Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 139: The Strongest Fox Tribe Saintess! Caught Off Guard!


Lin Xiu's figure flashes, and her divine power flows.

Feel the blood flowing in your body, like water in a car traveling at high speed,

Flow with the power from all directions!

"Is this the secret of Shura Shen?"

Lin Xiu murmured to himself, trying to close his eyes and relax his body,

Let your body sway with the power exerted by the enemy!

“What’s going on??”

A group of Sixth Grade experts were a little dumbfounded at this time, looking at the humanoid blood demon in confusion.

It's as slippery as a loach, but it can't survive the siege of more than a dozen people!

"High Level physical combat...use group attack!"

After all, he is a strong Sixth Grader, so someone quickly reacted,

He didn't dare to be careless when facing the famous Blood Demon. He shouted loudly and unleashed his divine power to launch a range attack!

"Big meteor!"

"Purple Fire Flying Crow!"

"Nine Heavens "Five Nine Seven" Mysterious Thunder Formation!"

A group of strong men burst out with their divine power for free, taking advantage of their numerical advantage to unleash range attacks!


Lin Xiu suddenly lost his composure. No matter how strong his body skills are, he cannot create something out of nothing.

There was no way to avoid the range attack, so he was immediately knocked out of that enlightened state.

He was suddenly injured by the Sixth Grade strongman's attack!

"Shura Shen!"

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and before it hit the ground, it was absorbed by the refined essence.

Most of his injuries recovered instantly, and Lin Xiu used combat skills for the first time.

The High Level combat skills belonging to Ah Shura Clan allowed him to escape from the siege in an instant.

Taking back the White Jade Bone Knife in his hand, the expression of a Sixth Grade leopard-headed orc suddenly changed slightly.

He slowly looked down and saw a scar as big as a palm appeared on his chest!

Blood slowly overflows!

Originally it was just a flesh wound, but at this moment, his face turned into panic!


The leopard-headed man asked for help in horror. He knew deeply what it meant to have a wound in front of a blood demon!

However, before he finished speaking, he felt that the blood all over his body was out of control.

The blood that originally belonged to oneself seems to have become a sharp blade at this moment!


The sound of sharp blades cutting was heard, and the desperate screams of the leopard-headed man suddenly stopped.

The body was instantly cut off by his own blood!

“Zero charge!!”

"Damn Blood Demon!"

"Everyone, please be careful not to get injured, lest the Blood Demon takes advantage of you!"

"Come together, don't stay any longer!"

The casualties came too suddenly. Before they could react, a fellow comrade died.

This scene made them dizzy and their eyes turned red!

"Come again!"

Lin Xiu sneered, originally she wanted to have fun with them,

However, this group of people did not respect martial ethics and used group attack skills to crush him, which made his body skills useless.

In this case, you can't blame him for being rude. Let's kill a few people first.

It’s never too late to practice!

A group of people's eyes were wide open, and they were also furious when they saw the arrogant Blood Demon.

The war broke out again, but soon they became desperate!

This blood demon is so slippery that every time he thinks he will hit a blow,

The results are always missed, as if they missed the target on purpose!

That feeling, not to mention how uncomfortable it is!


White Jade Bone Knife, keeps flashing,

The properties of epic weapons never go out of style, and 100% attack is nothing.

But the almost full sharpness is enough to help him cut through any enemy's defense!



"Master, save me..."

Beast Human Race, I saw the horror of the Blood Demon for the first time!

Encountered in the same realm, not even noticing the appearance of the enemy,

You will be killed by the blood in your body!

A strong man of a higher level still has no power to fight back even after being attacked by a sneak attack.

He will die in an instant!

Even if Sixth Grade experts like them are two realms higher than the blood demon in front of them,

But it was just a wound that was usually inconspicuous, but now it became a flaw that killed them!

Exposing the blood in front of the blood demon is as good as directly giving their lives to the blood demon!

Is the Blood Demon really so scary??

A trace of confusion flashed in the tiger-headed man's eyes, and there was a trace of unwillingness in the confusion.

I had only heard before that the Blood Demon was so unbelievable that it was tabooed by countless powerful clans.

If you encounter one, you will be hunted to death!

But, being famous is not as good as meeting,

Meeting is forever!


The huge tiger carcass fell heavily to the ground, making a loud noise.

The moment it hit the ground, it turned into withered bones, and the wrinkled tiger skin seemed to have lost its luster!

Corpses fell one after another, making the scalps of the remaining Sixth Grade experts numb.

I just feel as cold as falling into an ice cave!

In front of them was just a Fourth Grade blood demon. They couldn't figure out what the problem was.

No matter how defiant the blood demon is, it is impossible to ignore the gap between the two realms.

What's more, they are a group of Sixth Grade strong men, surrounding and killing a Fourth Grade being.

In the past, if someone told them that a group of Sixth Grade strongmen surrounded and killed a Fourth Grade, many of them were killed in return.

He would definitely look at that person as if he were an idiot and laugh at what the other person's lack of Sixth Grade cards meant...

But now, he wants to know,

Why is Fourth Grade so fucking outrageous!?

"You are not a blood demon!"

Seeing the flower protector outside falling down like a piece of grass, the fox clan in the sedan finally couldn't sit still.

Slowly opening the door screen, the pink fluffy tail quickly grew longer,

Attack Lin Xiu like a long sleeve!


The pleasant sound that reaches the ears is enough to make any male's body tingle.

But what followed was a pungent fox smell,

Lin Xiu was caught off guard and took a big sip, and instantly felt bad!

"I'm so fucked...saucy fox!!"

Lin Xiu's scalp was numb, and the smell couldn't be described in words.

It's like taking a big mouthful of mustard, and it goes straight to the sky in an instant!

When I heard the voice, I was quite looking forward to this Saintess surrounded by many licking dogs. I wanted to see what kind of grace the alien goddess would look like.

The result was reversed so quickly. This extreme reversal made Lin Xiu roll her eyes.

The operation of the divine power unconsciously stagnated for 15.4 minutes, and I almost vomited out all the food I had eaten the night before!


The sound of Astral Projection from the long sword came, but the pungent smell seemed to make Lin Xiu's reaction a little slower.

When I heard this sound, I already felt a tingling pain in my left arm.

Astonishingly, he was pierced by the sword at some point!

"Minions of the Eldar, Human Race?"

The Saintess of the fox clan wears a thin veil, but her voice still comes out like the sound of nature.

The slightly surprised voice sounded like the most wonderful enjoyment in the world, but the unique and irresistible smell of foxiness came over me like waves!

The long sword flipped over, trying to break Lin Xiu's hand tendon!


Lin Xiu felt tears welling up in her eyes, and she didn't even care about the severe pain in her hands.

The body was shaken and instantly turned into a pool of blood. Even so, it still felt as if his blood was contaminated by this all-pervasive fox smell!

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