Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 138: The Fox Clan Saintess’S Licking Dogs! Surround And Kill!

"I will come back..."

Young Master Baixiang left a roar, and then...

He turned around and ran away like the wind, disappearing from sight in an instant as if his butt was on fire!

Lin Xiu's face darkened, and she looked at the trail of dust left on the ground with dumbfounded eyes.

I never thought this guy would run away!!

And he ran away so fast!

It disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye, and even if he wanted to chase it, it was too late!

"Damn it...didn't you say that the beasts Human Race are all barbarians, big and rough?? This damn thing is the Big Big Wolf, right??"

Lin Xiu looked at the disappearing white elephant speechlessly, a little frustrated,

I have been beaten here for a long time and I am about to fight back.

As a result, this guy immediately gave up when he saw that the situation was not going well??

"Blood God Scripture!"

Feelings are nothing but feelings, Lin Xiu also had to accept this reality,

This guy is completely different from the lion Human Race young master. He is obviously not injured yet.

Just run away immediately when you see the situation is not going well. A person who knows the current affairs is a hero!

Wei Wei sighed, Lin Xiu didn't bother to chase him anymore,

He benefited a lot from this battle. Young Master Bai Xiang's strength happened to be on the line that put great pressure on him but could not kill him.

Let him, who has just accepted the Heavenly Dipper inheritance, absorb his strength to the greatest extent, and the effect will be no less than a breakthrough in a major realm!

Although he has not absorbed the strong energy and blood of the young master of White Elephant, the quality of his followers is not bad at all.

The blood of hundreds of strong people above Fourth Grade is another secret feast for him!

Lin Xiu sat cross-legged, blood surrounded him like a pool of blood,

The qi and blood in the body rumble and vibrate, connecting with the blood from the outside world.

Form a closed loop blood supply chain!

Through the continuous operation of the Blood God Meridian, blood is absorbed into the body,

Then the impurities are removed over and over again to refine the blood coagulation essence. Eventually, the quantity of blood becomes less and less and the quality becomes higher and higher!

Thick essence and blood fills the whole body, nourishing every meridians at all times!


Qi and blood roar, the meridians vibrate like thunder,

The blood is swallowed into the body over and over again, fused with its own blood and then expelled from the body through the pores.

Cycle over and over again until all the blood is absorbed into the body!

[Get: Divine power +100000]

When all the blood enters the body, a pleasant sound will sound.

This heralds the end of this training!

Lin Xiu took a deep breath and stood up. Asura's Blood God Scripture is powerful.

But a large amount of blood is needed to assist cultivation. With his current strength,

It would take more than a hundred Fourth Grade and above warriors to be killed to support the most efficient practice.

You can imagine how difficult it is!

But it’s not that you can’t practice if there is less blood, it’s just that there is less blood or the quality is poor or even non-existent.

The efficiency of practice will be greatly reduced, and it is impossible to achieve such a big improvement!

Another hundred thousand divine power income, plus Heavenly Dipper’s previous help in training,

Lin Xiu's basic divine power has reached over 500,000!

Surging divine power flows in the body, and the Supreme Bone between the eyebrows exudes a faint white light.

Constantly nourishing the divine power of the Holy Light, with the divine power of white light flowing in the body,

It seems that even other bones have been strengthened to varying degrees, and some kind of evolution is taking place!

"It is said that the Holy Light Bone will subtly affect the changes of other bones in the body, and slowly... it will have the properties of ten parts of the Concubine's Light Bone!

"My Supreme... seems to be able to evolve all the other bones in my body into Holy Light Bones!?"

Lin Xiu felt the changes in the bones in her body and couldn't help but murmured to herself in surprise,

The Holy Light Bone cannot directly increase the strength of a creature, but it can increase the speed of the creature's divine power and reduce losses.

The equivalent of a little divine power can produce 1.5 times the effect!

A person's combat power can be roughly divided into three aspects:

First of all, the most basic and important thing is naturally the amount of divine power!

All Divine Ability and combat skills are based on the development and application of the quantity and quality of divine power.

Without divine power, everything is just talk!

Secondly, it is the use of divine power.

Whether it’s a combat skill or a forbidden skill,

Including the Divine Ability used by the legendary gods, in fact, they are essentially ways of using divine power.

In other words, it is called understanding and development!

The deeper your understanding, the stronger your control over divine power.

Naturally, you can exert higher power!

The higher the level of combat skills, the higher the efficiency of use.

The High Level combat skills that everyone pursues are actually the pursuit of stronger utilization of divine power.

You can use the least amount of divine power to unleash the strongest power!

Finally, there is the loss and feedback from the use of divine power.

This aspect is difficult to improve through Acquired. Most of it depends on your own physique.

A person with a good physique has a higher affinity with divine power.

It has lower loss and faster feedback when used.

It shows the same combat skill. Ordinary requires 10 points of divine power and takes 0.1 seconds to cast.

However, if Talent is not a strong person with special Mortal Physique qualities, it may only require 1 point of divine power and take 0.001 seconds!

Lower losses and faster reactions mean that he has the combat power to defeat many strong men of the same realm at the same time!

This kind of people are also collectively called Prodigy and outstanding people!

The Holy Light Bone reflects this third physical change.

It is one of the very few Acquired treasures that can change one's talent physique!

It’s even the top treasure among them!

Just a piece of Holy Light Bone has already increased Lin Xiu's combat power several times.

If the whole body turns into Holy Light Bone...then it can be transformed into a human form with divine power!

The feedback time is negligible, and it is almost as easy as saying what you say!

The improvement in combat power is simply unimaginable!

And these three are actually complementary to each other.

If you get one of them, you can become a genius.

Can stand out from hundreds of millions of people and achieve great achievements!

The second one is the unparalleled Prodigy.

He will become a representative figure of a race and be able to lead an era in the future!

Obtaining the third one is enough to dominate the past, present and future.

In the starry sky, Myriad Races stirs up the storm and makes Myriad Races bow!

At this moment, Lin Xiu clearly has the prototype of the three,

His divine power is not enough, but he is just a platinum lord.

Divine Ability combat skills, Shura combat skills and dragon-type forbidden skills barely make it into this ranks!

Talent qualification is the highest,

Talent has Supreme and SS, Physique has Supreme Bone,

Already able to join this ranks!

In the future, as long as his supernatural power reaches the standard, he can be regarded as a real top three Prodigy.

As long as you are not too unlucky, becoming a god is basically certain!

And it just so happens that divine power is the easiest to break through.

After all, he possesses the two Earth Rank skills of the Blood God Scripture and the Holy Spirit Treasure Scripture. Even if he abandons his Human Race body and concentrates on playing the role of the Third Highness, Heavenly Dipper,

There will definitely be no shortage of resources, and it will be a matter of course for us to break through to demigods in the future!

"Think about it, I'm still a little excited..."

Lin Xiu murmured to himself, feeling slightly excited.

"Recruit, Netherworld Wraith Emperor!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xiu forced herself to calm down.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, these are garbage to other blood demons or Shura Clan,

But it is also a rare treasure for him!

[Get: First Grade Rank Eight Netherworld Wraith Emperor*86]

[get... ]

Recruit once and replenish a large number of Netherworld Wraith Emperor,

Lin Xiu glanced at it casually without bothering to synthesize it, and directly put it into the lord space.

Then he sensed the fluctuation of energy and blood, and quickly picked a direction and swept away.

He wore a shimmering cloak and his figure slowly disappeared in the air!

In another direction of Secret Realm, another beast Human Race's team is moving forward quickly,

Different from the previous two teams, this team is full of charm.

In the middle is a gorgeous beauty. If a Human Race saw it, they would definitely be shocked!

Her charming face is enough to captivate people, but her pure face reveals an ultimate charm.

Pure and lustful appearance, the two extreme conflicts are perfectly blended into one face.

The visual impact is beyond imagination!

Her long hair is draped behind her back, revealing two pointed pink ears.

Lying in a pink sedan chair with all her charm, just a little figure leaking through the gauze curtain is enough to make people's blood boil!

The lazy beauty was lying on her side, with six fluffy tails swaying casually behind her.

It adds a bit of charm!

"Master, look at this, this is a small thousand-year-old snow lotus picked from the top of the snow-capped mountains. It can be used to nourish and nourish the face. It is specially presented to the master!"

"Master, this is the head of Hu Changgen. The last time this guy dared to blaspheme the master, I went there to assassinate him!"

"Master, please see, this is the natural wine of our Ling Monkey Clan. This is the special wine of the Ling Monkey Clan. I specially stole it for the master to taste!"

"Master, master, this is my grandfather's relic. It is said that wearing it for a long time can nourish yin and kidneys, and even improve Talent!"

The young master of the Fox clan is a charming and charming fox.

It looks weak, but the strength of the team is beyond imagination!

The followers are not just followers within their own clan like other young masters, but foreign clans make up the majority!

There are all kinds of strong men from all major races, including strong men from various branches of the beast race,

There are also many strong men from affiliated races, and there are even some hostile races such as members of the Spirit Monkey Tribe under the Spirit Tribe!

These various races are not weak at all.

More than half of them are strong in the Fifth Grade, and there are also a lot of people in the Sixth Grade!

Lin Xiu even sensed several peak Sixth Grade experts who were comparable to the Lion Master!

A group of strong men looked at the figure of the woman in the sedan with feverish eyes as if they were possessed.

Each one of them is like a boiling sheep, wishing to dig out their hearts and give them to their goddess to eat!

"Brothers, you don't have to be like this. The relationship between you and me is as clear as water, how can we be contaminated by these copper-smelling things?"

A clear female voice came from the sedan, gentle yet noble,

Just listening to it is like washing with a mountain spring, making people feel refreshed!

A group of licking dogs became even more addicted after hearing this, with happy smiles on their faces.

If I weren't afraid of losing my grace in front of the goddess, I would probably shout excitedly!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. We all serve the master voluntarily..."

"Yes, yes, yes, master, I see there seems to be a garden of spiritual herbs in front of me. I will go and pick it for master right now!"

"How can one piece be enough? There are still seventeen strong beasts in this competition. At least they need to open a spiritual grass garden to make the owner stand out.


"Is it enough to stand out? The master's goal is the longevity fruit. I'm going to get it for the master right now!"

Just hearing a word from the goddess, a group of stubborn licking dogs felt as if they had been pumped with blood, and they were all very motivated.

Hu Meizi

Before they said anything, they had already volunteered to assign tasks.

"Then...why do you have the nerve to trouble all of you, big brothers..."

In the sedan chair, the woman's slightly coquettish words rang out,

It even made a group of licking dogs blush, with a hint of cowardice in their laziness,

There was a hint of concern mixed in with the timidity, until they seemed to see their first love.

Some of the weaker ones even bowed down on the spot and retreated in embarrassment.

He was afraid that the goddess would see how embarrassed he was.

"Master, don't worry...eh? There is blood! There are enemies!"

A kobold with exploding muscles was about to say something, but suddenly he felt something,

After sniffing hard, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly reminded me!


As soon as the sound started to sound, I heard bursts of sneers.

The strong smell of blood makes people sick to smell it, and the weaker ones will be cut into four pieces by the blood in their bodies before they can react!

"Damn it! It's the Blood Demon!"

The kobold reacted first with his keen sense of smell, and the others did not hesitate.

Even though they may look like a bunch of lickers, their strength is not something they can boast of!

After being reminded by the kobold, everyone quickly raised their magical alert, which greatly reduced the effectiveness of Lin Xiu's sneak attack!

Before, whether it was the lion man or the white elephant, a sneak attack directly killed all the followers.

But at this moment, there are at least a dozen Sixth Grade experts beside the fox girl!

A tiger man looked at the team that suffered heavy losses, and stepped in front of the sedan to protect the goddess in his heart.

Others quickly surrounded me in the direction of the blood flow!

Someone exclaimed and revealed the identity of the person who came,

It is no longer a secret that there are traces of the Blood Demon in the Forbidden Forest.

It's just that due to various reasons, the orcs are not willing to pursue the case.

But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to be vigilant!

The rich blood energy at this moment, as well as the signature skill that is unique to Blood Demon Race,

Instantly reminds me of Blood Demon!

"Hmph, even a Fourth Grade blood demon dares to be so arrogant!"

"Don't worry, Master, just leave this little thief to us!"

"Kill dozens of master's servants, and use your blood demon's life to destroy them!"

"I heard that the Blood Demon's inner elixir is Holy Medicine for healing, so I will bring it to the master today!"

A group of licking dogs were startled at first, but after seeing the figure of the visitor clearly, they

But I couldn’t help but feel happy!

Lin Xiu looked at a group of dog lickers speechlessly, maybe in front of the goddess,

This group of people was exceptionally brave, each one clamoring to kill the blood demon and seize the inner elixir.

They even gathered around him!

"Wind God Legs!"

"Thunder Sweeping Moon Slash!"

"Overlord Hammer!"

"No punch!"


A group of licking dogs are like chicken blood, they use their own tricks when they come up.

He must show off his presence in front of the goddess, shouting every move louder than the last.

Just combined with various beast heads, it seems a bit inconsistent.

"Then thank you all, brothers~"

The delicate voice came from the sedan, even Lin Xiu couldn't help feeling numb after hearing it.

This voice is as alluring as half-naked Tang Feixuan!

"Hahaha, don't worry, Master, we can capture this mere blood demon!"

A kobold listened to the goddess's voice and immediately opened his mouth with joy.

He patted his chest and made a promise. He quickly rushed towards Lin Xiu with his legs wide open.

The huge mouth opened with sharp teeth leaking out, and it seemed to be gleaming and trying to swallow Lin Xiu in one gulp!

"Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist!"

Lin Xiu looked at this real licker with pity and punched him hard!

A dragon's power flashed past, and the fist hit the kobold's abdomen hard at a tricky angle!


As quickly as it comes, as quickly as it goes,

The kobolds were blown away hundreds of people, and they stumbled for a long time, unable to get up.

"This...this...the ground is too slippery!"

In full view of the public, especially under the eyes of the goddess,

Being blasted away by such a crisp punch, the kobold's face turned red with embarrassment.

Na Na explained.

Perhaps the group of licking dogs has created a sympathy for each other and a bit more brotherhood.

Not many people saw his joke, but looked at the enemy solemnly,

He instantly put away his contempt!


I don't know who gave the order in a low voice, and in the next second, more than a dozen Sixth Grade experts swarmed forward.

Lin Xiu was overwhelmed by countless attacks in an instant!

"Well done!"

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up. He was still in the process of accepting the Heavenly Dipper inheritance.

He is in urgent need of a large number of high-pressure strong men to force him to comprehend Shura's combat skills faster.

The previous white elephant was a good opponent, so he was never willing to fight back.

I just didn't expect that guy looked big, but he was too timid.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, he immediately ran away. Although the strength of the group of people in front of him was not as strong as the white elephant,

But the advantage is that there are more people. For him, the effect of practicing is even better than that of the white elephant!

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