I was overeating, my face turned red and I couldn’t digest it!

"Blood God Scripture... It really deserves to be called Heaven Level Kung Fu, it's so awesome!"

Lin Xiu was secretly excited. The Holy Spirit Treasure Code he obtained before was just a Yellow Level skill.

It's three realms different from the Blood God's Heavenly Sutra. With just one increase in power,

Simply beyond imagination!

"The Diamond Lord has two million divine powers. How many days will it take to break through the Diamond Lord? Ten?"

Lin Xiu's expression was extremely exciting and her mood was surging.

This can no longer be described as cheating, it is as if a modifier has been turned on!

"Just wait for half a year and break through to the legendary lord first before making any plans!".

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