Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 137: The Enlightenment Of Shura’S Combat Skills! The Frightened Young Master Baixiang!

The rapid improvement of divine power made Lin Xiu happy, but at the same time, she couldn't help but think secretly.

As a Human Race, the biggest advantage is naturally the unique lord Talent!

Recruitment of various types of troops allows Human Race to form an army by one person,

This is also the biggest reason why it only took Human Race three thousand years to rise from the star battlefield and occupy a place!

And now, due to the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit and the inheritance of the Blood Demon, his divine power has soared and he is almost approaching the Diamond Lord.

But the units are still in the First Grade unit in the trial area... The strongest Death Knight was synthesized into the Second Grade by the Heavenly Dipper, the Third Highness of the Shura Clan.

But it can be seen that the Third Highness has long been accustomed to his own great power and does not have much interest in cultivating military units.

Or you plan to return to Shura Clan and ask your subordinates to help prepare resources and improve the strength of your troops.

In short, so far, Lin Xiu's troops have not improved much in strength.

"It's too dangerous to fight alone. It's best to improve the strength of the troops to match yours... In this way, you only need to practice quietly when the troops go out to fight!"

Lin Xiu murmured to himself, he now has two techniques, the Blood God Scripture and the Holy Spirit Treasure Scripture.

In a short period of time, the strength can be improved by leaps and bounds, and the basic divine power can be increased by up to one million every day.

In just one year, he can break through to the epic lord!

However, this kind of matter cannot be rushed. The improvement of the lord's strength can unlock the upper limit of the level of the troops.

As long as the soldier recruitment skill level keeps up, there is unlimited synthetic talent.

He can improve the strength of his troops at any time!

"Netherworld Wraith Emperor, Recruit!"

After sorting out all the gains from Heavenly Dipper, Lin Xiu stood up slowly,

The corpses barely lying on the ground, withered bones, seemed to have been dead for tens of millions of years.

Only the clothes on his body were very fresh, and they looked strangely inconsistent.

Lin Xiu took a casual look and found that these were all followers of the Golden Lion Young Master.

Being able to be a follower of a peak Sixth Grade expert means that your strength is certainly not bad.

The recruited Netherworld Wraith Emperor was First Grade Rank Eight or above at the last time, and the strongest ones even reached the Second Grade!

"All combined, Death Knight!"

Lin Xiu didn't hesitate much. He was in urgent need of a hero with similar strength.

You can do some of the things for him.

[Get: Second Grade Rank Six Death Knightlv75]

"Second Grade Rank Six...there is still a long way to go!"

Lin Xiu took a deep breath and looked into the distance,

The blood in his body is restrained. It can be known from the memory of the broken body of the young lion master,

All the young masters of the Eighteen King Clan of the Human Race who entered the Secret Realm, and their followers totaling thousands of orcs!

Those with the lowest strength also start in the Fourth Grade, and there are also many strong ones in the Sixth Grade!

"Recruiting all the kills is enough to combine the Death Knight into the Third Grade or even the Fourth Grade!"

Lin Xiu was slightly excited. Killing the orcs would not cause any psychological burden.

In Starry Sky Battlefield, 323 has the greatest hatred against the Beast Human Race. This race is a symbol of barbarism and cruelty.

They especially like to hunt Human Race for food. Even the Fire Monkey Clan, Flying Tiger Clan, etc. under the Beast Human Race will hunt Human Race as the most suitable prey!


Put away the Death Knight, Lin Xiu put on the shimmering cloak,

Quickly moving towards the distance, there are many spiritual grasses in this Secret Realm.

It also has many fierce beasts to protect it. In the deepest part of Secret Realm,

There is also a towering tree that exudes an alluring fragrance,

According to Human Race's speculation, it should be the legendary precious longevity fruit tree that can enhance Lifespan!

That is the target of all the orcs who enter the Secret Realm, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with going there directly.

Lin Xiu put on a shimmering cloak to hide her figure, and quickly headed deep into the Secret Realm.

He wants to kill all these beasts before Human Race enters the Secret Realm and gets the longevity fruit.

Then leave quietly so that you can have some safe time temporarily!

Under the dim cloak, Lin Xiu's figure moved away like lightning,

Now that he has completely killed His Highness Heavenly Dipper, the Blood Demon's inheritance no longer poses any threat to him.

Completely transformed into his own ability!

With his unique sensitivity to blood, he could easily detect the movements of a beast Human Race army!

"High-quality orcs...the blood should be sweeter!"

Lin Xiu sniffed the air vigorously. He was a little unaccustomed to that kind of greed for blood.

But I have to admit that Blood Demon Race,

In other words, Shura Clan is really powerful!

There are many and powerful means, especially helpful in group battles.

The group fight method has no effect at all. All the weak people of the Sunrise People will be killed in an instant!

He has no power to fight back, even if he is stronger than himself during a sneak attack,

There is also a high chance of killing it directly!

Coupled with the shimmering cloak, you can kill people invisibly.

The king of the night!

"Report! My Lord, we found a large spiritual grass garden ahead, but it is guarded by a Sixth Grade beast!"

In a team of Elephant orcs, the young master White Elephant was sitting high on a chariot.

Walking forward surrounded by many followers,

A subordinate of Gray Elephant came quickly and knelt down on one knee to report the information, his eyes full of joy.

This Secret Realm is worthy of being a beast. The Human Race has paid huge profits to block it. The richness of the spiritual grass resources inside is simply beyond imagination!

Except for the suspected battle at the entrance to the Secret Realm, everything else went smoothly.

The only competitors are other branches of the orc King Clan.

However, the Secret Realm is very large, so each of them goes in different directions.

It’s also hard to come across.

As for who can get the most precious longevity fruit, it all depends on their luck.

"It's just a sixth grade ferocious beast...it smells so strong of blood..."

The white elephant is a person with the body and the head of an elephant. He is tall and strong.

In front of the chariot are several green elephants with their real bodies pulling the chariot. The chariot is extremely fast.

When it heard the report from its subordinates, it suddenly became energetic. Spiritual grass is a strategic resource for every big clan.

Many precious elixirs can be refined, which can greatly enhance the racial heritage!

Although the purpose of entering the Secret Realm this time was to get the longevity fruit [but it would be a good harvest if I could bring a dozen more Li Ge.

When he heard that the guardian beast was just the Sixth Grade, he was suddenly shocked.

Very disdainful of this.

Although Sixth Grade is already considered strong, it still depends on who you compare with.

As a powerful young master of the White Elephant Clan in the Orc King Clan, his strength is unrivaled among the Sixth Grade experts!

There are more than a dozen strong Sixth Graders who are no match for them, so they won't take a mere guardian beast seriously.

However, just as he was about to direct his subordinates to move in the direction of Lingcao, he suddenly seemed to notice something.

His face suddenly changed slightly!

Before he could figure out what was going on, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart!

The sudden rise of vigilance made his heart skip a beat.

Then without thinking too much, he quickly jumped off the chariot!

"Be careful, there are enemies!"

The white elephant rolled down from the chariot in embarrassment and reminded sharply at the same time.


As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp blade passed behind him,

The sharp Saber Qi almost passed by his back, and the next second the chariot and the four green elephants pulling it were instantly cut in half!

"Who!? Looking for death!"

The white elephant escaped the disaster in embarrassment, and suddenly became furious.

He turned back and looked at the instigator angrily, and was about to call his subordinates to come forward and kill the enemy.

But I felt it was quiet around me, with no movement at all!

"No...how is it possible??? You...blood demon! Are you the blood demon!?"

The white elephant's face was livid, and when he looked back with difficulty, his pupils shrank!

I saw that the hundreds of followers who had been crowding behind him just now were being cut into four sections by an X-shaped bloody blade!

The rich smell of blood assaulted his nostrils, and countless amounts of blood spurted out.

Instantly suck all the hundreds of followers into fuck!

And the surging blood gathered in one place, and a human-shaped figure faintly condensed!

Bai Xiang looked at this scene with splitting eyes. In one glance,

Hundreds of followers under his command were all killed instantly. If he had reacted a little slower, he might have been killed in a sneak attack!

His skillful blood control skills allowed him to instantly understand the identity of his enemy.

It's the blood demon I've heard of before!

"It's a pity... After all, the difference in strength is still too big!"

Lin Xiu sighed regretfully. He originally wanted to imitate His Highness the Third Highness in fighting.

Imitate his style as much as possible, so that you can better disguise yourself as Heavenly Dipper when you meet the powerful Heavenly Dipper in the future.

But obviously, sneak attack is not that fun.

The strength gap is too big, Fourth Grade versus Sixth Grade,

It's hard to avoid the opponent's detection with a slight movement, and it's not that easy to use a sneak attack.

But even so, the results of this sneak attack have already made him very satisfied.

Blood Demon's reputation is not for nothing. This (cdbe) ability is invincible at the same level.

Absolutely perverted!

No matter how strong a person is without defense, his blood will be drained instantly and he will die!

There were even some strong Fifth Grade people who were attacked and killed just now, and there were even two or three Sixth Grade people!

That is to say, the young master Baixiang is too strong and has a lot of energy and blood.

It was extremely difficult to control, so I escaped disaster!

"Fourth Grade Blood Demon!? If you dare to sneak attack on me, you will die!"

Lin Xiu's emotion undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, instantly making Young Master Bai Xiang's eyes red.

Roaring angrily, he transformed into the true form of the white elephant!

The huge body is more than twice as big as the young lion master!

The terrifying size coupled with the powerful aura is like the arrival of a furious prehistoric beast.

The energy and blood alone are enough to suppress the enemy and make him breathless!

However, the opponent was an expert in playing with Qi and blood, so naturally he would not be suppressed by this move.

Lin Xiu looked at the enemy with great interest, his eyes boiling with fighting spirit!

Heavenly Dipper uses his Fourth Grade body to face the Lion Master at the peak of Sixth Grade. He also wants to see if he can do it!

If you want Perfect to succeed Heavenly Dipper, his strength cannot be too far behind Heavenly Dipper.

As an old antique who has lived for more than 10,000 years and is a well-known strongman of the Shura Clan,

There is no doubt about the strength of Heavenly Dipper!

With the state of mind of an Apex Level demigod, control the body of Fourth Grade,

Fighting against the Sixth Grade is just child's play. If you can't even do this,

After the people from Heavenly Dipper Palace came to the door, no matter how similar he pretended to be,

There is absolutely no convincing at all!

"Suffer death!"

Bai Xiang sensed Lin Xiu's breath, and his heart that was slightly panicked just now calmed down.

Angrily launched an attack!

The huge body jumped high, and the two front legs that looked like Optimus Pillars trampled down hard!

"God can change everything!"

Lin Xiu was not afraid in the face of danger, carefully recalling Heavenly Dipper's previous actions,

In fact, Heavenly Dipper does not have any body skills or footwork skills. What makes him so elegant and elegant like a loach is just the micro-manipulation of moving his body through the operation of divine power.

All of this can be done naturally after understanding the control of divine power to a very high level and returning to the original state!


Lin Xiu frowned slightly, although his figure still dodged the elephant's hoof like lightning,

But he still didn't completely avoid the aftermath. Violent vibrations came from under his feet.

The layers were like waves, almost shaking his body to pieces!

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and before it hit the ground, it was refining and sucked back into the body.

Most of the injuries he suffered just now healed instantly!

The rest were restored to their original state in an instant thanks to the strong recovery power of the body!

"Not dead? Loud impact!"

Bai Xiang looked at Lin Xiu in surprise, as if nothing happened, and activated the skill again without hesitation!


The huge body turned around at an unbelievable speed and rushed forward fiercely!


Lin Xiu was not discouraged and once again used her divine power to move with her footsteps.

But this time it was even worse!

The white elephant did not charge physically, but stopped midway through the charge.

Coupled with the majestic divine power and the impact of the huge body, a skill similar to an air cannon is instantly launched.

It’s just that this air cannon is a bit too big!

Lin Xiu just thought he had avoided it when he saw the wall of air, which was almost compressed into a solid state, slamming into him.

As a result, he was knocked out again!


Lin Xiu's vision went dark, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

My whole body seems to be falling apart!

"The Walrus Fist!"

Bai Xiang showed no intention of stopping and took another move skillfully.

The huge elephant fist appeared as if teleporting and slammed hard at Lin Xiu!


Lin Xiu cursed secretly and dodged again,

I was lucky enough to dodge a step, but my waist was still scraped a little bit.

Immediately, a burning pain hit me, and I could see blood and flesh flying everywhere around my waist, as if even my internal organs had been smashed!

"Well done!"

As severe pain struck, Lin Xiu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

With fighting spirit boiling, he turned around and looked at the white elephant again!

This kind of life-and-death battle is the best way to improve your strength.

Coupled with the terrifying resilience of the Blood Demon, the seemingly risky battle is actually not dangerous at all!

"Damn it! Slippery loach, seeking death!"

The white elephant was furious and looked at the little bug jumping around in front of him.

He avoided fatal blows one after another, and his heart was boiling with murderous intent!

"Let's go!"

Next, the white elephant seemed to transform into a fighting maniac, with a huge body but well versed in fighting skills.

Every part of the body is a deadly weapon, and every blow is powerful and heavy.

The attack speed was super high and the power was exaggerated. The exaggerated power made Lin Xiu frightened.

He felt that this white elephant was much stronger than the golden lion just now!

But he has the inheritance of Heavenly Dipper, so he is not an easy person!

Although he is in a miserable state, he cannot compare with the graceful silkiness of Heavenly Dipper.

But progress is also rapid!

At first, I was injured constantly and had almost no power to fight back. Occasionally, when I was caught by the white elephant, I would fire a set of combos continuously.

His terrifying resilience also made his injuries worse, but as time went by,

Gradually, he was finally able to barely dodge most of the white elephant's attacks, and he could dodge and move within a few inches.

Avoid all range attacks!

There were even many opportunities for him to fight back, but he gave up.

Just because this powerful white elephant can provide him with more practice opportunities, only by fighting against such a strong man can he unleash his potential!

Lin Xiu is like a sponge, greedily absorbing the rich nutrients in her body.

Through the understanding of Shura's fighting skills, one can also infer the understanding of Dragon Fighting and Immortal Divine Fist.

The two existences, which are almost the strongest combat skills under the gods, complement each other and continuously promote Lin Xiu's improvement.

His strength is improving at an exaggerated speed!

"Blood...Follow the flow of blood...No, it's water!"

Lin Xiu's mind flashed with realizations, and he vaguely understood the form of Shura's combat skills.

He was immersed in this rapidly improving experience and couldn't extricate himself, but as his opponent, the white elephant became more and more frightened as he fought.

He couldn't figure it out, but he was just a Fourth Grade weakling.

How did you manage to survive for so long in the hands of a strong Sixth Grader!?

It was understandable at first, although I was equally surprised by this person's incredible recovery.

But it’s still acceptable, but the more you hit me later, the more you hit me, you still can’t hit me. What the hell??

"Blood Demon Race....is it so scary??"

Bai Xiang looked at Lin Xiu who seemed to be in a state of enlightenment. A trace of panic finally flashed in his eyes.


"I will come back...".

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