Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 145: Immortality Fruit! War Is About To Begin!

The blood is absorbed by Lin Xiu and its essence is refined,

Bones is recruited by Lin Xiu to become a member of the Death Knight!

The next trip to Secret Realm turned into a killing feast!

Beast Human Race Shadi’s betrayal and seduction, almost no beast Human Race in the entire Secret Realm was spared.

Deep in the Secret Realm, Lin Xiu is wrapped in blood,

The rich blood almost turned into a sea of ​​blood, but there was no smell of blood leaking out.

Obviously Lin Xiu’s mastery of the Blood Demon inheritance has become even more profound!

With the inheritance of Blood Demon and Heavenly Dipper, his understanding of divine power is improving rapidly every minute and every second.

Instead, the combat power increased rapidly!

Integrate Dragon Fist and Shura combat skills into one, confirming each other's understanding.

Let his strength increase by leaps and bounds!

Through the dual practice of the Blood God Scripture and the Holy Spirit Treasure Scripture, the quality and quantity of divine power are rapidly improving!

It was not until the ten times of practicing the Blood God Scripture that Lin Xiu stopped practicing killing for a whole day.

And his divine power has skyrocketed to more than 1.3 million!

"Tomorrow, we can break through the Diamond Lord!"

Lin Xiu felt the majestic energy in her body and murmured a burst of excitement,

The essence and blood return to the body, and every drop of blood is as heavy as a thousand stones!

The surging power made Lin Xiu's face flush. He took a deep breath to adapt and finally managed to control the energy in his body!

Countless amounts of essence and blood are as thick as solid, rushing through the body,

Divine power accompanies the essence and blood to nourish the meridians, and then slowly spreads from the meridians towards the limbs and bones.

Every bone and flesh in his body is tempered, making his body strong and fishy every moment!

"Master, do you still need someone to come?"

With Shadi by her side, she personally felt Lin Xiu's aura soaring like a rocket.

It’s hard not to feel a sense of trepidation!

Such an exaggerated improvement speed simply exceeded her cognition!

"No, let's talk tomorrow!"

Lin Xiu took a deep breath and stopped exercising. Every force in Shura Clan will build a large blood pool.

There is even a blood sea in the Heavenly Dipper Palace, which is specially used to store blood.

Used to supply the powerful people in the Heavenly Dipper Palace for their training!

That kind of blood pool has the function of tempering blood and ensuring blood activity, so they can collect a large amount of blood and practice at any time.

But Lin Xiu doesn't have this ability at the moment, so he has to stop practicing when the number of daily practices is up.

Otherwise, there is no way to preserve the blood of the strong man killed.

If you wait until tomorrow to use it, the effect will be greatly reduced, and it may even contaminate the purity of your own essence and blood.

The gain outweighs the loss!

"You beasts Human Race came into Secret Realm, why did you come?"

After finishing the business, Lin Xiu started to ask,

This Secret Realm was found by Heavenly Dipper as a good place to heal.

But I didn’t expect that the Beast Human Race would come in in a big way, and all the Eighteen King Clan of the Beast Human Race sent their young masters here.

There is obviously something important to them!

"A longevity fruit!"

Shadi raised her head, her face flushed, and she looked at Lin Xiu with blurred eyes.

He stated his goal without hesitation.

"Eternal Life Fruit!?"

Lin Xiu was immediately shocked and looked at Shadi in disbelief.

There is a longevity fruit in this Secret Realm??

The longevity fruit is not the name of a spiritual fruit.

It is a collective name for a series of Spirit Medicine that can increase life span!

In the world of Transcendent, strong strength brings long lifespan to creatures.

For example, the Third Highness of the Shura Clan, Heavenly Dipper, whom he inherited, lived for more than 10,000 years!

But in a long lifespan, as long as you have not become a god for one day, you will eventually be restricted by Lifespan.

No matter how powerful you are, you can cross the ocean and reach the end of Lifespan, you will inevitably die!

Even if you can't break through and become a god before you reach your prime, your chances of becoming a god after you start to decline will be even slimmer!

The long life makes them feel nothing when they are young and strong, but when they are about to die of old age,

Very few people can face it calmly!

The more powerful and noble the being, the more they don’t want to die!

But in front of Lifespan, no matter how powerful you are, there is nothing you can do.

If you want to extend your Lifespan, only an extremely rare and precious treasure in the world can do it!

This kind of treasure is collectively called the longevity fruit!

It is able to forcibly extend the lifespan of the powerful ones who are close to Lifespan for a period of time, allowing them to Defying the Heavens and Changing Fate and even live a second life!

The value of such a treasure can be imagined!

Every time a little bit of news about the longevity fruit comes out, countless powerful people are like cats that have smelled the fishy smell.

He traveled a long distance from hundreds of millions of stars, just for the possibility of grabbing a longevity fruit!

However, such a precious treasure actually exists in this Secret Realm at this moment!

"Beast Human Race...How dare you just send a group of young people to come and get the longevity fruit..."

Lin Xiu's heart was beating unsatisfactorily, feeling that either he was crazy or the top management of Human Race was crazy!

I dared to let the younger generation come to get this thing, and even told them the news.

If someone leaks it out, there are still beasts here. What's going on with the Human Race??

"The Immortality Fruit is of great importance. Once leaked, I'm afraid the Beast Human Race will be destroyed!"

Shadi saw clearly and patiently explained to the owner,

"Young Master Beast Human Race knows it, but they are all actual beneficiaries of Beast Human Race. Who would leak the news?"

"Besides, the Forbidden Forest has three pillars. Once a strong beast or Human Race takes action, it will definitely attract the attention of the other two races, making it easier for the news to leak!"

"The younger generation of the Orc King Clan holds a competitive training event every year. This is not the first time they practice in the Forbidden Forest, but it is not easy to attract their attention!"

In Shadi's opinion, this is the best solution, and this is the only way to deceive others.

When we get the things, it won't matter even if the news leaks out.

After all, there are not just one or two strong men in the Beast Human Race who are waiting for this thing to continue its life. How to distribute them has already been decided.

Things will be used as soon as they arrive!

"That's true...but the more people know about it, the higher the possibility of the news leaking!"

Lin Xiu looked weird, always feeling like something was about to happen.

"Eighteen people know...and that doesn't include some of the top brass of Human Race. If there are more than ten people who know the information, it will almost certainly be leaked!"

"For example...don't I know that now?"

Shadi's face was blank, and she suddenly felt a little panicked.

"Then what should we do? If someone powerful comes to fight for it, those of us who are still in Secret Realm may not be able to escape death!"

Lin Xiu rubbed her little head, but she wasn't that anxious.

"Don't worry, this is just a guess!"

"But it's definitely not that simple... We'd better leave as soon as possible!"

He has a bright future now, but he doesn't want to stay here and work hard.

As long as you pass the recognition of Shura Clan, it will not be difficult to become a god in the future!

"We'll leave when I make a breakthrough tomorrow!"

"As for now..."

Lin Xiu held Shadi's willow waist and walked towards the depths of the jungle, her eyes flickering slightly.

"Let's go see if we can get this longevity fruit first!"

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